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St Columba's school

Haloalkanes and Haloarenes
Time Allowed: 30 minutes Maximum Marks: 20

Section A
1. Which of the following compounds has highest boiling points? [1]

a) CH3CH2CH2Cl b) CH3CH2CH2CH2Cl

c) (CH3)3Cl d) CH3CH(CH3)CH2Cl

2. The best method for the conversion of an alcohol into an alkyl chloride is by treating the [1]
alcohol with

a) SOCl2 in presence of pyridine b) PCl3

c) Dry HCl in the presence of d) PCl5

anhydrous ZnCl2

3. The following compound is ,as per the IUPAC system [1]


C H3  -  C  -  C  = CH - C H3
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a) 3, 4, 4 - triethyl pent - 2 - ene b) 2 diethyl, 3 - ethyl pentene

c) None of these d) 2, 2, 3 - triethyl pent - 4 - ene

4. Toluene reacts with a halogen in the presence of iron (III) chloride giving ortho and para halo [1]
compounds. The reaction is

a) Nucleophilic substitution reaction b) Free radical addition reaction

c) Electrophilic elimination reaction d) Electrophilic substitution reaction

5. The most common freons in industrial use is manufactured by [1]

a) Swarts reaction b) Fittig reaction

c) Sandmeyer reaction d) Wurtz reaction

6. Assertion: Tert-butyl bromide undergoes SN1 nucleophilic substitution readily than n-butyl [1]

Reason: It proceeds by the formation of stable carbocation.

a) Both assertion and reason are b) Both assertion and reason are
CORRECT and reason is the CORRECT CORRECT but, reason is NOT THE
explanation of the assertion. CORRECT explanation of the

c) Assertion is CORRECT but, reason is d) Assertion is INCORRECT but, reason


7. Assertion: Addition of Br2 to but-1-ene gives two optical isomers. [1]
Reason: The product contains one asymmetric carbon atom.

a) Both assertion and reason are b) Both assertion and reason are
CORRECT and reason is the CORRECT CORRECT but, reason is NOT THE
explanation of the assertion. CORRECT explanation of the

c) Assertion is CORRECT but, reason is d) Assertion is INCORRECT but, reason

8. Assertion: Addition of HCI to propene in presence of peroxide gives 1- chloropropane. [1]
Reason: The reaction occurs by carbonium ion intermediate.

a) Both assertion and reason are b) Both assertion and reason are
CORRECT and reason is the CORRECT CORRECT but, reason is NOT THE
explanation of the assertion. CORRECT explanation of the

c) Assertion is CORRECT but, reason is d) Assertion is INCORRECT but, reason

9. Assertion: 1-Iodopropane and 2-iodopropane are chain isomers. [1]
Reason: These differ in the position of I in the carbon chains.

a) Both assertion and reason are b) Both assertion and reason are
CORRECT and reason is the CORRECT CORRECT but, reason is NOT THE
explanation of the assertion. CORRECT explanation of the

c) Assertion is CORRECT but, reason is d) Assertion is INCORRECT but, reason

10. Assertion: Benzyl bromide when kept in acetone-water, it produces benzyl alcohol. [1]
Reason: The reaction follows SN2 mechanism.

a) Both assertion and reason are b) Both assertion and reason are
CORRECT and reason is the CORRECT CORRECT but, reason is NOT THE
explanation of the assertion. CORRECT explanation of the

c) Assertion is CORRECT but, reason is d) Assertion is INCORRECT but, reason

11. Fill in the blanks: [5]
a) Grignard reagents should be prepared under ________ conditions.
b) The stereoisomers which are not mirror images of each other are called ________ .
c) Chloro and bromoarenes are prepared by treating a freshly prepared diazonium salt
solution with cuprous chloride or cuprous bromide dissolved in corresponding halogen
acids. This reaction is called ________.
d) Haloarenes contain halogen atom(s) attached to ________ hybridised carbon atom(s) of

aryl group.
e) The property of any molecule or an object of being non-superimposable on its mirror
image is called ________ .
12. State True or False: [5]
a) Benzene reacts with chlorine to form benzene hexachloride in the presence of bright
b) The boiling points of alkyl halides follow the order RI>RBr>RCI.
c) Alkyl halides on treatment with alc. KOH give alkanes.
d) Chlorination of toluene in the presence of light and heat followed by treatment with
aqueous NaOH gives benzoic acid.
e) Chlorobenzene can be obtained from benzene diazonium chloride by gattermann's


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