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Unit 1 All about you

Lesson B
Figure it out
A. Look at the conversation on page 5 of Student's Book 1. Can you find the words
to complete the chart?

The verb be: I, you, and we

Affirmative statements Negative statements
m Carmen Rivera. I'm not Jenny Loo.
You'___ in Room B. You're not in Room G.
We're in different classes. We'___ ____ in the same class!
 I'm = I am _______ = you are ______ = we are
Yes-No questions Short answers
Yes, you are.
___ I in Room B, too?
No, you'___ ____.
____ you here for an English class? Yes, I ___.
____ you Jenny Loo? No, I'__ ____.
Yes, we are.
Are we in the same class?
No, we're not.

Yes, I am. Yes, you are. Yes, we are.

In short answers:
Yes, I'm. Yes, you're. Yes, we're.

B. Write two sentences about yourself. Then write two questions to ask your classmates.
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Use Exercise A to help you.

1. I'm __________________________________________________________________________.

2. I'm not _______________________________________________________________________.

3. _____________________________________________________________________________?

4. _____________________________________________________________________________?

Touchstone Level 1 Figure it out worksheet Unit 1 All about you • Lesson B
Unit 1 All about you
Lesson C
Personal information
Figure it out
A. Look at the conversation on page 6 of Student's Book 1. Can you find the words
to complete the chart?

What's . . . ?; It's . . .
Information questions Answers

My name's
So, _______ your name, please? Victor Lopez.

And _______ your phone number? It'__ 646-555-3048.

What's your e-mail address?

_______ _____

 Use _______ to ask information questions. Photocopiable

 What's = What is _______ = name is _____ = It is

B. Write three questions to ask a new classmate.

1. _____________________________________________________________________________?
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2. _____________________________________________________________________________?

3. _____________________________________________________________________________? 

Touchstone Level 1 Figure it out worksheet Unit 1 All about you • Lesson C
Unit 2 In class
Lesson A
Figure it out
A. Look at the conversation on page 12 of Student's Book 1. Can you find the words
to complete the sentences?

Where's Jun? No, he'___ _____.

Is ____
he here today?
He'___ at work.

And Alan? He'___ over there.

He'___ asleep!

How about Laura? She'___ sick.

_____ Kim and Phong here? No, they'____ in the cafeteria.

They'____ late again.

B. Study the chart. Notice the affirmative and negative statements.

Review of statements with the verb be: he, she, and they
Affirmative Negative
Jun is at work. Jun is not here.
Jun's at work. Jun's not here.
He's at work. He's not here.

Laura is sick. Laura is not in class.

Laura's sick. Laura's not in class.
She's sick. She's not in class.

Kim and Phong are late. Kim and Phong are not here.
They're late. They're not here.

C. Complete the chart. Use Exercises A and B to help you.


Questions and short answers with the verb be: he, she, and they
Questions Short answers
Is Jun at work? Yes, he is.
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____ he here today? No, he'___ _____.

Is Laura sick? Yes, she ____.

____ she in class? No, she'___ ____.

_____ Kim and Phong late? Yes, they _____.

Are they here? No, they'____ _____.

 He's = He is _______ = She is _________ = They are

Touchstone Level 1 Figure it out worksheet Unit 2 In class • Lesson A

Unit 2 In class
Lesson B
What’s in your bag?
Figure it out
A. Look at the conversations on page 14 of Student's Book 1. Complete the chart.

This and these

Oh, yes, ___ is.
Singular Is _____ your watch, Bill?
it's not.
No, _____

And are ______ your glasses? Yes, _____ are!

Are ______ your keys? Um . . . no, _____'re not.

 Use this with a singular noun.

 Use _______ with a plural noun.

B. Study the chart. Complete the rules.

Singular Plural
What's this? What are these?
It's a bag. They're bags.

What's this? What are these?

It's an eraser. They're erasers.

 Use __ with a singular noun beginning with a consonant sound.

 Use ____ with a singular noun beginning with a vowel sound.
 Use no article with plural nouns.
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C. Complete the sentences with It's or They're. Then add a, an, or Ø if no article is necessary.

1. What's this? 3. What are these?

________ ___ watch. ________ ___ pens.

2. What are these? 4. What's this?

________ ___ keys. ________ ___ umbrella.

Touchstone Level 1 Figure it out worksheet Unit 2 In class • Lesson B

Unit 2 In class
Lesson C
ln the classroom
Figure it out
A. Look at the conversation on page 17 of Student's Book 1. Complete the speech bubbles.

Where'__ the VCR?  It'__ in the closet.

Where ____ the students' They'___ on the floor.

homework papers? 

Where ____ my glasses?  ________ on your head!

B. Complete the chart. Use Exercise A to help you.

Questions with Where

Singular ________ the VCR? _____ in the closet.

______ ____  the students' homework papers? ________ on the floor.


______ ____  my glasses? ________ on your head.

 ________ = Where is

C. Study the chart. Notice how we use 's and s' for possessive forms. Complete the rules.

Possessives 's and s'

One person More than one person

Singular item Mario's homework the teacher's coat the students' classroom
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Plural item Mario's books the teacher's glasses the students' papers

 Use ___ for one person. Use ___ for more than one person.
 Remember the plural rules if there is more than one item (add s, es, or ies).

Touchstone Level 1 Figure it out worksheet Unit 2 In class • Lesson C

Unit 3 Favorite people
Lesson A
Figure it out

A. Read the sentences Sandra says on page 22 of Student’s Book 1. Complete the sentences.

1 2 3

Sean Penn Norah Jones the Williams sisters

1. "He'__
s so good-looking. _____ new movie is great."

2. "_______ my favorite singer. _____ voice is amazing."

3. "_______ matches are always exciting."

B. Complete the chart.

Be in statements Possessive adjectives

I'm a Sean Penn fan. ____ favorite actor is Sean Penn.
You're a tennis fan. Your favorite sport is tennis.
He's an actor. _____ new movie is great.
She's a famous singer. _____ voice is amazing.
We're Giants fans. Our favorite team is the Giants.
They're tennis players. _______ matches are exciting.

C. Write four sentences about your favorite celebrities. Remember to use possessive adjectives.
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1. _____________________________________________________________________________.

2. _____________________________________________________________________________.

3. _____________________________________________________________________________.

4. _____________________________________________________________________________. 

Touchstone Level 1 Figure it out worksheet Unit 3 Favorite people • Lesson A  

Unit 3 Favorite people
Lesson B
People we know
Figure it out
A. Look at the conversation on page 24 of Student’s Book 1. How does Tim answer Dana's questions?
Circle his answers.

How's your new job?
Are you busy?

Yes. It's hard work, No, I'm not.

you know. I'm tired. I'm not busy.

What are your

co-workers like?
Are they nice?
Yes, they are.
No, they're not.
They're not nice.
really friendly.
And is your boss OK?

She is, yeah. No, she’s not.

She's nice. She’s very strict.
B. Complete the chart.

Yes-No questions and answers; negatives

Yes-No questions Affirmative answers Negative answers Negative statements
____ I late? Yes, you _____. No, you'____ _____. You'____ not late.
_____ you busy? Yes, I ____. No, I'___ _____. I'm _____ busy.
____ he tired? Yes, he ____. No, he'___ _____. ______ _____ tired.
Is _____ strict? Yes, _____ ____. No, she'___ _____. _______ _____ strict. Photocopiable
Is it hard work? Yes, ____ is. No, it'___ _____. It's _____ hard work.
_____ we late? Yes, ____ _____. No, _______ _____. _______ _____ late.
Are ______ nice? Yes, ______ _____. No, they'____ _____. _________ _____ nice.
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C. Write four sentences about your friends and family. Use the words in the box.

1. _________________________________________________ . friendly outgoing

2. _________________________________________________ . fun quiet
interesting shy
3. _________________________________________________ .
lazy smart
4. _________________________________________________ .  nice strict

Touchstone Level 1 Figure it out worksheet Unit 3 Favorite people • Lesson B

Unit 3 Favorite people
Lesson C
Figure it out
A. Look at the conversation on page 27 of Student’s Book 1. Complete the information questions.

1. ". . . _____'s this?" "My grandma."

2. ". . . _____ _____ is your grandmother?" "She's seventy-two."
3. “______'s her name?" "Angela."

4. ". . . _______ are your grandparents from originally?" "They're from Texas."

B. Complete the chart with the correct question words. Use Exercise A to help you.
Information questions with be
                    ________'s her name?  Angela.
                      ________ are their names?  Linda and Carlos.  

                      ________ are you from?  I'm from Florida.  

                      ________'s she from?  She's from Rio.  

                      ________ are they from?  They're from Texas.
   ________ ________ are you?  I'm twenty-three.
   ________ ________ is your grandmother?   She's seventy-two. Photocopiable
                      ________'s this?  It's my grandmother.
 Remember the order of information questions with be:
question word + verb be (are, is, 's) + subject ?  
 Question words include How, What, Where, and Who.
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C. Write three information questions of your own. Use Exercises A and B to help you.

1. ___________________________________________________________________________ ?

2. ___________________________________________________________________________ ?

3. ___________________________________________________________________________ ?

Touchstone Level 1 Figure it out worksheet Unit 3 Favorite people • Lesson C

Unit 4 Everyday life
Lesson A
In the morning
Figure it out
A. Read about the people on page 34 of Student’s Book 1. Then complete the sentences.

1. Greg "I ______

check my e-mail." 6. Amanda "My husband ________ _____ breakfast."
2. Jennifer "I ______ _____ mornings." 7. Alex "I _____ breakfast."
3. Jennifer "My sister ________ TV." 8. Alex "My wife ____ coffee."
4. Jennifer "My brother ______ games." 9. Alex "We both _____ the newspaper."
5. Amanda "We ____ ___ late." 10. Alex "We ______ _____ a lot."

B. Complete the sentences with He, She, or They. Notice the verb endings.

Greg Alex's wife

1. studies. 4. has coffee.
He _____

Jennifer's brother Jennifer's sister

2. plays games. 5. watches TV.
_____ _____

Amanda's husband Alex and his wife

3. doesn’t have breakfast. 6. read the newspaper.
_____ _____

C. Complete the chart. Use Exercises A and B to help you.

Simple present statements Photocopiable

I Verb endings: he, she, it
You play games. He ______ games.
watch → ________
We ______ play games. She doesn't play games.
They play → ________
 I, You, We, They: For negative statements, study → ________
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add ______ before the verb. have → ________
 He, She: Add ___ to the verb. For negative do → ________
statements, add ________ before the verb. The parrot
talks a lot.
 don't = do not ________ = does not It

Touchstone Level 1 Figure it out worksheet Unit 4 Everyday life • Lesson A

Unit 5 Free time
Lesson A
Going out
Figure it out
A. Look at the survey on page 44 of Student's Book 1. Complete the information questions.
Then add your own answers to the questions.

Your answers
1. _____ _______ do you go out? Once or twice a week. _____________________
2. ______ do you usually go out? On weekends. _____________________
3. _______ do you go? To restaurants. _____________________
4. _____ do you go out with? My friends. _____________________
5. _____ _______ do you eat out? Two or three times a month. _____________________
6. ______ do you do in your free Relax in front of the TV. _____________________
time at home?

B. Study the chart. Notice the answers to the information questions.

Simple present: Information questions

What do you do in your free time? Meet my friends.
Who do you go out with? A friend.
Where does she go? To the movies.
How often does he eat out? Twice a month.
When do they go out? On weekends.
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C. When do you use these information words? Match the rules with the correct word.

 Use What to ask about . . . frequency.

 Use Who to ask about . . . places.
 Use Where to ask about . . . activities.
 Use How often to ask about . . . time.
 Use When to ask about . . . people.

Touchstone Level 1 Figure it out worksheet Unit 5 Free time • Lesson A

Unit 5 Free time
Lesson B
TV shows
Figure it out

A. Look at the conversation on page 46 of Student's Book 1. Complete the sentences.

1. "And you ________ have dinner in front of the TV!"

2. "And I _________ watch the late movie."

3. "Well, ___________ I watch the morning shows."

4. "Oh, I _______ ______ watch TV."

5. "I mean, you _______ talk to me."

B. Study the chart. Notice the position of the frequency adverbs.

Frequency adverbs


I watch the late movie.

hardly ever

never Photocopiable

Sometimes I watch the late movie.

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C. Write four sentences about yourself. Use frequency adverbs.

1. ____________________________________________________________________________ .

2. ____________________________________________________________________________ .

3. ____________________________________________________________________________ .

4. ____________________________________________________________________________ . 

Touchstone Level 1 Figure it out worksheet Unit 5 Free time • Lesson B

Unit 6 Neighborhoods
Lesson A
Nice places
Figure it out
A. Look at what these people say on page 54 of Student's Book 1. Complete the sentences.

There's a big supermarket and (there are) _____ nice stores,
but there's ___ mall."


"______ ____ two nice outdoor cafés and a couple of movie theaters.
________ a new swimming pool in the park. . . ."


"________ no place to go. I mean, there's ___ mall, ___ fast-food places –
(there are) just a lot of expensive restaurants."


B. Complete the chart. Use Exercise A to help you.

There's and There are; quantifiers

There's __ big supermarket. There are __ ____ ___ expensive restaurants.
There's __ new swimming pool. There are _____ nice stores.
There are __ _______ ___ movie theaters.
There's ___ mall.
There's ___ place to go.
(There's ___ fast-food places.)* There are ___ fast-food places.
 ________ = There is
 Use ___ and ___ with There's and singular nouns.
 Use _____, ___, a lot of, and __ ______ ___ with There are and plural nouns.
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 *Exception: People often say There's before plural nouns, but it's not correct to write this.

C. Write three sentences about what is in your neighborhood. Use Exercises A and B to help you.

1. _____________________________________________________________________________.

2. _____________________________________________________________________________.

3. ______________________________________________________________________________________.

Touchstone Level 1 Figure it out worksheet Unit 6 Neighborhoods • Lesson A

Unit 7 Out and about
Lesson A
Away for the weekend
Figure it out
A. What are Anita's friends doing today? Look at the messages on page 66
of Student's Book 1. Complete the sentences.

"I'm _________ from Lake Tahoe.

1. Yoko's message Lisa and I are _________ today.
It's _________ here."

". . . Marcos and I are at the beach.

2. Bill's message
. . . we're _____ swimming."

"I'm in San Jose with Katie and Rob.

They'___ __________ tennis.
3. Nathan's message
. . . I'__ __________.
I hope it'__ ____ __________ there."

B. Complete the chart. Use the sentences in Exercise A to help you.

Present continuous statements
m ____________
calling (call) from home. Spelling

You'___ ____________ (work) today. work → __________

swim → __________
She'__ ____________ (ski) with a friend.
have → __________
He'__ -(not)- having (have) fun.
It'__ ____________ (rain) right now.
We'___ ____________ (swim) in the ocean.
They'___ ____________ (play) tennis. Photocopiable

C. Write four sentences about what you or other people are doing now.
Use the present continuous.
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1. _____________________________________________________________________________.

2. _____________________________________________________________________________.

3. _____________________________________________________________________________.

4. _____________________________________________________________________________.

Touchstone Level 1 Figure it out worksheet Unit 7 Out and about • Lesson A
Unit 7 Out and about
Lesson B
Sports and exercise
Figure it out
A. Look at the conversation on page 68 of Student's Book 1. Complete the questions
in the speech bubbles.

So, _____ you __________ for your exams?

Oh, yeah. I'm working very hard this semester. 

So what _____ you _______ right now?

_____ you __________?

Uh, Dad, right now I'm watching

a baseball game.
Uh, who'___ _________? Carl

The Yankees and the Red Sox. 

B. Complete the chart. Use the sentences in Exercise A to help you.

Present continuous questions

Questions Short answers (for Yes-No questions)

What are you doing these days?

_____ you __________
studying a lot? Yes, I ____.
No, I'___ _____.
What is Carl watching on TV?
____ he __________ the game? Yes, he ____. Photocopiable

No, he'___ ____.

Who's playing?
Are the Yankees _________? Yes, they _____.
No, they'____ _____.
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C. Write three questions for your family or classmates about what they are doing now.
Use the present continuous.

1. __________________________________________________________________________ ?

2. __________________________________________________________________________ ?

3. __________________________________________________________________________ ?

Touchstone Level 1 Figure it out worksheet Unit 7 Out and about • Lesson B  
Unit 8 Shopping
Lesson A
Figure it out
A. Read about the people on page 76 of Student's Book 1. Then complete the sentences.

Kayo . . . we _______ have ____ wear uniforms . . .

. . . I ______ ____ wear pants, a T-shirt, and sneakers.

Rick I ______ ____ wear a suit and tie to work.

. . . I just ______ ____ go home and put on jeans and an old sweater.

Louisa I ______ ____ wear designer clothes . . .

. . . I ______ ____ look good for work.

B. Complete the chart. Use the sentences in Exercise A to help you.

Like to, want to, need to, have to

What kinds of clothes do you like to wear? What do you want to do after work?
I ______ ____ ______ designer clothes. I ______ ____ ____ home.

I don't like to wear suits. I don't want to go to the gym.

Do you have to wear uniforms? Do you need to look good for work?

Yes, we do. We have to wear uniforms. Yes, I do. I _____ ___ _____ good for work. Photocopiable

No, we don't. We _____ _____ ___ _____ uniforms. No, I don't. I don't need to look good for work.

 In affirmative statements, like, want, need, and have come before ___ + another verb.

 In negative statements, ______ comes before like, want, need, and have.
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C. Write four sentences about yourself. Use like to, want to, need to, and have to.

1. _______________________________________________________________________________ .

2. _______________________________________________________________________________ .

3. _______________________________________________________________________________ .

4. _______________________________________________________________________________ .
Touchstone Level 1 Figure it out worksheet Unit 8 Shopping • Lesson A
Unit 8 Shopping
Lesson B
Things to buy
Figure it out
A. Look at the conversation on page 78 of Student’s Book 1. Complete the sentences.

"How much are _______ gloves?"

"_______? . . . ______'re $80."

". . . what about ______ blue scarf? How much is ______?”

"______ scarf is on sale. ____'s only $149."

B. Complete the chart. Write the correct words.

Singular Plural

it they

this _______

_______ _______

C. Complete the chart. Use Exercises A and B to help you.

How much . . . ?; this, these; that, those
Singular Plural Photocopiable

How much is ______ (scarf)? How much are _______ (gloves)?

How much is ______ (cap)? How much are _______ (umbrellas)?

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How much is ____? How much are they?

It's $2.99. _____'re $49.99.
 Use this and _______ to talk about one object.
 Use _______ and _______ to talk about two or more objects.
 Use _______ and _______ to talk about objects near you.
 Use _______ and _______ to talk about objects not near you.

Touchstone Level 1 Figure it out worksheet Unit 8 Shopping • Lesson B

Unit 9 A wide world
Lesson A
Figure it out

A. Look at the conversation on page 86 of Student’s Book 1. Complete the sentences.

What ______ you ______ in New York on a day like this?

You ______ ______ a million things.

We ______ ______ a ferry to the Statue of Liberty.

. . . we ______ ______ to the top of the Empire State Building.

. . . you ______ ______ anything in the rain.

. . . ______ we ______ an umbrella?

B. Complete the chart. Use Exercise A to help you.

Can and can't

Statements Information questions and answers
I ______ ______ you do in New York?
You You _____ _____ a million things.
He ______ ______ a ferry.
She ______ ______ anything in the rain. Yes-No questions and answers
We ______ we get an umbrella?
They Yes, we ______.
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No, we ______.

C. Think of a place you've visited on vacation. Write sentences about things you can
and can't do there.

1. ___________________________________________________________________________.

2. ___________________________________________________________________________.

3. ___________________________________________________________________________.

4. ___________________________________________________________________________.


Touchstone Level 1 Figure it out worksheet Unit 9 A wide world • Lesson A

Unit 10 Busy lives
Lesson A
A night at home
Figure it out
A. Look at what these people say on page 98 of Student's Book 1. Complete the sentences.

1. Josh "I __________ home,

__________ a video game, and

__________ to a new CD."

2. Mari "I __________ to study for a math exam while

2  my roommate __________ her flute."

3. Peter ". . . my wife __________ a DVD, so

we __________ a movie. But

I __________ __________ it much."

4. Melissa "I __________ __________ to go out, so

I __________ a couple of friends over, and
we __________ dinner."

5  5. Rachel ". . . I just __________ late and then

. . . (I) __________ the house."

6  6. Stephen "I __________ online with my friend Jay."

B. Complete the chart. Use Exercise A to help you.


Simple past statements – regular verbs

Every day . . . Last night . . .
I play video games. I _________
played a video game. I _________
didn't ______
play chess.
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you study math. you _________ math. you _________ ______ English.

he watches a movie. he _________ a movie. he _________ ______ TV.

she wants to stay home. she _________ to stay home. she _________ ______ to go out.

we cook Italian food. we _________ Italian food. we _________ ______ Chinese food.

they chat online. they _________ online. they _________ ______ very long.

Touchstone Level 1 Figure it out worksheet Unit 10 Busy lives • Lesson A

Unit 11 Looking back
Lesson A
My first . . .
Figure it out
A. Look at the stories on page 108 of Student's Book 1. Complete the sentences.

Jeff Rosa

I _______
was so scared. s . . . I _______ a server.
It _______ awful. . . . my boss _______ too pleased.
. . . she _______ very strict. . . . most people _______ nice.
We _______ all very quiet. Things _______ really busy.
The other kids _______ too happy.

B. Complete the chart. Use the sentences in Exercise A to help you.

Simple past of be
Affirmative statements Negative statements
I ________ a server. I ________
wasn't too old.
You ________
were nervous. You ________
weren't relaxed.

Ms. Johnson Her boss

________ strict. ________ pleased.
She He

It ________ awful. It ________

wasn't fun.
We ________ very quiet. We ________
weren't noisy.
Most people The other kids Photocopiable
________ nice. ________ happy.
They They

 Use ____ with I, he, she, and it.

 Use _____ with you, we, and they.
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 wasn't = was not ________ = were not

C. Can you complete these questions about Jeff and Rosa with Was or Were? Use the sentences in
Exercises A and B to help you.

1. _____
Was Jeff scared of the teacher? 4. _____ things really busy on Rosa's first day?
2. _____ Jeff's teacher strict? 5. _____ the other kids in Jeff's class happy?
3. _____ Rosa's boss pleased? 6. _____ most people nice to Rosa?

Touchstone Level 1 Figure it out worksheet Unit 11 Looking back • Lesson A

Unit 11 Looking back
Lesson B
Figure it out
A. Look at the conversation on page 110 of Student's Book 1. Complete the information
questions and answers.

did you get back?

When ____ Last night.

So how ____ your vacation? Oh, it ____ wonderful.

Where ____ you go exactly? We went to Hawaii.

What ____ the weather like? It ____ hot. 

Diana So, what ____ you do there? We went to the beach. Jason

B. Complete the chart. Use Exercise A to help you.

Simple past information questions

Questions with be
How _____ your vacation? It was fun.
What _____ the weather like? It was hot.
How long _____ you there? A week.
Questions with other verbs
When ____ you ____ back? Last night.
Where ____ you ____ exactly? To Hawaii. Photocopiable

What ____ you ____ there? We went to the beach.

 In questions with be, ____ or _____ comes after the question word.
 In questions with other verbs, ____ comes after the question word.
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C. Write three questions for your friends and family about a vacation they once took.
Use simple past information questions.

1. _______________________________________________________________________?

2. _______________________________________________________________________?

3. _______________________________________________________________________?

Touchstone Level 1 Figure it out worksheet Unit 11 Looking back • Lesson B

Unit 12 Fabulous food
Lesson A
Eating habits
Figure it out
A. Look at Kayla's phone message on page 118 of Student's Book 1. Write the foods
her friends eat and don’t eat.
Countable nouns Uncountable nouns

Andrea's a vegetarian, so she doesn't eat . . . eggs meat


. . . she just eats a lot of . . . vegetables fruit


Colin's on a diet. He can't eat much . . . rice


But he eats a lot of . . . eggs meat

___________ cheese

And James is picky – I mean, he doesn't eat many . . . vegetables

But he likes . . . _________


B. Complete the chart with a lot of, many, and much. Use Exercise A to help you.

Countable and uncountable nouns

Countable nouns Uncountable nouns
Affirmative statements She eats __ ____ ___ vegetables. He eats __
a ____
lot ___
of meat.

Negative statements He doesn't eat __ ____ ___ vegetables. He doesn't eat __

a ____
lot ___
of bread.
He doesn't eat _____ vegetables. He doesn't eat _____
much rice.
 Use __ ____ ___ with countable and uncountable nouns.

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In negative statements, use _____ with countable nouns and _____ with uncountable nouns.

C. Write three sentences about foods your friends eat or don’t eat. Use a lot of, many, and much.
1. ________________________________________________________________________________.

2. ________________________________________________________________________________.

3. ________________________________________________________________________________.

Touchstone Level 1 Figure it out worksheet Unit 12 Fabulous food • Lesson A

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