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Complete the sentences with prepositions in, at, on:

1. He was waiting for me   the bus stop.

2. Paul is British. He lives   England.

3. The ball was   the table.

4. He plays volleyball   Sundays.

5. We are meeting   five o'clock this afternoon.

6. Her birthday is   April.

7. When they arrived   the party, everything has already finished.

8. She doesn't know anything   all.

9. The bus arrives   London   9 o'clock.

10. I don't know what he is doing   the morning.

Corrige los errores

 I have an appointment at Tuesday.

 The train leaves in three o’clock.
 The books are at the table.
 Take a right in the crossroad.
 I always read in the bus.
 Retiro park is on Madrid.
 My dad lives on Toledo.
 I have an appointment in half past five.
 My sister is at school, she’ll be home by three.

rellena los espacios en blanco de las siguientes frases.

 I couldn’t find your phone _______ your room.
 They work ______ a large logistics company.
 He put an apple ______ his head.
 I hate the food they serve ____ the plane.
 The Eiffel Tower is ____ Paris.
 I always leave work ____ six.

 'There is' y 'there are'

Completa las siguientes oraciones eligiendo la opción correcta.

1   a book on the chair.

2   any milk in the fridge?
3   some tea in the pot.
4   twenty children in the class.
5   two beds in your bedroom?
6   an Internet café in the town?
7   three dogs in the garden.
8   twenty cigarettes in a packet?
9   a book about computers in the library.
10   two rabbits in the picture.

11)   some pens on the table.

12)   two glasses on the shelf.

13)   a lot of people in the bus.

14)   a problem with my car.

15)   one bottle of milk in the fridge.

16)   eleven players in a football team.

17)   an error in this English exercise.

18)   three televisions in my house.

19)   ten questions in this test.

20)   a hundred centimetres in a metre.

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