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Partiсipial Adjectives

r ar ar t-t

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Sсreen Name: newge|@XYZ.сom
Age & Gender: 20 уear old Fema]e
Loсation: Miаmi, FL
Looking for: Friends

Tiredof doing thingsalone?Me too! 20 year old

ф senс me e.mаil! сollegestudent,new to the area,is interestedin
ф senс me an meetinginterestingpeoplefor friendshipаnd fun.
online greetiпg!
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lffi] POINT
Circle T (Truе)or F (Folse),
т F Thе writer of thе ad SayS that she is an interеsting person.

сiIARTсHEсl( PARтlсlPlAL AD,ЕстlvEs

Сircle T (True)or .lшс Ao;в(тlvEs -дo AotвстlvEs
F (Fаlsе).
. Hе is boring. Shе is bored.
т F There are
Тhеy had a boring date. Thеy had a borеd look on thеirfaсеs.
two types of
partiсipial Sh e i s a m u s i n g . H е is amused.
adjeсtives. Тhеy had an amusing date. Тhеy had an amusеd look on theirfaсеs.

The moviеwas frightening. Тhеy were frightеned.

Тhey saw a frightening movie. Тhеy had a frightened look on thеirfaсes.

Тhejob is tiring. Shе,stired.

Sh e h a s a ti r i n g j o b. Shе has a tired sound to hеr voiсе.

Тhе weеkеndwas relaxing. Hе felt reIaxed.

He had a rеlaxing wееkеnd. He had a relaxed mannеr.

PaЁiсipial Adjeсtives l |7 7

Сomplеtеthе chort,

lшс Ao,встlvЕs гo Ao,встlvts

еxсiting excited
interesting interеsted

frightening frightened
amusing amused

tiгing tired

Grammar Explanations Examplеs

1. Partiсipial adjeсtives arе adjeсtivеsthat A: Тhе |astStor Worsmoviе was amazing!
end with -ing or -ed. Тhеy usuaI|ydesсribе B: I know. I was amazеd by thе spесialеffесts.
feelingsor гeaсtions.Тhe two forms have

2. Partiсipial adiесtivеs that end in .ing That aсtor is aIwaysamusing.

desсribеsomеonеor somеthingthat сauses (Hе сousеsomusеmеnt,)
a feе|ingor reaсtion.
Тhеsedirесtionsarе сonfusing.
(тhеу Сausеconfusion.)

3. Partlсipial adjeсtivеs that еnd in .ed desсribe l Wе wеrе amusеd by that aсtor.
somеonеwho еxpеriеnсеsa fee|ingor reaсtion. (Wе fеltamusеmеnt')

|,m rеa||yсonfused by thesеdirесtions.

(l fееlсonfusion.)

4. To the right are somе сommon partiсipia| annoying annoyеd

adieсtivеpairs. boring borеd
depressing depressed
еmbarrassing еmbarrassed
еxсiting еxсitеd
frightеning frightеnеd
relaxing rеlaxed
shoсking shoсked
sur pr ising surprisеd

iI oul!
For a list of сommon partiсipial adjeсtives,see Appendix 11 on page 339.
178 I Unit 4i

IDENтIFYo Reod this ortiсlе, Undеrlinе oll thе -ed pаrticipiol odjeсtivеs.Сirclе oll
thе -ing porticipiаI odjеctivеs.

1.4. Sвстlolr 4 . Lrгпsтyl,вs

Not Personal Еnough? wantеd to makе friеnds Гast. Thе

Iштвкшдтloшдr Sвкисвs pеrsonals providеd mе with a quiсk way
In somе сountriеs,pеoplе whо arе of mееting many intеrеsting pеoplе in a
intеrеstеdin mееtingothеrstuгn Гorhеlp to short pеriod of timе.'' Othеrs arе not so
pегsonaladsin nеwsPaPеrsand magazinеs, imprеssеd. think itЪ kind of dеprеssing
and оnlinе. A @PrffiD numЬеr oГ Ьusy whеn pеoplе nееd to rеsort to plaсing ads
pеoplеviеw thеsеБa praсtiсalway of to makе friеnds,'' oЬsеrvеd onе man.
inсrеasingthеirsoсialсirсlе. triеdhard friеnd of minе triеd thе ads sеvеral timеs
to mееt pеoplе on my O.Wn',, said onе and was rеally disappointеd with thе
satisfiеdсustomеr. was nеw in town and rеsults. ItЪ just not Per:ona|.:уяу:gb-,-

сl/l00sEo Reod this convеrsаtionbеtwееnMorto ond Luisаbout thеir friend Alice,

Сircle the correct words to complеtе the convеrsotion,

Mдвтд: What,s the matter with Aliсe?


Mдвтд: I know. I try to understand heц but this time I'm reallу pttzz],ed/ plzzling.

Lurs: Really? What's so puzzled / puzzling this time?


Мдвтд: I thought she was happy. She met an interested / interesting guy last wееk.

Lurs: That's niсе. Was she interested / interesting in him?


Mдвтд: I thought she was. She said they saw a fasсinated / fasсinating movie together.

Lurs: Well, maybe she was fasсinated / fasсinating by the movie but
disappointed / disappointing with thе guy.

Mдвтд: I don,t know. It,s hard to tell with Aliсe. Her moods arе alwavs vеrY

surprisеd / surprising.

Lurs: I'm not surprised / surprising at all. That's just the way she is.
PaЁiсipial Adjeсtives l |79

с}мPLЕ'/E о Reod this conversаtionbetweеn Аliсеond hеr dotе,!аke. Сompletеit

ы with the corrеct form of thе words in porеnthеsеs,Сhoosе bеtwееn -ed аnd -i,'9
porticipiol odjeсtives,

Ar,rсв: That WaS a very intereэting - movie. What did you think?
1. (interеst)

Jдкш: To bе hоnest. I found it kind of boring . f'm not that

2. (bore)
interested in sсienсe fiсtion.
3. (intеrеst)

Ar,rсв: Really? I find it fascinating . What kind of movies do you enjoy?

o. .,.,**.

Jдкв: Mostly сomedies. Have you seen Homе Agа,in?

Ar,rсп: Yеs' but I wasn't at all. In faсt, I thought it was
5. (amusе)
horrifying confusing
. The storv line was , and I сouldn,t
6. (hoгrify) ?. (сonfuse)
find any humоr in the сharaсters'problems. Whеn I left the theateц I felt
kind of
8. (deprеss)
Jдкп: I'm that you felt that way! I thought it was very
9. (amazе)
lo. (аmuse)

Ar,rсв: Well, I guеss it,s a matter of taste.

Jдкп: Speaking of taste, would you like to get a bite to eat?

Ar-rсв: Thanks. but it's latе and I,m exhausted .


ЕDlf. Reod Аlicе,sjournol еntr . Find ond сorrеct six mistаkеsin thе use of pаrticipiol
odjеctives. The first mistаkе is olrеаdу сorrеctеd,

Jиstgot home, I,m disаpprrн#gt шith the еvепiпg.Аt frst I thoиghtJаke шаs otп
gиу, bиt tnпlht t fe/t somе'уhаtboredшith his сompапу,We solLuс|Yеrу
eпfurtаiпe/moriе,bиtJаke didп,t /ikr it, Iпfасt, it seems/ikecuе/lаvесonp/еtе/g
difereпt tаsfus iи thiпgs, Аft", the morie, I tried to mаkе сoиrersаtioи, bиt а|l I
шапtеd шаs togo homе, So, / to/d him / шаs ехhаиstiпg аnd didn,t ruаnt to
gеt home /аtr. |f he аsks me oиt аgаiп-I,m пot iпtrrestiпg. Trуiпg to mеetpеop/е
сап bе wrу frиstrаte'd,

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