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On vacations i really want to go to Cuzco ,the weather is usually cold but its warm and sunny
sometimes and i really don´t care about the weather, it´s the experience what i like the most.
After i decided to travel i started to make my suitcase and went to the airport to buy a plane
ticket, but at that moment i realized i don´t have any warm sweters so i decided to go buy a
few ones .In cuzco i want to go sightseeing or visit the restaurants and eat all the tipical dishes
that are available . I can stay at my cousin´s house or at the hotel, he says i definitely have to
visit machupicchu but i don´t like long walks ,maybe this time i´m gonna make and effort so i
don´t miss the opportunity to know that place. I`d like to take a lot of photos too, but i dont
have a good camera right now ,because i changed my camera for a PS4 a while ago ,so i need
to buy a new one or to find someone who lends me a camera for my trip .I can´t wait to go
there , but right now i´m so busy with all the current activities at my institute.

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