When You Feel Stressed Speaking English, Try These 3 Things

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Student’s name:PEDROZA Course:


Schedule: Grade:
8:45 am 2
My advice to you
(I speak in English)


When you feel stressed speaking English, try these 3 things.

Listen to conversations in English 24/7 . Practice makes all the
difference so use English everywhere, in your cell phone, in your
computer ,etc. .Take three big breaths before talking, Usually
people don´t have a good breathing habit , it can cause you feel
nervous or sick so this is going to relax you, I feel better when I do
breathing exercises. Enroll at ICPNA .To get a formal education in
English can make you very comfortable talking to people , you feel
very good when you know how to say something properly .

Dear Nico:

Very interesting ideas. Please check your mistakes 

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