Resumen Intercultural Negotiation

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INITIAL (negotiation as a type of conflict management)

PURPOSE OF THIS PHASE: to ask yourself “Should I negotiate or


➢ Every negotiation has a conflict of interest when it stars. We should do also a discovery of any other
conflict involved between the parties, such as value conflicts, relationship conflicts, goal conflicts, etc.
➢ Risk Analysis: does negotiating bring us bigger risks?
➢ What conflict resolution strategies should I use?
➢ Do I need a mediator?

PLA (could happen during execution)


- Information gathering (researching, questioning)

- Negotiation types (team negotiation, mediation, multi-party, etc.)
- Goal setting (BATNA, ZONA and ZOPA, scoring system, etc.)
- Time and place aspects
- Personality and style of the negotiators
- Power involved

STRATEGY SELECTION: after gathering all of the necessary information for our goals’ setting, it’s
time to choose our approach --> cooperative or competitive
- Our strategy selection may change along the negotiation.
- Remember always to readapt your strategy according to the other person’s approach.

TACTICS SELECTION: once we have chosen our strategy it’s time we choose our tactics to reach the

- Value creation and cooperative “tactics” (harvard method)

- Hardball tactics
- Emotional tactics (manipulation)
- Strategic maneuvers

executi (During the execution we use our strategy and tactics created in base
of our previous analysis. We should have the flexibility to change them along the execution)


- Information sharing (verbal/nonverbal/lying)

- Information gathering (active listening, questioning researching)
- Online negotiation (distance negotiating)
- Argumentation


- First offers
- Anchors
- Concessions


- Diagnose what went wrong.

- The “good” negotiator must have list
- Tips for complex negotiations

types of negotiation

According to the amount of people on each side of the table:

- TEAM NEGOTIATION: at least one of the parties is made up of more than one person. Negotiators
typically team up when they believe their different talents, skills, and knowledge will make them
- ONE PERSON NEGOTIATION: for example, negotiating who is going to use the car with your brother or

According to the amount of sides involved:

- MULTIPARTY NEGOTIATION: when three or more parties are negotiating among each other, whether as
individuals or as part of negotiating teams (the more issues, parties and concerns there are on the
table, the more opportunities there are to create value by making tradeoffs across issues)
- TWO PARTY NEGOTIATIONS: only two teams or two people involved.

According to the intention of negotiating in the future:

- ONE SHOT NEGOTIATIONS: parties meet for a single negotiation with no intention of negotiating
together in the future (such negotiations may occur in more than one meeting; they often carry a
risk of unethical behaviour if parties believe they have no need to build a trusting relationship)
- RECURRING NEGOTIATIONS: parties expect to continue to negotiate in the future (parties tend to
engage and work harder to create a sense of mutual trust, and their negotiations may be more
cooperative and collaborative as a result)

According to the presence of an external third party:

- INDIRECT NEGOTIATIONS: and external third party is involved (mediation, arbitration, litigation)
- DIRECT NEGOTIATIONS: no external party involved so the parties negotiate directly between each

According to the amount of issues in discuss:

- DISTRIBUTIVE OR SINGLE ISSUE NEGOTIATIONS (competitive): parties are bargaining over one single
issue (we can offer many options)
- INTEGRATIVE OR MANY ISSUES NEGOTIATIONS (cooperative): multiple issues are available for

personality of the negotiators

THE DiSC Model of Behaviour

DiSC measures your personality and behavioral style. It does not measure intelligence, aptitude, mental
health or values. DiSC profiles describe human behaviour in various situations, for example how you respond
to challenges, how you influence others, your preferred pace and how you respond to rules and procedures.


Direct, strong-willed and Sociable, talkative and Gentle, accommodating and Private, analytical and
forceful lively soft-hearted logical

❏ Their strengths: goal oriented, problem solvers, risk takers, no guidance needed, self-confidence, like
challenges and competition, individualistic.
❏ Their weaknesses: authoritarian, not good with relationships, may be egocentric, impatient, not
empathic, easy to irritate.
❏ How to motivate them: let them take control of the task, don’t control them too much, be clear,
involve them in the decision process. If they attack you, do not give in.
❏ Communication style: direct communication, too honest, they interrupt people, go straight to the
point, lead conversations and meetings.
❏ How to get better if you are one: care more about people, stop discussing everything, relaxing is not a
crime, more self control, accept that you can be wrong sometimes.

❏ Their strengths: people orientated, very enthusiastic, optimistic, they rarely provoke confrontations,
good for teamwork, very persuasive because people trust them.
❏ Their weaknesses: they ignore rules, very impulsive and talkative, care too much on their popularity
and not results, they lie often, they don’t finish what they start, tend to think they can get out of any
situation by talking.
❏ How to motivate them: popularity, the possibility to explain their ideas, bing the centre of attention,
friendly relationships, they want people to see their accomplishments.
❏ Communication style: sense of humor, great communication skills, good at motivating people.
❏ How to get better if you are one: keep your promises, get out of other people’s businesses, become
better at time management, give more realistic information, stop exaggerating, set realistic goals.

❏ Their strengths: loyal, supportive, friendly, they hate conflict and they are good stopping it, they
finish what they start and they are patient and calm.
❏ Their weaknesses: tend to be passive, possessive with their things, they are usually predictable, not
good with changes, they prefer to be told what to do, they prefer to give up than to fight.
❏ How to motivate them: stable and structured ways of working, one task at the time, people who
recognize their loyalty, clear rules, they prefer small groups of work, they hate chaos and
disorganized work environments.
❏ Communication style: they talk relaxed and slowly, they hear and then talk, they never intend to
create confrontation.
❏ How to get better if you are one: be more flexible, take some risks, work with people even if they are
not your friends, talk more during meetings.

❏ Their strengths: cautious and precise, analytical and logical, they study every aspect of a situation and
the possible outcomes, they care about the facts and data, perfectionists and disciplines, they fight
clean and don’t let emotions get in the way, they are good with complicated concepts and evaluating
❏ Their weaknesses: extremely afraid of making mistakes, they lose too much time in details, they
always want to be right, they care too much about their reputation, don’t like strangers, they don’t
like sharing information, tend to think everyone is stupid.
❏ How to motivate them: having limited risks, well defined tasks, have enough time to think and plan,
don’t make them lose time with social interactions, show them you like the work they have done, do not
punish them for their mistakes in public.
❏ Communication style: really formal and cautious, tend to express calmly, they prefer conversations
about facts and not emotions, they usually don’t talk if they are not sure about what to say.
❏ How to get better if you are one: talk more about how you feel, less importance in details and more in
relationships, be more optimistic, perfection does not exist so stop searching for it, you don’t have to
know everything in order to give your opinion.


- Classify them: if they are introverts or extroverts, and if they are people oriented or goal oriented.
DOMINANCE: goal oriented and extroverted.
INFLUENCE: people oriented and extroverted.
STEADINESS: people oriented and introverted.
CONSCIENTIOUSNESS: introverted and goal oriented.
- In the bargain table:
DOMINANCE: will talk about the results, the agenda or the ways the meeting should take place.
INFLUENCE: will ask personal questions or talk about himself.
STEADINESS: will make sure everything is ready and prepared and make sure there are no surprises.
CONSCIENTIOUSNESS: will make sure they have everything working properly.


➢ To a “D” personality: don’t let them take all the decisions, show them you know what you are doing. Set
the ground rules together and don’t show them you are scared or you will lose their respect.
➢ To an “I” personality: talk about yourself and people in common. Show them you are worthy allied and
also show them that if your relationship is good, it is going to be useful for them in the future.
➢ To an “S” personality: don’t ask many questions. Ask them for help in things in order to make them
feel useful
➢ To a “C” personality: ask them everything: where to seat, how things work, etc. But never questions
that involve emotions. Give them data about yourself, your products, your projects, etc.

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