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My ideal bedroom

In my ideal bedroom there is a low bed, with comfortable pillows and

blankets like shown in the picture. There is a desk next of the bed. On the
desk there is a laptop, a very important tool every day, there is a soft red
lamp for the development of night tasks. Under the desk there’s a gray
printer. The printer is on a brown table with cabinets. There is a light-colored
chair very close to the desk. Talking about things on the wall, there are some
pictures of my family and places that I have walked around; there is a
calendar too, because I usually don’t remember the date. There are 2
bookshelves, one contains books and the second contains some
unforgettable toy and a letter D. Under the bookshelves I’d like to put lights
on the photos. Next to the bed there’s a night table with a soft lamp. Under
the bed, there are 3 cabinets, the first have a white box and 2 little balls, in
the second cabinet there are 2 glass containers with candies, the last cabinet
contains some magazines and a headphone.
I’d like to change the color of the wall for light green, and put some lights and
add a brown closet.

My real bedroom
In my real bedroom there are 2 beds, one desk and a wardrove, both beds
are mine, but I sleep in the biggest one, there are two soft pillows on it.
Behind my bed there some Christmas stuff, because we don’t have an
appropriate place for it. Between my wardrove and my bed there is a black
desk, on the desk there are all my books and school stuff. Above my desk
there is an improvised shelf with little phone boxes and different kind of
materials. The little bed is made of wood, and there a just seat down and it is
also the guest bed. Oh, and there are lights on my roof, the Christmas lights

Thank you,
Your very lovely student: Diego Alejandro Yepes Atehortua

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