Sheronne Blasi Calls On Marty Heyen To Resign

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Director Heyen,

As I have done in the past, I am writing to you to express my grave concern over your lack of
action and leadership as the Chair of the Salem-Keizer School Board, during these very
challenging times. Over the last year, and quite frankly during your tenure on the board, you
have failed repeatedly to properly represent all of our students and families in an equal and
equitable manner.

There have been times in and outside the board room that you have been dismissive and
disrespectful of our students and families of color, and of our LGBTQ students. You have failed
to set a positive example for the board of directors of the second largest, and most diverse,
school district in Oregon. Your lack of meaningful action regarding a board member’s racist
behaviors in the boardroom, condoned those behaviors and brought shame on the board.
Although I was not able to see what was happening during the meeting because I was calling in
on my phone, after I learned what had happened, I wrote to you and the vice chair after the
incident requesting that you address the issue, pointing out that your own actions condoned the
horrible behavior.

The district, under Superintendent Perry’s strong leadership, has done amazing work across the
district to close the achievement gaps for traditionally marginalized students, recognizing that
providing an equitable education only strengthens us as a community and builds a strong
workforce. Your actions, and failure to lead, have undermined the district’s hard work.

At a time in our history when we should all come together to stand up to racist words and
behaviors, you as the board chair have failed to lead our board in any kind of affirmation that our
schools, our teachers and administrators, our classified staff, our executive team, and our board
oppose racism and will work harder and strive to do better for our students who have been made
to feel less than the amazing child that each one is.

Over the last few weeks, your lack of relevant action, your personal behaviors on social media,
along with the recent concerns by the community that you may have connections to known white
supremist organizations, have not only brought discredit on the school board, but they have
become a distraction to the incredibly important work that needs to be happening right now. As a
united community, we have work to do around school resource officers, budget challenges,
finding the safest and most equitable way to return our 40,000+ students to school in the Fall.

I stand with members of our community in asking for your resignation from the Salem-
Keizer School Board.

I would ask that you resign today (June 23, 2020), prior to this evening’s board meeting so that
the board and the district can move forward with the important work that needs to happen.

Sheronne Blasi
Director, Salem-Keizer School Board

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