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Veterinary Medical


Veterinary Surgeon


Abductor (ahb-duhck-tər) = muscle that moves a part away from the

Adductor (ahd-duhck-tər) = muscle that moves a part toward the midline.

Flexor (flehck-sər) = muscle that bends a limb at its joint or decreases the
joint angle.

Extensor (ehcks-tehn-sər) = muscle that straightens a limb or increases

the joint angle.
levator (lē-vā-tər) = muscle that raises or elevates a part.

depressor (dē-prehs-sər) = muscle that lowers or depresses a part.

rotator (rō-tā-tər) = muscle that turns a body part on its axis.

supinator (soo-pih-nā-tər) = muscle that rotates the palmar or plantar

surface upward.

pronator (prō-nā-tər) = muscle that rotates the palmar or plantar surface

Adhesion (ahd-hē-shuhn) = band of fibers that hold structures together in
an abnormal fashion.
ataxia (ā-tahck-sē-ah) = lack of voluntary control of muscle movement;
Atonic (ā-tohn-ihck) = lacking muscle control.

fasciitis (fahs-ē-ī-tihs) = inflammation of the sheet of fibrous connective

tissue that covers, supports, and separates muscles (fascia).
Fibroma (fī-brō-mah) = tumor composed of fully developed connective
tissue; also called fibroid (fī-broyd).
Hernia (hər-nē-ah) = protrusion of a body part through tissues that
normally contain it.
Laxity (lahcks-ih-tē) = looseness

Leiomyositis (lī-ō-mī-ō-sī-tihs) = inflammation of smooth tissue

Myasthenia (mī-ahs-thē-nē-ah) = muscle weakness.

Myoclonus (mī-ō-klō-nuhs) = spasm of muscle

Myopathy (mī-ohp-ah-thē) = abnormal condition or disease of muscle
Myositis (mī-ō-sī-tihs) = inflammation of voluntary muscles.
Myotonia (mī-ō-tō-nē-ah) = delayed relaxation of a muscle after
Tendinitis (tehn-dih-nī-tihs) = inflammation of the band of fibrous
connective tissue that connects muscle to bone

Tetany (teht-ahn-ē) = muscle spasms or twitching

Myectomy (mī-ehck-tō-mē) = surgical removal of muscle or part of a

Myoplasty (mī-ō-plahs-tē) = surgical repair of muscle

Myotomy (mī-oht-ō-mē) = surgical incision into a muscle

Tenectomy (teh-nehck-tō-mē) = surgical removal of a part of a tendon

(fibrous connective tissue that connects muscle to bone).

Tenotomy (teh-noht-ō-mē) = surgical division of a tendon (fibrous

connective tissue that connects muscle to bone).

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