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Veterinary Medical


Veterinary Surgeon


Achalasia (ahk-ah-lahz-ah) = inability
to relax the smooth muscle of the
gastrointestinal tract.

Adontia (ā-dohnt-shah) = absence of


Aerophagia (ār-ō-fā-jē-ah) = swallowing

of air.

Anal sacculitis (ā-nahl sahck-yoo-lī-tihs)

= inflammation of the pouches located
around the anus. The term inspissation
(ihn-spihs-sā-shuhn) is the process of
rendering dry or thick by evaporation and
is used to describe the anal sac fluid in
animals with anal sacculitis.
Anorexia (ahn-ō-rehck-sē-ah) = Ascariasis (ahs-kah-rī-ah-sihs) = parasitic
lack or loss of appetite. infestation with roundworms of the genus
ascaris .

Ascites (ah-sī-tēz) = abnormal

accumulation of fluid in the abdomen.
Atresia (ah-trēz-ah) = occlusion or absence of normal body opening or
tubular organ.

Bloat (blōt) = accumulation of

gas in the digestive tract.In
monogastric animals, bloat is
accumulation of gasin the
stomach. In ruminants, bloat is
accumulation of gas in the rumen,
abomasum, or cecum. In
gas accumulation in the rumen is
also called ruminal tympany
Borborygmus (bohr-bō-rihg-muhs) = gas
movement in the gastrointestinal tract that
produces a rumbling noise.

Bruxism (bruhck-sihzm) = involuntary grinding

of the teeth.

cachexia (kah-kehcks-ē-ah) = general

ill health and malnutrition; used in
describing the condition of cancer

cholecystitis (kō-lē-sihs-tī-tihs) = inflammation

of the gallbladder.
cirrhosis (sihr-rō-sihs) =
degenerative disease that
disturbs the structure and
function of the liver.

colic (kohl-ihck) = colitis (kō-lī-tihs) = inflammation

severe abdominal pain. of the colon.
constipation (kohn-
stah-pā-shuhn) =
condition of prolonged
gastrointestinal transit
time, making the stool
hard, dry, and difficult
to pass.

coprophagia (kō-prō-fā-jē-ah or
kohp-rohf-ah-jē-ah) = ingestion
of fecal material. The combining
form copr/o means feces.

Cribbing (krihb-ihng) = vice of equine

in which an object is grasped between the
teeth, pressure is applied, and air is

Dehydration (dē-hī-drā-shuhn) = condition of

excessive loss of body water or fluid.
Dental calculus (dehn-tahl kahl-kyoo-
luhs) = abnormal mineralized deposit that
forms on teeth . Calculus is mineral
deposit. Dental calculus also is called
tartar (tahr-tahr).

Dental caries (dehn-tahl kār-ēz) =

decay and decalcification of teeth,
producing a hole in the tooth.
Diarrhea (dī-ah-rē-ah) = abnormal
frequency and liquidity of fecal

Displaced abomasum (dihs-plāsd ahb-ō-mā-suhm) = disease of ruminants

in which the fourth stomach compartment becomes trapped under the
rumen; also called DA. It is denoted LDA (left displaced abomasum). Or
RDA (right displaced abomasum) depending on its
location. Ldas are more common.
Diverticulitis (dī-vər-tihck-yoo-lī-tihs) =
inflammation of a pouch or pouches occurring
in the wall of a tubular organ. A diverticulum
(dī-vər-tihck-yoo-luhm) is a pouch occurring
on the wall of a tubular organ; diverticula are
pouches occurring on the wall of a tubular

Dyschezia (dihs-kē-zē-ah) = difficulty defecating. Chezein is

greek for stool. The prefix dys- means difficult.

Dysentery (dihs-ehn-tər-ē) = number of disorders

marked by inflammation of the intestine,
abdominal pain, and diarrhea.

Dysphagia (dihs-fā-jē-ah) = difficulty

swallowing or eating. The suffix -phagia means
eating or swallowing.
Emaciation (ē-mā-sē-ā-shuhn) = marked wasting or excessive leanness .

Emesis (ehm-eh-sihs) = forcible expulsion of stomach contents through the

mouth; also known as vomiting. The material vomited is known as
vomitus (voh-mihtus). When an animal is vomiting, the recommendation
is not to give it anything orally. The term for orally is per os, which is
abbreviated PO. If the desire is to give nothing orally, the abbreviation is

Enteritis (ehn-tər-ī-tihs) =
inflammation of the small

Enterocolitis (ehn-tehr-ō-kō-lī-tihs) = inflammation of the small intestine and

large intestine.
Epulis (ehp-uhl-uhs) = benign tumor arising
from periodontal mucous membranes.

Eructation (ē-ruhck-tā-shuhn) =
belching or raising gas orally from the

Esophageal reflux (ē-sohf-ah-jē-ahl rē-

fluhcks) = return of stomach contents into
the esophagus; also called
gastroesophageal reflux disease, or GERD.

Eviscerate (ē-vihs-ər-āt) = remove or expose internal organs. Evisceration is

used to describe the exposure of internal organs after unsuccessful surgical
closure of the abdomen (or another area containing organs).
Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (ehck-sō-krihn pahnkrē-ah-tihck ihn-suh-
fih-shehn-sē) = metabolic disease in which the pancreas does not secrete
adequate amounts of digestive enzymes and is associated with weight loss,
fatty stools, and borborygmus; abbreviated EPI.

Fecalith (fēck-ah-lihth) = stonelike fecal

mass. The suffix -lithiasis (lih-thī-ah-sihs)
means presence of stones. Coprolith (kō-
prō-lihth) is another name for a fecalith.

Flatulence (flaht-yoo-lehns) = excessive gas

formation in the gastrointestinal tract.

Gastric dilatation (gahs-trihck dihl-ah-tā-shuhn) = condition usually seen in

deep-chested canines in which the stomach fills with air and expands.
Dilatation is stretching beyond normal.
Gastric dilatation volvulus (gahs-trihck
dihl-ah-tāshuhn vohl-vū-luhs) = condition
usually seen in deep-chested canines in
which the stomach fills with air, expands,
and twists on itself; also called GDV.

Gastritis (gahs-trī-tihs) = inflammation of the stomach.

Gastroenteritis (gahs-trō-ehn-tehr-ī-tihs) = inflammation of the

stomach and small intestine. Note that anatomically the stomach
occurs first, followed by the small intestine. This order is reflected
in the order of the medical terms as well.

Gingival hyperplasia (jihn-jih-vahl hī-pər-

plā-zē-ah) = overgrowth of the gingiva
characterized by firm, nonpainful swellings
associated with the gingiva.
Gingivitis (jihn-jih-vī-tihs) = Glossitis (glohs-ī-tihs) =
inflammation of the gums inflammation of the tongue.

Hematemesis (hēm-ah-tehm- Hematochezia (hēm-aht-ō-kē-zē-

eh-sihs) = vomiting blood. ah) = passage of bloody stool.
Hemoperitoneum (hēm-ō-pehr-ih-tō-nē-
uhm) = blood in the peritoneum.

Hepatitis (hehp-ah-tī-tihs) = inflammation

of the liver.

Hepatomegaly (hehp-ah-tō-mehg-ah-
Hepatoma (heh-pah-tō-mah) =
lē) = abnormal enlargement of the
tumor of the liver.
Hiatal hernia (hī-ā-tahl hər-nē-ah) =
protrusion of part of the stomach through the
esophageal opening in the diaphragm.

Hydrops (hī-drohps) = abnormal

accumulation of fluid in tissues or a body
cavity; also called dropsy (drohp-sē).

Hyperglycemia (hī-pər-glī-sē-mē-ah) =
elevated blood sugar levels.

Ileitis (ihl-ē-ī-tihs) = inflammation

of the ileum.

Ileus (ihl-ē-uhs) = stoppage of intestinal

Impaction (ihm-pahck-shuhn) = Inappetence (ihn-ahp-eh-tehns) =
obstruction of an area, usually when lack of desire to eat.
feed is too dry.

Incontinence (ihn-kohn-tihn-ehns) =
inability to control. A descriptive term
usually is applied in front of it; for
example, fecal incontinence is the
inability to control bowel movements.
Inguinal hernia (ihng-gwih-nahl hər-nē- Intussusception (ihn-tuhs-suhs-
ah) = protrusion of bowel through the sehp-shuhn) = telescoping of one
inguinal canal; protrusion is seen in the part of the intestine into an
groin. adjacent part.

jaundice (jawn-dihs) = yellow

discoloration of the skin and mucous
membranes caused by elevated bilirubin
levels, also called icterus (ihck-tər-uhs).
Lethargy (lehth-ahr-jē) = condition
of drowsiness or indifference

Malabsorption (mahl-ahb-sōrp-
shuhn) = impaired uptake of nutrients
from the intestine.

Malocclusion (mahl-ō-kloo-shuhn) =
abnormal contact between the teeth. The
prefix mal- means bad, and occlusion
means any contact between the chewing
surfaces of the teeth.

Megacolon (mehg-ah-kō-lihn) =
abnormally large colon
Melena (meh-lē-nah) = black stools
Megaesophagus (mehg-ah-ē-sohf-
containing digested blood. Melena
ah-guhs) = abnormally large
suggests a bleeding problem in the
upper gastrointestinal tract.

Nausea (naw-sē-ah) = stomach upset or sensation of urge to vomit;

difficult to use descriptively in animals.

Obstruction (ohb-struhck-shuhn) = complete stoppage or impairment

to passage. Obstructions usually are preceded by a term that describes
its location, as in intestinal obstruction. When the obstruction
is not complete, it is called a partial obstruction.
Oronasal fistula (ohr-ō-nā-zahl fihs-tyoo-lah)
= abnormal opening between the nasal cavity
and the oral cavity.Oronasal fistulas may be
congenital, traumatic, or associated with
dental disease.

Perforating ulcer (pər-fohr-āt-ihng uhl-sihr) = erosion through the entire

thickness of a surface.

Periapical abscess (pehr-ē-ā-pih-cahl ahb-sehsz) = inflammation of

tissues and collection of pus surrounding the apical portion of a tooth
root due to pulpal disease.
Periodontitis (pehr-ē-ō-dohn-tī-tihs) =
inflammation of the tissue surrounding and
supporting the teeth; also called periodontal
disease. Inflammation is a localized protective
response elicited by injury or destruction of
tissue. The signs of inflammation are heat,
redness, pain, swelling, and loss of function.

Pica (pī-kah) = eating and licking abnormal

substances or a depraved appetite.

Plaque (plahck) = small, differentiated area on a

body surface. In the gastrointestinal system, it is
used to refer to the mixed colony of bacteria,
leukocytes, and salivary products that adhere to
the tooth enamel; also called dental plaque.
Polydipsia (pohl-ē-dihp-sē-ah) = excessive thirst
or drinking.

Polyphagia (pohl-ē-fā-jē-ah) =
excessive eating or swallowing.The
prefix poly- means many or much.

Prolapse (prō-lahpz) = protrusion of

Polyp (pohl-uhp) = small growth viscera. A descriptive term usually precedes
on a mucous membrane. the term prolapse. For example, a rectal
prolapse is protrusion of the rectum through
the anus.
Quidding (kwihd-ihng) = condition in which
food is taken into the mouth and chewed but
falls from the mouth.

Regurgitation (rē-gərj-ih-tā-shuhn) = return of

swallowed food into the oral cavity; a passive
event compared with the force involved with

Salivary mucocele (sahl-ih-vahr-ē myoo-kō-

sēl) = collection of saliva that has leaked from a
damaged salivary gland or duct and is
surrounded by granulation tissue.

Scours (skowrz) = diarrhea in livestock.

Shunt (shuhnt) = to bypass or divert. In a
portosystemic (poor-tō-sihs-tehm-ihck)
shunt, blood vessels bypass the liver and
the blood is not detoxified properly.

Stenosis (steh-nō-sihs) = narrowing of

an opening. The term stenosis usually
is used with a descriptive term in front
of it. For example, a pyloric stenosis is
narrowing of the pylorus as it leads
into the duodenum.

Stomatitis (stō-mah-tī-tihs) = inflammation

of the mouth.
Tenesmus (teh-nehz-muhs) = painful, ineffective defecation. Tenesmus also
means painful, ineffective urination but is rarely used in this context.

Torsion (tōr-shuhn) = axial twist; twist

around the long axis of gut.
Trichobezoar (trī-kō-bē-zōr) = hairball.
The combining form trich/o means hair.

Volvulus (vohl-vū-luhs) = twisting on

itself (endto- end twist); twist around long Ulcer (uhl-sihr) = erosion of
axis of mesentery. tissue.

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