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Beginner's Guide to Working with Crystals

By Stephanie Arnold

Part 1: The Basics – How to Select Your Crystals and How to Care For Them

Congratulations on beginning your crystal journey! I hope you enjoy working with
crystals and experiencing how they can enhance and improve your life. Crystals
have been used by people for thousands of years. There are over 200 references
in the Bible about crystals and they were an integral part of biblical life, including
the twelve stones on the breastplate of the High Priest Aaron. Ancient Egyptians
used Carnelian, Lapis Lazuli, Peridot and other crystals in their jewelry and other
adornments.  Roman soldiers even carried Tiger Eye to encourage bravery in

When looking at the vast rainbow of different crystals, it can be difficult to decide
which crystals you should take home. The best way to choose crystals is by
allowing your intuition to guide you. Look at the photos of crystals online or peruse
a crystal store and see which crystals attract your attention. Sometimes it may be
that you can’t take your eyes off of one or once you touch one, you can’t put it
down. Maybe you keep looking at the same type of crystals every time you browse.
If you are having trouble deciding, some good starter crystals are Clear
Quartz, Amethyst, Rose Quartz, and/or Green Aventurine. You will also find that
the stones you are drawn to will change over time as you evolve. Get out there and
have fun trying out all of the different crystals!

There is no right or wrong combination of crystals to carry as long as it works for

you. Each person is at a different place in their spiritual journey and has a unique
combination of crystals that they are drawn to. Enjoy experimenting and see what
feels the best for you. I choose a different combination of crystals to carry every
day! Please be aware that some crystals give off a lot of energy and some are very
helpful at detoxing the body. When toxins are released into the body, they can have
an adverse effect on us as our body is cleaning itself. Occasionally, crystals can
make you feel uncomfortable, anxious, lightheaded or even nauseous. If this
occurs, you should try using the crystal for only small intervals of time while you
adjust to the energy, or remove it all together and try it again at a later date. You
may also consider a more gentle crystal of similar energy.

Over time, crystals can become tired (having a weaker overall energy) and pick up
negative energies from the environment around them. Because of this, you will
need to periodically clear the energy of the crystals. There are many ways to do
this including smudging (passing crystals through smoke of burning incense, like
Sage, Sweetgrass or Palo Santo), burying them overnight in sea salt or brown rice,
holding them under running water, and using sound (like a tuning fork or certain
music).  Be careful not to use water or abrasive methods on softer, more fragile
crystals, like Calcite. Most importantly, when clearing your crystals hold the
intention that you are removing negativity and restoring the crystal’s energy.
Even if you clear the energy regularly, crystals will need to be recharged
periodically to restore their full energetic potential. Some common ways to recharge
your crystals are by burying them in a garden, placing them on top of a crystal
cluster, or by placing them in the sunlight/moonlight. I find that most crystals have a
way that works best for them. Carnelian, Sunstoneand Citrine love to spend time in
the sunlight; Rhodonite and Rose Quartz love to be among the greenery and
flowers in the garden or buried in the ground. Moonlight will
restore Moonstone and Amethyst. Be careful because softer or fragile crystals
shouldn’t be buried and some crystals, like Amethyst, can fade in the Sun. If your
crystals become physically dirty on the outside, you can clean most crystals with
lukewarm water and a mild soap, using a soft toothbrush for any crevices. Again,
be careful with fragile and soft crystals to avoid damage! If a crystal becomes
exhausted or has completed its task, sometimes they will break or can even
disappear for a while, so it’s important to give your crystals a rest occasionally.
Once your crystals are recharged and happy, you can enjoy their company again.

Part 2:  So I Have My Crystals, Now How Do I Use Them?

Yea! You have selected your new crystals and they are cleaned, charged and
ready to go. Now, what do you do with them? How can they be used for healing?
There is a variety of ways to use crystals to improve and heal your life.The easiest
way to use crystals is to have them near you and just bask in their energy. Place
them around your environment, workspace and home, wear them as crystal
jewelry, or carry them in your pockets. Any crystals near you will have some impact
on you. Some crystals work better when placed directly on the skin, which enables
their minerals to be absorbed through the skin. Some crystals that work best this
way are Lithium Quartz, Lepidolite and Moss Agate.  You can use any combination
of crystals and as many as you want at one time, as long as you are comfortable
with them. The best way to work with the crystals is to let your intuition guide you.
As you continue on your crystal healing journey, you will find it helpful to pick up a
couple of books to reference when you have questions. Two of my favorite books
for beginners areThe Crystal Bible by Judy Hall and The Illustrated Directory of
Healing Crystals by Cassandra Eason. There is also lots of helpful information

Another way to use crystals is in combination with the Chakras. Each person has
seven major Chakras:  Base, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Third Eye and
Crown. A great way to align the Chakras is by placing particular crystals over the
location of each Chakra. Each Chakra is associated with a specific color and
basically any crystal in those colors will resonate with that Chakra. The colors are: 
Base - Red/Brown/ Black; Sacral - Orange; Solar Plexus -Yellow; Heart - Green/
Pink; Throat - Blue; Third Eye - Indigo; and Crown - Purple/Clear. While there are
many crystal combinations that will work for this, a basic set could include Red
Jasper, Carnelian, Citrine, Green Aventurine, Sodalite, Lapis Lazuli and Amethyst.
There are also pendants, necklaces and bracelets available that incorporate seven
Chakra crystals that you can wear all day long to keep balanced and centered. 
Many different varieties of crystal wands are now available as crystal healing
becomes more popular. Crystal wands can augment acupressure, reflexology and
massage therapy, helping to make them even more effective. Two books that can
help you learn about using crystal wands with reflexology are Crystal Wands:  For
Healing, Massage Therapy and Reflexology by Ewald Kliegel and Gemstone
Reflexology by Nora Kircher. The energy from the crystal will assist in removing
blockages and energizing areas of the body that are in need. With crystal wands,
the wider end is used for drawing energy out and the narrow end is used for putting
energy into a specific spot for healing. The type of crystal the wand is made from
will affect the healing process as well. I like to use a Sodalite wand for balancing
energies and a Mahogany Obsidian wand for activating.

One of my favorite ways to use crystals for healing is to make crystal water or an
elixir. When crystals are placed in or near water, the water absorbs the crystal
energy and becomes a valuable tool for healing. To make gem water, place
washed (gentle soap, water and a soft toothbrush) and cleared crystals inside a
glass pitcher or container and fill the container with spring or distilled water and
leave for two to twelve hours. I also like to place my water in the sun or moonlight
to give it an extra boost.  This water will stay charged for 24 hours to one week in a
tightly sealed container inside the fridge, or you can add one part of alcohol, such
as vodka or brandy, to ten parts crystal water to preserve it for several months.
Cider Vinegar can also be used instead of alcohol. Before using crystals with water,
always consult a reference to make sure the crystal is not toxic. (We have a list
of Crystal Cautionsavailable on our website.) A great reference book for making
these is Gem Water by Michael Gienger and Joachim Goebel. If you would like to
make gem water or an elixir with toxic crystals (or you just want to be careful with
all crystals) you can place the crystals just outside the glass container or in a small
glass jar before placing them in the water, and the water will still be energized.
Drink the energized water at least twice daily for best results. Start with a small
dose at first and increase gradually, as some gem water can have intense healing

Part 3:  Discovering More of the World of Crystals

After you have been using crystals for healing, you are now ready to explore a little
further into the world of crystals. As you have probably noticed, there are many
different shapes of crystals available and you may have been wondering if this
makes a difference in their energy. First, there are tumbled and shaped crystals,
and then there are crystals that are raw and in their natural state. If you are looking
to use a crystal’s energy for any type of healing, either will work fine. You may find
the tumbled stones easier to carry in a pocket or lay on a person, but a natural
crystal can do the same. Natural or raw crystals are sometimes more fragile than
there tumbled counterparts. Some of the different shapes can direct the energy of
the crystals or modify it slightly. Heart-shaped crystals combine a loving energy
with their other characteristics. In crystals with points, either natural or polished, the
energy is directed out from the point. These are great for directing energy to a
specific part of the body for healing and can “point” the flow of energy towards or
away from an area. This also applies to crystal wands, where the wider end is used
for drawing energy out and the narrow end it used for putting energy into a specific
spot for healing. Similarly, a pyramid directs the energy of the crystal up through
the apex. The energy from a crystal sphere emanates evenly in all directions.
Crystals are also commonly available as Sacred Geometry shapes. These shapes
represent the building blocks of everything in the Universe and they also represent
the elements: Fire, Earth, Air, Water and Ether/Spirit. Sacred Geometry shapes are
excellent for meditation and working with the elements.

Now that you have been enjoying all the benefits of crystals personally, you are
probably wondering about sharing them with other living things around you. Pets
and other animals can benefit greatly from using crystal energy too. Amethyst water
can help with fleas and parasites, Aquamarine in the fish tank can help your aquatic
friends to stay healthy, Green Aventurinecan calm nervous energy, Moss
Agate can help with aggressiveness, and Pyrite can help reptiles with skin
problems. Some crystals, like Leopardskin Jasper and Dalmatian Jasper, look like
the fur coats of the animals they are excellent at healing, dogs and cats. Animals,
like children, are often naturally attracted to crystals. If sharing crystals with children
or pets, please be careful to avoid any choking hazards and keep them out of
reach, if necessary.

When using crystals to heal children, always start with gentle crystals and avoid
high energy crystals unless the child is intuitively drawn to them.  A good selection
to start with is Amethyst, Rose Quartz, Clear Quartz and Green Aventurine. Try
having the child select from a group of crystals and intuitively select the crystals
they need for healing, as you would yourself. Children naturally have a strong
intuition when they are young. Crystal bracelets and necklaces should only be used
in older children and adults to avoid any choking hazards. It is also helpful to place
crystals around the house, where the whole family can benefit. You can even use
crystals in the garden to help your plants. Moss Agate, Green Calcite, Tree
Agate and Fluorite will all help your plants to stay healthy and grow strong.

 Another awesome way to use crystals is to create a crystal grid. A crystal grid is
simple to make and helpful for amplifying your intentions. To create a simple grid,
choose a place that it can remain undisturbed. Clear all the crystals first, and then
place a large crystal, such as a sphere or tower, in the center of the grid. You can
also add a picture or other object that corresponds with your purpose. Then place
several other crystals around the center crystal, directing any points outward. Trace
the grid from the center crystal to each other crystal using a wand or your finger,
while holding your intention to energize the grid. Periodically, you will need to
retrace the grid to recharge it. Follow your intuition when deciding on the crystals
and shape of your grid and let your creativity flow. Crystal grids are also beautiful to
look at!

I hope you enjoy the many different crystals that the Earth has provided and your
crystal journey is filled with Love, Light and Crystal Blessings!

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