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No. 44 Jollibee Building, Session Road

Baguio City, Benguet, 2600

October 5, 2018



This letter is in relation to the property registered under the name of

our client MANNY POTTER, married JINKY POTTER located at
Buyagan, La Trinidad, Benguet.

Once upon a time, when our clients were blessed with abundance,
they were able to purchase the subject property. Several years
thereafter, when the population swell in Baguio City and La Trinidad,
Benguet, they came to love the place where the subject property is
located until such time that they realized that it is a good place to do
Ibaloi rituals. Moreover, our client discovered that the subject
property was a very good place in which to rest as it is free from
nuisance, irritation, and annoyance. As such, sometime in the year
2000, they started to bury their loved ones in the premises of the
subject property.

Lately, when the financial status of our clients went down into a
downward spiral, much to their regret, they were able to utilize it as a
collateral for the loan they secured from your good office. When said
loan matured, they were not able to recover from financial distress, as
a consequence, they were not able to pay the loan secured by the said
property as much as they wanted to do so.

After several confrontations among our client’s family members, they

were able to agree to recover the subject property to preserve its
integrity and sanctity. Coy of their written proposals is herein
attached as Annex “A”. With all candor and humility, our clients,
with bended knees are knocking at the door of your heart to please
allow them to recover the property considering its sentimental value
to them as indigenous human beings. They are humbly asking for

1 | L e tt e r o f I n t e n t b y S p o u s e s P o tt e r
apology for whatever inconvenience caused by their failure to pay the
loan secured by the subject property despite demands from your good

In this relation, we humbly ask the kind indulgence of your good

office to give our client at least an extension of three months to pay
their outstanding obligation. We appreciate very much your quick
response to this letter.

For any queries please text or call (o74) 123-4567 or +639555555555

For your usual understanding and cooperation, thank you very much.

Respectfully yours,

Atty. Krisanto Bela-o

TIN No. 12345
IBP NO. 12345; January 5, 2019; Baguio City
PTR NO. 12345; January 5, 2019; Baguio City
Roll No. 21133
MCLE Compliance No. V-12345; June 20, 2019

2 | L e tt e r o f I n t e n t b y S p o u s e s P o tt e r

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