English HM 28

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English Homework


One day Nacy saw a sign outside the bank inviting to visit their Loan Department. When she
arrived, she solicited a 2 dollars borrow. The bank representative interrogated about her
intentions. She replied that it was for medicine but the bank representative refused to do it. At
night, Nancy fantasized about to set a bomb in the bank.


Nancy reconognized that she should have apologized with her friends but she as waiting to the
right moments. She missed her chance at the bus or in the cafeteria. However, when they
were at the gym and the teacher asked who was excited for the robotics tournament and the
students shouted “yes”with enthusiasm , Nancy finally declared she was sorry.

Nancy requested another blanket to her aunt because the room was cold. Some time later, she
insisted in her request again argumenting that it was still cold. Finally, when se arrived to the
room and watched the beautiful tent that she had made with the blankets, she deliberated her
room was definitely cool.

4) Sluggo’s mother forbade her son make a spoon for a branch. She interrogated him what if
he hurted himself. Nancy also declared that she didn’t want Sluugo to do it because he may
have use that big spoon to eat her ice cream

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