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Pressure Safety Valve (PSV) pressure, & relieving capacity) are directly

affected by changes in PSV back pressure.

Sizing Tutorial - API 2. Balanced Bellow Safety Relief Valve -
520/521/526 A balanced safety relief valve provides a set
of bellows to reduce the effect of back
No chemical process facility is immune to the
pressure on the operational characteristics.
risk of overpressure to avoid dictating the
3. Pilot Operated Safety Relief Valve -
necessity for overpressure protection. For
In a pilot operated safety relief valve the
every situation that demands safe containment
major relieving device has a self-actuated
of process gas, it becomes an obligation for
auxiliary pressure relief valve to control the
engineers to equally provide pressure relieving
relieving conditions.
and flaring provisions wherever necessary. The
4. Power Actuated Safety Relief Valve -
levels of protection are hierarchical, starting
In a power actuated safety relief valve, the
with designing an inherently safe process to major relieving device is controlled with an
avoid overpressure followed by providing external source of energy.
alarms for operators to intervene and 5. Temperature Actuated Safety Relief Valve-
Emergency Shutdown provisions through ESD In a temperature-actuated safety relief
and SIL rated instrumentation. Beyond these valve, the actuation takes place by external
design and instrument based protection or internal temperature or by inlet side
measures, the philosophy of containment and pressure.
abatement steps such as pressure relieving 6. Pressure Vacuum Safety Relief Valve -
devices, flares, physical dikes and Emergency A vacuum relief valve is designed to allow
Response Services is employed fluid to prevent excessive internal vacuum &
close to prevent further fluid flow after
A pressure safety valve (PSV) is a safety device
normal conditions have been restored.
used to protect equipment from over pressure
conditions. Over pressure refers to any Pressure Safety Valves Terminology
condition which would cause a system to The terminology associated with pressure
increase beyond the specified design pressure safety relief Valve can be inferred from API
or maximum allowable working pressure Recommended Practice 520 as,
(MAWP). PSVs must open at a predetermined 1. Set Pressure - The inlet gauge pressure at
set pressure, flow a rated capacity at a which the pressure relief device is set to
specified overpressure, and close when the open under service conditions.
system pressure has returned to a safe level. 2. Back Pressure - The pressure that exists at
Types of Pressure Safety Valves the pressure relief device outlet as a result
of the pressure in the discharge system. It is
Pressure safety valves can be chiefly classified into
the following types, the sum of the superimposed and built-up
back pressures.
1. Conventional Safety Relief Valve – In a
conventional safety relief valve it has a 3. Built up Back Pressure – This is the
spring housing that vents fluids to the increase in pressure at the outlet of a
discharge side of the PSV. The operational pressure relief device that develops as a
characteristics (opening pressure, closing

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result of flow after the pressure relief device 11. Effective Coefficient of Discharge – The
opens. effective coefficient of discharge is a nominal
value used with an effective discharge area
4. Superimposed Back Pressure – The static
to calculate the minimum required relieving
pressure that exists at the outlet of a
capacity of a pressure relief valve per the
pressure relief device at the time the device
preliminary sizing equations of API 520.
is required to operate. It is the result of
pressure in the discharge system coming 12. Rated Coefficient of Discharge – The rated
from other sources and may be constant or coefficient of discharge is determined in
variable. accordance with the applicable code or
regulation and is used with the actual
5. Opening Pressure – This is the value of
discharge area to calculate the rated flow
increasing inlet static pressure at which
capacity of a pressure relief valve.
there is a measurable lift of the disc or at
which discharge of the fluid becomes PERMITTED SIZES OF PSV –API 526
continuous, as determined by seeing, feeling As per API 526, the size of pressure safety
or hearing. valves are designated by their alphabetical
6. Closing Pressure – The value of decreasing designation. API 526 gives a list of permissible
inlet static pressure at which the valve disc sizes of PSVs which are described below,
re-establishes contact with the seat or at Table 1. Standard Orifices Sizes [API 526]
which lift becomes zero as determined by Orifice
Sr. No. in²
seeing, feeling or hearing. Designation

7. Actual Discharge Area – The minimum net 1 D 0.110

area that determines the flow through a 2 E 0.196

valve 3 F 0.307

8. Effective Discharge Area – This is the 4 G 0.503

nominal or computed area used with an 5 H 0.785

effective discharge coefficient to calculate 6 J 1.287
the minimum required relieving capacity for
7 K 1.838
a pressure relief valve per the preliminary
8 L 2.853
sizing equations contained in API 520. API
9 M 3.600
526 provides effective discharge areas for a
range of sizes in terms of letter designations, 10 N 4.340

“D” through “T”. 11 P 6.380

9. Inlet Size – The nominal pipe size (NPS) of 12 Q 11.05

the valve at inlet connection, unless 13 R 16.00

otherwise designated. 14 T 26.00

10. Outlet Size – The nominal pipe size (NPS) of OVER PRESSURE SCENARIOS
the valve at discharge connection, unless
Sizing a pressure relief valve begins with
otherwise designated.
identifying the applicable credible scenario
which determines the relieving capacity. Based
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on the relieving capacity, API provides resulting in over pressure. The quantity of
procedures to estimate the required relieving fluid required to be relieved in temperature
area followed by choosing standardized sizes safety valves may be very small & therefore
of relief devices from API 526. for thermal expansion cases the safety valve size
of NPS ¾" x NPS 1" (DN 20 x DN25) should be
The following article covers the below
sufficient as per API 521, [Ref 4].
described scenarios which are not
comprehensive but represent a set of 5. Fire Case [Liquid Filled Vessel] – All
commonly encountered scenarios. equipment in a process facility is prone to
exposure to fire due to equipment failure or
1. Blocked Liquid Discharge Case - This refers
man made errors. This can result in the
to closure of a valve on the outlet of
contents of the equipment fluid, expanding
equipment. With continuing liquid flow into
and vaporizing to create an over pressure
the equipment and no provision to drain the
scenario. Fire cases are of two types – Gas
liquid, fluid accumulates to building
Filled Vessel and Liquid Filled Vessel. In the
pressure to as high as the design pressure of
case of liquid filled vessels, the vessel is
the upstream equipment. In addition to this,
expected to contain a certain amount of
static head of the liquid in the upstream
liquid that wets the lower part surface of the
equipment also contribute to the build up of
vessel through which the liquid transfers
pressure. Therefore the minimum relieving
latent heat causing liquid expansion and
rate to be considered is the normal
operating inlet flow.

2. Blocked Gas Outlet [Non-Fire Case] – CASE STUDIES

Similar to the above case of liquid filled, gas To demonstrate the sizing of pressure safety
accumulation in the vessel also contributes valves for the described scenarios as per API
to the rise in pressure when the gas side recommended procedures, the following
valve fails to function by staying closed. examples are shown.
With pressure continuing to rise, a relief Blocked Liquid Discharge Case
device is required to relieve the equipment
Consider a vessel relieving hydrocarbon at
of the excess pressure.
300,000 kg/h which has a relief valve pressure
3. Gas Control Valve Fail Open – This case set at 18 barg. Considering a non-fire case, the
refers to a scenario where when a control over pressure is taken to be 10%. For
valve placed between equipment fails open, preliminary sizing, the back pressure at the
[whereby the upstream equipment has a relief valve discharge is considered to vary
higher design pressure and the downstream between 0 barg to 4 barg. A rupture disc exists
equipment is at a lower design pressure] and the back pressure is considered to be a
causes over pressurization. variable for which a balanced bellow type of
4. Thermal Expansion – This case refers to relief valve is recommended followed by the
scenarios where liquid locked inside liquid pressure relief valve requiring capacity
lines. With exposure from sunlight, heat certification as per ASME Sec VIII, Division I.
ingress occurs through the piping causing a The hydrocarbon fluid properties are as
temperature rise to vaporize the liquid follows,
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Table 2. Fluid Properties – Blocked Liquid Outlet SG = Liquid specific gravity at flowing
Parameter Value Units temperature referred to water at standard
Liquid Specific Gravity 0.85 [-]

Liquid Viscosity 450 cP R = Reynolds Number represented as,

As per Ref [1], Sec, the initial orifice size (3)
of the PSV is sized as,
P1 = upstream relieving pressure, kPag (Set
(1) pressure plus allowable overpressure)
P2 = back pressure, kPag
The orifice area based on corrected viscosity is
AR = Required effective discharge area, mm2 then calculated as,
Q = flow rate, lit/min
Kd = rated coefficient of discharge that should
be obtained from the valve manufacturer. For a Applying the above to estimate the pressure
preliminary sizing, an effective discharge relief device, the relief flow rate is,
coefficient can be used as follows: 0.65 when
PSV is installed with or without a rupture disk in (5)
combination & 0.62 when PSV is not installed and
sizing is for a rupture disk in accordance with (6) Ref [1].
Kw = correction factor due to back pressure. If
the back pressure is atmospheric, use a value (8)
for Kw of 1.0. Balanced bellows valves in back
The percent of gauge back pressure is,
pressure service will require the correction
factor determined from Figure 31 of Ref [1]. (9)
Conventional and pilot operated valves require
no special correction. (10)
Kc = combination correction factor for
Since a rupture disc exists and back pressure is
installations with a rupture disk upstream of
the pressure relief valve. Kc value = 1.0 when a considered to be a variable, a balanced bellow
rupture disk is not installed & 0.9 when a type of relief valve is recommended. Hence the
rupture disk is installed in combination with a coefficient of discharge [Kd] is 0.65.
pressure relief valve and the combination does The combination correction factor for use of
not have a published value.
rupture disc [Kc] in combination with a relief
Kv = correction factor due to viscosity. For valve and in the absence of any published value
conventional or pilot operated relief valve Kv is 0.9.
can be taken as 1.0. For balanced bellows as
determined from Figure 36 of Ref [1] or from The correction factor due to back pressure [Kw]
the following equation: for balanced bellows is determined from Fig 31
of Ref [1] as 0.955.

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Blocked Gas Outlet – Non Fire Case
Consider a vessel relieving hydrocarbon
vapours at 10,000 kg/h which has a relief valve
pressure set at 8 barg relieving at a
temperature of 420C. Considering a non-fire
case, the over pressure is taken to be 10%. For
preliminary sizing, the back pressure at the
relief valve discharge is considered to be fairly
constant at 4 barg. A rupture disc is installed
upstream of the relief valve and conventional
type of relief valve is recommended. The
pressure relief valve requires capacity
Figure 1. Capacity Correction Factor, Kw, due to Back certification as per ASME Sec VIII, Division I.
Pressure on Balanced-Bellows Pressure Relief
Valves in Liquid Service
The fluid properties of the hydrocarbon is
shown below,
It is to be noted that, as per Ref [1], Sec,
Table 3. Fluid Properties – Blocked Gas Outlet
the curve above represents values
recommended by various manufacturers. This Parameter Value Units

curve may be used when the manufacturer is Specific Heat Ratio [k] 1.2 [-]
not known. Otherwise, the manufacturer Compressibility Factor [Z] 0.9428 [-]
should be consulted for the applicable Gas Molecular Weight [MW] 33 [lbm/lbmol]
correction factor. Therefore, the initial orifice
As per Ref [1], Sec and Sec,
area sizing with no viscosity correction [Kv],
required effective discharge area of a
i.e., Kv = 1.0 is,
conventional PSV for critical flow is,
The Reynolds number of the relieving fluid is,
AR = Required effective discharge area, mm2
(13) Q = flow rate, lit/min

The correction factor due to viscosity [Kv] is, C = Coefficient determined from an expression
of the ratio of the specific heats (k = Cp /Cv) of
(14) the gas or vapour at inlet relieving conditions.
Where k cannot be determined, it is suggested
(15) that a value of C equal to 315 be used. The
units for C are
The orifice area based on corrected viscosity is,

(16) (18)

From Table 1, the PSV chosen for a calculated Kd = Effective coefficient of discharge. For
orifice area of 4.64 in2 is a ‘P’ designated orifice preliminary sizing, the following values can be
which has an orifice area of 6.38 in2. used as follows: 0.975 when PSV is installed with
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or without a rupture disk in combination & 0.62 (21)
when PSV is not installed and sizing is for a rupture
disk in accordance with Ref [1]. Where,
P1 = upstream relieving pressure, kPaa (Set Pset = Set Pressure [psia]
pressure plus allowable overpressure plus
Pop = Over Pressure [%]
atmospheric pressure)
When the value of the ratio of specific heat is
Kb = Capacity correction factor due to back
known, Coefficient, C is,
pressure. This can be obtained from the
manufacturer’s literature or estimated for
preliminary sizing from Figure 30 of Ref [1]. (22)
The back pressure correction factor applies to
balanced bellows valves only. For conventional For subcritical flow, required effective
and pilot operated valves, use a value for Kb discharge area of a conventional PSV for
equal to 1.0. critical flow is,
Kc = combination correction factor for
installations with a rupture disk upstream of (23)
the pressure relief valve. Kc value = 1.0 when a
The coefficient of subcritical flow [F2] is,
rupture disk is not installed & 0.9 when a
rupture disk is installed in combination with a
pressure relief valve and the combination does (24)
not have a published value.
T = Relieving temperature of the inlet gas or Where, r is the ratio of back pressure to
vapour, R (°F + 460) [K (°C + 273)] upstream relieving pressure, P2/P1
Z = Compressibility factor for the deviation of (25)
the actual gas from a perfect gas, a ratio
evaluated at inlet relieving conditions. The condition to check whether flow is critical
MW = Molecular weight of the gas or vapour at or subcritical is, if the back pressure at relief
inlet relieving conditions valve discharge is less than or equal to critical
flow nozzle pressure, then flow is critical, else
V = Required flow through device, scfm at 14.7
psia, 60°F [Nm3/min at 0°C, 101.325 kPaa]
Applying the above to estimate the pressure
G = Gas Specific gravity at standard conditions
relief device, the critical flow pressure ratio is,
referred to air at standard conditions [normal
conditions]. In other words, G = 1.00 for air at
14.7 psia and 60°F [101.325 kPaa and 0°C]
The critical flow pressure ratio is, The upstream relieving pressure is,

Where, K = Ratio of Specific heat [Cp/Cv]
The critical flow nozzle pressure [Pcf] is,
The critical flow nozzle pressure is,
(20) (30)
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From the above calculation it is seen that the employs ISA’s standardized procedure, namely
back pressure at relief valve discharge is 4 barg the ANSI/ISA S75.01 for calculating the
which is less than the calculated critical flow required valve flow coefficient, Cv. Flow is a
nozzle pressure value of 4.5 barg. Hence the dependent variable. Based on the ISA
flow through the relief valve is critical. procedure, control valves can be sized
Therefore applying the relevant formulae for depending on the fluid properties available i.e.,
critical flow through the relief device,
1. Mass Flow Rate & Fluid Density
2. Mass Flow Rate & Gas Compressibility Factor
3. Standard Volumetric Flow Rate & Gas
Compressibility Factor

(33) The sizing equations for a control valve are

also influenced by the piping geometry &
The pressure relief device is installed with a
attached fittings. In the current tutorial, it is
rupture disc and Kd is 0.975. The correction
assumed that the piping geometry is similar to
factor due to back pressure Kb is 1.0 for
the line size valve and no fittings are present.
conventional relief valve. The combination
The data related to the control are taken from
correction factor for use of rupture disc [Kc]
Fisher’s Handbook based on “Representative
when rupture disc is installed is 0.9. Therefore
Sizing Coefficients for Single-Ported, Globe-Style
for the critical flow behaviour the required
Valve Bodies” (Table 5.10.1) [Ref 2].
effective orifice area is estimated as,
With the above described, taking a single
(34) ported, globe style valve, cage guided valve
plug, equal percentage flow characteristic with
(35) a flow coefficient of Cv of 224 with an inlet
From Table 1, the PSV chosen for a calculated conditions of 6.5 barg and 350C and outlet
orifice area of 2.11 in2 is an ‘L’ designated conditions of 5.8 barg and 32.70C (551 0R) at
orifice which has an orifice area of 2.85 in2. fail open position.
Control Valve Fail Open Case Considering a non-fire case, the RV set
For the case of a control valve fail open case, pressure is 4.5 barg & over pressure/maximum
the PSV relief rate is determined by the control accumulated pressure is taken to be 10%. For
valve’s flow capacity. For example, in a gas oil preliminary sizing, the back pressure at the RV
separator, the control valve on the gas side that discharge is considered to be fairly constant at
feeds to the downstream equipment, when it 1 barg.
fail opens, the downstream PSV’s relieving rate A rupture disc is not installed upstream of the
determines the PSV size. relief valve considering no corrosive fluid
In the current tutorial, procedures provided by exists and a conventional type of relief valve is
Fisher’s Control Valve Handbook, 5th Edition is recommended. The pressure relief valve
used to demonstrate an example case. It is to requires capacity certification as per ASME Sec
be noted that Fisher’s Handbook, for the case VIII, Division I. The fluid properties of the
of sizing control valves for compressible fluids hydrocarbon is shown below,

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Table 4. Fluid Properties – Control Valve Fail Open Solving for the problem at hand,
Parameter Value Units
Specific Heat Ratio [k] 1.25 [-]
Compressibility Factor [Z] 0.9791 [-]
Gas Molecular Weight [MW] 19.37 [kg/kmol]
The first step in calculating the PSV size for a
control valve fail open case begins with The ratio of specific heat factor is estimated as,
estimating the fluid flow rate through the
control valve when the valve fails open (say,
due to failure of instrument air). This can be The rated pressure drop factor [xT] from Table
calculated using the expression, 5.10.1 for the chosen valve is 0.72 and the
piping geometry factor [Fp] is taken to be 1.0
(36) for this example. A condition that has to be
satisfied to calculate the pressure drop ratio
Rearranging to calculate mass flow rate ‘m’,
and whether the flow behaviour is critical or
(37) subcritical is,

Where, (46)
m = Mass flowrate [kg/h]
CV = Flow rate coefficient at rated capacity [-]
P1 = Valve upstream absolute pressure [bara] (51)
MW = Gas molecular weight [kg/kmol] Therefore based on the condition for
T1 = Control valve inlet temperature [K] calculating the pressure drop ratio, x is 0.0917.
The gas expansion Factor [Y] is calculated as,
k = specific heats factor [Cp/Cv]
Z = gas compressibility factor [-] (52)

∆P = Pressure drop at rated flow [bar] Therefore the mass flow through the control
Fp = Piping geometry factor (Fp =1) for line valve is estimated as,
sized valve and no attached fittings [-]
FK = Ratio of specific heats factor [-]
x = Pressure drop ratio [-]
XT = Choked flow pressure drop factor (refer to Based on the calculated mass flow rate, the PSV
Vendor´s catalogue) [-] sizing commences & is similar to blocked gas
outlet case. Hence proceeding on similar lines,
Y = Gas expansion factor [-]
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total heat transfer rate to the vessel is 1000
kJ/s (3,412,140 BTU/h). The specific heat of
the trapped fluid is 3.9 kJ/kg.K (0.9315
Btu/lb.0F). The cubic expansion of the
(57) hydrocarbon is 0.0005 1/0F. The relief valve
(58) flow rate is calculated as,

(59) (67)

Therefore, since the PSV back pressure of 1 Where,

barg is lower than the critical flow nozzle
q = Volumetric flow rate at relieving
pressure [Pcf] of 48 psia (2.3 barg), the flow
conditions, [USGPM]
behaviour across the PSV is critical.
 = cubic expansion coefficient for the liquid at
(60) relieving conditions [1/0F]
d = Relative Density referred to water [-]
c = Trapped fluid’s Specific heat capacity
Therefore the relieving rate is,
The coefficient of discharge for the pressure
Since the flowrates are very small for thermal
relief device when installed with or without a
expansion cases the safety valve size of NPS
rupture disc in combination, Kd is 0.975. The
¾" x NPS 1" (DN 20 x DN25) should be
correction factor due to back pressure Kb is 1.0
sufficient as per Ref 4.
for conventional relief valve. The combination
correction factor for use of rupture disc [Kc] This calculation method provides only short
when no rupture disc is installed is 1.0. term protection in some cases. If the blocked in
Therefore for the critical flow existing the liquid has a vapour pressure higher than the
required effective orifice area is estimated as, relief design pressure, then the pressure
relieving device should be capable of handling
(65) the vapour generation rate. If discovery and
correction before liquid boiling is expected,
(66) then it is not necessary to account for
From Table 1, the PSV chosen for a calculated vaporization in sizing the PRD [Ref 4].
orifice area of 4.74 in2 is a ‘P’ designated orifice Two general applications for which thermal-
which has an orifice area of 6.38 in2. relieving devices larger than above described
Relief Valve Sizing – Thermal Expansion are above ground long uninsulated pipelines of

For the case of a relief valve sizing – thermal large diameter and large vessels or exchangers

expansion, consider a vessel with a liquid operating liquid full [Ref 4].

density of 850 kg/m3 (SG 0.85 at 15.60C). The

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Relief Valve Sizing – External Fire Case Where,
Liquid Filled Vessel
Q = Heat Load/Total heat of absorption [Btu/h]
For the case of a relief valve sizing – External
Fenv = Environmental Factor [-]
Fire Case Liquid Filled Vessels that are exposed
to fire begins with estimating the vapour flow Aws = Wetted Surface Area [m2]
rate in the event of a fire. The value of ‘Fenv’ for a bare vessel, water
When vessels are exposed to heat, hydraulic application facilities on bare vessels,
expansion or thermal expansion is expected to depressurizing and empty facilities is taken to
occur wherein there is an increase in liquid be 1.0. For insulated vessels, the value of ‘Fenv’
volumes due to increase in temperature. In the is taken as per Ref [5], Table T7-6
case of external fire, API 521 distinguishes Table 5. Environmental Factor – Insulated Vessel
Insulation Thermal
between wetted vessel & un-wetted vessels. [Fenv]
A wetted vessel contains a liquid in equilibrium [W/m.K] [-]
with its vapours. During an external fire, 22.71 0.3
partial evaporation of liquid occurs, such that 11.36 0.15
the portion of the vessel in contact with the 5.68 0.075
liquid within a distance of 25 feet (7.62 m as in 3.8 0.05
ISO 23251) receives heat transfer from the 2.84 0.0376
exposed fire and must be considered for sizing. 2.27 0.03
If there is thermal cracking of the vessel occurs 1.87 0.026
leading to vapour generation, other alternate Plotting [Fenv] for the insulated vessel vs.
sizing methods need to be considered. Insulation Thermal Conductivity [K], a linear
An un-wetted vessel is either thermally relationship can be arrived at as,
insulated on the thermal walls or filled with
gases, vapours or super critical fluids. In
comparison to wetted vessels, the thermal flow
from the walls to the interior are low in un-
wetted vessels due to the large thermal
resistance. If the vessel is subjected to
exposure to the fire for prolonged periods, the
vessel temperature would be high enough to
cause thermal rupture of the vessel.
Figure 2. Environmental Factor Vs. Insulation
The total heat of absorption, Q for the wetted
Thermal Conductivity
surface can be estimated with adequate
drainage and prompt firefighting facilities as, i.e, (72)

(70) The possible mounting position of the partially

filled wetted vessels with liquids can be
Without adequate drainage and prompt
horizontal or vertical with hemispherical or
firefighting facilities,
elliptical heads. The figure below gives a
(71) description of the described vessel positions,
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K1,eff = Effective total height of liquid surface[m]
The Initial Liquid Level, E1 for the vessel
without a boot is calculated as,

For the case with boot, the initial liquid level,
E1 becomes,

Figure 3. Possible mounting positions of the Partially
Filled Wetted vessels with liquids Therefore the effective liquid level, E1,eff that
would be used in the calculations are,
From the mounting positions described,
considering a vessel without a boot, the (80)
effective total height of liquid surface [K1] is, (81)
The effective liquid level angle,  becomes,
If a boot exists at the bottom of the vessel, the
vessel elevation, H is computed by subtracting
the boot dimensions from the vessel elevation  = Effective Liquid Level Angle [degrees]
to compute K1 as, D = Diameter of the Vessel [m]
For Hemispherical head, It is also considered that a portion of the
(74) associated piping is also subjected to external
heat & is assumed that it is completely filled
For Elliptical Head, with liquid. Additionally, the wetted area
computed with hemispherical ends is
considered approximately equal to wetted area
K1 = Effective Total Height of liquid surface [m] with elliptical heads since a margin is added to
account for piping. The difference is expected
H = Vessel Elevation without boot [m]
to be accommodated in the margin. Taking that
Hwith boot = Vessel Elevation with boot [m] the boot in the horizontal vessel is always
F = Liquid Level in Vessel [HLL/NLL] [m] liquid filled; the boot wetted area is added to
the vessel wetted area. Therefore the wetted
hboot = Height of Boot [m]
surface area, Aws for a horizontal vessel without
dboot = Diameter of Boot [m] boot is calculated as,
Considering that the portion of vessel exposed (83)
to fire, only that portion in contact with the
liquid within a distance of 25 feet (7.62 m) For Horizontal Vessel with boot, Aws becomes,
above the fire source must be considered for
sizing. Therefore, the effective total height of
the liquid surface, K1,eff is chosen as,
For a vertical vessel, Aws becomes,
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The vapour flow rate generated due to the the fire case is taken to be 21%. For
external fire is now calculated as, preliminary sizing, the back pressure at the RV
discharge is considered to be fairly constant at
3.5 barg. A rupture disc is not installed
Where, upstream of the relief valve considering no
W = Vapour Flow Rate [lb/h] corrosive fluid exists and a conventional type
of relief valve is recommended. The pressure
Q = Heat load [Btu/h]
relief valve requires capacity certification as
 = latent Heat of Vapourization [Btu/lb] per ASME Sec VIII, Division I.
The vapour rate estimated now becomes the Therefore to estimate the relief rate due to the
relieving rate for the PSV based on which the external fire, the tank elevation with boot, H for
PSV orifice size is estimated. a hemispherical head is calculated as,
For the tutorial problem, consider a
horizontally mounted vessel with boot with
hemispherical ends for both boot and vessel. (88)
The vessel is insulated and adequate drainage
& fire fighting measures are also available. The
design parameters are as follows, (90)

Table 6. Liquid Filled Fire Case – Vessel Data (91)

Design Parameters Value Units The effective liquid level angle,  is,
Tank Diameter [D] 4.50 m
Tank Length [T/T] [L] 21.0 m
Boot Diameter [dboot] 1.20 m Therefore, the wetted surface area, Aws is,

Boot Height [hboot] 2.00 m

Tank Elevation w/o Boot [H] 5.50 m (93)
Operating Liquid Level [F] 4.00 m
Insulation Thermal Conductivity [K] 3.00 W/m.K
The Fenv factor is computed as,
% Piping Exposed to Fire 20.0 %
The fluid properties are as follows,
Table 7. Liquid Filled Fire Case – Fluid Properties
Therefore, the total heat of absorption or heat
load for the insulated vessel with adequate
Design Parameters Value Units
drainage and fire fighting measures is
Ratio of specific heats [k = Cp/Cv] 1.39 - computed as,
Gas Compressibility Factor [Z] 0.53 -
Gas Molecular Weight [MW] 79.3 lb/lbmol
The vapour flow rate produced due to the
Relieving Temperature [T] 277 0C
external fire for  of 150 kJ/kg (64.5 Btu/lb) is,
Latent Heat of Vaporization [] 150 kJ/kg
The RV set pressure is 100 barg & over
pressure/maximum accumulated pressure for
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Based on the calculated mass flow rate, the PSV References
sizing commences & is similar to blocked gas 1. “Sizing Selection and Installation of Pressure
outlet case. Hence proceeding on similar lines, Relieving Devices in Refineries”, API
Recommended Practice 520, 7th Edition,
(98) January 2000, Part -1
2. “Control Valve Handbook”, Emerson’s Fisher’s
(99) Handbook, 5th Edition
3. “Pressure Relieving and Depressuring
(100) Systems”, API Standard 521, 6th Edition,
(101) January 2014
4. “API 521 7th Edition Ballot Item 6.4 Work
Item 30 – Thermal Expansion Equation
Therefore, since the PSV back pressure of 3.5 Definitions”
barg is lower than the critical flow nozzle 5. “Crosby Engineering Handbook”, Technical
pressure [Pcf] of 938 psia (62.8 barg), the flow Document No. TP-V300, May 1997, Crosby
Valve Inc.
behaviour across the PSV is critical.





The coefficient of discharge for the pressure

relief device when installed with or without a
rupture disc in combination, Kd is 0.975. The
correction factor due to back pressure Kb is 1.0
for conventional relief valve. The combination
correction factor for use of rupture disc [Kc]
when no rupture disc is installed is 1.0.
Therefore for the critical flow behaviour the
required effective orifice area is estimated as,



From Table 1, the PSV chosen for a calculated

orifice area of 0.04 in2 is a ‘D’ designated
orifice which has an orifice area of 0.11 in2.

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