Fighting For Our Future: The 2010 Political

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Fighting for Our Future

The 2010 Political: Living Life in the
Margins CRNC Programs
The big project around the office !
for the last couple of weeks has
Chairman Zach Howell
been our 2010 political plan. A talks about 2010
political plan is a proposal for how Pages 2- 3
to win a particular election or how
to maximize gains during a
particular election cycle. It
describes a strategic vision and the
tactics necessary to fulfill that
vision. Brandon Greife shows
the shift youth ideology
To make such significant impact, Pages 4-5
our political plan will concentrate
our resources by targeting seven
states that are critically important
both in 2010 and 2012. Each state
has key House, Senate and Michael
Jeremy Hagen, Executive Director Governor’s races this year, and will Antonopoulos
highlights the
be vital when Republicans take back the White House in 2012. By California College
targeting states with these key states, College Republicans will a Republicans
force in taking back both the House and Senate this year and laying Page 6
a foundation for the Republican youth to lead the way in
recapturing the White House in 2012.
Treasurer Brand
Kroeger talks
To reach these goals our political plan calls for the deployment of money
5-7 full-time paid field staff to help elect Republican candidates by Page 7
recruiting, training and mobilizing college students to vote and
volunteer by invading one of the most liberal places on the planet:
the American college campus. While there, they will push back
against liberal dogma by organizing events to spread our principles
and message, promote Republican candidates, recruit new
members, sign-up volunteers for phone banks and door knocking ! Finance Director
Tierra Warren asks
and to register students to vote. With this plan – and your help – for your support
we will be able to recruit more students, sign-up more volunteers Page 8
and help elect more Republican candidates than we ever have.
Support the College Republicans, and join us on the front lines of
taking back our country in 2010!

! PAGE 1


The Plan and the Team to Win
IN 2010
After a year of stunning mismanagement and short-sighted
stewardship by the Democrats, the American people are growing
increasingly alarmed at the direction the country is heading in.
The change they hoped for has not been delivered. Instead, the
President and the Democrats in Congress have created a leviathan
government fueled by record debt and higher taxes that seeks to
reach into every area of our lives from the businesses we run or
work for to our healthcare.

The resurgence of the Republican Party’s fortunes over the past

year, and the unprecedented energy in the conservative grassroots
are testament to the desire of the American people for a
responsible government based on sustainable policy. However, the
Republican Party faces a difficult fight to win back control of the
House and Senate and the nation’s governors mansions. Years of
losses have left us a diminished minority at every level of
government. To win, we will need to out-organize and outwork our
Zach Howell, National Chairman opponents. College Republicans stand ready to do just that.

The College Republican National Committee will be instituting a large-scale field effort to recruit,
train and mobilize thousands of volunteers to aid Republican candidates in the nation’s most
competitive Gubernatorial, Senate and House elections. With fifty paid field staffers, this year’s
field program will be the most ambitious and comprehensive midterm election effort our
organization has ever run. With just one chance to stop the radical agenda of the Democrats, the
circumstances call for nothing less.

Of course, in order to be effective, any plan must have quality people running it. I am proud to say
that the CRNC has assembled a tested, driven and creative team ready to take the fight to the

I recently hired Jeremy Hagen as the new Executive Director of the CRNC. Jeremy will work
alongside me to fine-tune our 2010 plan and execute it. It’s hard to imagine anyone better suited
for the job. Jeremy ran one of the nation’s premier youth efforts as head of the Missouri College
Republicans in 2008 and in 2009 managed the CRNC Virginia volunteer deployment operation
which saw more than 300 College Republicans bus into Virginia helping Gov. Bob McDonnell pull
off a landslide victory. Until recently, Jeremy also served as Co-Chair of the CRNC.
After Jeremy resigned his former duties to become Executive Director, I nominated former
Northeastern Region Vice-Chair Terence Grado to become the new Co-Chairman of the CRNC.
Terence supervised a team of five full time field representatives in the Fall of last year in New Jersey
during the extremely competitive race for Governor there. This field team recruited thousands of
new College Republicans and organized a volunteer effort that contributed tens of thousands of
volunteer hours to Republican candidates.

! PAGE 2


With the 2010 elections rapidly approaching, I know that I am not
the only conservative to be excited by the upcoming tidal wave of
Republican election victories—thanks in no small part to the poor
performance of President Obama and the Democrats in
Washington.  This year is going to be a big one for the Republican
Party, with an increasing number of GOP seats in Congress being
moved to the “safe” column as more and more Democratic
incumbents are being labeled as “vulnerable.”  
While this is certainly looking to be a good year for the Grand Old
Party, it has thus far been an excellent year for the California
College Republicans (CCR).  Among college students, a new
conservative movement is emerging.  This can be seen within our
organization, where chapters are having an easier time recruiting
new members and new CR clubs have been sprouting up across the
Michael Antonopoulos, Western  
Regional Vice Chair CRs have also united together to do their part for Republican
candidates. Although campaign season has not yet begun, CRs have kept busy in the off-season.  
CCR held two GOTV efforts in the East Bay, bringing 40+ CRs out each time to hit the pavement
for Congressional candidate David Harmer in CD -10.   Although Harmer lost, our efforts
helped him beat the district’s registration gap by 8 points, a powerful message of rebuke to the
Democratic Party that did not go unnoticed by the national media.
Later in the semester College Republicans (CRs) poured into the City of Oceanside, where they
played a crucial role in defeating the labor union sponsored recall of conservative Republican
Councilman Jerry Kern.  Councilman Kern attributed his landslide victory to the CRs extensive
ground campaign in the weeks prior to the election.
The fight against the left on campaigns is undeniably important, yet we as College Republicans also
have another obligation in the upcoming election cycle.  If you care about the direction of the
Republican Party, then it is your obligation to help shape the party by involving yourself in the
selection of our nominees for statewide office.
This will be a historic election, a rebuke of the Obama Administration in the mold of the 1994
rebuke of the Clinton Administration.  But tidal waves don’t just happen.  While the sentiment
of hostility towards those now occupying the corridors of power in Washington certainly exists,
that alone is not enough to turn the tide.  To win elections nationally as well as statewide, we need
to build a grassroots movement, which starts with the College Republicans.  2010 will be a
historic election; don’t watch it from the sidelines, get in the game!

- Michael can be reached via email at He also is the Chairman of the California Co#ege

! PAGE 3


2008 was a banner year for young voters. Previously maligned for
their lack of turnout, 201. 18 to 29 year olds voted in the
November elections, a 4.3 jump from 2000.Their effect on the
election led Time Magazine to name 2008 “The Year of the Youth
Vote.” Unfortunately for Republicans, Barack Obama was both the
catalyst and the beneficiary of the seismic shift of the electorate.
Young adults, by a margin of 66% to 32% voted for Obama over
McCain – a margin 5 times greater than any other age group.
Obama was able to ride this wave of young adult support and
volunteerism straight into the White House.

Contrary to popular opinion, young adults have not always voted

Democratic. For instance, in the presidential elections from 1980
through 1992, the 18-34 cohort was the most Republican age group
in terms of voting record. Recent polling shows that a similar
Brandon Greife, Political Director
trend may again be appearing. A survey conducted by the Harvard
University Institute of Politics regarding young American’s views of President Obama found that
“[o]n every issue included in the survey, a majority of 18-29 year olds disapproved of the President’s
job performance.”

As the following graph shows, young adults did not get the type of change they voted for in 2008:

Do You Approve or Disapprove of the Way Barack Obama is Handling:

! PAGE 4

Other takeaways from the Harvard poll show a deep dissatisfaction among 18 to 29 year olds with
the direction President Obama has taken the nation in his first year in office:
• Less than one-in-four (23%) believe that things are headed in the right direction while 37%
say things are on the wrong track
• More young Americans believe that the government’s effort to improve the economy will
hurt (30%) and not help (26%) their personal financial situation
• A majority – 52% of young adults believe either that the government should either leave
health reform alone or pass a more limited version of reform than is being discussed
• An overwhelming majority disagree with President Obama’s handling of Afghanistan

The College Republican National Committee is devoted to ensuring young adults’ distaste for
President Obama’s liberal policies translates into votes in 2010. The charge as described by John
Della Volpe, Director of Polling for Harvard’s Institute of Politics, is “to continually challenge and
inspire young adults, whose support should not be taken for granted.” President Obama and
Congressional Democrats who won on the backs of youth support have promptly ignored the
youth perspective on the major issues facing this nation. College Republicans are stepping in to fill
that void, ready to capitalize with a unified message of small government that resonates with young

The importance of 18 to 29 year olds extends beyond their votes. A study by the Brookings
Institute following the 2008 elections found,

The current generation of young adults is very engaged: nearly a third of 17 to 29-
year-olds reports having engaged in politics. They bring essential vitality to grassroots
organizing. From precinct-walking to phone banking, young volunteers can help fuel
the efforts of a campaign by making direct contact with voters.

Barack Obama and his policies have opened the door to the youth demographic but now we
must convince them to walk through it. College Republicans stand prepared to do just that.

-Brandon can be reached via email at

! PAGE 5



Every day we hear political arguments that promise more great

things that government should provide. More cash for clunkers,
more healthcare, more housing loans, more credit relief, and on
and on.

These arguments often tug at our emotions. “You shouldn’t

have to drive that dangerous and dilapidated old car.” “I want a
home to make my own so I must have that loan.” “Healthcare
for all is a must for the world’s most developed nation.” Voters
become giddy over the possibility of providing so much for so
many that the financial bottom line becomes just a passing
concern. For some it’s not a concern at all.

As financial management firms, banks, and the auto industry

fail across the country the US government is coming to their
rescue; saving most of them from bankruptcy and a fate that
they engendered. You would think that some in government,
who are spending trillions to ‘rescue’, would look at their own
Brand Kroeger, Treasurer balance sheet. That’s not happening.

American families can’t spend beyond what they bring home. When they do, bankruptcy likely
awaits them. At the CRNC we can’t spend more than we take in from generous donors.
Corporations are held accountable by shareholders when their balance sheet makes no sense and
when they’re not they fail, unless of course Obama comes to the rescue. Why is government not
affected by the bottom line like every American and every business?

The Democrats, with President Obama at the helm, are taxing and spending like never before in
American history. Obama spent 3.5 trillion dollars in the first year of his presidency, adding nearly
1.4 trillion dollars to our 11 trillion dollar national debt! To put things in perspective, George W.
Bush spent a total of 1.8 trillion in 2001 and added nothing to our national debt. President Obama
is spending borrowed money and he’s leveraging our future to do so.

As the CRNC works to gain conservative majorities through activism, we are also fighting for our
future. We campaign for a new era of fiscal discipline. We knock on doors for a future free from a
suffocating bureaucracy. We make phone calls for a future free from crushing debt. With your help
we will enhance our activism. We will continue the fight for our future and a conservative America.

-Brand can be reached via email at

! PAGE 6


For over a hundred years, College Republicans have been at the
forefront of every major campaign in the country. In 2009, New
Jersey’s gubernatorial race was arguably the race of the year. Towards
the last couple of weeks before Election Day, Virginia’s gubernatorial
race (the other main political race of 2009) looked certain for
Republican candidate Bob McDonnell. And thankfully, McDonnell
won handily. However, NJ’s was tightening. It was essentially a toss-
up down to the wire.

But on Election Day, the results were anything but a toss-up. Chris
Christie (R) defeated Governor Jon Corzine (D) 49%-45%. Put
differently, Christie beat Governor Corzine by about 100,000 votes!
NJ went from being a blue state to a red state overnight.

And there is no doubt that College Republicans played a pivotal role in

the state’s transformation. With three field representatives deployed
into NJ by the College Republican National Committee, the NJ State
Federation of College Republicans was able to recruit over a thousand
new College Republicans across the state. These field representatives
Terence Grado, Co-Chairman also helped create new College Republican chapters at colleges like
Rutgers University (Camden) and Atlantic Cape Community College.

More importantly, however, were the voter contacts made. On a weekly basis, colleges like Stockton College
and Seton Hall University made over a thousand calls per night! Friendly competition amongst the state’s
chapters spurred tremendous activity that got Christie’s message of positive change to the ears of thousands
of concerned citizens. In one particular county, College Republicans alone made up over 40% of the voter
contacts Republicans made in that county!

College Republicans outside of NJ also helped Christie. The Washington, D.C. Federation of College
Republicans, specifically The Catholic University of America, American University, and The George
Washington University chapters, came through in droves. Bringing around 75 College Republicans on
multiple trips into the state, they were able to make over 10,000 voter contacts in one weekend alone!
Whether it was through phone banking or knocking on doors, they helped Republicans from the bottom of
the ticket to Christie. And other federations, such as the Vermont State College Republicans, made phone
calls into NJ.

In every aspect of the campaign cycle, College Republicans were present. When Governor Corzine brought
in President Barack Obama to aid his campaign, College Republicans organized a statewide rally to show
opposition to his reelection. And when Christie spoke at town hall meetings, College Republicans were
there to warmly welcome him.

As both a College Republican and native of NJ, I saw firsthand the work College Republicans put into this
race. I could not be more proud. And as I watch Governor-Elect Christie prepare to take office, I cannot
help but think of the countless other campaigns College Republicans are bound to bring to victory. Expect
2010 to be no different than 2009 in NJ.

-Terence can be reached via email at

! PAGE 7

Zach said it best, with a thorough plan, an experienced team at the helm, and a
desire to make a substantive difference on behalf of the Republican Party, the
College Republicans are ready to win. But in order to win, we need your help.

Our fifty person field program is projected to cost over a half million dollars.
The College Republicans need your support to make it happen. We have
proven, time and time again, why we are the best investment in Republican
politics. We have the most cost effective and efficient volunteer movement on
the ground. 100% of the money you donate, goes directly into our programs.
We make the dedicated efforts to target youth voters through sophisticated
grassroots field operations, online messaging, and activism. The College
Republican National Committee has the history behind it to ensure stability,
and the type of membership that allows for powerful grassroots mobilization.
Brandon pointed out that youth ideology on the issues has changed since Pres.
Obama took office. In order to fully capitalize on this trend, resources are
Tierra Warren needed.
Finance Director
We are asking you for $100, $250, $500, $1,000 to put towards the programs outlined in the
previous pages. It is necessary to invest in the youth of our party more than we ever have before if we
want to win in 2010. Your tremendous investment will ensure our success in the upcoming elections.
Thank you in advance for your support. -Tierra
-Tierra can be reached via email at

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1234 Main Street
Anytown, State ZIP

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4321 First Street
Anytown, State ZIP

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