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FALL 2010

Fighting for Our Future

Chairman’s Corner
It’s hard to believe that Election Day is less FEATURES
than two months away. At the College
Republican National Committee, we have been
working furiously since last Summer to Jeremy Hagen talks
mobilize tens of thousands of young people specifics
who want our national nightmare of Page 3
Democrat-dominance to end. Election Day
will mark the culmination of these efforts, and
I strongly believe that we will all have a great An indepth look at
Operation Red
deal to celebrate—but there’s still plenty of November from
work to do. Regional Political
Directors Ed Cox and
On August 15th, our 25 full time field staffers Adriele Dixon
traveled to Florida, Michigan, Nevada, Ohio, Pages 4-5
Zach Howell and Pennsylvania to do the vital work of
National Chairman recruiting, training and mobilizing an army of Communications
Director Rob Lockwood
college-aged volunteers on behalf of discusses our media
Republican candidates. The results so far have been outstanding. In these strategy
five target states alone, membership has grown by more than 10,000 Page 6
College Republicans. Victory offices are filled with eager young
volunteers, and new chapters are springing up all around these states. By
election day, College Republicans will have made hundreds of thousands
of voter contacts in these crucial target states, and will have an Terence Grado talks
common sense
unparalleled infrastructure that will last until the 2012 election cycle.
Page 7

Winning elections is incredibly important, but so is winning the battle of

ideas. That’s why the CRNC is running the “Don’t Put It On Our Tab”
program. This is our effort to tell young people why the burgeoning Brandon Greife wants
national debt, and ever-hungrier government is a threat to them to know what could
personally, as the people who will have to ‘pick up’ the tab. Thousands of be worse
college students have already engaged in the effort at campuses across the Pages 8-9
nation, and as we put more tools in their hands to fight the left on this
issue, we expect to see even more as the semester rolls on.
State Spotlights
Pages 9-14
With so much enthusiasm among our membership and the conservative
movement in general, it is becoming increasingly likely that we will see a
“wave election” in our favor. But we at the College Republican National
Committee are taking nothing for granted. Over the coming months,
Finance Director
College Republicans will make the difference in critical races all over the Tierra Warren asks
country, and we couldn’t do it without your help! for your support
Page 15
Thank you, as always, for your support of our efforts. To victory in
November!- Zach

! PAGE 1


Last week, the New York Times ran an article that stated that the youth vote is up for grabs. It highlighted a
Pew Poll that showed that President Obama’s favorability amongst young voters (18-29 year olds) have
dramatically dropped from 66% to 54%.

From a College Republican standpoint, this poll isn’t exactly “news.” In fact, the poll is over 7 months old. It
was conducted before the wildly unpopular healthcare bill was passed, before the seizure of the student loan
industry, and before tens of billions of more taxpayer money was spent in bills to appease certain liberal
political constituencies. The CRNC has known that the Democrat’s policies are dangerous, but it’s inspiring
to see how well our messaging about the danger of debts, deficits, and wasteful spending have resonated
with our generation.

Democrats are just now realizing is that our generation’s allegiance to their party is fading, and fading fast.
Nearly 20% of kids between the ages of 18-24 are unemployed, double the already unacceptable national
average. Young people are realizing that there is an inverted relationship between government spending and
job creation. The more Democrats spend, the less kids have the ability to work. It took the greatest
economic catastrophe in a generation to realize this, but as they say, “better late than never.”

The time is now to act. The ground has never been more fertile to plant the power of conservative ideas in
a generation that is desperate for prosperity. Through programs like “Don’t Put It On Our Tab” and
“Operation Red November” the College Republican National Committee is driving and defining the debate
for our generation.

We’ve made great strides, but the work is not done. The CRNC could not continue to win the war of ideas
with our generation without your support!

Help us make this a Red November!

Right: Evidence of the work College

Republicans across the nation are
having an impact on their fellow
peers. Screenshot taken September
4, 2010 of the Huffington Post

! PAGE 2


Operation Red November is a grassroots movement by College Republicans nationwide
to recruit and mobilize college students to shape a better future for themselves and
America by voting and volunteering for Republican candidates in the 2010 mid-term

And when College Republicans do something, we do it big.

!This fall, 200,000 College Republicans on more than 1,500 campuses in all 50 states will
recruit tens of thousands of new members, volunteer hundreds of thousands of hours
and make millions of voter contacts to get out the vote for Republican candidates at all

But College Republicans don’t stop there.

Jeremy Hagen The College Republicans have launched a field program, which deploys 25 highly
Executive Director trained field operatives to the five target states of Florida, Michigan, Nevada, Ohio, and
Pennsylvania to work on extremely competitive Senate, Governor’s and Congressional
races, many of which will determine the balance of power come January. College
Republicans will be there.

We will be at the rallies…starting the chants and yelling the loudest.

We will be at the phone banks…making the calls

We will be walking the neighborhoods…knocking the doors.

We will be on the side of the street…waving the signs.

We will be there…because we have been since 1892.

We will always be there.

But Operation Red November is about so much more than just that. It is about opportunity.

It is an opportunity for young Americans to recognize that elected officials work for the people, not the other way

It is an opportunity for young Americans to recognize that what is happening in Washington D.C. is not working

It is an opportunity for young Americans to recognize that massive government debt, deficits and spending is robbing
them of their one chance in this one life at prosperity, happiness and success.

It is an opportunity for young Americans to recognize the things that made America great: freedom, personal
responsibility and limited government

And most importantly, it is an opportunity for young Americans to do something about it. It is an opportunity to act.

Operation Red November is a chance to do something great, to make a difference that means something.

Jeremy can be reaached via email at

! PAGE 3



Our field program Operation Red November is off to a great start as we

recently deployed 25 highly trained field operatives to 5 target swing states
across the country. Operation Red November is aimed at recruiting, informing
and engaging thousands of college students in an effort to help elect
Republicans to office.

As one of our Regional Political Directors, I am managing our field operation

Ed Cox for Ohio, Michigan and Nevada. Our field reps and the volunteers they turn
Regional Political Director out are expected to provide the vital grassroot support needed for Republican
victories at both the state and federal levels, from electing John Kasich to be
Ohio’s next Republican Governor, to ousting Senator Harry Reid in Nevada.

Operation Red November, while still in its early stages, has recruited over ten thousand enthusiastic young
conservatives who have already contributed hundreds of hours volunteering for Republican candidates.
Every day we get closer to the November election we are seeing young people wanting to speak out and be
heard. Operation Red November is a program that enables our nation’s young conservatives to be able to
directly participate in doing exactly that, by volunteering on campaigns and knocking doors they are telling
Congress that they are tired of having their future mortgaged by out of control spending in Washington.

We welcome your support for this program, so we can help make sure that we make this November, a Red

-Ed can be reached via email at

Above: Field Rep Mckell Myers making Above: Field Reps Mary Beth McCall and Brooks Keffer (far
phone banking in Nevada. right) with fellow College Republicans outside a Victory office
in Ohio.

! PAGE 4



Operation Red November is in full swing, and the states of Pennsylvania and
Florida are fired up and ready to go. Each state has five highly trained and
extremely motivated Field Reps recruiting college students statewide to help out
Republican campaigns. To date these reps have started 6 new College
Republican chapters in schools that previously did not have any real activity on
campus, and have recruited over 2,000 new students at other schools in the first
week of classes.

Each school, whether large or small, has its own set of challenges, but I am
proud to report that the field reps have met these challenges head on. The state
Adriele Dixon of Florida decided to dump torrential rain on these representatives, but they did
Regional Political Director not falter in their recruiting and showed great tenacity and resourcefulness in
order to get the job done. Armed with cookies, ping pong balls, and some
waterproof maps- they trudged out onto their assigned campuses and worked diligently to recruit new
College Republicans.

The state of Pennsylvania has proved to be a battleground. The liberal schools have done everything in their
power to make sure that a thriving College Republican group doesn’t exist, and it’s near impossible to get
permission to set up a table to recruit new members. What did our resourceful Field Reps do? They walked
around campuses with clipboards and still signed hundreds of interested college republicans that want to
become involved. Where others see a lost opportunity- our field reps make the best of every situation and
succeed where other less determined people have failed.

The field reps were sent to “battleground” states where we knew that they would have to work against those
who do not agree with Republican ideals. Each rep has a great attitude and is willing to fight the good fight
to make sure that Republican candidates get elected to office in November. I have never seen so much
enthusiasm and love for a cause in a long time. They are our future and from where I sit- the future has
never looked brighter.

Watch out Dems, the CRNC field reps are

coming for you.

-Adriele can be reached via email at

Right: Field Rep. Lauren Atencio

snaps a picture of University of
South Florida College Republicans
tabling at the club fair.

! PAGE 5


As the election nears, it is imperative that Republicans stick to the script to
ensure major victories in November. The script is simple: The Obama
Administration has nearly quadrupled the level of deficit spending from the
previous administration.

At its current level every child born in the country today will owe over
$118,000 to the national debt alone, in addition to taxes. That translates into
$180/month for the rest of their lives. Kids can say goodbye to buying a car,
having a social life, and purchasing healthy groceries, because that $180 will
continue to fund a bloated bureaucracy if conservatism doesn’t prevail in
November. With this in mind, the College Republican National Committee
will be aggressively advocating our “Don’t Put It On Our Tab” debt-
awareness initiative.

Rob Lockwood We are thrilled to announce the upcoming launch of our new website,
Communications Director, a one-stop informational outlet dedicated to educating our
membership about unsustainable debt, deficits, and wasteful government
spending. Through the use of videos, pictures, quizzes and other interactive
platforms, the graphically heavy site will paint a picture of what debt looks like.

It is our generation who bears the burden of paying the debt, therefore it is our generation who must
continue to be proactive in advocacy to protect our future. The College Republican National Committee is
standing up and speaking out for young conservatives across the country. Every week we have featured
columns in US Weekly News and World Report and The Daily Caller, columns that help the national appeal of
our initiative. These efforts, paired with, will guarantee that young adults nationwide will have the
information they need about the debt to
make an informed decision before they
enter the voting booth.

As we lead the charge, we are thankful to

have you in our loyal army of supporters
who make our efforts possible!

-Rob can be reached via email at

Right: A screen shot of Zach Howell’s

op-ed in the Daily Caller, a prominent
conservative online publication.

! PAGE 6


The election of Governor Chris Christie proved many things true. For starters,
his win was evidence that the Republican Party is not dying– contrary to what
many leftists would have one believe. We are not the party of “no,” as Christie
offered solutions to New Jersey’s problems and did not just campaign on what
he was against. And Christie trumped President Barack Obama’s “sway” over
the electorate when Democrats felt confident in the President’s ability to aid
their incumbent governor.

But most of all, Christie showed what more and more pundits, elected officials,
political operatives, and regular citizens alike are realizing: government is
missing common sense.

Throughout the campaign, conservative Republicans argued that only a true,

Terence Grado strict conservative could win statewide. Moderate Republicans said a
Co-Chairman conservative could never win. In the end, both were somewhat wrong. While a
conservative, prolife Republican did win, he is not letting any one wing of the
party control his governing style.

And despite this, all sects of the party seem pleased. Conservatives are happy because he tends to agree
with most, if not all, conservative beliefs. For example, if the same-sex marriage bill passed the State
legislature, Christie stated that he would have vetoed it. Moderates are pleased since he has focused almost
exclusively on fiscal issues, like reforming the State pension system. Because at the end of the day, his
common sense governing style is derived from Christie’s belief in the core Republican principles: low taxes,
less government and spending, and individual choice and freedom. From Glenn Beck to Laura Ingraham to
Joe Scarborough, Republican-minded people agree that Christie is one of the most effective leaders we have
in America today.

Christie’s not just having this effect on Republicans though. Democrats and independents are placing their
faith in his leadership. When Christie was pushing for a constitutional amendment to cap property tax
growth to 2.5 percent (CAP 2.5), several Democrat mayors endorsed his plan, including Mayor Cory Booker
of Newark (New Jersey eventually passed CAP 2.0 instead).

This unity behind him is clearly due to his common sense policy initiatives. Faced with an $11 billion
budget deficit and a recession, Christie balanced the budget by cutting State spending and refusing to raise
taxes. Realizing that public school teachers were paying nothing towards full healthcare for them and their
families, he led the passage of legislation that requires 1.5 percent of their salaries go to pay for their
healthcare. Both of these are examples of his common sense governing style that is saving New Jersey
taxpayers money, restoring fiscal responsibility to the State, and becoming what so many across the country
want in all of their elected officials.

People want a return to common sense, and because of Christie, there is new life in the Republican Party.
Many in the crop of candidates this election cycle have been inspired by Christie. And like College
Republicans did for his campaign, we will be there again to help these candidates. It’s just common sense.

-Terence can be reached via email at

! PAGE 7


“Things could be worse.”

That is the best this beaten-down President can say. It reminds me of the scene
from that holiday classic National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation. Family
patriarch Clark Griswold simply wanted to have the hap-hap-happiest family
Christmas possible. Unfortunately, he blew it. Dozens of tragic events later,
including an incinerated Christmas tree, an imploding turkey, and thousands of
Italian twinkle lights that aren’t twinkling, Clark loses it.

His wife, doing her best to defuse the situation encourages everyone to remain
calm “before things get worse.” To which Clark gives the classic reply: “Worse?
Brandon Greife How could they get any worse? Take a look around, we’re at the threshold of
Political Director hell!”

That is the sense of frustration that many Americans are feeling. We’re taking a look around, surveying the
damage from a President who promised us that things would change and all we’ve got is an incinerated job
market, an imploding financial situation, and hundreds of Democrats who aren’t doing very much to fix
it.!The only thing saving us from a complete Clark Griswold-like meltdown is the dying hope that the
government will get out of the way and let businesses create some jobs.

But don’t worry. Our President has answers! After all, this is a guy who wrote a book titled “The Audacity of
Hope.” Hope! He was gonna bring “change you can believe in.” So at best he’ll have answers. At worst he’ll
talk us down from the ledge.

Wrong. The man with all the answers, or at least quasi-answers couched in platitudes, is apparently all out.
So we get “things could be worse.” So I’m led to ask…how?

In June the unemployment rate continued to hover around 10 percent with the private sector gaining a
measly 83,000 jobs and total employment falling by 125,000. Not apocalyptic, but not all that great either.
Consider, that we need to create around 10.7 million jobs to reach full employment. Over the course of five
years we would need to create 300,000 a month to get back to where we were five years ago. If you need any
more proof that things couldn’t really be worse, just ask the 6.8 million people who represent the long-term
unemployed (jobless for 27+ weeks).

Moreover GDP growth has been extremely slow – around 2.8 percent. As Paul Krugman explained the
figure: “even if the economy continued to grow at that rate, we wouldn’t see anything like full employment
until late in Sarah Palin’s second term.” For those of you who don’t understand Krugman-speak that means

The depressingly low GDP is made even more so by the depressingly high debt-to-GDP ratio. A new report
by the Office of Management and Budget shows that the budget deficit will reach a record $1.47 trillion this
year. Far from getting better, 2011 is predicted to have a $1.42 trillion deficit, $150 billion more than
expected. If the CBOs estimates hold true spiraling interest payments would push the debt to 109% of
GDP by 2025 and would reach 185% of GDP by 2035. For a dose of context consider that America’s debt-
to-GDP ratio peaked at 109 percent at the end of World War II.! Not to mention the sad fact that Greece’s
debt was at 115% before their economy fell into the abyss earlier this year.

! PAGE 8

With things so historically bad, the country’s finances utterly wrecked, and an entire generation of young
adults drowning in the government’s red ink, we don’t get solutions, we get “things could be worse.”

Then again, perhaps my expectations are just too high. Perhaps I should have just trusted Reagan when he
told me, “government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem.” But part of me
wanted to have a little hope. A smidgen of belief that the geniuses in Washington would at worst step out of
the way and let businesses do their thing. Unfortunately, that is just not how things work in this White

Take Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner for instance. This past weekend while speaking about the impending
tax increases (because that should really get businesses going) he said, “the country can withstand that. I
think it’s good policy”

We need decision-makers who don’t judge policy based on what America can stand, but instead judge it
based on what America can’t stand without. Hopefully we’ll get them come November when voters will
have a chance to vote out the Democratic mad scientists intent on stacking debt upon deficits waiting to see
when the nation will crumble. Until then, I’ll attempt to be comforted by the fact that apparently, somehow,
things could be worse.

-Brandon can be reached via email at


Montana College Republicans have been active all summer and

it looks like this semester, Montana College Republicans will be
in high gear!

Throughout the summer and during the first days of school

starting around the state, the Montana College Republicans have recruited over 150 new members! We are
certain that this number will only continue to grow through out the weeks nearing the election to ensure
that we have a Red November.

In the past several months Montana College Republicans have been making huge efforts in supporting the
re-electing of our current Congressman, Denny Rehberg. We have walked in several parades with
Congressman Rehberg; have actively counter protested any group protesting Congressman Rehberg’s
efforts. We also have made it our goal to educate students on campuses across Montana about Congressman
Rehberg’s campaign. We are also working closely with state Senate and House races to ensure that
Republicans gain majority in both so that we can control the Democratic Governor’s attempt to push big
Government control.

This year we have a goal of growing and strengthening our chapters so that we can prepare to elect a
Republican Senator in 2012. Gaining a majority in the Senate and House is vital in making sure that our
country is not pushed deeper into debt. -Jocelyn Galt, Chair, Montana College Republicans

! PAGE 9

Having a Red November doesn’t begin in October or even September, but
rather in the dog days of the summer when few are paying much mind to the
coming elections. It should come as no surprise then that College Republicans
in Ohio and across the Midwestern Region have been working the hardest to lay
the groundwork for a successful fall. At the beginning of this month, CR
leaders from all over the Midwest gathered in Iowa for training and leadership
development, and CRs in Michigan, Missouri, Minnesota, and Kansas all were
out in full force for candidates in the Republican primaries, helping to build the
momentum that will carry us to victory in 67 short days from now. Just in the
past week alone, our leadership team has seen midnight pass here at our
Columbus headquarters four times because we are simply not going to allow the
Democrats to outwork us. I even had a call from one of our chapter leaders this
week who, in telling me about their victory plan for this fall, said that he is
personally investing over $1,500 of his own money into their efforts.
Jonathon Snyder
Midwest Regional Vice
In Ohio, we’ve deployed a team of eight Operation Red November field
representatives from the College Republican National Committee that are
blanketing the state to recruit the CR army we need this fall to win. In just a little more than four full days
of recruitment now, we have already topped 1,000 new College Republicans, and we will be well beyond that
number in the time it takes for this newsletter to reach your mailbox. There is a tangible momentum on the
ground here, as evidenced by the huge rally in Cincinnati held last weekend for Ohio’s next Governor, John
Kasich. On a summer Saturday, over a thousand people, including many young conservatives from our
chapters, turned out and signed up to volunteer for Republican candidates this fall. We are seeing this
groundswell of support in all corners of the state, and College Republicans are beginning to flood Victory
Center phone banks because they are fired up and ready to reverse the decision many of them made in 2008
to support an empty message of hope and change.
- Jonathon can be reached via email at He is also the chair of
the Ohio College Republican Federation.

CRNC Field Reps from left to

right: James Katen, Matt Sauvage,
Jake Fullmer, Jocelyn Kozlowski,
Brooks Keefer, Mary Beth McCall,
Natalie Wold, and Blair Harris.

! PAGE 10


Over the past few months, several southern states have held highly spirited and
energetic primaries to decide our party’s nominees this November. College
Republicans supported Republicans up and down the ballot this summer, but
after the polls close, all Republicans have united behind our respected tickets
and are working towards victory this fall.

From Georgia to South Carolina, Tennessee to Florida, our party has selected
our nominees for the 37 Governor races this fall and hundreds of contested
congressional races. In Alabama, Republicans have nominated two strong
candidates in Mo Brooks (AL-5) and Martha Roby (AL-2) to do our part in
taking back the house. In Florida, CRNC Field Operatives have been deployed
as part of our Operation Red November program. Working with Gubernatorial
Nominee Rick Scott and United States Senate Nominee Marco Rubio, Florida is
leading the charge of conservative reforms. !Across the country, Republicans
have nominated the strongest slate of candidates our party has seen in decades,
a slate that will usher in a new era of true reform to Washington.
Alex Schriver
Southern Regional Vice Chair Over the past few weeks, thousands of young conservatives have returned to
college campuses across our great region. Undoubtedly, these scores of college
students will be inundated with the liberal’s message this fall. They will be sold the left-wing agenda in the
classrooms, at their dorms, and all across our campuses. Professors will sermonize from their tenured
pulpits their radical ideological monologues while most students sit idly by. But not all students, not the
College Republicans. It is our job to fight back. This fall, College Republicans in every state and on every
campus will fight back. We will fight the left and their debt-induced freefall. We will fight the liberals and
their staggeringly feeble economic policies. We will fight the left. And we will do it from the classroom.

- Alex can be reached via email at He also is the Chairman of the Alabama College Republicans.

Left: Florida field rep

Barbie Lopez shows
her support for Marco
Rubio at a campaign

Right: University of
Miami CRs give away
free shirts to show
their pride in being U

! PAGE 11


As College Republicans around the country unite to turn our nation red this November,
few states are more important than Florida. Florida is a battleground state, and a state in
which the youth vote broke resoundingly in favor of the Democratic Party in 2008.
That’s about to change. This fall, the Florida Federation of College Republicans is working
to mobilize more than 10,000 of Florida’s students in an effort to retake Florida. Their mission: provide
grassroots aid to Republican candidates from Miami to Pensacola and all points between.
They will make a difference. Operation Red November, sponsored by the College Republican National
Committee, has united Florida’s College Republicans behind a common goal – to help a fresh group of
Republican candidates retake our country and safeguard the American dream for future generations.
The stakes are high. The national debt has reached heights never before imaginable. Through Obamacare,
the Federal government is poised to exert influence over our lives that threatens our personal freedoms --
the core of our Republic. The President has fostered a policy of indifference as terrorist nations continue to
build nuclear weapons – threatening the security of America and her allies.
The time to act is now. Through campus outreach, educational events, intramural sports, conservative
newspapers, coffee clubs, blogs, Twitter, YouTube, and Facebook, we are spreading the message of lower
taxes, more freedom, and less government across Florida.
Through the dedicated efforts of College Republicans in this state, I am certain that we will celebrate many
victories this November – victories for the
Republican party and for the conservative values
that have endured in this nation for centuries.
Florida, however, is just one example of the hard
work and dedication being put forth by College
Republicans this year. Young people across our
country – in states from California to Vermont –
are dedicating themselves to protecting our
freedom, our values, and our country. Stand with us
as we work to turn America red this November.
-John Morris, State Chair of the Florida Federation of
College Republicans

Right: John Morris seen

signing up CRs the first
week of school.

! PAGE 12


It is an incredibly unique election cycle in Kansas.
We have the opportunity to take every state and
federal position from Democrats who have lead
us into burdensome tax increases and outrageous
and irresponsible spending in recent years. There
are six open seats, all of which are held by Democrats appointed
by former Kansas Governor and current Secretary of Health and Human Services, Kathleen Sebelius. With
our message of smaller, smarter government, Republicans are in the perfect position to sweep every
Democrat out of office this November.

After an intense primary season, Republicans have come together stronger than ever, and are ready to take
back control of our state with the “Clean Sweep” coordinated effort. The Kansas Federation of College
Republicans is working along side the Kansas Republican Party to ensure that by electing strong
Republicans, our state is returned to economic prosperity to protect future generations. With Republican
nominee for Governor, U.S. Senator Sam Brownback and his Roadmap for Kansas, I am confident that we
will restore growth and return to our core Kansas conservative values.
College Republicans in Kansas are playing essential roles in local, state-wide, and Federal campaigns, and our
impact is already being widely felt. We were name the “Most Improved Federation of 2009” by the College
Republican National Committee, and we haven’t stopped growing. Our goal for this academic year was to
double our current membership, and with the addition of three new chapters in August alone, we have
already almost met our goal.
Students in Kansas are motivated and eager to get involved with the political process. Two former College
Republicans and recent graduates are running for seats in the Kansas House of Representatives, with 22-
year-olds Garrett Love of Montezuma and Lee Modesitt of Manhattan looking to defeat Democrats in
November. It is inspiring to see more “young blood” eager to make a changes to benefit our state, and with
the fresh ideas and strong desire to make a positive impact.
The Kansas Federation of College Republicans is
working tirelessly to turn out volunteers for
campaigns across the state. We believe we have the
ability to serve as the “tipping point” in many races,
especially those in which the outcome is uncertain.
Republicans in Kansas are expected to retain three
of the four Congressional Districts, and we are
confident we will gain a House seat in the
remaining district with Kevin Yoder, thanks in part
to the dedication of local College Republicans.
Together, with the help of the Kansas Republican
Party and conservative activists across the
Sunflower State and the country, we will keep
Kansas red this November.
--Paje Routhier, State Chairwoman, Kansas
Federation of College Republicans
Pittsburg State CRs hosting their Tax Day
Tea Party Rally

! PAGE 13

The political scene within the Northeast Region has turned up the heat over
the last few weeks. New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Connecticut and many other
states have viable candidates to win in what used to be very liberal
congressional seats. There is also an excellent opportunity to win back many
gubernatorial mansions and United States Senate seats.

However, the most inspiring aspect of the end of August is that school is back
in session and the College Republicans are the boots on the ground. Students
from all across the country will be hitting the streets to go door to door for our
great candidates in the 2010 election cycle. The Connecticut Union of College
Republicans will be having their first state board meeting on September 19th
where United States Senate candidate Linda McMahon, and Gubernatorial
candidate Tom Foley will both be speaking at this event.

John Kleinhans It is great to see that candidates are vying to come speak at College Republican
Northeast Regional Vice meetings not only in Connecticut but also in all of the other states in the region.
Chair We will win back seats, and with the increased numbers on college campuses
democrats will soon have to apply for unemployment. The slogan still stands
that the College Republicans are the best party on campus.
- John can be reached via email at


The Connecticut Union of College Republicans (CUCR), Connecticut’s defense against
Liberals, is fully engaged in one of the most important midterm elections of our time.
Connecticut is a state in which the just over 21% of voters are registered as Republicans.
That’s just 1% above the minimum percentage allowing the Connecticut GOP to call itself a
major party. The Democratic Party’s stronghold in Connecticut is even worse on college
campuses, with one campus having only 19 registered Republicans out of 780 students (less
than 3 percent) registered to vote in the town in which the school is located.

In the CUCR’s efforts to defend Connecticut from liberals, we have taken up causes ranging from campus
debates to statewide conflicts to national policy issues. We are organizing memorial events for the families of
victims of the September 11th attacks on the campus of Qunnipiac University. Furthermore, the CUCR is
helping the College Republicans of Wesleyan University stop liberal student groups from forcing Wesleyan’s
Endowment Investment Office to divest from any company associated with the Wars on Terror in Iraq and

In this coming year, the CUCR will be helping Republican candidates for State Treasurer and Governor to
fix the state’s irresponsible spending habits and use of tax dollars. Recently, Connecticut’s legislature
approved a policy that will draw from public university tuition dollars to pay down state debt and give 5%
raises to some public university employees; the real reason why tuition costs are going up.

Until November 2nd, the primary goal of the CUCR will be to help Connecticut and America get back on
the right path. We will do this by tirelessly volunteering our time to contribute to phone banking, door
knocking, recruiting, and campaigning. It will most definitely be tough work, but after all we are College
Republicans, and we are very good at what we do. -Alexander Mac Levin, Chairman, Connecticut Union of College

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College Republicans are on the verge of making a significant impact in 2010. The
time is now to put this nation on back on the right track. To seize the
momentum during this unprecedented opportunity, the College Republican
National Committee has implemented our 2010 field plan titled Operation Red
November. Our 25 field reps have been deployed into strategically targeted areas
where we can win back the seats needed for a majority in Congress, where we
can take control of our country’s fiscal future. In the first few weeks alone, our
field reps have recruited over 10,000 new college students into College
Republican clubs across the country. Our grassroots efforts are on track to
recruit more than 30,000 new College Republicans, which in turn will mobilize
nearly 10,000 volunteers in our targeted areas. We were there for Governor Bob
McDonnell in Virginia, Governor Chris Christie in New Jersey, and again in
Massachusetts for Senator Scott Brown. We will be there again in November
helping candidates win the races we should have won in 2006 and 2008. We have
proven time and time again why we are the best investment in Republican
Tierra Warren
Finance Director We have gained the support of the Republican Governors Association. In
tandem with them this Fall, our field reps will be integral parts of Republican
success in the 37 gubernatorial races. With over 50% of them favorably leaning red, the time is NOW to
invest in a Red November. Nearly 100% of the money you donate goes directly into our programs that
make the dedicated efforts to target youth voters. Our sophisticated grassroots field operations, online
messaging, and campus activism have proven successful in our field mobilization efforts.

By the end of 2010, government debt is expected to grow to $13.6 trillion and in just five short years the
national debt is expected to explode, reaching more than $19 trillion by 2015.

That means that right now I owe a little more than $118,000 for the national debt and by 2015 my debt bill
will have grown to roughly $180,000.!This level of debt is so toxic that if the IRS were to offer me a
monthly payment plan, I would have to pay $500 per month for 30 years. And that doesn't account for
interest or further government spending. Our “Don’t Put It On Our Tab” project will tell America's leaders
to stop putting trillions of dollars in new spending on the tab of future generations. !It's time to elect
leaders that believe in responsible, sustainable fiscal policy. !It's time to throw out the mad economic policies
that got us into this crisis and sustained it.

Help us make these plans a reality with a donation today. We are asking you for $250, $500, $1,000, $5,000
or whatever you can afford, to put towards the programs outlined in the previous pages. It is necessary to
invest in the youth of our party more than we ever have before if we want to continue winning in 2010.
Your tremendous investment will ensure our success in the upcoming elections. There is no better time than
now to invest in the future of the party.

Thank you in advance for your support. -Tierra

-Tierra can be reached via email at

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600 Pennsylvania Ave SE
Ste. 215
Washington, DC 20003
Office: 202.608.1411
Fax: 202.608.1429

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