Summer '10 Newsletter

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Fighting for Our Future

Chairman’s Corner FEATURES
So much has happened at the College Communications
Republican National Committee since we last Director Rob Lockwood
wrote you. Like the rest of the Republican discusses our media
Party and Conservative movement, we are strategy
gearing up for a busy election season. We Page 3
recently completed hiring of 25 full time field
representatives who will recruit, train, mobilize
and engage College Republicans in Jeremy Hagen gives an
battleground states all across the nation. update about Operation:
Red November
Page 4
These highly trained, motivated field
representatives will be in the field by the 15th
of August, and will immediately begin
organizing comprehensive youth volunteer Terence Grado discusses
Zach Howell summer involvement
efforts on behalf of candidates in their area.
National Chairman We are also preparing a shipment of activism Page 6

kits to our 1500+ chapters to aid our local

leaders and volunteers in their efforts. Additionally, we have prepared and
distributed a wealth of information on a variety of timely issues to our Brandon Greife shows
members across the country. This enables our members to be as effective a lean towards
as possible in the battle of ideas on their campuses. Conservatism
Pages 7
Most notably, we just launched our signature issue-based activism effort:
“Don’t Put It On Our Tab”. With our “Don’t Put It On Our Tab” Michael
initiative, the CRNC has created a one-stop news and information outlet Antonopoulos
dedicated to the threat that the national debt poses to America, and in highlights the best in
the West
particular to college-aged students. Utilizing our national network, social
Page 9
media, and a cutting-edge online issue platform, the CRNC has provided
Americans with an encyclopedia of information about the dangers of the State Spotlights
“Obama-Pelosi” agenda. Pages 10-14

The College Republican National Committee, and all of our local Rudy Perciful
leadership and members, are energized and motivated to be a deciding discusses the
factor in this Fall’s elections, and in the battle of ideas. Your continued Republican response
support of our efforts is vital to our success. in the Louisiana
Page 15
Thank you for all you do for the College Republican National Committee, !

the Republican Party and our country. - Zach Finance Director

Tierra Warren asks
for your support
Page 16

! PAGE 1


The policies of the Obama administration and the Democrat Congress have been a fiscal disaster for
America. The national debt has topped $13 trillion and is expanding by the hour. Instead of taking action
to protect America’s future, the Democrats have raised the debt limit six times since taking control of
Congress, increased the national debt by 57%, and have been running a yearly deficit nearly eight times
larger than the one they inherited. America cannot go on like this, and our generation of young people
cannot, and should not, have to bear the burden of this mammoth debt.

The College Republican National Committee will give our membership the facts and tools they need to
make their voices heard on this critical issue. Utilizing social media, our own cutting edge online issue
platform, viral videos, and our 250,000 members, College Republicans will be the preeminent voice telling
our nation’s Democratic leaders: Don’t put your debt on our tab.

A website dedicated to the debt-issue, a wealth of materials produced by the CRNC and experts on the issue
will be available 24/7 to anyone looking for information on controlling the debt. We have created the
premier web-based information portal on this timely issue.

The program enables young people to stand up and speak out by signing our petition, sharing our content
with their networks, creating their own videos and blogs, and inviting others to join the cause.

Polling shows that our burgeoning national debt is one of the top policy concerns of today’s young people,
and it is the issue where Democrats and the President see the highest levels of disapproval among the 18-29
year old voter demographic. Our program accomplishes two essential missions:

• Drives a wedge between young voters and our nation’s Democratic leadership in order to win
elections today.
• Educates young people about the necessity of responsible, sustainable policy and small government
ideology as a way of preserving American prosperity into the future.

! PAGE 2

The time to act is now. When the Democrats raised the national debt ceiling with their pay-as-you-go
“solution”, Nancy Pelosi glowingly stated that it was “a proud moment and a happy occasion.” It is truly
frightening that policies that cripple our country’s fiscal future invoke gleeful emotions with liberals.

Representative Paul Ryan summed up the Democrats spending habits perfectly on the floor of the House of
Representatives when he stated that, “this (pay-as-you-go) is a fiscal charade, and if we don’t tackle this
problem than it will tackle us.” Ryan later called on, “real people from both parties need to step up and solve
this problem.” That is exactly what the “Don’t Put It On Our Tab” initiative does.

The national debt should give us all reason to worry, but no one has a bigger stake in fixing the problem
than America’s youth who will have to shoulder the burden. Through “Don’t Put It On Our Tab”, the
College Republican National Committee will lead the way in highlighting the dangers of current policy while
simultaneously promoting solutions. As the nationally elected board of governors for college-aged
Republicans, it is the job of the CRNC to drive and define this debate!

George Washington University College Republicans protesting a Pelosi fundraiser. While

Congress is mortgaging our future, Pelosi and friends are out partying.

! PAGE 3


With the launch of the “Don’t Put It On Our Tab” advocacy initiative and the
upcoming “Operation Red November” targeted field-deployment these are
exciting times at the CRNC.

My job is to effectively communicate to our membership, leaders on Capitol

Hill, and to you, our loyal donors, about what the CRNC is doing to combat
the Obama-Pelosi agenda, and to highlight our suggested solutions. To do this
we will be enhancing our media presence, utilizing social media platforms, and
keeping our website up-to-date as the premiere destination for information
related to the debt and how it affects our generation.

The platforms in which our media presence will be upgraded are as follows:
Rob Lockwood
1.)Traditional Print: Chairman Zach Howell will have weekly Op-Eds that
Communications Director
will be published in major newspaper outlets, primarily in our 6 target states
(CO, FL, MI, NV, OH, PA), and to influential conservative blogs.

2.) Web-Advocacy Videos: We have a series of boldly-produced videos that will highlight the dangers
of the current national debt, and propose our solutions to the problem. The videos are designed and
scripted to go viral. The end result we would like to see is for the videos to direct significant traffic
to the “Don’t Put It On Our Tab” petition on our website.

3.) Social Networks: Utilizing social mediums such as Facebook and YouTube, we will spread
awareness about our deployment and issue-advocacy initiative in a cost-effective manner. We have
just created a “fan-page” on Facebook for “Don’t Put It On Our Tab” that has already generated
over 5,000 college-aged subscribers.

4.) CRNC Website: We have reserved a section of our new website to serve as a one-stop
encyclopedia for information related to the danger of the debt and how it directly impacts college-
aged students. The site features original commentary written by CRNC staff, reposts of articles
written by influential commentators, and weekly updates on polling numbers that track the shifting
political attitudes of our generation.

As a nationally elected board, the College Republican National Committee is unique in our ability shift the
narrative about the oppressive Obama-Pelosi agenda into a “first-person” voice when providing criticism of
current policy. We believe pundits will value this perspective as the election nears, and we will be looking to
use our published material in traditional print and online media as credentials to garner appearances on TV
and talk radio. The CRNC will stand up and speak out for our generation, and we are thankful for your
support that allows us to do so!

-Rob can be reached via email at

! PAGE 4


Since our founding in 1892, the mission of the College Republican National
Committee has been to recruit, train and mobilize college students to help
Republicans win the battle of elections and ideas. In 2008, the College
Republican National Committee (“CRNC”) sent 45 highly trained field
operatives to more than 25 states where they recruited and mobilized more than
147,000 college students in support of Republican candidates. In 2009, three
CRNC field operatives were sent to New Jersey where they recruited and
mobilized more than 3,000 college students who made more than 137,000 voter
contacts in support of Chris Christie’s successful bid for the Governor’s seat.
That same year, we also deployed 379 volunteer operatives from 16 states, some
as far west as Missouri and Wisconsin, to Virginia who gave more than 15,918
Jeremy Hagen hours for Bob McDonnell’s winning campaign for Governor.
Executive Director

This year the College Republican National Committee is set to build, improve and expand upon our past
success with Operation Red November by sending 23 highly trained field operatives to six target states: Ohio,
Pennsylvania, Florida, Colorado, Michigan and Nevada. In those states, College Republican field operatives
will invade the liberal college campus to organize phone banks, canvassing operations as well as other events
on behalf of Republican candidates. They will also provide an additional set of hands for Republican
Victory offices and find talented interns for campaigns. Through their efforts, College Republican Field
Reps will recruit more than 27,000 college students and mobilize more than 42,000 volunteer hours that will
produce almost 1.5 million voter contacts.

In 2010, as in so many years past, the College Republicans will once again play a crucial role in electing
Republican candidates. Through Operation Red November, College Republicans will recruit thousands of new
students, volunteer tens of thousands of hours, and make millions of voter contacts on behalf of
Republican candidates. Proud of our history, not afraid of hard work and standing with the right party; the
College Republicans are poised to deliver the victories America needs turn itself around.

Jeremy can be reaached via email at

! PAGE 5



Naturally, the summer season is a relatively dormant time for students across
the country, but not for College Republicans as we gear up for the Fall!

By no means am I suggesting that College Republicans will be as busy as they

are during the school year. That will not happen for several reasons: chapters
cannot meet as frequently, campaigns tend to calm down in the summer
months, etc. But crucial time is wasted if the summer downtime is not utilized
properly by state federation and chapter leadership.

For starters, in most states, new College Republican leadership is elected

towards the end of the spring semester. New state Chairs are making efforts to
Terence Grado speak and meet with chapter Chairs across their state. They are further
Co-Chairman explaining to chapter leadership their vision for the upcoming year, embracing
suggestions, and establishing a solid working relationship. Likewise, chapter
leadership is meeting at least once during the summer to plan how their
organization will start the fall semester off with a bang.

State federation Chairs are drafting fall recruitment plans. This is especially important if a state is set to
receive College Republican National Committee Field Representatives, whose jobs is to help recruit, train,
and mobilize College Republicans throughout the campaign season. State leadership is assessing which
areas around the state deserve special focus in conjunction with key campaigns. For example, when I was
Chairman of the New Jersey Federation of College Republicans, I started our fall recruitment by targeting a
southern region of our state. The third congressional district was arguably the most competitive district in
NJ for that election cycle. I also knew that this was the area where we had the weakest presence of College
Republicans. So for the first couple of weeks, I had our Field Representative, supplied by the College
Republican National Committee, aggressively recruit on college campuses in and around the third
congressional district. We started new chapters and built up existing ones and because of that, our
Republican candidate was able to tap into a larger pool of volunteers throughout his campaign. Using the
summer months can yield a well thought out recruitment plan that will undoubtedly make an impact the
moment school starts up again.

-Terence can be reached via email at

Right: California CRs

making the most of their
summer by campaigning
for Carly Fiorina.

! PAGE 6


Change? Maybe for the worse since President Obama was elected in 2008.
“Post-recession” means very little when pink slips still outnumber
congratulations letters. An $800 billion stimulus bill did little to dampen the
soaring unemployment rate. Healthcare legislation failed to slow down
skyrocketing premium costs, and may actually speed their rise. The public
education system remains lacking and the government continues to provide no
other solution but more money. Taxes inevtiably rise. Debt continues to grow.
In a country where years are measured in workdays, school days, paychecks and
bills, nobody particularly cares about legislative calendars, filibusters, or “land
mark” legislation. Hiding behind excuses and jargon won’t work-just get it done.
Brandon Greife It is little surprise then that a new Gallup Poll shows that Americans have become
Political Director increasingly likely to describe the Democratic Party’s views as “too liberal” and
less likely to say its views are “about right.”

Gallup says the change

“could be a response to the expansion in government spending since President Barack Obama took
office, most notably regarding the economic stimulus and healthcare legislation.”

There is no doubt that the government has become more liberal under the leadership of President Obama,
Speaker Pelosi, and Majority Leader Reid. Even more powerful than the collective effort of these three
Democrats to push the nation Left, has been American citizens shifting to the Right.

Democrats have stayed true to form. Keynesian economics, which uses government deficits to stimulate the
economy, were the justification for the $800 billion stimulus package. Their penchant for governmental
solutions to public problems has dominated their policy focus. Their desire to promote social justice
through the expansion of big-government programs was the driving force behind health care reform. They
didn’t change. But the public’s opinion of these philosophies did. Democrats’ liberalism didn’t work. Now
Republicans have taken over the mantel of change that Obama captured in ’08 and has since fettered away.
-Brandon can be reached via email at

! PAGE 7


On June 15th the College Republican National Committee hosted our first-annual “Summer Alumni
Banquet.” The event celebrated the successes of our past leaders, and served as a formal introduction to our
“Don’t Put It On Our Tab” advocacy initiative.

Speakers such as Karl Rove, Grover Norquist, Morton Blackwell, Rep. Paul Ryan, Rep. Aaron Schock, Rep.
Patrick McHenry, Sen. Roger Wicker, NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre, and CA-GOP
Chairman Ron Nehring paired personal anecdotes with pragmatic advice to our politically charged audience.

All of our honorees stressed the need and importance of a politically engaged College Republican network.
Former CRNC Executive Director and current Americans for Tax Reform President Grover Norquist

“The beginning of political actions for hundreds of thousands of Americans is rooted in their College
Republican experience. The institution protects the party, protects the country, and ultimately protects the

The CRNC will be aggressively promoting the “Don’t Put It On Our Tab” program nationwide. To keep
our membership informed and engaged we have a multi-dimensional plan for advocacy that includes:

• Working with congressional leadership to host a series of debt-centric tele-townhalls

• Writing Op-Eds on a weekly basis that will be circulated to major newspapers and influential
online websites
• Producing a series of bold online informational viral videos
• Generating signatures for our “Don’t Put It On Our Tab” petition
• Updating our website on a daily basis to ensure that material is up to date for our
The College Republican National Committee needs your help to tell congress, “Don’t Put It On Our Tab!”
Please visit our website and sign the petition at! With your help we will drive and
define the debate for our generation. We thank you for your support as the CRNC stands up and speaks out
on your behalf!

Left to right:
Political Director Brandon Greife,
Communications Director Rob
Lockwood, Former CRNC Chairman
Karl Rove, Finance Director Tierra
Warren, Executive Director Jeremy
Hagen, Chairman Zach Howell

! PAGE 8


With the dust from the primaries settling, College Republicans across the western
states are excited that their party has nominated inspiring leaders who are posed
to win in November. In California, two liberal icons of the state, Attorney
General Jerry Brown and Senator Barbara Boxer, have strong opponents with
relevant experience to tackle this tough economy. !The California Republicans
have nominated former Hewlett Packer CEO Carly Fiorina as their Senate
Nominee and former EBay CEO Meg Whitman as their Gubernatorial
Nominee. !!College Republicans in the state are thrilled, and have formed student
coalitions to support their favorite candidates. !Chasen Bullock, the California
Students for Meg Whitman Chairman, had this to say, “Students throughout the
state are excited about Meg’s candidacy, they are worried about this economy and
understand that turning to the tired ideas of the past is not going to cut it.” !
Michael Antonopoulos !
Western Regional Vice Chair

But California is not the only place where

the mood is changing. !College Republican
state chairpersons throughout the west are
reporting that they have increased
recruitment in all their chapters. !However,
more important than the increased
recruitment, is the diversity of the students
in this new wave of College Republicans.
The new students attending these meetings
are not the typical rank and file GOPers. !
These are just the average, generally
uninformed college attendees who do not
know every statistic about job growth, or
future deficit projections, and probably
can’t name more than one or two cabinet
officers. Yet these students are informed
enough to recognize that in our country Students for Carly at a Victory Rally June
today, one party holds complete power. And, 9th in Orange County, California
while not political scientist, these students know that if there is not a change in direction this country will be
in real trouble. !

Several of these students are the same young people who were part of President Obama’s 2008 campaign,
but have come to recognize that the mere words hope and change will not fix this country. !
With these students joining our already large state federations, College Republicans throughout the West are
ready to work hard to continue advancing conservative ideals on campus and elect republican candidates to

- Michael can be reached via email at He also is the Chairman of the California College Republicans.

! PAGE 9


Less than a year ago, the Texas College Republicans were a
fledgling assembly with 17 participating Chapters and not
much else.! Today, with over 40 Chapters from Lubbock
to Houston, El Paso to Dallas and everywhere in between,
the Texas College Republicans are the bedrock of the
young conservative movement in the Lone Star State.

After wrapping up the academic year with a successful fundraiser with

Karl Rove at the University of Texas at Austin, I and the newly-elected
Executive Board of TCR began drafting our battle plan for the fall
election season.! The McCaslin-Sumrall Plan (named for its authors, Vice Chairman Tory Sumrall and
Political Director Charlie McCaslin) will direct our hundreds of active College Republicans from across the
State into the districts of Democratic Congressmen Ciro Rodriguez and Chet Edwards in a no-holds-barred
campaign effort to unseat two of Texas’ veteran Democratic politicians.

While these two flagship races are the most outstanding for TCR, the McCaslin-Sumrall Plan focuses also
on races for the Texas Legislature and various judicial elections, resulting in one of the most comprehensive
election strategies ever drafted by the TCR or its predecessors.

In between campaign stops, Texas College Republicans actively engage in the political process by serving
internships in Austin and Washington, by hosting on-campus events at their respective schools, participating
in and even serving on City Councils, County Commissioners’ Courts, House and Senate Committee
sessions, Boards of Regents, political consulting companies and much, much more.

The success we’ve seen during the past year has been extraordinary, and we owe that success to the place we
call home.! No place can compare to Texas when it comes to fostering an environment of progress and
achievement for the Republican cause.

We’re a place where tradition is a way of life; where character is stitched into the local fabric and leaders are
a natural resource.! We’re a place where the future is knocking at the door, but the past always has a seat at
the table.! We’re a place where pushing ideas
forward doesn’t mean pushing values aside.!
We’re a place that breathes life into ideas.
We’re Republican. We’re proud.

We’re Texas.

- Justin Till, State Chairman, Texas Federation

of College Republicans

Members of the Texas Federation of College Republicans

! PAGE 10


This has been a historic year for the College Republican

Federation of Alabama. For the first time in over 130
years, the Alabama Republican Party is close to gaining
a majority in the State House and State Senate, along with competitive elections for Governor, Lieutenant
Governor, U.S. Senate, and Attorney General. Undoubtedly, College Republicans across our state will play a
vital role in these elections.

Alabama is home to one of the strongest federations in the country, boasting two of the largest chapters
nationally at the University of Alabama and Auburn University. We have planted the flag of campus
conservatism at three new colleges and universities this spring, with plans to expand our federation onto 3
more universities this fall. At the end of the year, CRFA will have doubled in size and amassed one of the
largest memberships in the country.

Earlier this year, the College Republican Federation of Alabama held its Annual Meeting and Conference,
electing our state board and hearing from a variety of candidates. In February, Alabama sent over 20 College
Republicans to the annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), our largest delegation ever. We
have also launched a state-wide branding initiative in conjunction with a similar program at the national
level. CRFA unveiled a new logo, social media campaign, and will be launching a state-of-the-art website
( this summer.

The conservative movement and

Republican Party are alive and well in
Alabama. Thousands of College
Republicans across the state will
continue to build upon a solid
foundation of promoting meaningful
education reform, recruiting new
industry and jobs, eliminating waste in
government, and protecting our way of
life. In 2010, College Republicans will
truly move Alabama forward.

-Alex Schriver , State Chairman, College

Republican Federation of Alabama

College Republican volunteers with Republican Gubernatorial

candidate Bradley Byrne.

! PAGE 11


During the last few days of July, the crème de la crop of the largest youth-
based political organization in Minnesota will be descending upon the
Arrowwood Resort in the unassuming town of Alexandria, MN. The annual
meeting of chapter executive board members, chapter chairs, and state
executive board members is shaping up to be one of the most successful
trainings in recent history.

Minnesota College Republicans from Moorhead to Winona, and from Duluth to Mankato will
be learning the ways to take their chapter from average to exemplary. From recruiting new
members, to effective fundraising, to throwing a successful debate and everything in between. These eager and
energetic future Republican Leaders will be apprised of the new way of the Minnesota College Republicans. Over the
last few months, the MNCRs has taken numerous steps to embracing all the new technology at our fingertips. Chapter
chairs now have access to a centralized, self cleaning email membership list, a brand new texting service, for
instantaneous communication and rapid mobilization, as well as old standbys like facebook and twitter. And shortly,
the chapter chairs will all be able to utilize a cutting edge website, with all the above list features and more!

In addition to learning the ways of one of the countries oldest political action organizations, attendees will be hearing
from some of the states biggest names. Including State Representative Candidate Rebecca Peichel, who is a recently
minted College Republican Alum from St. Benedict’s, Lieutenant Governor Candidate Annette Meeks and
Minnesota’s next Governor Tom Emmer!

Summer Leadership Training has always been a favorite event of MNCRs and this year is no exception. The
Minnesota College Republicans are leading the charge in training future generations of Republicans leaders, and let us
say, the future is now. - Tyler Verry, State Chairman, Minnesota


Elections in Ohio happen at a more impressive
pace than in most states, mostly due to our
swing-state status--as Ohio goes, so goes the
nation. But this year, the elections here have
another reason to be on the big stage--we are
facing big problems, and we need big ideas and
big solutions to solve them. In this unique
environment, Ohio's conservatives could not be more blessed
with the team of candidates that we have here--leaders like
John Kasich, running for Governor, and Rob Portman,
running for the US Senate.

It is in these candidates that young conservatives are finally

seeing something to believe in, something to stand for. When
John Kasich launched his first statewide bus tour a few weeks OCRF won the award for Republican Organization of the
back, the youth of Ohio were there to hear John's vision for Year for 2010
fixing Ohio, and to join alongside in the fight. Our generation is
starting to wake up after four years of lost jobs and skyrocketing deficits here at home under liberal leadership, and
they see that conservative Republican leadership is the antidote.

These are exciting times here, because we have the excitement on our side, but also because there is a sense that after
winning on November 2, the fight will only have just begun. As John Kasich is fond of saying on the campaign trail,
"Once we win in November, then we'll have to march. We'll have to get out our bell-bottom jeans, our tie-dyed peace
t-shirts, and our long-haired hippie wigs, and we'll march together to fix Ohio." You can bet that young conservatives
here will be marching all the way to victory! - Jonathon Snyder, Chairman, Ohio College Republican Federation

! PAGE 12

The Scott Brown momentum has been seen not only in Massachusetts but far into the
core of the Northeast. With strong candidates in every state, the College Republicans
are excited to hit the trail this year to ensure victory in the upcoming 2010 election.
From Maine all the way to Maryland, the message is clear that there will be major
pickups for the Republican Party in the Northeast.

This past spring, National Chairman Zach Howell and Executive Director Jeremy
Hagen spent time traveling to multiple spring conventions throughout the region,
where College Republicans were armed and ready to win in November. The
excitement is catching like fire and is an inspiration to many out there that have never
been politically involved. With nine of the twelve Northeast states electing first term
state chairs this renewed source of energy will surely mean a growth in all of the state
federations in our region. It is also exciting to see that former state chairs are now
running for election themselves and are having great success in their campaigns.
Alexander Willette, the former state chairman of Maine, was able to win the primary
in a state representative campaign and is now fighting hard to win the general election
John Kleinhans in November.
Northeast Regional Vice
Chair Our gubernatorial candidates this year in the Northeast look to be as strong as ever. In
Vermont, Brian Dubie looks to keep Republican control on the governor’s seat in
Montpelier, and Charlie Baker is poised to make a great run in Massachusetts. These
candidates and all of the candidates are truly leaders that College Republicans can be proud to throw their support
behind and campaign day in and day out.
- John can be reached via email at

We at the PA College Republicans comprise one of the largest
federations within the College Republican National Committee.
Throughout our history we have been dedicated to helping
Republicans statewide win key elections. This year especially, is
crucial for Republicans to take back state and local offices, and the
PA CR’s are committed to deploying volunteers to areas and campaigns that need us
most. Because of the number of colleges in Pennsylvania we have a wealth of
resources at our disposal. With the help of the College Republican National
Committee and working in conjunction with the PA GOP and PA Young
Republicans, I am confident we will win our races this November.

We have been working with the Toomey senatorial and

Corbett gubernatorial campaigns to form student groups
specifically dedicated to helping the two candidates leading
our ticket get elected. Through fundraising, grassroots
efforts, door knocking, and phone banking we are
determined to ensure that all our candidates get elected. In
addition, we will register new voters as they enter college and
are eligible to vote for the first time, educate students on
state and local candidates, and hold rallies and events on
college campuses to make sure that the youth of
Pennsylvania are well versed in the issues. - Elizabeth Leamy,
State Chair, Pennsylvania Federation of College Republicans

! PAGE 13


It has become most challenging to many of us, the citizens of New Orleans,
Louisiana, to stay idle while our part of the Gulf Coast, our food, our way of
life, and most importantly, our environment is destroyed.!It has even become
harder for us to face ridicule.!Economically, most people do not understand
what offshore drilling does for our state; especially if you are an outsider.! I can
assure you that this is not a piece bashing oil drilling; in fact, you will not find a
state that is more dedicated to drilling than Louisiana. !

Oil is a way of life; most of our families are somewhat or somehow connected
to the industry.!BP and Shell are just two of the several different exploration
and production firms that employ thousands of people in our region.! Some
Rudy Perciful would even argue that drilling could be the single most important factor to our
somewhat insulated economy.!Companies like BP provide a means for a
Southern Regional Vice
Chair meagerly educated person the opportunity to make a means to support their
family – while providing a very comfortable salary and benefits
package.!Everyone who works in exploration or drilling understands the risks
that are associated with their job. !

People have reason to be upset with British Petroleum, but the blame for this incident shouldn’t simply stop
at BP. The core of the problem lies in the fundamental issue that Republicans fight against every day – the
policies of big government.!We have too much bureaucracy; wasting federal dollars, but most importantly –
all of our time.! We now hear that state departments are ignoring the red tape imposed by the federal
government and simply doing what needs to be done to begin recovery.!The federal government has done
nothing but impede the progress in fixing the spill and making sure that the fragile ecosystems that generate
Louisiana’s famous seafood stay in place.!We have even heard Governor Bobby Jindal threaten department
heads that if “red tape” gets in the way of someone completing the task, that person should be fired. It is
my only hope that you can agree with our Governor.

Louisiana’s people, culture, food and livelihood depend on the Gulf of Mexico being fully operational.!The
people understand this, BP understands this, but unfortunately, but our President’s inaction implies he
doesn’t know how to solve this problem.!His six-month moratorium, something that would have
immediately further devastated our economy, !was recently overturned in federal court; we can only hope
that it is not appealed. !

In conclusion, we can only hope that the days of bureaucracy will end soon.!Personally, my hope is that it
will end in November.!We can all send a message to Congress to end this era of big government by voting
for Republican candidates.!But it all starts with the problem of helping youngsters learn the ways of
conservatism; the answer is simple and the College Republican National Committee is here with the

-Rudy can be reached via email at

! PAGE 14


College Republicans are on the verge of making a significant impact in 2010.
The time is now to put this nation on back on the right track. To seize the
momentum during this unprecedented opportunity, College Republicans are
preparing to implement our 2010 field plan. The program will send 25 staff
into strategically targeted areas to win back the majority in the House and
Senate and lay a lasting base to work towards the key 2012 presidential
elections. Through our grassroots effort we will recruit more than 27,000
new College Republicans, identify and mobilize nearly 9,000 volunteers, and
make more than 1.5 million direct voter contacts. The Democrats’ house of
cards is tumbling down. It is now up to us to build something stronger in its

Our 25 person field program is projected to cost approximately a half

million dollars and the College Republicans need your support to make it
happen. Although the field program comes at a great cost, we have proven,
time and time again, why we are the best investment in Republican politics.
We were there for Governor Bob McDonnell in Virginia, Governor Chris
Christie in New Jersey, and again in Massachusetts for Senator Scott Brown.
We will be there again in November helping candidates win the races we
should have won in 2006 and 2008.
Tierra Warren
Finance Director We are your best political investment because 100% of the money you
donate, goes directly into our programs that make the dedicated efforts to
target youth voters through sophisticated grassroots field operations, online messaging, and activism. The
College Republican National Committee has the history behind it to ensure stability, and the type of
membership that allows for powerful grassroots mobilization.

By the end of 2010, government debt is expected to grow to $13.6 trillion and in just five short years the
national debt is expected to explode, reaching more than $19 trillion by 2015.

That means that right now I owe a little more than $118,000 for the national debt and by 2015 my debt bill
will have grown to roughly $180,000.!This level of debt is so toxic that if the IRS were to offer me a
monthly payment plan, I would have to pay $500 per month for 30 years. And that doesn't account for
interest or further government spending. Our “Don’t Put It On Our Tab” project will tell America's leaders
to stop putting trillions of dollars in new spending on the tab of future generations. !It's time to elect
leaders that believe in responsible, sustainable fiscal policy. !It's time to throw out the mad economic policies
that got us into this crisis and sustained it.

Help us make these plans a reality with a donation today. We are asking you for $250, $500, $1,000, $5,000
or whatever you can afford, to put towards the programs outlined in the previous pages. It is necessary to
invest in the youth of our party more than we ever have before if we want to continue winning in 2010.
Your tremendous investment will ensure our success in the upcoming elections. There is no better time than
now to invest in the future of the party.

Thank you in advance for your support. -Tierra

-Tierra can be reached via email at

! PAGE 15
600 Pennsylvania Ave SE
Ste. 215
Washington, DC 20003
Office: 202.608.1411
Fax: 202.608.1429

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