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This is a guide to the criteria used by AF in assigning a mark to a piece of work. Broadly speaking, work is
assessed on four criteria:

- Depth of research

- Quality of argument and analysis

- Range of knowledge

- Organization and presentation/ Flow of Information/Coherence

To obtain a particular class of assessment a piece of work does not have to fulfil all the criteria listed for
that class — judgements are formed on the basis of the predominant character of the work — but the
guidelines help to show what examiners are looking for in their evaluations. Evidence of strength in
some areas may compensate for weaknesses in others.

Using Microsoft Word to check the assignment.

The assignment will be two file formats either in .docx or pdf. For assignment in word format use review
tab to check the assignment.

Step 1: Open the assignment in Microsoft Word

Step 2: Go to Review Mode

Step 3: Select text you want to comment on and click Review>>Comments>New

Comment. Type the comment text in the balloon. Provide the obtained marks in the

Step 4: You can use strikethrough feature or highlight with red color to ignore the
unnecessary answer.
Step 5: Save the file with feedback and marks.
Step 6: Enter the marks of each solution in excel sheet according to their question
Review using Acrobat Reader

Step 1. Open pdf file in acrobat reader.

Step 2. Go to Tools click on comment to comment in the assignment.

Step 3. Use text comment tool to comment and grade the answer. Use drawing tool to
highlight or ignore unnecessary ans.
Step 4. Save the pdf and enter the marks in the excel sheet.

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