The Effect of Having An Overseas Filipino Worker (OFW) Parents in A Student's School Performance

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The Effect of Having an Overseas Filipino Worker (OFW)

Parents in a Student’s School Performance

We can consider the OFW parent as a very responsible kind of parent for they work for their
family to make their life more successful. Most of them choose to be alone and leave their own
family to earn money that will provide their children a good life. They do not notice that their
own child is facing a hard situation being away from them.

This study is made to understand the performance, specifically the academic performance, of
students without the guidance of their parents or having an OFW parents. In studying, parents
are important to help guide, teach and lead their children because a child need supports from
their loved ones and also discipline to be motivated. It is a parent’s responsibility to take care of
their children, it is hard for a student to have no one to guide them especially in their studies
because as a student you still need someone to teach you and it is best to learn from your

Overseas Filipino Workers (OFW) term applies to Filipinos who are abroad indefinitely as
citizens or as permanent residents of a different country and to those Filipino citizens abroad
for a limited, definite period, such as on a work contract or as students. (Wikipedia, the free

Many Filipinos resorted in seeing jobs overseas to sustain the needs of their family, it is said
that the Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) are the modern heroes of the Philippines, due to
their sacrifices to go and work abroad or the betterment of the socio and economic status of
their families. In return, the family members of the OFW worker benefits from a higher salary
which means a better quality of living. One of the main problems of most families is inability to
meet their needs known as the “poverty” so most parents resort to working abroad, they
neglect to realize that if ever they did it for their children’s advantages there may be some
disadvantages to their children as well.

In recent years up to the present, much research has been governed regarding this issue. This
study has been conducted to examine the study habits, perception in school and academic
performance of students with OFW parent/parents.
Objectives of the Study
The objective of this research is to determine the effects on the academic
performance of selected OLFU students with OFW parents. This is also to find out
their perception in school towards the family discussion or topics, and to observe
their academic performance despite the absence of their parents.

The target of this research is to understand and discover things that might help
the students regarding this issue. The researchers wanted to know whether the
student can do the responsibilities alone or it affects their performance

In addition, this study is conducted to calculate the amount of motivation that

gives the students in pursuing their studies, and to know if having an OFW parents
has an impact on students’ study habits and behavior.

Statement of the Problem

The general question addressed by this study is, “How the OFW parents affect the
school performance of their children?”

Specifically, the researchers also attempt to answer the following questions

1. What is the profile of the respondent in terms of:

 Age
 Grade level
 Strand
 Sex
2. Who among your parents are working in abroad? How many years they
took before they go home? Do you have an active communication with
each other?
3. Who is with you at home? Who is your guardian?
4. What occasion did your parents usually attend despite of being far to you?
5. What is your average last first semester?
There is a significant effect on the study habits of SHS students having an OFW

Having an OFW parent/parents is one of the student's stressor because they

experienced loneliness that might affect the student's academic performance

Significant of the Study

The researcher believes that the following will benefit from this study.

To all teachers, this will serve as a valuable guide for them to understand and
develop their students which will further provided them some beneficial
knowledge and understanding essential for student teacher adjustment.

To all parents, this will help them be reminded of the things they should know,
needed values and supports from them which will further serve as guide for them
in raising their children while they are overseas.

To all students, this research will remind the concern students of the problems
they encountered and how to resolve it analytically and logically.

To school, this study will give the institution to be aware from the issues and
concerns that their students are experiencing. This will serve as a guide and
reference for them to have a basis in adjusting school policies and systems prior
to focus their attention on students whose parents are OFW.

To the future researcher, this will give some essential information which will
surely help them in researching related subjects and problems similar to this
Scope and Delimitations
This research is limited to the effects on the School Performance of selected
Senior High School students with OFW parents. The respondents will be of Our
Lady of Fatima University students. The researchers will conduct an interview that
is documented.

Definition of Terms
For better understanding of this research, the following terms are clearly defined;

Academic Performance - it refers to how students work performs in school. It can

be described as poor and high performance in term of the result obtained in their
class cards

Age - it refers to the length of time the respondent has lived or existed

Behaviour- it refers to how the respondents conduct their selves

Communication - means of connection between people or places, in particular. It

can be described as conversation between the parents and students

Overseas Filipino Workers - it refers to all Filipinos working abroad

Perception - is the organization, identification, and interpretation of sensory

information in order to represent and understand the presented information, or
the environment. It is used as an insight or awareness of the respondent inside
the school

Poverty - is the scarcity or the lack of a certain (variant) amount of material

possessions or money. It is the main reason of the Filipinos to work abroad

Socio Economic Status - it refers to the annual gross income of the respondent

Strand – it refers to the course under the Academic Track of the respondent

Study Habits - it refers to the pattern, time being consumed by the respondents in

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