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Raymond Carl M.

Daryll Baldovino
Alexander Mangulabnan
Jana Danielle David
Anuerren Floresca


Throughout each of individuals’ journey, it can be difficult to see the importance of the
dark aspects of life. We all strive to succeed, and in ways try to pretend that no obstacles stand
before us.

In J.K. Rowling’s commencement speech titled “The Fringe Benefits of Failure, and the
Importance of Imagination" at Harvard University in June 05, 2008. J.K. Rowling explained the
significance of failure in everyone's life and why she emphasizes imagination as a powerful tool
to gain success. So she decided to convey this two lessons she learned the hard way, and advice
she wished someone had given her when she was a graduate.

The commencement speech of J.K. Rowling aspires to inspire the graduates of Harvard to
try to follow their dreams and interests even if they do not lead to executive success. She was
trying to tell to the Harvard graduates that in their lives people will try to tell them that they
should or should not do things because it will or will not amount to society’s definition of

Next is how success can come from failure. Failure is of course a part of everyone's and
thus should not be feared because if you can live through your failure you can witness your true
strength and abilities. Last is that, as a Harvard graduates, they need to realize that just because
they failed it does not mean that they actually did fail. She also said that imagination can help a
person to relate and emphasize with others. As a great writer and one of the wealthiest she
delivered her words of wisdom that could guide the promising young generation and gave her
words in a complete credibility.

The work was written during the year 2008. Joanne Rowling or Known as J.K. Rowling
wrote it as a speech for the graduation rites of Harvard University. She wanted to inspire the
graduates of 2008. She wants them to appreciate the experiences where they have failed, and to
let them recognize the importance of imagination. Although she, herself, has failed on a epic
scale. She had an exceptionally short-live marriage, jobless, lone parent and as poor as possible,
she was still able to rise up from these setbacks. Her speech dealt with: poverty , stories of
victims , torture, and refugees. It has made her perceive human evil and at the same time human
kindness. It made her realize that people can empathize with others if they employ their
imaginations and understanding what others are going through however, there are those who
choose to stay blind. Her personal experiences have played a huge role in inspiring others. It was
able to touch the hearts of the listeners ‘wherein they were inspired and influenced because of

First, “As is a tale, so is life! Not how long it is, but not good it is, is what matter.” When
we were younger we have always dreamt that we have long lives, however growing up we all
realize what really matters. We decide to value the quality of the life we are living. No matter
how long our lives are, good memories are what matter to be treasured eternally.

Second, “There’s an expiry date on blaming your parents for steering you in the wrong
direction, the moment you are old enough to take the wheel, responsibility lies with you.” In this
line, it’s related to our experiences wherein we were born to this world, our parents are the one
who supported us at first until we finish our education and that is the best gift that they can give
you. And then once you have already achieved your personal dreams it is the time where you can
return their sacrifices.

Third, “Imagination is the power that enables us to empathies with humans whose
experiences we have never shared.” If we enable our imaginations, we open our minds to infinite
possibilities through this we are open to what others have dealt with, we tend to make use of our
understanding skills, to have better rapport with our fellows.

Fourth, “Poverty entails fear and stress sometimes depression, it means a thousand petty
humiliation and hardships.” Poverty is something that can’t be romanticized by, and it is a big
issue that many countries encounter death, moreover, to finally break free, poverty, humiliation,
and hardship is needed for you to conquer it.

Lastly, “Some failure in life is inevitable.” At this point, we all know that everyone
commits mistakes or has experienced failure in life, but this only serves as a stepping stone in
gaining success. Failure sometimes can change our courage and also confidence but we see that
failures are building blocks towards success. It is unavoidable, because we view that as a
challenge given by God in our life to make us stronger and fiercer.

The organization is excellent because the flow of ideas are organized. The ideas are
logically and systematically arranged from the very top until she ended her speech. Also, the
unity is excellent as the idea per sentence and paragraph are hinted together base on the purpose
of the author and with a specific idea that she wants to present. The whole text is good, the
coherence also is excellent since the main points of the sentences and main point of each
paragraph have a harmony within each other, there is also the integration of diverse relationship
of the ideas, the overall unity of J.K. Rowling speech is evident, that’s why cohesion is greatly
observed since the main points of each sentences and paragraphs are in an excellent balance for
even events or evidences that she presented in the whole text.

Life is not that easy, it faced a lot of circumstances for it to be stronger in all aspects of
life that will lead everybody to success.
The speech or article of J.K Rowling was able to influence us immensely in a way that it
serves as motivation to those students to strive more. Her speech is very dramatically as we see
the truth behind those sentences and words that portrays how life goes on.

There is a lot of claims presented about life, parents, friends, poverty, and imagination so
o that creates a big impact to all the students, parents, teachers and visitors.

The words used are good; the construction of the ideas and sentences is also good. It is
easy to understand because she relates it to her own book Harry Potter. But there are some words
that is hard to understand for these students who are not well good in terms of vocabulary.

All in all there is a big impact to the aspects of individual such as emotionally, physically,
mentally, spiritually and socially that may help us to be successful someday; through our
experiences of failure that we had until we imagine our brighter future for our self, family,
friends and for the whole world.

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