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On a bright, summer day around Old McDonald’s farm, every domestic animals

adroitly carrying out all their routine-base tasks. Carabao plowing the field, ducks
wandering on the muddy terraces, chickens endlessly scratching the ground, goats
grazing over the grasses, pigs eating loads of mush, cats and mice chasing and running
around the barn, and dogs guarding over the entire farm. As the sun sets, all the farm
animals, set their own sleeping mound made up of hay stalks inside the barn. Everyday is
a tiresome-but-peaceful day for them.
However, later that time, Ole Senor, the highly-praised, eminent boar and the oldest
animal inside the farm, is now going to say his farewell and last words. Ole Senor, when
he talks, everybody listens, for he is believed to be the “prophet” of the barn. And on his
last minutes of his life, he uttered these words: “You will one day meet the day, the day
without a sunrise but only clouds crying , the day for a rose to lose its laves and wilting,
and the day for eternal darkness to envelop and forever staying.” A while later, Ole
Senor rested in peace, making the farm animals to be on gloom and melancholy for
losing a great leader to be treasured.
Little that everyone know, this was Ole Senor’s warning for the farm animals, a
warning that the farm animals should never ever neglect. After the burial day of Ole
Senor, the farm animals worried and thought about who will guide their ways, and who
will take the position of Senor. Henceforth, Bob and Luke, Ole Senor’s beloved sons,
volunteered and took the lead for the farm animals’ goodness and sake. Consequently,
the farm began to celebrate for the new leaders of the barn.
On the following day, the farm animals, especially Crutch the carabao were not able
to accomplish Mr. McDonald’s command to plow the field due to the party last night.
Mr. McDonald had reached his temper and angrily get the long whip. The merciless
owner lashed his poor big pet multiple times. The two pig brothers, as they saw this
horrific scene, they have come up to a great plan of action. During the night, before
everyone rested, the two pigs demystified everything about their plan to their fellow farm
animals. “Of all the years we strive to exist, we were considered to be slaves by humans.
We are not slaves, we are animals! We must have the courage to fight for our rights and
for justice!” Bob exclaimed. All of the animals inside the barn agreed for they have
suffered similar punishment as what poor Crutch have. They have called this plan as
“Rebellion” and everyone are willing to participate, for their freedom and for the justice
they seek. With these approvals and unison of voices made, the owner misunderstood
about what happening inside the barn. He allegedly get his shot gun and swiftly run
towards inside it. He then discharged his first shot up to the sky to scare what he expects
to be insiders. The animals were shocked and became quiet, and they instantly went to
their own resting places.
On the following day, everybody prepared themselves for the do-or-die plan. Mr.
McDonald, as he enter the barn holding two buckets of mushes, Connor the cat jumped
from the ceiling onto his face and filled it with scratches. Mr. McDonald screamed due to
the pain, and caused him to let go off the buckets. The dogs, led by Doppler, bit their
master’s feet and the chickens, led by Chuckle the rooster, flew off to Mr. McDonald and
eventually knocked him down. The ducks, with Dord as the alpha, run over their master,
and they even defecated his entire body! As soon as Mr. McDonald got on his feet, Bob
and Luke tackled him at the same time. Feeling in agony, the poor old man crawled to
the doorway, and slowly got up. However, Crutch took that opportunity to execute his
vengeance. The big pissed carabao charged and rammed Mr. McDonald, making his
master like a cannonball blown yards away. Their master, although greatly injured and
stumbled many times, ran fast for his life, even if he will leave his overall property. The
farm animals then claimed their triumph over their master’s hands.
After Mr. McDonald’s exile, Luke, having the highest intellect among the other farm
animals, began changing the signboard from “Mr. McDonald’s Farm” into “Animals’
Farm” using a red paint and a thick chicken feather. This had been the head start of the
farm animals’ freedom to do everything they want. However, as the farm animals enjoy
their happy life feel-free, Luke found it very unpalatable and he hypothesized about
making it systematized. Therefore, he insisted Bob regarding this matter. Bob seemed to
disagree his brother’s request for he want a happy-go-lucky life, but he offered a
condition to Luke – an election. All the farm animals began voting their wanted leader by
choosing between a white paper for Luke and a black paper for Bob, and putting it inside
a box. Later that time is the final countdown of the results. The on-going counting of
votes intimidated Bob because he knew all along his brother’s overflowing charisma.
Hence, he cheated the election by removing lots of white paper until the black paper
became dominant. In the end, Bob won the election.
Luke accepted the results and he even congratulated his brother. Bob thank his
fellow animals and offered a speech as a sign of his gratitude. On the end of his speech,
he introduced the rules as promised to Luke. Bob called it “The Seven Commandments”
and this includes:
1. All two-legged are enemies.
2. All four-legged or winged are friends.
3. Thou shall not kill other animals.
4. Thou shall not interact with humans.
5. Thou shall not eat foods of humans.
6. Thou shall not drink beverages of humans.
7. Thou shall not use clothes of humans.
The Seven Commandments was likely approved by everyone that they even proposed
to carve it on a large piece of wood so that everyone will be reminded easily. On the first
days of Bob’s reign, the farm animals used to be guided accordingly. The farm animals
were doing their preferred tasks but only the ones below the rules. This was monitored
by Luke and he was impressed by the way of his brother.
One day, Bob became curious about what lies inside Mr. McDonald’s abandoned
house. He secretly barged in and found his old master’s luxuries. Golden accessories,
silverware utensils, bundles of bills and a lot more! Bob considered Mr. McDonald’s
house as mansion. As Bob explore the entire house, he was tempted to use everything he
sees. He first saw Mr. McDonald’s suit, and Bob found the garment splendid while
looking himself on the mirror dressed with it. He used the suit as he went to the dining
room trying to find a food for his rumbling stomach. He saw a food cover on the middle
of the round table, opened it, and stuffed turkey on an oblate plate appeared before his
eyes. He quickly tasted the food and considered it as the best food he ate in his entire life.
He looked on his left and saw a clear wine glass, and to his right and saw a bottle half-
filled with rum. He gave it a shot and was amazed with the taste. He drank all the
remaining beer and made himself drunk. He looked for a place to sleep on, so he went to
the bedroom and there he saw a king-sized bed. He jump onto it without hesitation and
slept comfortably. Bob did not noticed the time and just relaxed inside his new home.
Outside the house, the other farm animals were worried about their leader, including
Luke. Hours passed and Bob woke up, wondering about living inside the house forever.
But, the calls of his fellow made him stop thinking about it, made him decide to take off
his suit and going back to the farm. As soon as he went into the barn, the farm sighed
deeply. Luke asked his brother, “Where have you been? We were worried, my brother,”
he said. “I just went to the backyard to check if there are some animals hiding there,”
Bob replied nervously. Luke accepted his brother’s answer with a hug.
The following day, Bob entered for the second time inside Mr. McDonald’s house. He
put on his suit and made things beyond the rules. He again made himself drunk and slept
on the sofa for this time. A while passed and a couple of knocks on the door woke him
up. Bob, still on his drunk state, looked upon the peephole and saw three men each
holding a brief case, and in black suit same as the one he wears. He was shocked and
accidentally opened the door. “Good morning Mr. McDonald, do you want to play poker
this time?” one of the men said with a creepy smile. Bob, had no idea on what is
happening, just nodded to them. “You look different, are you okay?” the other man said.
“Yes,” Bob replied on a deep voice. “Okay, shall we come in?” the last man requested.
Bob let the three men stay inside the house and played with them. Bob used to enjoy this
game and forgot about his responsibilities on the farm. The farm animals were worried
again for their leader and they tried to search everywhere. Doppler, having the capability
to find someone or something by sniffing, detected Bob’s scent inside the house. As soon
as he looked inside the translucent window glass, he just saw four humans. He
immediately got off and went to the barn. He informed Luke about this and the pig
substituted his brother as leader for that time. He told the animals to just stay for the barn
for the mean time until the arrival of his brother.
Many days passed and no sign of Bob’s return. Everyday of their leader’s absence, an
animal or more dies due to extreme starvation. The remaining ones blamed the humans
for their existence for they believed they are the cause of Bob’s absence. However, the
others believed that it is Bob who left them. The two opposing sides battled and end up
killing each other. Luke, while looking upon this gruesome war, he remembered his
father’s last words. That is the time he concluded that Ole Senor was truly right. Luke
later lost his consciousness praying for his brother to come back. However, Bob,
enjoying his game with the three men, still go with the flow of their play. In the end, all
the farm animals ceased to exist, including the kindhearted Luke, in exception to the
greedy Bob.

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