RSA Stage 5 Checklist PDF

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RSA-5 Checkiite (U7) = CHECK LIST ‘ ROAD SAFETY AUDIT STAGES Audit Of Existing Roads Vertical and Horizontal Alignment: * General alignment standard: Check for consistency throughout the route, noteany location where alignment Scandard changes abruptly and is noc as expected by drivers + ‘Sub-standard’ Curves: ~ Kenly any curve witha speed value of more than !Okmih below the 85th Nile “*pProach speed Note any evidence of vehicles running ff the roadway, + Inadequate Sight Distance: ‘Check and record any location with inadequate Stopping Sight Distance. ~ Check and record any location with inadequate Overtaking Sight Distance at which double ines’ have been marked. Cross Section: "Note any lostion where che cross section standard changes abruptly along the oULe,OF Is otherwise inconsistent with driver expectations "enti any cations where the Capaciy ofthe roadway i restricted, Note locations of regular crac congesvon, "Note any absence of provisions procectng'wurning vehicles" at intersections Note any locauons with imdequace Shoulder With Check that the correcs type of Kerb has been used and note any location where Speeds are greater than SOkrnJh and barrier kerb’ has been used ‘Check thatthe cross section provides adequately for the Vulnerable Road Users” © Pedeseranshave paved foorpaths adequate refuge width on median & islands 276 Proper ampe-up and down kerbs.where there is regular pedestrian erathe Bieye Pe s#4reaced areas (24 paved shoes where numbers are significant Mecocyclt segregated lanes (paved shoulders), separate roadways, where warranted by demani [ch of access contol deri any location where che cross section does not allow ‘ihe development of approviate access control ee: Name Soca ‘Sail a i a RSA-S Checklist (2/7) Intersections: + Sight Distances: H ‘ Check chat the various sghe distance requirements, applicable co the trafic speedy are achieved: (Refer to Arahan Teknik Jalan 8/86 and. Reference 3) ‘Approach (Stopping) Sight Distance Encering Sight Distance Safe Incersection Sight Distance (Refer to Figure 7.4) + General Layout Features: Chect ~ Shae the general yout of the intersection caters safely for All Rood Users, (Pedestrian, Bicycles, Motorcycles) i ~ ates byte various ate movement does pout corey | favour the major enc mover | + for any tack of Auiiary (eurning) tunes; for any discontinuity of*Through’ cratic lanes, ~ {GF any instance where through’ vehicles have to change lanes to continue on through an intersection, for the occurrence of Tap lanes, ie. wherea"hrough lanes suddenly marked, oF alfgned, asa lane fer craic turning effa road. 1 I any location where Seagull’ type layouts are used in urban or otherbuile-up! | Posltatiatnwieeeincrnrmancetage tt | Continuous trafic flew movement is not properly catered for; | I | ‘or operations proteme a Roundsboutseg inadequate deflection nd spent ‘ecluction) oftwafieac etry points high chee speeds within thereoeiaoeee imndequace width of nary or eircuaang rondwny oe (tuations where chpneiston nds ar too smal co beens seen by driver sor for peestia retuge or for protecing tafe signs apa nerene road furnicure ~ RE Cartier Kerbs are noc used where walle speeds are likely tobe greater than 50 ler: | Expressway & Other Incerchanges: hugiaes , | Beeincerchanges are ppreintay located (othe important rox popery | ‘paced and sui a logal afc management strategy far the region ‘ i | + dat appropriate and consistent standards of layout geomecry exits at Exit and Encry Ramps RSA. § Chacklise (3/7) Identify locations where the provision of auxiliary lanes is inadequate br o:h.erwise inappropriate, eg where 2 lane exies are not precadeé by at least 300m of auxiliary lane and 2 lane entry ramps re not followed be at least 500m of auxiliary lanes. the’star¢' and’end’ tapers of auxiliary lanes and note any instance where'through’ traffic may lead inadvertencly into auxiliary lanes {or any location where the ramp alignment and length is inconsistent with the speed of traffic entering the ramp, bearing in mind deceleration requirements, and likely queuing of vehicles at the ramp intersection; ay for any deficiency in Sight Distance requirements at Encry and Exit points, ‘Traffic Signal Installations: Chede * ” that waffc signals are provided only where warranted for safe effcienc and equatable management of wafc low along and across arterial roads and for the safe crossing of pedestrians + thae the provision location and spacing of trafic signals svites a sensible traffic management strategy along the route. {+ that any signal installed are operating effectively and eficienty. {+ for any location where there is inadequace signal hardware (signal faces exc) t0 safely concrof the various traffic movernents bearing in mind the need for some | redundency to-cater for fled light globes etc. * that thé signal hardware and phasing provides adequately for pedestrian. Specific sigmal faces and phasing should always be provided for pedestrians in urban and other "built-up" areas * the positioning and vaibiiy of signal faces and record instances where vsbilty of Signals is obscructed by ree foliage, traffic signs etc.or. where approach roadways i are miore than 3 lanes wide, overhead signal faces are not provided. ‘Street Lighting: Check * that street lighting i provided on arterial roads and highways in cities, cowns and ther built-up" areas, particularly where there ire pedestrians and parking along she road: i + thacwhere lighting is installed, it is of an appropriate standard, consistent with the needs of the location, pedestrians and other factors: * density locations where the street lighting poles consitute a hazard to walle. eg ‘on smal islands, noses of medians. on the outside of sharp curves, et: ~ for situations here stret lighting, poles could be eliminated by joint sharing of signal pedestals and electric power poles + tutthe arrangement of street lighes enchances route guidance’.rather than confuse the drivers ability :oseen the direction of the route ahead” RSA 5 Cheeblise (477) ' | eBiecce | | Potiesenng sae i | > Genera aspiectss | | Gea ' | Bry eases of wautoried afc sgn and ute of non-standard sin {sour i and Shape) | * elecaon and neo san nd noc ators where there ee oo many | | SigPS. oF the signs are wo close together: i Hate Werner ae cyt ae Prominent displayed ro the intended | i road users: I | . I | | | * antares trip of teinomasoncn acs hades, | | Smringin mind he sentleiersndche amen narmasoncanaeee | i | * Rigg inc esp conan co mck omen he gb cing | i read by drivers traveling at normal operating speed: t | . metectveness of wale sis by observing them a night and iden ay lek of i relecorisations \ | | + ep of sgn pos ued sd record suo where sign pots consane a | ‘xedroadside hazard or where the use of frangblesign poste choold be considered: | u * forany cases where theresa lack of clearance to walfc signs: I | fray siunions where le Signs cemtsher ara oberg extnt-tne | ‘Of Sight’ for drivers and pedestrian. | Regulatory And warning Signs: | Cheke + atthe appropriate Region Sigs are provided where necessary. Chae + "SacGue and Datong hs en dan on arma ute ape | soveapchae is loge nd et seca sen eas [iy ce ealineett nese ee ea gae = Advance Direction Sigs, i : | Reassurance (Distance) Sas © that these signs .are correctly positioned to allow the rquiced action to be taken j by the incended drivers | . {orimetonces where dere are inconsistencies in Destination Names on contecotve i i faved By cance Mrection signs’ followed by ieersection direction sgme,_ | followed by ‘ve-assurance direction signe: RSA - 5 Checkist (5/7) “seen _ 5 of for any lack of providing Road Names" on Direetion Signs, particularly in urban = areasand Route Numbers’; - l for instances of poor legiblity and poor arrangement of information on signs, ome Pavement Marking: i | | | i i ete che the general adequacy and visibility of pavernent marking, both at night and in wet weather; “Continuity Lines" at merge and diverge sections, ‘Double (barrier) Lines where I | * that the correct type of ine marking has been used in the various situations, eg. | % : overtaking is to be prohibited, ete 1 “Trap Lanes; for any discontinuities in ‘through traffic lane" marking and the existence of any y t * _ forany deficiency in the delineation of Merge and Diverge areas. including siwations ‘where through® traffic may inadvertently lead into auxiliary and turn lanes: i for locations where is a lack of'Hazard Marking’ at approach ends of iilands and medians exc: for locations where auxiliary tum lanes’ have been designated with the appropriate Pavement arrows and locations where the wrong typeof arrow has been used | for locations where pavement arrows and other markings are confusing to drivers, Partevlarly where ‘old incorrect’ marking have not been properly removed: |= aus poskioning of Sop Lines and olting” Uns ae appropri i the justification for any “Yellow Bar" marking and record locations where it is inappropriately used. (Such markings should be rarely used) the effectiveness of road markings at night and in wee weather, consider the need {for Retro-reflective Pavement Markers (Road Studs) to supplement line and hazard ‘markiogs, Identify inadequate provision of these devices and in the use of non i standard arrangements of them, the Car ZoneWidth' (CZW) generally available along both sides of the rond.and } Comment on this aspect he RSA repore H + the Fixed Roadside Objects’ which occur within the CZW and comment on the ‘need to treat them in the interests of road safety. ¢he provtion of Guardral along the road: consider whether iis rely used and . int focatons where i nok juried and locations where fe hz nec Been | ef provided where it is warranted: : thatthe correct treatment has been applied co the ends of Guardrail sections. this ichides"soft’ end creatments, end ancher approach end Maing: i for the adequacy of Benlge Railing’ syscoms on all bidges. Take particualar note of Jeilialiner eileen teliietitl ert oe oo tee tid aks ieee Ro strong anchorage ofthe approach guardrall to the bridge railing system andlor serrasPer eransition ofthe tigty of flexible or semi-rigid appromes vardral asic pproaches and meets the rigid bridge railings 7 i ‘ % i che f poles of id i o q 1 i i "tr the ends of Median farirs are properly weated to reduce the severity of Poe callsions.Wenity the need for “crash eushions” or eohee “impact attenuation’ devices: "She extent (0 which tree and other vegetation obstructs driver and Pedestrian Sthclines which are essential for safe trafic operation Ge nay Of them can be removed, relocated to less hazardone Positions, or (in che case of street lighting poles) made ‘rangbl’ "Se degree of hazard associted with large trees, boulders etc, and whether chase «an be treated to improve roadside safecy. General Traffic Management leems: Check: © meee bes treme cla Riereptineamhcaipei * PRedegree of safety afforded w pedestrians particulary schoolchildren and record ‘ovances where there isa eed for special provisions a be mades © De adequacy and credibiliy of exiting Speed Limits and comment if they are noe Sthereiee engine {raf stution and the nacure of abusing developmen, ire otherwise unrealistic in the view of most iotorist: "Be effectiveness of Speed Lim sing: consider the need for more prominent Saring ofthe start of restictad’ speed zones and for'remindee Signs’ within che | fpeed zone, parvicularly near inersections where large numbers vehicles entar the road in question from side ross: t : i ee oy = = = 2 3 |” SRatRBie of Overakingcppenues slong the roucats whole and commeg | te en PHIE teed int at rope erede ite 7 ee cece ic i ‘oads particularly where cafe fons ae high n hill eae * Cotstler the need for Resc Actas and other Roadside Stopping Places eg. « pisces wg aeePOints wayside picnic areas ete, and note any curren ea press whore vehicles stop and te degree of hazard tn thr aoe q RSA - 5 Checklie (7/7) : | | | | the existence of reaésie stalls and other roadside business actviy within the Right of Way’ of the road, comment on the relave safety of this and the possible need for forsnal parking arrangements, and other regulatory controls; the Safety of Bus Stop locations and the provisions for buses to stand clear of traffic anes.Also the need for a sereet light at these locations forthe security and safety of bus patrons: {or any special problems and requirements that may be necessary to improve safety Goring Festive Season’ and Holiday Periods, when trafic demands are heavy and ‘most drivers are relatively unfamiliar with the road.

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