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Curriculum Item Redo Pass Credit Black Sash

60% to 69% 70% to 79% 80% to 89% 90% to ∞


1. 10 Tons of Push-ups (10t divided by your Weight) ........................... ____ ____ ____

2. 10 Five Finger Claw Push-ups ............................................... ____ ____ ____

Kung Fu Basics

3. Stances & Stepping

Natural, Guard, Dragon, Snake, Broken Dragon, 3/4....... ____ ____ ____

Horse (10 min)......................................................................... ____ ____ ____

Unicorn Stepping, Unicorn leaping ....................................... ____ ____ ____

4. Body Checking/Jamming ....................................................... ____ ____ ____

5. Punch Straight, Square, Iron Palm....................................... ____ ____ ____

6. Kicks Front Dragon and Eagle (Jumping) ........................... ____ ____ ____

7. Form Shaolin 5 Animal The Lesser...................................... ____ ____ ____

Shaolin Tiger Kung Fu

8. The No 1 Tiger Claw ............................................................... ____ ____ ____

9. The No 2 Claw Eagle .............................................................. ____ ____ ____

10. The No 3 Claw Phoenix Shredding ....................................... ____ ____ ____

11. The No 4 Claw Crabs Teaching ............................................ ____ ____ ____

12. The No 5 Claw, Lions Maul.................................................... ____ ____ ____

13. The No 6 Claw Tigers Iron Manacles .................................. ____ ____ ____

14. Kick Tiger Tail.......................................................................... ____ ____ ____

Tiger Flow

15. System of Tiger Claws ......................................................... ____ ____ ____

16. Form Hunting Tiger................................................................ ____ ____ ____

17. Assig. 2000+ Words On a Animal/Tiger Style/Event....... ____ ____ ____

Shaolin Kung Fu Academy Australia Copyright Sijo Robert Z

Members Name

Tiger Kung Fu

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