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Fighting for Our Future

Chairmans Corner Featured Inside

With November fast Jeremy Hagen talks

approaching, the Republican about the Field Rep
hiring process
Party is making gains across the
Page 2
board—and especially among
young voters. Just over a year Terence Grado talks
since President Obama took 68% College Republican
of the youth vote, studies are
Page 3
showing that young voters are
disenchanted with the President
and the Democrats in Congress Rudy Perciful recaps
and they’re looking for a change. 
Page 4
There is only one organization in
the country that is working to
take advantage and accelerate this
Chandler Harris presents
momentum: the College a case study.
Republican National Committee.   Page 5

In August, the College Republican

Zach Howell
National Committee will deploy a Michael
National Chairman Antonopoulos gives
staff of 25 highly trained, well
an update from the
qualified field representatives to West.
key states and races across the nation. These field staff will recruit Page 6
new College Republicans, strengthen existing chapters and train
college-age volunteers so they can be mobilized on behalf of
John Kleinhans gives
Republican candidates.   an update from the
With enthusiasm among young Conservatives as high as ever, the Pages 7
College Republican National Committee will play a vital role in
winning key races all over the country this Fall, while winning the Brandon Greife
next generation over to our shared Conservative values. Your highlights the shift in
support has been vital to our efforts in the past, and your youth feelings.
continued support is vital to our efforts in the future. Thank you Pages 7

for your investment in the Party’s present, and future, success.!!

Finance Director
Zach can be reaached via email at zhowe" Tierra Warren asks
for your support.
Page 11

! PAGE 1


A lot depends on the success of Operation Advancing Freedom, which
is the College Republicans’ 2010 political plan.

Choosing the right target states, the best strategy and the correct
message – and while all of that is important, perhaps most important
to the success of Operation Advancing Freedom is picking the right
people to be a part of it.

Trying to find the right people to be Operation Advancing Freedom

Field Representatives has been my biggest job of late, and I’d like to
briefly update you on our progress.

So far, we have collected several hundred resumes for the position by

advertising on Facebook, attending job fairs, emailing our 200,000
members and placing the application on the website.
Jeremy Hagen
After reviewing all those resumes, I began setting up interviews for
Executive Director
applicants that I felt were extremely qualified – applicants that based
on their resumes were hard-working, resourceful and dedicated leaders
who were committed to the conservative cause and electing Republican candidates. And to be a
part of an ambitious program, like Operation Advancing Freedom, they are going to need to be
hard-working, resourceful and dedicated.

In 2010, the College Republicans’ Operation Advancing Freedom Field Representatives will recruit,
train, mobilize and engage more than 27,000 college students who will volunteer more than 42,000
hours and make more than 1,400,000 million phone calls in support of Republican candidates and
causes. It won’t be easy to hit lofty numbers like those, but with a little bit of grit and
determination, and your support, we can do it!

During those interviews I was able to talk with hundreds of College Republicans from across the
country, all of which had one thing in common: they were applying so that the could make a
difference, so that they could make an impact because they don’t like where their country is going –
they see a less prosperous future than their parents.

This is hopeful because making a difference for the future, both for ourselves and for our country, is
what Operation Advancing Freedom is all about; and if we choose the right people, I have no doubt
that this will be the most impactful program and election the College Republicans have ever seen!

Jeremy can be reaached via email at

! PAGE 2


The Southern Republican Leadership Conference, a quadrennial
convention, was held in New Orleans, Louisiana from April 9 – 11. 
The conference featured guest speakers such as Michael Steele,
Governor Bobby Jindal, Sarah Palin, and Former Congressman Ron
Paul. The conference was heavily attended by political activist and
included dozens of College Republicans from around the Southern
United States.

The SRLC was a chance for College Republican National

Committee to meet with several State and Chapter Chairs from
across the country. Several meetings between the CRNC and the
new State Chairman of Georgia, Andrew Laarhoven, occurred
where Mr. Laarhoven discussed his plans for the upcoming election
year and other topics including the CRNC Field Program,
fundraising activities and mobilization of students for the
November election.
Rudy Perciful
Southern Regional Vice ChairIn addition to the numerous meetings encounters with State
Chairs, the College Republican National Committee met with
political advisors from the Republican Governors Association and
Governor Tim Pawlenty’s campaign; to discuss the upcoming election season. With the thirty-
seven states having gubernatorial elections this fall, the College Republican National Committee is
determining where to send field representatives to provide the most cost efficient support for the
state and local College Republican Chapters.

When the CRNC wasn’t attending the conference, meeting with State Chairs and Campaign staff,
they took a brief tour of New Orleans to see the rebuilding first-hand. Many board members were
shocked to see that so much devastation is still in place from Hurricane Katrina. The board also
took part in the New Orleans French Quarter festival, where they ate local cuisine heard music
ranging from Jazz to Zydeco.

The Southern Republican Leadership Conference provided the opportunity for the College
Republican National Committee to meet with several State Chairpersons, see fantastic speaks,
network with political operatives to discuss important details on the upcoming election cycle but
most importantly, meet other College Republicans, who are on the ground every election season to
ensure that Republican Candidates with local, state and federal elections.

-Rudy can be reached via email at

! PAGE 3

Earlier this month, Republican elected officials, pundits,
activists, and College Republicans alike traveled to New Orleans
for the Southern Republican Leadership Conference (SRLC). At
the event, many GOP notables spoke about the state of our
nation and party. Presidential hopefuls campaigned for the minds
and hearts of the attendees, and conservative groups promoted
their organization and its goals.

As a College Republican, I was in the thick of it all. But while

listening to speeches and walking around the exhibit hall are fun,
the most worthwhile aspect of conferences like the SRLC is the
networking opportunities they provide. 

For example, while I was in Louisiana, I met a fellow College

Republican from Georgia. There, she told me about some of the
events her chapter did. Hearing the successes she had, it gave me
Terence Grado some ideas I could bring back to my state of New Jersey.
And this is exactly why it is important for College Republicans
across the country to attend events like the SRLC and the
Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC). As a national organization, we do not get that
many opportunities to come together as a group, but when we do, they should be utilized. Great
ideas can be shared and new ones can come to fruition. Relationships amongst states can blossom
into something prosperous. And overall, the camaraderie that develops only helps our efforts
towards advancing the Republican Party. One can make some of their greatest political connections
and friendships through national Republican/conservative conferences. 

Thankfully, many College Republicans realize this. Both the SRLC and CPAC were well attended
by College Republicans. In fact, CPAC is known for its majority of attendees being conservative
students– many of which are College Republicans. Of the 10,000 people who attended this past
February, 60% were college students.

Because of this, the College Republican National Committee always makes sure to have a presence
at national Republican/conservative conferences. At this year’s CPAC, we put on a variety of
programming aimed at bringing College Republicans together and to improve our chances at
success as an organization. We held an event to unveil our 2010 political plan, had a panel of GOP
operatives designed to promote careers in Republican politics, and had a vibrant and interactive
booth in the exhibit hall. Likewise, at the SRLC, our presence was visible. 

So the next time you hear about an upcoming conference and you are wondering whether or not to
attend, take it from me, you should. Or, if you are wondering if there will be a College Republican
presence, I guarantee you there will be. You will not want to miss out.

-Terence can be reached via email at

! PAGE 4


When young conservatives across the country need a model for
involvement in political campaigns, look no further than CR’s in
the state of Alabama. There are several current College
Republicans and former College Republicans involved in an
advisory or staff capacity in every statewide race in the state of
Alabama. While we are proud to boast such a strong presence
statewide, the real question is why are more and more
campaigns relying increasingly more on College Republicans to
manage and advise their campaigns?

In an age where the liberal campus elite try to marginalize

conservative activism on campus, CR’s in Alabama have not
only fought back, but are winning the fight on our campuses.
From Huntsville to Mobile, College Republicans across the
state of Alabama are loud and proud on their campuses and
have been for quite some time. Interestingly enough, some
might think that because we are in the heart of the South that
liberalism on our campuses is not nearly as a big of a problem as
Chandler Harris it would be in say, Connecticut. This is not the case. College
Secretary Republicans in Alabama have met the same roadblocks and deal
with the same problems as CR’s across the country. No one
understands the challenges in front of us more than today’s
college graduates that are going to be paying for today’s reckless spending and misguided foreign
policy. However, the students running today’s College Republican chapters put their feet on the
ground every morning ever more inspired to get out there and continue to fight the good fight. It
is for this reason that Alabama College Republicans are so effective and in such high demand for
campaign jobs and staff positions. We provide a fresh look, a new approach to a political scene in
America that literally changes by the minute.

This party is about to embark on a path that will set the tone of Republican politics for the next
generation, which is why it is so vitally important that young people continue to immerse
themselves in the politics of today. To know and understand today’s problems and their long-run
effects are going to better help us attack these problems in the future. Additionally, today’s College
Republicans are one day going to be the voice of not only young conservatives, but our leaders and
the voice of ALL Conservatives. Alabama College Republicans understand the challenges ahead
and have already taken the reins. It’s time Republicans get ready for the ride.

- Chandler can be reached via email at He also is the former Chairman of the Alabama
Co"ege Republicans.

! PAGE 5


With the republican upswing of 2010 on the horizon, College
Republican clubs have never been stronger and more active.  
Throughout the West, CRs have been motivated through a
passion for a revived republican party.  Every State Federation
has reported that they are increasing the number of College
Republican clubs and have a surge of new recruits, ready and
willing to fight the liberalism spewed on our campuses.  In the
state of Arizona all eight major universities now have CR clubs,
and Montana has doubled the number of clubs in their state as
With recruitment and energy at an all time high, College
Republican leaders in the West have been launching creative new
programs to help advance the conservative movement. In Alaska,
the College Republicans across the state went to elementary
schools to teach young people about Constitution Day.  In
Washington, the different clubs would bring newer recruits to
view conservative films to help equip them with more tools for
Michael Antonopoulos, Western
Regional Vice Chair battling liberals on campus.
Along with holding statewide events College Republicans often turn to figures of the National
Conservative Movement to motivate their members. The Arizona College Republicans brought
Karl Rove to speak to their members, while CRs in Oregon brought conservative activist and talk
radio host Lars Larson to Oregon State University to speak to their members during Second
Amendment Week.  
Another bedrock of College Republicans is their involvement in helping elect republicans to office.  
In Utah, the College Republicans held phone banks to call into the state of Virginia to support Bob
McDonnell in his successful campaign for Governor.  In California, the College Republicans held
two Get-Out-the-Vote efforts for special elections, bringing over 60 College Republicans to each.  
Nearly every state in the West held a 9/11 memorial, and in Colorado every CR club in the state
placed three thousand American flags on their campus to remember the life’s lost that day.

- Michael can be reached via email at He also is the Chairman of the California Co"ege

! PAGE 6


From Maine to Maryland, state federations of College Republicans
have lived up to their name as being the “Best Party on Campus”. 
Students in what was known as a liberal haven in Massachusetts
have been on the front lines of one of the major victories in the
history of the Republican Party.  

Hundreds of College Republicans were proud to stand behind

their under-dog candidate Scott Brown in victory this past January.
Throughout the election most political commentators deemed the
seat unwinnable by any Republican candidate. However, College
Republicans held multiple phone drives and events to bring out
the youth vote and turn the election upside down. This was also
seen this past November in New Jersey where College Republicans
were a major force in helping to elect Chris Christie as their

These efforts have given new hope to other states where it was
once seen as a joke to run as a Republican. The enthusiasm level,
and increased numbers at state conventions across the Northeast
John Kleinhans, Northeast have never been so good. There is a renewed force in this country
Regional Vice Chair for the Republican Party and it is coming from the youth in the
Northeast.  Over a hundred students gathered at Babson
College this past April to attend the Massachusetts Alliance of College Republicans convention.
Many of the major candidates for state wide office lined up to speak in front of these students
because they knew in order for victory in November, they would need the youth base. We saw these
same results happening in Connecticut, Maryland, and DC where numerous college students
gathered to prepare for Victory in November.

This is our chance as College Republicans to make a difference in the 2010 elections. I’ve lived in
the Northeast my entire life and have never seen the youth so enthused to go out and elect
Republicans into office. This is the year when the youth no longer just stand back and let our liberal
peers advance their agenda. Numerous students who have never been involved in politics are
stepping off the sidelines and joining the College Republicans. State Conventions will continue into
the upcoming months, and I can assure you that the same enthusiasm and excitement will be seen
in each state.  

-John can be reached via email at

! PAGE 7


You can leave a legacy, but you can’t always decide what it will be.
Democrats, in passing the most sweeping health care legislation
in decades, will certainly leave a mark in the history books. But
to the voting public that mark may look more like a scar.

A new Gallup poll out today finds that passing health care
reform has already put them on the wrong side of history.
According to Gallup,

“Registered voters now say they prefer the Republican to the

Democratic candidate in their district by 44% in the midterm
congressional elections, the first time the GOP has led in 2010
election preferences since Gallup began weekly tracking of these
in March.”

Brandon Greife
Political Director

Moreover, as a USA Today story shows,

“The favorable rating for the Democratic Party has fallen to its lowest level since Gallup began
asking the question in 1992 – its standing has dropped 14 percentage points since President
Obama’s election.”

! PAGE 8

This all comes as bad news for Democrats in an election year. Bad enough that Stan Greenberg,
former pollster to President Clinton, said recently that “[i]f the elections were held now, we’d have
a change election; we’d have a 1994.” For those of us who were too busy watching Doug or Teenage
Mutant Ninja Turtles in the early 90s to pay attention to national politics – 1994 was the
Republican Revolution; the year the Republican Party picked up 8 seats in the Senate and 54 seats
in the House of Representatives.

The problem for Democrats is that the voting public viewed 2008 as the “change election.” Barack
Obama rode the message of change into the White House. People who had been fed up with the
direction of the country for the previous eight years were ready to believe him. Polls suggest he has
done little to suggest he, or Democrats in general, have won them over. After all, the latest Gallup
poll also shows that a record low 28% say most members of Congress deserve re-election. Holding
strong majorities in both houses, the barrel of anti-government backlash is pointed directly at

If a “change” election is coming Republicans must be ready and capable of becoming the change
people are looking for. Democrats were under the illusion that change was simply funneling more
taxpayer money into government entitlements. But this was a fundamental misreading of what
people wanted. They wanted a retrenchment in government power. They wanted a less aloof
government that was willing to listen to their concerns. They wanted a focus on transparency of
process. They haven’t gotten any of that. Instead they feel the government has expanded its reach
into their lives, ignored their concerns about the economy by focusing completely on health care,
and abused the democratic process to pass an agenda.

However the Republicans are still having trouble winning back the trust of voters. The same poll
shows that GOP is only slightly ahead of the Democrats. Nonetheless the political wins have to
seem to favoring the sails of the GOP as the elections results of Virginia, Massachusetts, and New
Jersey have shown. The GOP should its focus its efforts on keeping on the attack while at the same
time continue to offer policy proposals that will improve the lives of everyday Americans just as
they attempted to do on Healthcare reform.

Republicans haven’t been a model party in the recent past either. But it appears the pubic is willing
to give them another chance. It will be their job not to blow it.

-Brandon can be reached via email at

! PAGE 9

TORTOR VEL CONSEQUAT eros wisi facilisis. Consectetuer conubia leo nulla ac nibh, purus
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ligula imperdiet. Lorem ipsum magna erat felis wisi a risus. Justo eget viverra ante. Natoque placerat
dolor sit amet, ligula suspendisse fermentum id. sed sit hendrerit, dapibus velit
nulla pretium, rhoncus tempor Malesuada eleifend, tortor molestiae leo a, ut lorem sit et
placerat fermentum, enim integer molestie, a fusce a vel et. Mauris at lacus aliquam. Sodales nulla ante
ad vestibulum volutpat. Nisl suspendisse, neque aliquam auctor excepturi wisi, dolor lacinia
rhoncus turpis est, vel elit, congue faucibus adipiscing, vivamus in. dignissim eros condimentum dis
wisi enim nunc ultricies sit, magna Wisi mattis leo suscipit nec amet, pellentesque, sodales lacus nunc,
tincidunt. Maecenas aliquam nisl fermentum tempor ac a, augue feugiat at. In orci ligula suscipit
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dolor netus non dui aliquet, sodales suspendisse mauris quam sed nisl lacus tempus.
sagittis felis sodales, dolor sociis etiam erat, quia tellus convallis Ut facilisis ante in dui ac
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elementum est, ipsum purus pede nisl arcu vitae laoreet. Morbi amet urna tempor amet sit. Cras
porttitor class, ut adipiscing, integer molestie, amet gravida volutpat mattis phasellus justo
aliquet sed auctor, imperdiet arcu suspendisse morbi, amet massa sed, odio feugiat gravida
per diam dapibus libero duis. maecenas, a maecenas mauris nunc praesent. Quam ac ligula
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Ac dolor ac adipiscing amet eget primis vehicula velit phasellus phasellus facilisis.
bibendum nullam, massa lacus lectus, vestibulum orci laoreet Vehicula sed, class dignissim
molestie ut libero nec, diam et, inceptos vitae, at consectetuer ullamcorper eros, mauris
pharetra sodales eget, feugiat amet et consectetuer. Congue consequat ut lacinia. Aliquam
ullamcorper id tempor eget id porta scelerisque praesent at, lacus amet est, quam leo maecenas
vitae. Mauris pretium eget aliquet, vestibulum et at dignissim cras mauris turpis leo pharetra,
lectus tincidunt. Porttitor mollis urna, ante convallis turpis duis vulputate lacus. Ad ornare donec,
imperdiet libero senectus pulvinar. lectus sed aliquet, at tempus et fringilla feugiat augue imperdiet
Etiam molestie mauris ligula eget ultricies. Eros sociis cursus nec laoreet, ipsum enim sit lectus felis
laoreet, vehicula eleifend. Repellat hymenaeos dignissimos imperdiet, at, aliquam blandit donec pede,
orci eget erat et, sem cum, luctus ac eros sed massa luctus platea etiam mauris ut. Dui
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leo ac. Varius natoque turpis libero felis. pellentesque tellus nullam nibh,
elementum est. Duis montes, Donec arcu risus diam amet morbi posuere. Tortor vel
tellus lobortis lacus amet arcu et. sit. Congue tortor cursus risus consequat nibh risus dignissim
In vitae vel, wisi at, id praesent vestibulum commodo nisl, luctus vitae pede hasellus.
bibendum libero faucibus porta augue amet quis aenean maecenas Ac dolor ac adipiscing amet
egestas, quisque praesent ipsum sit, donec velit iusto, morbi felis bibendum nullam, massa lacus
fermentum placerat tempor. elit et nibh. Vestibulum volutpat molestie ut libero nec, diam et,
Curabitur auctor, erat mollis sed dui lacus consectetuer, mauris at pharetra sodales eget, feugiat
fusce, turpis vivamus a dictumst suspendisse, eu wisi rhoncus eget ullamcorper id tempor eget id
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ullamcorper dignissim molestie, sit. Sociosqu netus semper aenean lectus tincidunt. Porttitor mollis.
gravida mollis. Tortor vitae tortor suspendisse dictum, arcu enim

! PAGE 10


College Republicans are on the verge of making a significant impact on
the midterm election. The time is now to put this nation on back on the
right track. To seize the momentum during this unprecedented
opportunity, College Republicans are preparing to implement our 2010
field plan. The program will send 25 sta! into strategically targeted areas
to win back the majority in the House and Senate and lay a lasting base
to work towards the key 2012 presidential elections. Through our
grassroots e!ort we will recruit more than 27,000 new College
Republicans, identify and mobilize nearly 9,000 volunteers, and make
more than 1.5 million direct voter contacts. The Democrats’ house of
cards is tumbling down. It is now up to us to build something stronger in
its place.

Our 25 person field program is projected to cost approximately a half

million dollars and the College Republicans need your support to make
it happen. Although the field program comes at a great cost, we have
proven, time and time again, why we are the best investment in
Republican politics. We were there for Governor Bob McDonnell in
Virginia, Governor Chris Christie in New Jersey, and again in
Massachusetts for Senator Scott Brown. We will be there again in
Tierra Warren November helping candidates win the races we should have won in
Finance Director 2006 and 2008. We are your best political investment because 100% of
the money you donate, goes directly into our programs that make the
dedicated efforts to target youth voters through sophisticated grassroots field operations, online
messaging, and activism. The College Republican National Committee has the history behind it to
ensure stability, and the type of membership that allows for powerful grassroots mobilization.

Help us make this field plan a reality with a donation today. We are asking you for $250, $500,
$1,000, $5,000 or whatever you can afford, to put towards the programs outlined in the previous
pages. It is necessary to invest in the youth of our party more than we ever have before if we want to
continue winning in 2010. Your tremendous investment will ensure our success in the upcoming
elections. There is no better time than now to invest in the future of the party.

Thank you in advance for your support. -Tierra

-Tierra can be reached via email at

! PAGE 11
600 Pennsylvania Ave SE
Ste. 215
Washington, DC 20003
Office: 202.608.1411
Fax: 202.608.1429

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