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Manajemen Sistem dan Aplikasi

Semester I 2018/2019

Application Management:
Concept and Definition
Rencana Pembelajaran Minggu #2
• Kemampuan Akhir yang Diharapkan
 Mahasiswa dapat menjelaskan pengertian Application
Management (C1)
• Bahan Kajian
 Application Management Concept and Definition
• Bentuk Pembelajaran
 Discovery Learning
• Waktu Belajar
 3 x 170 menit
• Pengalaman Belajar Mahasiswa
 Melakukan studi pustaka

Application Management (AM)
• Application management (AM) is the process
of managing the operation, maintenance,
versioning and upgrading of an application
throughout its lifecycle.
• AM includes best practices, techniques and
procedures essential to a deployed
application's optimal operation, performance
and efficiency throughout the enterprise and
back-end IT infrastructure.

Application Management (AM)
• Application management provides a wide variety of
application services, processes and methodologies
for maintaining, enhancing and managing custom
applications, packaged software applications, or
network-delivered applications.
• Application management (AM) is an enterprise wide
IT governance approach geared toward providing an
optimal application performance benchmark for
organizations while incorporating business and IT
segments, each with diverse AM objectives.

ITIL Application Management
• ITIL Application Management is defined as a
superset of application development and
service management.
• ITIL Application Management describes a set
of best practices required to manage and
improve applications through their life-cycle.
 This function supports and maintains operational
applications and as well as helps in the designing,
testing and improving the quality of applications.

ITIL Application Management
• The primary purpose of ITIL Application
Management is to provide support for the
development and maintenance of
applications viewed from the perspective of IT
Service Management.
• The primary objective of ITIL Application
Management Function is to manage and
improve applications throughout their

ITIL Application Management
Life-Cycle Activities

ITIL Application Management
Life-Cycle Activities
• Requirements
 In this first phase, IT works with the business units
to identify the functional and business process
requirements for the change or new application.
 During this process, initial service level
requirements will be identified and prioritized.

ITIL Application Management
Life-Cycle Activities
• Design
 During design, the application team translates the
requirements into a technical solution.
 IT infrastructure planners typically get involved in
this step to ensures that IT infrastructure
resources are available to support ongoing
operations of the new application.
 At this point, a Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)
study is performed to identify development and
ongoing support costs.

ITIL Application Management
Life-Cycle Activities
• Build
 This is the development phase to produce both
the actual application and the operational model.
 In this stage, the Application components are
coded, integrated and tested. Any customization
that is required is done during this phase.
 Once final quality testing has been completed,
management needs to sign-off. Only then will the
new functions to be introduced into the
production environment.

ITIL Application Management
Life-Cycle Activities
• Deploy
 The deploy phase covers the roll-out of the new
 Both the operational model and the application
are released and deployed into live operation.
 This is the phase where this function interacts
with Release and Deployment Management

ITIL Application Management
Life-Cycle Activities
• Operate
 This stage is the actual operational stage of the
Application, where the real users start to use the
 Here the application's service quality is measured
by its overall performance and key points are
noted for the purpose of service improvement.

ITIL Application Management
Life-Cycle Activities
• Optimize
 This stage analyzes the results of the Service Level
performance measured in "Operate" stage, and
improvement actions are planned.
 If required it again transfers the control to the
“Define” or “Design” stage for working on
improvement plans.

Key AM Stakeholders
• Application Owners
 Key business executive personnel that view AM in terms
of business productivity, revenue and control.
• Application Developers/Managers
 Key IT enterprise personnel responsible for application
development, deployment and maintenance.
• Application Users
 For this group, AM is measured according to security,
privacy, versioning, and overall control of application
processes and modules.

Application Management Process
• AM processes include:
 Application Lifecycle Management (ALM)
 Application Portfolio Management (APM)
 Application Performance Management (APM)


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