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Assignment No. 1 Learning Resources

The Importance of the Prepared Learning Resource Materials (LRs)

The first page of learning materials material was for designed for Elementary level. I
found those ten (10) articles to be appropriate in the age and context of young children (pupils).
The items that I included were articles 1,2,3,4,13,15,18,21,25 and 26.

The first one is the fundamental right of every unborn child to be born free and to enjoy
equal dignity and right. This will result to the spirit of brotherhood. The second is the right for
freedom regardless of kind, such as race, colour, sex language, religion..opinion, national and
social origin, property, birth and other status. The third one is the right for life, liberty and
security. Since they were brought out into life as young individual due to their vulnerability they
must be protected and properly taken care of. The fourth one is the right against slavery or
servitude, and slave trade. No individual must be sold and be bought to be enslaved of
somebody. The fifth right which I included is the right to freedom of movement and residence…
to leave the country, including his own and to returns his country. It was emphasized that
children can travel with their parents wherever they want to go and the right also of safe return.

Another right in the inclusion is the right to nationality. Each child must have identified
nationality as part of his identity based from existing laws. His nationality will serve as his
identity mark wherever he may go in the future. Another right to be discussed with the pupil is
the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion. Although they are only young they must
be allowed to manifest his religion or belief…practice, worship and observance of his religious

In addition, the last three (3) rights included for elementary were focused on the right to
equal access to public service in the country. This may include the right to free access to
available medication or hospitalization during illness, the right to avail free medical services like
tooth extraction, vaccination and other health services being served by the government. Children
have equal rights and enjoy the same protection whether they were born in or out of wedlock.
Children should not be discriminated whatever is the marital status of his parents was. In the
Philippine setting, illegitimate child have equal right in terms of inheritance along the legitimate
siblings. The last right in the inclusion for elementary was the right to free education. Children
must be aware of this important right so that despite of whatever economic status they belong,
these young individuals must be sent to school to be readers and numerates. They are the hope of
the nation in the future so they must be taught properly. They must receive proper education
from the competent educators. They must be given relevant education for them to be truly
productive and self-reliant citizens of the nation. Those rights are appropriate within the level
of their age, understanding and present contribution in the society. If they will be fully-aware of
these rights there is big chance that in the future they will also be protectors and givers of those
rights comes the next generation of young children.

The second page of LR is for Secondary level. This material replaces articles 3, 13 and 21
by articles 12, 27 and 29 as I found these articles appropriate to secondary students since they
already belong to teenage years. Under Article 12, they should not be subjected to arbitrary
interference with privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to attack upon one’s honor and
reputation. Since they are in the adolescence period, some of them indulged in relationship with
opposite sex, they must be protected and no one should put their dignity and reputation in
question most especially the young females. Article 27 was also included, since participation in
the cultural life in the community and enjoying the arts and sharing in scientific advancement
might bring the production of scientific, literary as well as artistry and will help toward potential
development of the teenage as individual.

The last right in the inclusion for secondary is the right for participate and do their duties
to the community to fully develop their personality as possible. They must be allowed to
socialize with other members of the community and collaborate with them. There might be a lot
of learning leading to personality development if they will be integrated in the social
environment they live in.

These materials shall still needs to be enriched by the teacher who will use this by
integrating more real life experiences which are prevalent during the time of discussion.

Note: The pictures used in the LRs have no copyright and can freely be downloaded in the

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