26-RDTA66 - 26-FDTA66 - Test - Report (L0699)

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China Electric Power Research Institute Quality Inspection and Test Center for Electric Equipment of Power Industry aa CEPRI EETC2015BL037J) ae 20130007 11D a w CNAS L0639 Test Report ele a ae Address: NO. 143,Luoyu Road, Hongshan District, Wuhan, Hubei Province. Postcode: 430074 Tel: 400-656-5689 Fax: 86-27-59378488 Website:http://www.china-qitc.com.cn http://www.epri.sgcc.com.cn China Electric Power Research Institute Quality Inspection and Test Center for Electric Equipment of Power Industry Test Report EETC2015B.037/ 1 Client Shanghai Chardon electric 2. Sample Description Name: Separabie Connect “Type : 26-RDTAG6/26-FDTF " Manufacturer: Shanghai Chardon eleetrié| Lie ‘Sample NoJ/Details: complete aresterS7(A1~A7) resistors: 9 (R1~R9) sections of arrester:6 (S1~S6) housings:3 (H1~H3) 3. Standardy/Specifications GB11032-2010 Metaloxide surge amesters without gaps for a.c. systems 4. Test Category ‘Type Test 5 Test Date o1/12/2014~06/02/2015 6 Conclusion i ‘The Separable connectors 26kV/66KV cot ge arrester without gaps for 20KV a.c. systems of 26-RDTAG6/26-FDTABS have suocesstully fied in GB11032-2010. Chinese report shal take precedence over the English version, ‘Note 2: Sinoe the date of issuance, the routine three years in order to extend the vakdty of ths report reuin By S| Bae Checked | Vette Appr: Sie Dateofissue: ___ eTconcems about the related content must be done every hpZivww.china-qite.com.en; hitp://wwweepri-sgec.com.cn Page 1 of 15 7 Inspection Items and Results Na tens Roinrons Reals yahiion 1 | Dereon stage STORY 1808 fr 605 ~ Aan Benne emi 5 s Z eae | smctthevaluson esis ns peel Dice a oy Irsuion fein oo 8 Lienine 1H voluge | PASS raters Fitming impuige votase : 12540. the | es postiveand cin. ay <06kv os5kv Resid = 9 | votige en 7 - On iN, eee Sepanbi Copinger Bay om | HOONEECRELT Fig2: Dimensional drawing of 26-RDTAG626-FDTAG6 hitp2//www.china-qite.com.cn; http://w www.epri,sgce.com.cn Page 15 of 15,

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