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Study the Nouns and write in the brackets:

Pp for Nouns of People

A for Nouns of Animals
T for Nouns of Things
PI for Nouns of Places

lion A brinjal hawker

teacher church canteen
stick park garden
snake beggar rat
Azman bull lady
kitchen button library
home daughter cheese
plumber corner sea lion
compass mug crocodile
paint waiter shelf
niece alphabet nursery
dew madam mayonnaise
garage microphone athlete
shopkeeper news dentist
temple beggar Eurasian
Malaysian leopard mouse deer
camera garden house compound
site office waitress
tray river rhinoceros
deer beef dining hall
bowl bear car park
salt maid mansion
uncle harbor chauffeur
son town chain
butter madam igloo
lawyer balcony relatives
blood bedroom minister
pot chocolate cottage
thief juice florist
yeast judge hut
rope cherry drawer
horse ox rest house
cobra poison cup
mosque gangster shirt
Nouns of People
Fill in the columns with as many words as you can.
No. Family Occupations Races
1. father doctor Malay

Nouns of People
Fill in the columns with as many words as you can.
No. Things in a house Things in a school Things in a street
1. table chair road bumper

Nouns of Places
Fill in the columns with as many words as you can.
No. Places in a house Places in a school Places in a town/ village
1. kitchen classroom post office
Nouns of Animals
Fill in the columns with as many words as you can.
No. Tame Animals Wild Animals Domestic Animals
1. cat lion hen
Singular and Plural Nouns

Write SN for singular nouns and PN for Plural Nouns.

he SN apple language
they lions Malaysians
bushes groups furniture
children geese chicks
colour broaches vegetables
marbles button cubes
patients mixture ice cube
church trip teeth
mosque ice balls goose
temples termites child
mouse seed feet
lice vehicle pieces
pedestrians leaves boxes
mice garage brain
tooth prefects songs

Write SN for Singular Nouns and PN for Plural Nouns

a pair of socks SN both of them

some of them PN one of the children
none of the taxis a long journey
a number of pupils some preparations
a set of sofa the price of tomatoes
two bowls of soup many people
one person a piece of cheese
a pair of shorts several pairs of scissors
most of them a cone of ice cream
each one someone
no one nobody
everyone everybody
somebody every month
all of them a lot of chairs
only one car an announcer
a sack of rice a staff of teachers
a litter of kittens the bottle of jam
two sets of games a hundred of them
the lights of candles a piece of music
a few packets of salt a thousand of victims
Root Verbs with ‘s’, verbs with ‘es’ and verbs with ‘ies’

Verb + ‘s’

1. eat eats 16. make

2. sing 17. shoot
3. swim 18. grow
4. bite 19. buy
5. choose 20. cook
6. see 21. shout
7. join 22. break
8. cut 23. forgive
9. hide 24. train
10. glide 25. check
11. throw 26. believe
12. hit 27. encourage
13. die 28. trim
14. announce 29. spread
15. pray 30. think

Verb + ‘es’

1. teach teaches 16. snatch

2. match 17. watch
3. catch 18. go
4. touch 19. press
5. dash 20. confess
6. pitch 21. progress
7. kiss 22. process
8. miss 23. clash
9. hiss 24. cross
10. hatch 25. attach
11. patch 26. address
12. smash 27. approach
13. preach 28. pass
14. flush 29. punish
15. push 30. impress
Verbs + ‘ies’

1. carry carries 16. apply

2. curry 17. tidy
3. bury 18. worry
4. cry 19. clarify
5. dry 20. specify
6. hurry 21. classify
7. try 22. simplify
8. fry 23. terrify
9. supply 24. qualify
10. deny 25. rectify
11. imply 26. pacify
12. occupy 27. notify
13. fly 28. beautify
14. pry 29. purify
15. pity 30. testify
Tenses and Time Words

I go to school today (Present Tense)

I am going to school today (Present Continuous Tense)
How was she today? (Past Tense)
She usually visits me in the morning (Present tense)
She will visit me in the morning (Future Tense)
She visited me in the morning. (Past Tense)

Identify the time words and the tenses.

1. My friends visited me yesterday. Past Tense

2. The beggar is at the entrance now.
3. I shall meet her next week
4. The train will arrive soon
5. Our teacher came into the class just now
6. Every day, I walk to school with my friends
7. In the evening we play badminton together
8. She posted the letter last Sunday
9. Mother is in the kitchen at the moment
10. My parents visit me at the hostel every weekend
11. A few minutes ago, both of them were in the library
12. Azman will give you the book next week
13. They gave us some money just now
14. All the students will go home the next day
15. How are you today?
16. The twins were very fat before
17. We have our examination every semester
18. Are you satisfied with your work now?
19. Mother will prepare some sandwiches for us later
20. Will the maid come again?
21. They have their family gathering every year
22. A few years ago, I was in London
23. Who cooks for you every day?
24. Next December, I will go to Egypt
25. Who will be following me tonight?
26. I hope you will be early next time
27. I give some money to my parents monthly.
28. They stopped working two hours ago.
29. Just now, he was in the library.
30. He used to come here almost every day.
Verb to be : Is, Are & Am, Was & Were

Fill in the blanks with is, are or am.

1. She _________________ tired of waiting, isn’t she?

2. The participants _________________ waiting to be called.
3. Where _________________ my files? Have I misplaced them?
4. One of the fish in the aquarium _________________ dead.
5. Your statements _________________. Be careful!
6. I _________________ given some money for my weekly expenses.
7. Azlan _________________ having diabetes. He needs immediate treatment.
8. _________________ Zulhairie, Qistina and Ili Syahirah still studying?
9. What _________________ on television tonight?
10. Who _________________ you looking for?
11. The English Club members _________________ organizing a trip to Lumut.
12. _________________ the dead body found in the bushes?
13. At what time _________________ the game going to start?
14. _________________ the cloth too transparent?
15. _________________ there a lot of chairs in the stall?
16. _________________ the fish crackers tasty and crunchy?
17._________________ the passengers on board now?
18. What _________________ the colours of our flag?
19. _________________ the noise disturbing you?
20. Mine _________________ the thickest of all.

Fill in the blanks with isn’t or aren’t.

1. Two tablespoons of sugar _________________ enough for the big pot of curry.
2. The contestants _________________ ready yet.
3. The refridgerator _________________ cold. It has been switched off.
4. _________________ a little salt needed for the experiment?
5. The pairs of scissors _________________ in the drawer.
6. The loud sounds _________________ frightening them all.
7. The audience _________________ enjoying the concert.
8. The time given to finish the work _________________ enough for us.
9. All of us _________________ at home. We are in our cousin’s place.
10. The elephants _________________ seen wandering in the nearby forest.
11. _________________ the smoke dangerous for your health?
12. Who _________________ following us to the cinema tonight?
13. _________________ the government making any changes about it?
14. _________________ the tanks of gas ordered for cooking?
15. _________________ dahlia your favourite flower?
16. _________________ anybody in the kitchen?
17. _________________ the bouquet of flowers sent to Puan Norlan?
18. _________________ you and I having the same car?
19. _________________ the grapes quite expensive?
Nouns & Pronouns + was or were

Singular Noun – was / wasn’t

Plural Noun – were / weren’t
Uncountable Noun – was / wasn’t
I – was / wasn’t
You – were / weren’t

Fill in the blanks with was or were.

1. All your cousins_________________ present at the wedding.

2. My only child _________________ in New Zealand.
3. A few of them _________________ punished by me.
4. The twin towers _________________ simply magnificent.
5. Each drop of blood _________________ kept in the tube.
6. Most of the guests _________________ staying here.
7. The dew _________________ seen on the leaves.
8. Some patches of blood stain_________________ on the floor.
9. Her sweet voice _________________ heard in the room.
10. The skyscrapers _________________ everywhere in the city.
11. _________________ it a spacious room?
12. _________________ those necklace found yesterday?
13. _________________ the view really fantastic?
14. _________________ the water gushing out from the hole?
15. _________________ the furniture sets in the hall?
16. _________________ the balsam plants planted on the flower bed?
17. _________________ the issues discussed in the meeting?
18. _________________ it a beneficial experience?
19. _________________ the flower vases bought in Sydney?
20. _________________ the manager a patient man?

Fill in the blanks with wasn’t or weren’t.

1. The waves _________________ very big. We could go boating.

2. The answer _________________ clear. Can you read it for me?
3. The pair of slippers _________________ pretty enough.
4. The stormy nights _________________ something new for me.
5. The group of islands _________________ visited by the villagers.
6. The heads of buffaloes _________________ kept in the farm.
7. The parade _________________ as long as we thought.
8. I didn’t wear the sweater. It _________________ cold at all.
9. The trips _________________ very interesting. It was not worth going.
10. The bird _________________ in the cage. It had flown away.
11. _________________ the weather getting colder?
12. _________________ the vinegar and sugar stirred together?
13. _________________ each of them given a pen?
14. _________________ the flour needed for the cake?
15. _________________ we on the right track?
16. _________________ all the candidates absent?
17. _________________ the monkey stealing the food in the kitchen?
18. _________________ a few of them from India?
19. _________________ one of the cups broken?
20. _________________ they having a great time together?

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