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Curriculum vitae


Senetaki 9, 71414 Heraklion (Greece)

Sex Male | Date of birth 31/03/1994 | Nationality Greek


07/09/2013–12/09/2015 Transport clerk and misc

European Society of Cardiology, London (United Kingdom)
In the annual international congress for Cardiology of 2013,2014 and 2015(Amsterdam, Barcelona,
London), i worked as an transfer and storage clerk, helping the set up and take down of the facilities.
During the congrees in 2014, i also worked at the desk of the official phone app of the congress,
where i had to promote it and provide techical support for it. During the congerss in 2015, i was
stationed in the medical guidelines office where i had to deliver guidelines and handle payments for

06/2015–09/2015 Animateur and Child Caretaker

Elounda Beach Hotel & Villas, Agios Nikolaos (Greece)
During the 2015 High Season, i worked at the resort's Kid's Club. My duites where to make sure all
the children (ages of 3-16) where safe and secure while in the facilities, provide them with lots of
activities and interesting occupations, the weekly elaboration of the Club's activities and it's promotion
to the parents and from time to time the nightly keeping of children, on the parents' demand.

06/2017–09/2017 Car Driver

Auto Moto Sport, Rethimno (Greece)
During my occupation in Auto Moto Sport, i had a variety of duties, which required a high deggree of
responsibility. My duties involved transfering cars -with and without clients-, the signign of the
contracts and the delivery of the payments to the central office and also the promotion of the company
in hotels and individual clients.
At any given time, day or night, i could be called to deliver a car to any airport or hotel in Crete, without
any limit on the driving distance from the central office. The handling of people, cars, delivery
deadlines and money alike, made sure i had to possess and advance my responsibility and
consistency skills, my friendly behavior towards the client and my hagling and selling skills when
offering a contract to a client.

14/02/2018–14/11/2018 Salesperson
Energy Sport, Heraklion (Greece)
My main duties involved selling and promoting sporting equipment and shoes, client service and
updated knoledge of the equipment's specs. The service had to be accurate and polite under all
Secondary duties, after some time in the company, where i gained the position of the informal store
manager, based on my perfomance, included receiving and shipping equipment from one store to
another, the updating of the equipments description on the company's site and the briefing of the rest
of the employees on the equipment's specs.

03/03/2019–Present Salesperson
Cosmos Sport, Heraklion (Greece)
As a saleperson in a chain store of Cosmos Sport, my duties involve the promotion and selling of

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Curriculum vitae Georgios Ximeris

casual shoe and clothing products and the general customer service.
Working in a competitive enviroment, under the supervision of the store and floor manager requires
speed and accuracy when dealing with a customer and effectiveness when given a different duty to
fulfil, in order to stand out and elevate yourself among the store's and company's 350 staff.


09/2012–09/2016 Primary School Education Teacher Degree EQF level 6

University of Crete - Department of Pedagogy and Primary School Education, Rethimno
General Thematic Areas:
-Greek Language, Science and Mathematics, Greek and Childern Literature.
-Pedagogy Theories and Sciences, Psychology and Developmental Children Psychology, Social
Sciences, Humanities
Workshops and Training:
-School Training (observing level):
Duration: 6 months
Description: Familiarization with teaching methods and first introduction to the designing and
scheduling proccess of organizing, conducting and assesing a tutelage.
-School Training (involvement level):
Duration: 6 months
Description: Practice on alternative teaching methods and conducting one.
-Scool training (complete control level):
Duration: 6 months
Description: Choosing a particular subject and taking partial control of a school class for 6 months,
designing and conducting teaching on that subject. Here: Social Sciences.

01/10/2017–Present Masters Degree: "Art and Education" EQF level 7

University of Crete - Department of Preschool Education, Rethimno (Greece)
In General:
What is the role of Art in Education? Is it just a tool or can it have a more central and meaningfull role?
Can it be utilized in such ways that make otherwise unreachable learning outcomes, accesible?
Different ways of introducing knoledge and information through the use of Art, are in accord, with the
Multiple Inteligences theory and can advance the multifacet and in-whole development of the students
in many levels.
Familiarization with the different roles and results Art can have in Education. Introduction to different
perspectives in utilizing Art, through the designing of interventions, independent courses and
workshops and year long teaching schedules in school classes that make use of Literature, Music,
Acting, Skething and Dancing.

28/05/2018–20/03/2019 Special Education - Learning Difficulties: Interventions in Grammar EQF level 5

and Math
Lifelong Learning and Education Faculty, University of Thessaly, Volos (Greece)
Familiarization with the wide range of Learning Difficulties and Disabilities, in order to detect them in
time and provide accurate learning assistance in the school class.
Planning and designing intervention and evaluation activities for students with learning difficulties and
disabilities, inside typical and non-typical education enviroments such as schools, prisons,


Mother tongue(s) English, Greek

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Listening Reading Spoken interaction Spoken production

German A2 A2 A2 A2 A1
Goethe-Zertifikat B1
Levels: A1 and A2: Basic user - B1 and B2: Independent user - C1 and C2: Proficient user
Common European Framework of Reference for Languages

Communication skills -Excellent communication skills with children of all ages, developed during my studies at the
Department of Primary Education and during the period I worked at the « Kid’s Club » of the hotel
Elounda Beach.
-Very good at cooperating and working both alone and as a member of a team with people of all ages
and cultures,thanks to my service at the international congresses of the European Society of
Cardiology, during which periods I dealt with registrants of varying ages, who spoke many different
languages and came from all over the world, with a variety of cultural backgrounds.

Organisational / managerial skills -Very good leadership capabilities, as a result of my studies and my practical teaching period when I
was called upon to take on the comprehensive role of a teacher, as well as all the relevant
-Very good at managing time and coordinating working groups, dealing with problems that arise and
finding solutions.
-Very good at guiding and encouraging team members to complete a project within a specific time
-Acute sense of responsibility and capacity to work under pressure, able to keep strict deadlines while
observing safety considerations.

Job-related skills -Excellent knoledge and skills of organizing and conducting a course or briefing in any given subject.
-Excellent children managing skills.
-Excellent car driving skills, despite any circumstance, distance or cargo.
-Some mechanical knoledge about cars and on the fly repairs.

Digital skills SELF-ASSESSMENT

Information Content Problem-

Communication Safety
processing creation solving

Proficient user Proficient user Basic user Proficient user Basic user

Digital skills - Self-assessment grid

University Certificate of Computer Skills, by the Department of Primary School Education

-Excellent knoledge of Microsoft Office, derived from both university courses, university paper
requirments and job experience.

Other skills -Viable cretan lyra, mandolin and guitar player.

Driving licence B


References References, from former proffesors and employers are available on request.

Army Service I have served the mandatory 9 month long army tour in the Infantry Company, based in Heraklion.
During this time, i was placed at the staff sergeant office, where i was in charge of the coordination of
the soldier's duty's and exercises.

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Interests -American Literature.

-20th Century Cinema.
-Country Music, Classic Rock.
-Writing adult fantasy and underground stories.

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