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RESEARCH LETTER tomatic family member. This study was approved by the local
institutional review board, and written informed consent was
Presumed Asymptomatic Carrier Transmission obtained from all patients. A detailed analysis of patient rec-
of COVID-19 ords was performed.
A novel coronavirus has resulted in an ongoing outbreak of vi- All patients underwent chest CT imaging. Real-time re-
ral pneumonia in China.1-3 Person-to-person transmission has verse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) tests
been demonstrated,1 but, to our knowledge, transmission of for COVID-19 nucleic acid were performed using nasopharyn-
the novel coronavirus that causes coronavirus disease 2019 geal swabs (Novel Coronavirus PCR Fluorescence Diagnostic
(COVID-19) from an asymp- Kit, BioGerm Medical Biotechnology).
Viewpoint pages 1339, 1341,
tomatic carrier with normal
and 1343 chest computed tomogra- Results | Patient 1 (presumed asymptomatic carrier), a 20-year-
phy (CT) findings has not old woman, lives in Wuhan and traveled to Anyang on Janu-
been reported. ary 10, 2020. She initially met with patients 2 and 3 on Janu-
Author Audio Interview
ary 10. On January 13, she accompanied 5 relatives (patients 2
Methods | In January 2020, through 6) to visit another hospitalized relative in Anyang Dis-
Audio we enrolled a familial cluster trict Hospital (Figure). There was no report of COVID-19 at this
of 5 patients with fever and hospital. After development of disease in her relatives, pa-
respiratory symptoms who were admitted to the Fifth tient 1 was isolated and observed. As of February 11, she had
People’s Hospital of Anyang, Anyang, China, and 1 asymp- no elevated temperature measured or self-reported fever and

Figure. Timeline of Exposure to the Asymptomatic Carrier of the Novel Coronavirus That Causes COVID-19 in a Familial Cluster
Patient 1 traveled
from Wuhan to Anyang

Patient 1

Patient 2

Patient 3

Patient 4

Patient 5

Patient 6

Jan 10 Jan 17 Jan 24 Jan 31

Timeline events
Contact with patient 1 Onset of symptoms
Asymptomatic period Negative PCR result
Symptomatic period Positive PCR result

PCR indicates polymerase chain reaction test for the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) nucleic acid.

Table. Summary of Laboratory Examination Results of the Familial Cluster Infected With the Novel Coronavirus That Causes Coronavirus Disease 2019
range Patient 1a Patient 2 Patient 3 Patient 4 Patient 5 Patient 6
C-reactive protein, mg/L 0.0-4.0 0.69 217.17 10.14 66.07 14.9 202.03
Eosinophils, ×109/L 0.02-0.52 0.02 0 0.01 0 0 0
Eosinophil ratios, % 0.4-8 0.40 0 0.30 0 0.10 0
Lymphocytes, ×109/L 1.1-3.2 1.55 0.53 1.65 0.91 0.46 0.69
Lymphocyte ratios, % 20-50 27.50 6.70 35.90 27.70 13.30 7.40
Neutrophils, ×109/L 1.8-6.3 3.62 6.89 2.64 2.10 2.89 8.21
Neutrophil ratios, % 40-75 63.90 86.40 57.40 64.00 84.10 87.00
White blood cell count, ×109/L 3.9-9.9 5.65 7.97 4.59 3.29 3.44 9.43

1406 JAMA April 14, 2020 Volume 323, Number 14 (Reprinted) jama.com

© 2020 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

Downloaded From: https://jamanetwork.com/ on 06/24/2020


no gastrointestinal or respiratory symptoms, including cough Author Affiliations: Department of Medical Imaging, Henan Provincial People’s
and sore throat, reported or observed by the physicians. Chest Hospital, Zhengzhou, Henan, China (Bai, Chen, Wang); Department of
Radiology, Anyang Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Anyang, Henan,
CT images on January 27 and 31 showed no significant abnor- China (Yao); Department of Radiology and Interventional, the Fifth People's
malities. Her C-reactive protein level and lymphocyte count Hospital of Anyang, Anyang, Henan, China (Wei); Tianjin Medical University
were normal (Table). Results of RT-PCR testing were negative Cancer Institute and Hospital, Tianjin, China (Tian); Li Ka Shing Faculty of
Medicine, the University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam, Hong Kong, China (Jin).
on January 26, positive on January 28, and negative on
Corresponding Author: Meiyun Wang, MD, PhD, Department of Medical
February 5 and 8.
Imaging, Henan Provincial People’s Hospital and the People’s Hospital of
Patients 2 through 6 developed COVID-19. Four were Zhengzhou University, No. 7, WeiWu Road, Zhengzhou 450003, Henan, China
women, and ages ranged from 42 to 57 years. None of the pa- (mywang@ha.edu.cn).
tients had visited Wuhan or been in contact with any other Published Online: February 21, 2020. doi:10.1001/jama.2020.2565
people who had traveled to Wuhan (except patient 1). Author Contributions: Drs Yao and Wang had full access to all of the data in the
Patients 2 through 5 developed fever and respiratory symp- study and take responsibility for the integrity of the data and the accuracy of
the data analysis. Drs Bai, Yao, and Wei contributed equally to the work.
toms between January 23 and January 26 and were admitted
Concept and design: Bai, Yao, Tian, Jin, Wang.
to the hospital on the same day. All patients had RT-PCR test re- Acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data: Bai, Yao, Wei, Tian, Chen, Wang.
sults positive for COVID-19 within 1 day. Patient 6 developed fe- Drafting of the manuscript: Bai, Yao, Wei, Tian, Wang.
ver and sore throat on January 17 and went to the local clinic Critical revision of the manuscript for important intellectual content: Bai, Tian,
Jin, Chen, Wang.
for treatment. There was no report of COVID-19 at the clinic. Her
Statistical analysis: Bai, Chen, Wang.
symptoms improved over the next few days but worsened on Administrative, technical, or material support: Bai, Yao, Wei, Tian, Wang.
January 24, when she was admitted to the hospital and con- Supervision: Tian, Wang.
firmed to have COVID-19 on January 26. Two patients devel- Conflict of Interest Disclosures: None reported.
oped severe pneumonia; the other infections were moderate. Additional Contributions: We thank Taiyuan Liu, MD, Rushi Chen, MD, and Wei
All symptomatic patients had multifocal ground-glass Wei, MD (Henan Provincial People’s Hospital and the People’s Hospital of
Zhengzhou University), for data analysis and literature research. None of these
opacities on chest CT, and 1 also had subsegmental areas of con-
persons received any compensation for their contributions.
solidation and fibrosis. All the symptomatic patients had in-
1. Paules CI, Marston HD, Fauci AS. Coronavirus infections—more than just the
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pneumonia in Anyang, China, had contact before their symp-
3. Wang D, Hu B, Hu C, et al. Clinical characteristics of 138 hospitalized patients
tom onset with an asymptomatic family member who had
with 2019 novel coronavirus–infected pneumonia in Wuhan, China. JAMA.
traveled from the epidemic center of Wuhan. The sequence Published online February 7, 2020. doi:10.1001/jama.2020.1585
of events suggests that the coronavirus may have been trans- 4. Guan WJ, Ni ZY, Hu Y, et al. Clinical characteristics of 2019 novel coronavirus
mitted by the asymptomatic carrier. The incubation period infection in China. medRxiv. Published February 9, 2020. Accessed February 18,
for patient 1 was 19 days, which is long but within the 2020. https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.02.06.20020974v1
reported range of 0 to 24 days.4 Her first RT-PCR result was 5. Corman VM, Landt O, Kaiser M, et al. Detection of 2019 novel coronavirus
(2019-nCoV) by real-time RT-PCR. Euro Surveill. Published online January 23, 2020.
negative; false-negative results have been observed related to
the quality of the kit, the collected sample, or performance of
6. Chan JF, Yuan S, Kok KH, et al. A familial cluster of pneumonia associated
the test. RT-PCR has been widely deployed in diagnostic with the 2019 novel coronavirus indicating person-to-person transmission:
virology and has yielded few false-positive outcomes.5 Thus, a study of a family cluster. Lancet. 2020;395(10223):514-523. doi:10.1016/
her second RT-PCR result was unlikely to have been a false- S0140-6736(20)30154-9
positive and was used to define infection with the coronavi-
rus that causes COVID-19. Association Between Nocturnist Supervision
One previous study reported an asymptomatic 10-year- and Perceived Overnight Supervision Adequacy
old boy with COVID-19 infection, but he had abnormalities on Among Internal Medicine Residents in the US
chest CT.6 If the findings in this report of presumed transmis- Overnight supervision of internal medicine residents has tra-
sion by an asymptomatic carrier are replicated, the preven- ditionally been indirect1 and provided by a physician outside
tion of COVID-19 infection would prove challenging. The the hospital. During the past 15 years, the complexity and
mechanism by which asymptomatic carriers could acquire and volume of overnight inpatient medical services have
transmit the coronavirus that causes COVID-19 requires fur- increased.2,3 This, coupled with data that increased resident
ther study. supervision is associated with improved patient safety,4 has
led many teaching hospitals to employ hospitalists in-house
Yan Bai, MD overnight (nocturnists).1,5
Lingsheng Yao, MD Little is known about the national landscape of resident
Tao Wei, MD overnight supervision, including how commonly internal medi-
Fei Tian, MD cine residency programs use nocturnists and how they affect
Dong-Yan Jin, PhD residents’ supervision. We tested whether residents in pro-
Lijuan Chen, PhD grams with nocturnists perceived nighttime supervision dif-
Meiyun Wang, MD, PhD ferently than those in programs without nocturnists.

jama.com (Reprinted) JAMA April 14, 2020 Volume 323, Number 14 1407

© 2020 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

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