Mindset Really Matter1

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Mindset really matters:

Starting a business can be terrifying, and you need the right attitude to handle all
the difficulties that can come your way. In today’s article, I outline the basic
characteristics of an entrepreneurial mindset so you can build a successful online
Some entrepreneurs are more successful than others.
We may think it’s because of better opportunities or because they invested more
capital or even dumb luck, but what really sets successful entrepreneurs from not-
so-successful ones is their attitude and way of thinking.
Starting a business, any business, can be scary. It takes a strong-minded person to
see the journey through.
Key points:
There are 12 key points of mindset which are as follow.
• 1. Positivity
• 2. Creativity
• 3. Persuasion
• 4. Self-motivation
• 5. Tenacity
• 6. Curiosity
• 7. Flexibility
• 8. Ownership
• 9. Receptivity
• 10. Passion
• 11. Vision
• 12. Self-regard

1. Positivity
Maintaining a positive attitude doesn’t mean being naïve; it means looking at challenges not as
obstacles, but as opportunities to learn and improve.

When setbacks occur, it’s almost instinctive to react negatively. While it’s healthy to embrace
your emotions, wallowing in negativity hinders your ability to move on from the setback.
Approaching an obstacle as a chance to develop new ideas is a much more productive way to
spend your time.
2. Creativity
An entrepreneur solves problems, while a successful one finds new ways to solve them.

Any useful product or service started out as a mere idea. As an entrepreneur, you need to be able
to come up with innovations to problems and turning them into real products that you can sell.
This creativity shouldn’t just be confined to thinking about what you’re going to sell. You’ll also
need to be creative in handling obstacles related to your business.
3. Persuasion
It’s not enough that you truly believe in your solution; you have to be able to persuade other
people, especially your target audience, to believe in your solution enough to buy it.

Of course, being a persuasive communicator can help you with other things aside from sales. It
helps you create compelling content for your blog, negotiate with other bloggers for guest
blogging opportunities and other collaborations, and effectively deal with freelancers and other
4. Self-motivation
A successful entrepreneur is a highly driven one.
Being skilled isn’t enough. No matter how good you are as a blogger and a marketer, if you’re
not motivated to do your tasks every single day, you won’t be able to do them.
Also, being hardworking isn’t enough. All that heavy lifting will eventually wear you down if
you’re not determined enough to keep at it.
All the great entrepreneurs hold themselves accountable and are not afraid to sacrifice time,
money, energy, blood, sweat, and tears to get their business running smoothly.
5. Tenacity
Rest if you must, but don’t you quit.
— Don’t Quit, John Greenleaf Whittier
During times of hardship, and there will be plenty, you’ll need to be persistent, stubborn even, to
get through them. You’ll have to accept that you’ll be rejected and disappointed frequently
throughout your journey, and being able to withstand all of those is essential to maintain your

Another thing you need to accept is that you’ll make mistakes. Everyone makes mistakes.
Whether you’re a beginner or an expert entrepreneur, you’ll commit errors and blunders.
Knowing how to learn from your mistakes is crucial part of surviving and getting through these
difficult challenges.
Being tenacious doesn’t mean that you stop adapting. If your plans aren’t working, maybe it’s
time to examine what you’re doing and change tactics. Changing how you do your tasks doesn’t
mean that you stop what you’re doing.

6. Curiosity
Investigating how things work and looking at things with fresh eyes aren’t
possible without a sense of inquisitiveness about everything.

Maintaining your curiosity is key to solving problems in your niche in ways nobody has ever
seen before.
Keep your mind active and strive to see things from fresh perspectives. Ask questions every
chance you get about common struggles in your niche.
7. Flexibility
Nothing is ever predictable in business, as in life.

You have to be prepared for sudden events that pop up. These aren’t necessarily problems; just
occurrences that happen out of the blue that throw your plans into disarray.
As an entrepreneur, you need to be able to roll with the punches and take everything that happens
as they come. Being able to adapt to changing environments, audience preferences, even
personal circumstances ensures your survival in the world of online business.
8. Ownership
Yes, life can throw anything at you, but ultimately, it’s you who decides what to do.

There are plenty of things that you can’t control, but in the midst of those, there are still plenty of
things that you can control.
Ownership means not only taking possession of your business but also taking responsibility for
your tasks, actions, and reactions to various events.
When you take full responsibility for your decisions and actions, that gives you the confidence in
your power to steer your business toward success.
9. Receptivity
It’s tough having a vision for your business and your product only to not have that vision be as
popular and profitable as you wanted it to be.
But as an entrepreneur, you have to be ready to get feedback that you don’t want to get and read
analytics that you don’t like.

A good entrepreneur is open to audience input and to information about their business that tells
them if their business is thriving or not, because they’re focused on providing the best solution
and not on having their idea be correct.
10. Passion
As I probably keep going on and on about, maintaining your business isn’t easy.

You have to be genuinely enthusiastic enough about your desire to develop solutions for your
As an entrepreneur, you have to want to help people, want to make a difference, otherwise your
business will eventually fail, or otherwise not as successful as you want it to be.

11. Vision
You need to be able to think of the big picture when it comes to your business.

Entrepreneurs must stay focused on the long-term goals of the business while not getting
overwhelmed by short-term hurdles. Also, you need to be able to set mini-goals that lead to
your overall goal so you don’t get lost along the way.

12. Self-regard
Starting and building up your online business from the ground up can certainly be stressful.
Taking care of your physical and mental health should be part of your daily routine.
Having a healthy body and mind allows you to do your best work and come up with the best
The three most important aspects of self-care you need to consider are diet, exercise, and rest.
You don’t need to adhere to a specific diet to be healthy. Just do your best to eat nutritious food
without any empty calories, and give yourself tasty treats from time to time.
Same with exercise; you don’t have to train intensely if that’s not really your style. Get a
standing desk if you can and find physical activities that you enjoy. Walk, run, swim, bike,
skateboard, or dance; do whatever physical activity you find pleasure in doing that you can
incorporate into your day.
Getting enough sleep is underrated; plenty of people brag about how little sleep they can get by
on while still being functional. But based on recent scientific research, getting adequate,
uninterrupted sleep can significantly improve your mental processes.
Being well-rested also involves taking frequent breaks in a day. Trudging along hour after hour
can take a toll on your mental health. Take 5 minutes out of every work hour to get up and
The more you coop yourself up while working, the more lonely and isolated you’ll feel, which
isn’t good for your health. Schedule some weekend trips and extended vacation time every year
to reset and refresh yourself.


Foster Enterpunurship Hinder

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