Chapter 11: Captain Nobody Faces A Fear

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1. Newt runs home after he realises that his parents still do not know about Captain Nobody and he does
not want to get weird reaction from them.
2. As he is running, Cecil summons for Captain Nobody and thinking he is joking,Newt just ignores it.
3. Although feeling reluctant, Newt decides to respond to the call and meet Cecil at the corner of
Wareen and Kander streets.
4. Cecil leads their way, together with a wagon, passing by Dumpsters and garbage cans until they stop at
one point.
5. There is a big bass drum which has been thrown away, sitting on top of the Dumpster that catches
Cecil’s attention.
6. Feeling determined to own the drum, Cecil is feeling hopeful that Captain Nobody will lend his hands
to get it down from the top of the Dumpster.
7. Newt is afraid of heights. So, he suggests Cecil to be the one who should climb the Dumpster.
8. After Cecil makes it clear that the job is meant for the fearless Captain Nobody, Newt changes his
9. Captain Nobody climbs on and carefully passes the drum to his sidekick, Cecil who is waiting with
open arms on the ground.
10. As Captain Nobody is about to settle down, he screams his lungs out when a hand suddenly comes out
from the pile of cardboard boxes and grabs him by his ankle.


1. Surprised by the incident, Cecil shouts at the old man who is holding Captain Nobody’s ankle and the
old man quickly releases his hand off.
2. Captain Nobody recognises the familiar face of the old man, Mr. Clay, who used to be a locksmith,
because his mother has used some of his services when she was in trouble.
3. Cecil is still skeptical about Mr. Clay and tries to warn Captain Nobody that the old man might be
dangerous to them.
4. Captain Nobody claims that the old man is not harmful to them, it is just that he is suffering from a
diseases, Alzheimer.
5. Mr. Clay drops his plastic medicine bottle into Captain Nobody’s hand which immediately explains
the old man’s situation.
6. After introducing himself as Captain Nobody, he and Cecil walk Mr. Clay home.
7. Captain Nobody knows where the old man lives as he always parks his cherry red van in front of his
8. Mrs. Clay is relieved when she sees her husband standing at the front door of their house.
9. Mr. Clay explains that he is rescued by Captain Nobody.


1. Newt heads home and gets excited when he sees his father’s car in the driveway.
2. In the kitchen, Dad meets Captain Nobody for the first time.
3. A moment after that, Dad starts to apologise to Newt because he has received several calls from the
4. After the meeting in the Principal’s office, the people from school think that Captain Nobody appears
in school because he is so upset about his brother’s condition.
5. Newt tries his very best to reason with Dad about being Captain Nobody outside the house.
6. Dad feels relieved after Newt manages to assure him that he is still being himself and his alter ago is
just some sort of confidence booster.
7. Dad even takes a photo of Captain Nobody and sends it to Mom.
8. Suddenly, the walkie-talkie squeals in the middle of their conversation.
9. Cecil makes contact just to ask a silly favour from Captain Nobody and Newt, who is in disbelief,
starts to make a weird sound through the walkie-talkie as if the device is running out of battery.
10. As Newt is about to sleep, Dad tells him that Mom is having a good laugh about Captain Nobody and
she starts showing the image to everybody in the hospital.
11. Dad explains about the current situation and hospital procedures that they need to follow and he
assures Newt will be the first one to visit if the situation improves.


1. The next morning, nobody is making fun at Newt disguising as Captain Nobody and even Mrs. Young
addresses him accordingly.
2. Later on, after Cecil explains to JJ how to operate her walkie-talkie, the three of them decide to test
their new mode of alternative communication.
3. As Newt is about to respond on the walkie-talkie, a football hit at the back of his head.
4. It comes from the students in the seventh grade and one particular kid named Ricky Ratner approaches
Newt in a non-friendly manner.
5. Ricky, who happens to be Reggie’s cousin, wants Newt to make everyone know that Reggie is not the
culprit of the Big Tackle that leads to Chris’s critical condition.
6. Things are about to get uglier during the heated conversation between Ricky and Newt when suddenly
all of the fourth graders stand up for Newt, Cecil and JJ.
7. Before the crowd disperses, the confrontation ends with a threat from Ricky for Newt.
8. Cecil makes a point that the vibes coming from Captain Nobody make everyone in the fourth grade
becomes more courageous.
9. After what had happened, Newt has to carefully sneak out from the school.

10. He is shocked the moment JJ calls for Captain Nobody’s help through the walkie-talkie.
11. Captain Nobody dashes to the Sullivan’s Jewelry Store after their conversation ends with JJ screaming
at the other end of the line.


1. Captain Nobody is almost out of breath when he arrives at the curb in front of Sullivan’s Jewelry
2. JJ cannot get herself over with the spelling and grammar mistakes found on the cardboard signs in the
jewelry store.
3. She has tried talking to the Sullivan but she is ignored by the couple.
4. JJ insists that Captain Nobody can make a difference if he goes in and talk to the owners.
5. Feeling obliged to the duty of a superhero, Captain Nobody steps into the store where he can clearly
see Mr. and Mrs. Sullivan at the far end with their only customer.
6. Afraid that he is interrupting their business, Captain Nobody wants to leave the store but the couple
insists that they will be hearing anything from him.
7. Captain Nobody cannot believe his eyes as he stares at the customer’s sweatshirt because he is holding
a gun inside of the pocket.
8. The situation becomes more chaotic when Mr. Sullivan manages to sound the alarm in the store.
9. Before the robber flees the scene, he threatens Captain Nobody not to report the incident to the
authority or something bad will happen to him.
10. After being warned, Captain Nobody immediately walks out the store and wants to leave the scene.
11. JJ tries to convince Captain Nobody to talk to the police about the robbery.
12. Both of them run away when Captain Nobody explains about the threat he has received from the

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