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Alisbo against their former counsel, Attorney Benito Jalandoon, Sr., charging him with deceit,
malpractice, and professional infidelity.

Ramon Alisbo engaged respondent Attorney Benito Jalandoon, Sr., as his counsel to commence an
action to recover his share of the estate of the deceased spouses Catalina Sales and Restituto
Gozuma which had been adjudicated to him under a court judgement, because Alisbo failed to file a
motion for execution of the judgment in his favor within the reglementary five-year period.

Respondent prepared a complaint for revival of the judgment in Civil Case No. 4963 but filed it only
five (5) months later. The complaint was signed by respondent alone. However, no sooner had he
filed the complaint than he withdrew it and filed in its stead a second complaint. Then on Dec 8,
1971 an amended complaint was filed.

On October 3, 1973, the Court of First Instance of Negros Occidental dismissed the complaint on the
ground of prescription. Although a complaint for revival of said judgment was filed by Ramon Alisbo
on September 12, 1970, before the ten-year prescriptive period expired, that complaint was null and
void for Ramon Alisbo was insane, hence, incompetent and without legal capacity to sue when he
instituted the action. The subsequent filing of an Amended Complaint on December 8, 1972, after
the statutory limitation period had expired, was too late to save the plaintiffs right of action.
Thereafter, nothing more was done by any of the parties in the case.

The complainants charged respondent Attorney Benito Jalandoon, Sr. with having deliberately
caused the dismissal of Civil Case No. 9559 and with having concealed from them the material
fact that he had been the former legal counsel of Carlito Sales, their adversary in the probate
proceedings. The respondent filed a general denial of the charges against him.

However, according to Attorney Jalandoon, it was only on October 6, 1972, when Civil Case No.
9559 was called for pre-trial, that he discovered his previous professional relationship with
Sales. At that time, the ten-year prescriptive period for revival of the judgment in favor of Alisbo
had already expired. He thereupon asked Alisbo's permission to allow him (Jalandoon) to
withdraw from the case. He also informed the court about his untenable position and
requested that he be allowed to retire therefrom. His request was granted.

Solgen’s argument:

Evident from the foregoing is the fact that in handling the case for Ramon S. Alisbo which
eventually led to its dismissal, respondent committed several errors, among which are:

1. He did not verify the real status of Ramon Alisbo before filing the case. Otherwise,
his lack of capacity to sue would not have been at issue.

2. He postponed the motion to revive judgment and gave way instead to a motion to
resolve pending incidents in Civil Case 4963. In doing so, he frittered away precious

3. He dropped Ramon Alisbo's co-plaintiffs and impleaded them as

defendants.  Otherwise, the complaint would have been defective only in part.

Without merit ang argument ni Atty na before yung pre trial hindi niya alam na sina Sales yung
defendants sa case ng client niya
Attorney Jalandoon's pretense that he did not know before the pre-trial that the Sales defendants
had been his clients in the past, is unbelievable because:

1. Before he filed the complaint for revival of judgment, he had had several interviews with
Ramon S. Alisbo and Norberto Alisbo regarding Civil Case No. 4963.

2. He must have done some research on the court records of Civil Case No. 4963, so he
could not have overlooked his own participation in that case as counsel for Carlito Sales, et

3. To prepare the complaint for revival of judgment (Civil Case No. 9559), he had to inform
himself about the personal circumstances of the defendants-Carlito Sales, et al. The fact that
they had been his clients could not have eluded him.


In view of his former association with the Saleses, Attorney Jalandoon, as a dutiful lawyer, should
have declined the employment proffered by Alisbo on the ground of conflict of interest. Had he done
that soon enough, the Alisbos (herein complainants) would have had enough time to engage the
services of another lawyer and they would not have lost their case through prescription of the action


The impression we gather from the facts is that Attorney Jalandoon used his position as Alisbo's
counsel precisely to favor his other client, Carlito Sales, by delaying Alisbo's action to revive the
judgment in his favor and thereby deprive him of the fruits of his judgment which Attorney Jalandoon,
as Sales' counsel, had vigorously opposed.

Thus, although Atty. Jalandoon prepared Alisbo's complaint for revival of judgment on April 18, 1970,
he delayed its filing until September 12, 1970. He postponed filing the action by asking the
Court instead to resolve pending incidents in said Civil Case No. 4963. By doing that, he
frittered away what little time was left before the action would prescribe.

The original complaint which he filed in the names of Ramon Alisbo and his brothers was
only partially defective because of Ramon's incompetence. By dropping the other plaintiffs,
leaving alone the incompetent Ramon to prosecute the action, respondent made the second
complaint wholly defective and ineffectual to stop the running of the prescriptive period.

After filing the complaint, Attorney Jalandoon sat on the case. While he allegedly found out about
Ramon Alisbo's insanity on July 17, 1971 only, he amended the complaint to implead Alisbo's legal
guardian as plaintiff on December 8, 1971 only, or almost five (5) months later. By that time the
prescriptive period had run out.


The surrounding circumstances leave us with no other conclusion than that Attorney Jalandoon,
betrayed his client Ramon Alisbo's trust and did not champion his cause with that wholehearted
fidelity, care and devotion that a lawyer is obligated to give to every case that he accepts from a
client. There is more than simple negligence resulting in the extinguishment and loss of his client's
right of action; there is a hint of duplicity and lack of candor in his dealings with his client, which call
for the exercise of this Court's disciplinary power.
PENALTY 2 years suspension

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