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A.C. No. 4349 December 22, 1997 clients into giving him the sum of P2,000.

00 purportedly to be deposited as a
bond in the case he was handling.
LOURDES R. BUSIÑOS, complainant,
vs. Complainant Lourdes R. Businos is one of the heirs of Pedro Rodrigo who are
ATTY. FRANCISCO RICAFORT, respondent. the defendants in Civil Case No. 1584, apparently a case involving the properties
of the late Pedro Rodrigo, father of herein complainant. Respondent was the
RESOLUTION counsel of record for the defendants in the said case. On July 10, 1994,
complainant, representing her co-heirs, executed a special power of attorney,
appointing and constituting respondent and/or Pedro Rodrigo, Jr. to be her true
and lawful attorney-in-fact with the following powers:
1. To attend to and represent me, testify, or otherwise enter into
In a sworn complaint for disbarment dated 31 October 1994 but received by us on 21 compromise during the pre-trial stage or other proceedings in
November 1994, complainant Lourdes R. Busiños charged respondent Atty. Francisco Civil Case No. 1584, entitled "Heirs of Rosario Rodrigo-Reantaso,
Ricafort, a practicing lawyer in Oas, Albay with having committed the crime of estafa vs. Heirs of Pedro Rodrigo Sr., et. al." now pending before the
under Article 315(1) (b) of the Revised Penal Code by misappropriating the sum of Regional Trial Court, Branch 12, Ligao, Albay;
P32,000.00. Of this amount, P30,000.00 was entrusted to respondent for deposit in the
bank account of complainant's husband, while P2,000.00 represented the amount 2. To demand, collect and receipt for any and all sums of money
respondent demanded from complainant supposedly for a bond in Civil Case No. 5814, that may now be deposited in said court by the defendant Oas
when no such bond was required. Standard High School or hereafter be deposited by said
defendant, due and owing to me or said Heirs of Pedro Rodrigo,
In the resolution of 18 January 1995, we required respondent to comment on the Sr., representing the rentals of said defendant for the lease of the
complaint. Despite his receipt of a copy of the resolution, respondent did not comply, property involved in said case; and
compelling us in the resolution of 17 July 1995 to require him to show cause why he
should not be disciplinarily dealt with or held in contempt for such failure. 3. To sign, authenticate, issue and deliver any and all deeds,
instruments, papers and other records necessary and pertinent to
Again respondent failed to comply. Hence in the resolution of 25 September 1996, we the above stated transactions.
ordered him once more to file his comment within ten (10) days from notice, and within
the same period, to pay a fine of P1,000.00 or suffer imprisonment of ten (10) days On August 10, 1994, the Regional Trial Court of Ligao, Albay, Br. 12 issued an
should he fail to so pay. In a Compliance and Motion dated 24 October 1996, respondent order, directing the Clerk of Court "to release any and all deposits of rentals
transmitted the fine of P1,000.00 by way of postal money order, but asked for five (5) made in connection with this case (Civil Case No. 1584) to the defendants Heirs
days from date to file his comment. As respondent still failed to so file, we then declared, of Pedro Rodrigo through Lourdes Rodrigo Businos who were receiving the
in the resolution of 2 December 1996, that respondent was deemed to have waived his rentals from Oas Standard High School prior to the institution of this case."
right to file his comment, and referred the complaint to the Office of the Bar Confidant for
reception of complainant's evidence and submission of a report and recommendation In a letter dated August 10, 1994, the Clerk of Court of RTC, Ligao informed
thereon. herein complainant that respondent had already received the rental deposit of
P25,000.00 on even date (see Annex "C" to the complaint). Respondent also
On 16 October 1997, the Bar Confidant, Atty. Erlinda C. Verzosa, submitted her Report received from Oas Standard High School on August 17, 1994 the sum of
and Recommendation, material portions of which read as follows: P5,000.00 as payment for rental of school site for the month of July 1994
(See Annex "D" to the complaint). The said sum was entrusted to respondent
Respondent Atty. Francisco Ricafort stands charged with having misappropriated with an obligation on his part to deposit the same in the account of complainant's
the sum of P30,000.00 intended for his clients as well as having deceived his husband at PNB, Ligao Branch. Instead, however, of depositing the money,
respondent converted the money to his own personal use, and despite several
demands, he failed to return the same to complainant. She was thus constrained Although complainant failed to submit the original or certified true copies of the
to file a criminal case for estafa and an administrative case for disbarment documents in support of her complaint against respondent, respondent's
against him. Thus, on November 21, 1994, complainant filed the instant repeated failure to comply with several resolutions of the Court requiring him to
administrative case against respondent. comment on the complaint lends credence to the allegations of the complainant.
It manifests his tacit admission thereto. We have no other alternative, therefore,
Complainant further accuses respondent for demanding and receiving P2,000.00 but to accept the said documents at their [sic] face value.
from her which he said will be used for the bond in Civil Case No. 1584, but said
amount was never used as intended since no bond was required in the said There is no doubt that respondent is guilty of having used the money of his
case. Thus, respondent merely pocketed the said amount. clients without their consent. As the evidentiary value of the documents should be
given more weight than the oral testimony of complainant, we place the amount
xxx xxx xxx illegally used by respondent at P30,000.00 and not P35,000.00 as claimed by
complainant. Respondent's illegal use of his client's money is made more
Complainant, upon questioning by the undersigned, testified that: She authorized manifest [by] his letters to complainant, all promising the latter to make good his
respondent to withdraw the money amounting P35,000.00 representing the rental promise to pay the money he withdrew from the Clerk of Court and Oas Standard
fee paid of Oas Standard High School from the Clerk of Court, with the instruction High School (See Annex "E" to the complaint).
to deposit the same in her savings account at the PNB. After she was informed
by the court that respondent had already withdrawn the money, she expected in It bears emphasis that a lawyer, under his oath, pledges himself not to delay any
vain to receive the money a week later in Tarlac as respondent failed to effect the man for money or malice and is bound to conduct himself with all good fidelity to
deposit of the said sum in her account. She demanded from him to give her the his clients. He is obligated to report promptly the money of his clients that has
money, but he informed her that he had already spent the same. He promised, come into his possession. He should not commingle it with his private property or
though, to pay her the said amount. (pp. 7-8, TSN, Reception of Evidence, April use it for his personal purposes without his client's [sic] consent. He should
18, 1997). She clarified that respondent withdrew only the sum of P30,000.00 maintain a reputation for honesty and fidelity to private trust (Daroy vs. Legaspi,
from the Clerk of Court, while the P5,000.00 was withdrawn by respondent from 65 SCRA 304).
Oas Standard High School (TSN, p. 8). Despite several demands, both from her
and her lawyer, respondent failed to make good his promise to give her the Money collected by a lawyer in pursuance of a judgment in favor of his clients is
money he withdrew from the Clerk of Court and Oas Standard High School (TSN, held in trust and must be immediately turned over to them (Aya vs. Bigornia, 57
pp. 11-13). She was then constrained to file a criminal case for estafa and an Phil. 8).
administrative case against respondent sometime in November of 1994 to
recover the money in question (TSN, pp. 14-16). On their third hearing of the Respondent, by converting the money of his clients to his own personal use
estafa case sometime in 1995, respondent came with the money and paid without their consent, and by deceiving the complainant into giving him the
complainant inside the courtroom (TSN, pp. 15, 19-20). Because of this amount of P2,000.00 purportedly to be used as a bond which was not required is,
development, she did not anymore pursue the estafa case against respondent undoubtedly, guilty of deceit, malpractice and gross misconduct. By so doing, he
(TSN, p. 17). She has no intention, however, of withdrawing the instant complaint betrays the confidence reposed in him by his clients. Not only has he degraded
(TSN, p. 18). himself but as an unfaithful lawyer he has besmirched the fair name of an
honorable profession.
She further testified that respondent demanded from her the sum of P2,000.00
for the bond required in the civil case. (TSN, p. 18). Respondent did not give her His belated payment of the amount he illegally used and fraudulently obtained do
a receipt for the said amount. (TSN, p. 19). Respondent gave back the P2,000.00 not relieve him from any liability if only to impress upon him that the relation
to complainant. He paid complainant a total of P60,000.00 representing the between an attorney and his client is highly fiduciary in its nature and of a very
money he withdrew from the Clerk of Court and Oas Standard High School, the delicate, exacting and confidential character, requiring high degree of fidelity and
P2,000.00 he got from complainant and attorney's fees, which he undertook to good faith. In view of that special relationship, lawyers are bound to promptly
foot as a way of settlement. (TSN, p. 19). account for money or property received by them on behalf of their clients and
failure to do so constitutes professional misconduct (Daroy vs. Legaspi, supra).
Moreover, his repeated failure to comply with the resolutions of the Court, Respondent's transgressions manifested dishonesty and amounted to grave misconduct
requiring him to comment on the complaint indicate the high degree of and grossly unethical behavior which caused dishonor, not merely to respondent, but to
irresponsibility of respondent. the noble profession to which he belongs, for it cannot be denied that the respect of
litigants for the profession is inexorably diminished whenever a member of the Bar
PREMISES CONSIDERED, it is respectfully recommended that respondent Atty. betrays their trust and confidence.
Francisco Ricafort be SUSPENDED from the practice of law for a period of ONE
(1) YEAR. This Court has been nothing short of exacting in its demand for integrity and good moral
character from members of the Bar. In Marcelo v. Javier (A.C. No. 3248, 18 September
While the findings are in order, the penalty recommended is not commensurate to 1992, 214 SCRA 1, 12-13), reiterated in Fernandez v. Grecia, (A.C. No. 3694, 17 June
respondent's infractions. 1993, 223 SCRA 425, 434), this Court declared:

Plainly, respondent breached Section 25 of Rule 138 of the Rules of Court, Rule 1.01 of A lawyer shall at all times uphold the integrity and dignity of the legal profession.
Canon 1 and Rules 16.01, 16.02 and 16.03 of Canon 16 of the Code of Professional The trust and confidence necessarily reposed by clients require in the attorney a
Responsibility, which read: high standard and appreciation of his duty to his client, his profession, the courts
and the public. The bar should maintain a high standard of legal proficiency as
Sec. 25. Unlawful retention of client's funds; contempt. — When an attorney well as of honesty and fair dealing. Generally speaking, a lawyer can do honor to
unjustly retains in his hands money of his client after it has been demanded he the legal profession by faithfully performing his duties to society, to the bar, to the
may be punished for contempt as an officer of the Court who has misbehaved in courts and to his clients. To this end, nothing should be done by any member of
his official transactions; but proceedings under this section shall not be a bar to a the legal fraternity which might tend to lessen in any degree the confidence of the
criminal prosecution. public in the fidelity, honesty and integrity of the profession.

CANON 1 — A LAWYER SHALL UPHOLD THE CONSTITUTION, OBEY THE Here, respondent chose to forget that by swearing the lawyer's oath, he became a
LAWS OF THE LAND AND PROMOTE RESPECT FOR LAW AND LEGAL guardian of truth and the rule of law, and an indispensable instrument in the fair an
PROCESS. impartial administration of justice — a vital function of democracy a failure of which is
disastrous to society.
Rule 1.01. — A lawyer shall not engage in unlawful, dishonest, immoral or
deceitful conduct. Any departure from the path which a lawyer must follow as demanded by the virtues of
his profession shall not be tolerated by this Court as the disciplining authority. This is
specially so, as here, where respondent even deliberately defied the lawful orders of the
Court for him to file his comment on the complaint, thereby transgressing Canon 11 of
the Code of Professional Responsibility which requires a lawyer to observe and maintain
the respect due the courts.
Rule 16.01. — A lawyer shall account for all money or property collected or
received for or from the client.
WHEREFORE, for dishonesty, grave misconduct, grossly unethical behavior in palpable
disregard of Section 25 of Rule 138 of the Rules of Court, Rule 1.01 of Canon 1 and
Rule 16.02. — A lawyer shall keep the funds of each client separate and apart Rules 16.01, 16.02 and 16.03 of Canon 16 of the Code of Professional Responsibility,
from his own and those of others kept by him. aggravated by a violation of Canon 11 thereof, and consistent with the urgent need to
maintain the esteemed traditions and high standards of the legal profession and to
Rule 16.03. — A lawyer shall deliver the funds and property of his client when preserve undiminished public faith in the members of the Philippine Bar, the Court
due or upon demand. However, he shall have a lien over the funds and may Resolves to DISBAR respondent ATTY. FRANCISCO RICAFORT from the practice of
apply so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy his unlawful fees and law. His name is hereby stricken from the Roll of Attorneys.
disbursements, giving notice promptly thereafter to his client. He shall also have
a lien to the same extent on all judgments and executions he has secured for his
client as provided for in the Rules of Court.
This resolution shall take effect immediately and copies thereof furnished the Office of
the Bar Confidant, to be appended to respondent's personal record; the National Office
and the Albay Chapter of the Integrated Bar of the Philippines; the Philippine Judges
Association; and all courts of the land for their information and guidance.

A.M. No. 2144 April 10, 1989 Following that advice, the squatters formed the "Samahang Pagkakaisa ng Barrio
Bathala" (Samahan, for brevity), with Bernabe Martin as President (Exhibit "24",
CELEDONIO QUILBAN, ROMUALDO DALAGAN, FORTUNATO RAMIREZ AMADOR Robinol), who was entrusted with the task of negotiating on their behalf for the sale of the
ALARCON and LUIS AGAWAN, complainant, land to them.
ATTY. SANTIAGO R. ROBINOL, respondent. But instead of working for the welfare of the Samahan, Martin went to one Maximo
Rivera, a realtor, with whom he connived to obtain the sale to the exclusion of the other
A.M. No. 2180 April 10, 1989 Samahan members. On 28 March 1971, the land was ultimately sold to Rivera at P 15
per square meter or a total consideration of P 41,961.65. The prevailing price of the land
ATTY. SANTIAGO R. ROBINOL, complainant, in the vicinity then was P 100 to P 120 per square meter. It was evident that Father
vs. Escaler had been made to believe that Rivera represented the squatters on the property.
ATTY. A. R. MONTEMAYOR, respondent. On the same date, 28 March 1971, Rivera obtained TCT No. 175662 to the property in
his name alone.
In 1972, thirty-two heads of families of the Samahan filed Civil Case No. Q-16433,
Branch IV, Quezon City, entitled "Celedonio Quilban, et al., Plaintiffs, vs. Maximo Rivera,
et al., Defendants." with the principal prayer that said defendants be ordered to execute a
deed of conveyance in favor of said plaintiffs after reimbursement by the latter of the
  corresponding amount paid by Rivera to the Colegio. The Court of First Instance of
Quezon City, however, dismissed the case.
To prosecute the appeal before the Court of Appeals, the Samahan members hired as
Subjected to frustrations were the dreams of thirty-two (32) squatter families to own the their counsel Atty. Santiago R. Robinol for which the latter was paid P 2,000.00 as
land of approximately 50 square meters each on which their respective homes were built. attorney's fees on 8 October 1975 (Exhibit "I"). Atty. Robinol was also to be given by the
To vindicate their rights they have aired their plight before this Court. Thwarted, too, was members a part of the land, subject matter of the case, equal to the portion that would
the benevolence shown by the original owner of the land which parted with its property at pertain to each of them. What was initially a verbal commitment on the land sharing was
a giveaway price thinking that it was accommodating the landless squatters. confirmed in writing on 10 March 1979 (Exhibit "2").

The antecedent facts follow: On 14 November 1978, the Court of Appeals reversed the CFI Decision by:

The Colegio de San Jose, a Jesuit corporation, (Colegio, for short) used to own a parcel (1) ordering defendant Maximo Rivera and all his co-
of land at the Seminary Road, Barrio Bathala, Quezon City. Through its administrator, defendants to execute a deed of conveyance of the land
Father Federico Escaler, it sold said land to the Quezon City Government as the site for in question in favor of herein plaintiffs after the payment of
the Quezon City General Hospital but reserved an area of 2,743 square meters as a the corresponding amount paid by the defendants to the
possible development site. Squatters, however, settled in the area since 1965 or 1966. Colegio de San Jose, Inc., and in case of refusal or failure
on their part to do so, ordering the Clerk of Court to
Sometime in 1970, the Colegio, through Father Escaler gave permission to execute the same in favor of plaintiffs and declaring TCT
Congressman Luis R. Taruc to build on the reserved site a house for his residence and a No. 175662 (Annex E) null and void and ordering the
training center for the Christian Social Movement. Seeing the crowded shanties of Register of Deeds of Quezon City to cancel said
squatters, Congressman Taruc broached to Father Escaler the Idea of donating or certificate and issue a new one in lieu thereof in the name
selling the land cheap to the squatters. Congressman Taruc then advised the squatters of plaintiffs-appellants, upon presentation of the deed of
to form an organization and choose a leader authorized to negotiate with Father Escaler. conveyance to be executed in favor of appellants and (2)
ordering appellees jointly and severally to pay appellants they had decided to change Atty. Robinol as their counsel because he had delayed
the sum of P 2,000.00 as attomey's fees, plus costs." (p. paying for their land notwithstanding the Decision of the Court of Appeals in their favor.
30, Report and Recommendation)
Administrative Case No. 2144
To raise the amount of P 41,961.65 ordered paid by the Court of Appeals, plus expenses
for ejectment of the non-plaintiffs occupying the property, conveyance, documentation, On 15 April 1980 the Samahan officers filed this Administrative Complaint before this
transfer of title etc., the five officers of the Samahan collected, little by little, P 2,500.00 Court requesting the invention of Atty. Robinol for refusal to return the P 75,000.00 and
from each head of family. The Treasurer, Luis Agawan, issued the proper receipts praying that the Court exercise its power of discipline over members of the Bar unworthy
prepared by Atty. Robinol. On 18 May 1979, the sum of P 68,970.00 was turned over to to practice law. The details of their Complaint were embodied in their Joint Affidavit
Atty. Robinol by the officers; on 31 May 1979 the amounts of P l,030.00 and P 2,500.00 executed on 14 April 1980 describing what had transpired between them and Atty.
respectively; and on 2 June 1979, the sum of P 2,500.00, or a total of P 75,000.00. Robinol.

After almost a year, the five officers discovered that no payment had been made to In his defense, Atty. Robinol maintains that he was hired by Complainants to appeal their
Rivera. When queried, Atty. Robinol replied that there was an intervention filed in the civil case to the Court of appeals after they had lost in the lower Court; that their agreement
case and that a Writ of Execution had not yet been issued by the Court of First Instance as to attomey's fees was on a contingent basis if he obtains a reversal of the lower Court
of Quezon City. However, it turned out that the motion for intervention had already been Decision, they wig give him a portion of the property subject matter of the litigation equal
dismissed. After confronting Atty. Robinol with that fact, the latter gave other excuses, to the portion that will pertain to each of the 32 plaintiffs in Civil Case No. Q-16433; that
which the officers discovered to have no basis at all. he did not receive P 70,000.00 from Complainants on 18 May 1979 but only P 56,470.00;
that he prepared and signed the receipt dated 18 May 1979 showing that he received P
On 6 March 1980, 21 out of 32 plaintiffs arrived at a "first consensus" to change their 70,000.00 only to save complainants from embarrassment and shame should their co-
counsel, Atty. Robinol (Exhibit "3"). The officers of the Samahan thereafter approached plaintiff ask for proof that they (Complainants) have paid their shares, which they have
Atty. Anacleto R. Montemayor, who agreed to be their counsel, after he was shown the not; that the correct amount in his possession is only P 62,470.00-it would really be P
document of 6 March 1980 containing the consensus of the Samahan members to 75,000.00 had the five Complainants paid their shares in the amount of P 12,500.00 at P
change Atty. Robinol as their lawyer. Upon Atty. Montemayor's advice, the officers sent 2,500.00 each and one Fortunate Ramirez paid his balance of P 30.00; that he had the
Atty. Robinol a letter dated 17 March 1980 informing the latter of their decision to right to hold the money in his possession as guarantee for the payment of his attomey's
terminate his services and demanding the return of the P 75,000.00 deposited with him fees of get a portion of the property that win pertain to each of the plaintiffs, he wants his
(Exhibit "5"). Atty. Robinol turned deaf ears to the demand. A subsequent letter of the portion converted to cash, and the cash equivalent of his portion is P 50,000.00 (2,743
same tenor, dated 31 March 1980 (Exhibit "6"), was similarly disregarded by Atty. square meters divided by 32 plaintiffs equals 85 square meters for each plaintiff,
Robinol. multiplied by P 500.00 up per square meter); that considering that P 50,000.00 is even
less than one-half (1/ 2) per cent of the total value of the property, which is more than a
On 20 March 1980, Atty. Montemayor formally entered his appearance in Civil Case No. million pesos, such amount is not unreasonable; that he is ready to give back the amount
Q-16433 as counsel for the plaintiffs (Exhibit "8"), vice Atty. Robinol, on the strength of of P 12,470.00, representing the difference between P 50,000.00 and the amount of P
the authority dated 18 March 1980 given him by plaintiffs in said civil case through the 62,470.00 in his possession; that complainants cannot make this Court a collection
five officers (Exhibit "9"). Atty. Montemayor then filed on 20 March 1980 a Motion for agency and that while this Court has the exclusive disciplinary power over members of
Execution praying that the defendants and/or the Clerk of Court be directed to execute a the Bar, it is equally true that the Court cannot pass judgment on Complainants' plea that
deed of conveyance in favor of the plaintiffs (Exhibit "10"). At the hearing of the Motion the amount deposited by respondent be returned to them as this prayer should be
for Execution on 5 June 1980, Atty. Robinol manifested that he had no objection to the ventilated in an ordinary action; that he does not have the slightest intention to
appearance of and his substitution by Atty. Montemayor (Exhibits "11" & "11-A"). appropriate the money in his possession (P 62,470.00) for himself, but he is holding it
until his attomey's fees are satisfied there being no guarantee for its satisfaction because
Because Atty. Robinol, however, still questioned the first consensus dated 6 March 1980, of Complainants' adamant refusal to pay him; that there was no previous notice to him of
another document labelled the "second consensus" (Exhibit "E") was signed by 21 his discharge; and that Atty. Montemayor accepted the case without his Robinols formal
plaintiffs during a meeting held for the purpose on 24 November 1980 to the effect that withdrawal and conformity.

Administrative Case No. 2180

Pursuing that tack on 29 July 1980, Atty. Robinol filed a complaint for Disbarment against committed any misconduct imputed to him by Atty.
Atty. Anacleto R. Montemayor for alleged gross unethical conduct unbecoming of a Robinol. (pp. 59-60, Rollo)
lawyer in that Atty. Montemayor readily accepted the case without his Robinols formal
withdrawal and conformity and knowing fully well that there was no consensus of all the Except for the disciplinary sanction suggested for Atty. Robinol, we concur with the
plaintiffs to discharge him as their counsel. recommendations.

For his part, Atty. Montemayor denied that the attomey's fees agreed upon by plaintiffs Re: Atty. Santiago R. Robinol
and Atty. Robinol were purely on a contingent basis, the truth being that the attomey's
fees were payable on a cash basis of P 2,000.00 retainer fee, as evidenced by the Atty. Robinol has, in fact, been guilty of ethical infractions and grave misconduct that
receipt signed by Atty. Robinol (Annex "I"), plus whatever amount is adjudicated as make him unworthy to continue in the practice of the profession. After the Court of
attomey's fees by the Court of Appeals; that the contingent fee referred to by Atty. Appeals had rendered a Decision favorable to his clients and he had received the latter's
Robinol was the result of his insistent demand after the Court of Appeals Decision in Civil funds, suddenly, he had a change of mind and decided to convert the payment of his
Case No. Q-16433 was already final, as shown by the date of the agreement (Annex fees from a portion of land equivalent to that of each of the plaintiffs to P 50,000.00,
"2"); that twenty [20] out of thirty-two [32] members of the Samahan signed the which he alleges to be the monetary value of that area. Certainly, Atty. Robinol had no
agreement to discharge Atty. Robinol and hire a substitute counsel as shown by Annex right to unilaterally appropriate his clients' money not only because he is bound by a
"3", which is a majority of the membership and, therefore, a valid consensus; that he written agreement but also because, under the circumstances, it was highly unjust for
agreed to act as counsel if only to arrest the growing belief of the Samahan that most him to have done so. His clients were mere squatters who could barely eke out an
members of the Philippine Bar are unprincipled; that although there was no formal existence They had painstakingly raised their respective quotas of P 2,500.00 per family
Motion for substitution, there was substantial compliance with Sec. 26, Rule 138 of the with which to pay for the land only to be deprived of the same by one who, after having
Rules of Court, as shown by the formal entry of appearance in Civil Case No. Q-1 6433 seen the color of money, heart lessly took advantage of them.
(Annex "8"), the written consent of the clients (Annex "9"), notice to Atty. Robinol of his
discharge and substitution (Annexes "10' and "11"), non-objection by Robinol of his
Atty. Robinol has no basis to claim that since he was unjustly dismissed by his clients he
appearance as counsel (Annex "l 2"), and implied consent of the Court to the substitution
had the legal right to retain the money in his possession. Firstly, there was justifiable
as shown by its Order of 29 May 1980 (Annex "l 3"); that his professional and personal
ground for his discharge as counsel. His clients had lost confidence in him for he had
actuations as counsel for the plaintiffs in Civil Case No. Q-16433, CFI-Quezon City, do
obviously engaged in dilatory tactics to the detriment of their interests, which he was
not cause dishonor either to himself or to the Philippine Bar; and that the Complaint
duty-bound to protect. Secondly, even if there were no valid ground, he is bereft of any
against him should be dismissed.
legal right to retain his clients' funds intended for a specific purpose the purchase of land.
He stands obliged to return the money immediately to their rightful owners.
On 1 September 1980 and on 17 December 1980, the Court referred Adm. Case No.
2144 and Adm. Case No. 2180, respectively, to the Office of the Solicitor General for
The principle of quantum meruit applies if a lawyer is employed without a price agreed
investigation, report and recommendation. On 15 December 1988, the Solicitor General
upon for his services in which case he would be entitled to receive what he merits for his
submitted his compliance and recommended:
services, as much as he has earned. In this case, however, there was an express
contract and a stipulated mode of compensation. The implied assumpsit on quantum
1. That Atty. Santiago R. Robinol be suspended for three meruit therefore, is inapplicable.
months for refusing to deliver the funds of the plaintiffs in
his possession, with the warning that a more severe
But Atty. Robinol seeks to impress upon the Court that he had received only the sum of
penalty will be imposed for a repetition of the same or
P 62,470.00 and not P 75,000.00 claiming that five (5) officers of the Samahan had not
similar act, and that he be ordered to return to the
yet paid their shares to P 12,500.00.
plaintiffs, through the complainants in Adm. Case No.
2134, the sum of P 75,000.00.
We agree with the Solicitor General that complainants' evidence on this score is the
more credible and that he had, in fact, received the total sum of P 75,000.00 inclusive of
2. That the case against Atty. Anacleto R. Montemayor,
the share of P 12,500.00 of the five (5) officers of the Somalian For, in the pleadings filed
Adm. Case No. 2180, be dismissed, since he has not
by Atty. Robinol himself in the civil case below, namely, the Motion for Execution on 5
June 1979; the Motion for Postponement on 31 August 1979; and the Motion to Set ACCORDINGLY, 1) In Administrative Case No. 2144, Atty. Santiago R. Robinol is
Hearing of Motion for Execution on 10 March 1980, he made mention of seven (7) hereby DISBARRED for having violated his lawyer's oath to delay no man for money,
persons, who, as of that time, had not yet submitted their corresponding shares which broken the fiduciary relation between lawyer and client, and proven himself unworthy to
list, however, did not include any of the five (5) officers of the Samahan. continue in the practice of law. By reason of his unethical actuations, he is hereby
declared to have forfeited his rights to attomey's fees and is ordered to return the amount
Inevitable, therefore, is the conclusion that Atty. Robinol has rendered himself unfit to of P 75,000.00 to the plaintiffs in Civil Case No. Q-16433 through the complainant in the
continue in the practice of law. He has not only violated his oath not to delay any man for aforementioned Administrative Case.
money and to conduct himself with all good fidelity to his clients. He has also brought the
profession into disrepute with people who had reposed in it full faith and reliance for the 2) Administrative Case No. 2180 against Atty. Anacleto R. Montemayor for disbarment is
fulfillment of a life-time ambition to acquire a homelot they could call their own. hereby DISMISSED for lack of merit.

Re: Atty. Anacleto R. Montemayor Let copies of this Resolution be entered in the respective personal records of Attys.
Santiago R. Robinol and Anacleto R. Montemayor.
In so far as Atty. Montemayor is concerned, we agree with the findings of the Solicitor
General that he has not exposed himself to any plausible charge of unethical conduct in This Resolution is immediately executory.
the exercise of his profession when he agreed to serve as counsel for the plaintiffs in
Civil Case No. Q-16433. SO ORDERED.

Of the thirty-two (32) plaintiffs in said civil case, twenty-one (21) had signed the first
consensus of 6 March 1980 expressing their resolve to change their lawyer. In as much
as Atty. Robinol sought to exclude seven (7) of the plaintiffs (out of 32) for non-payment
of their shares, only twenty five (25) of them should be considered in determining the
majority. Consequently, twenty-one (21) out of twenty-five (25) is sufficient to make the
said consensus binding. It is more than a simple majority.

Moreover, the following developments estop Atty. Robinol from questioning his discharge
as counsel: On 17 March 1980 he was informed in writing by plaintiffs of the termination
of his services (Exhibit "5"). That was followed by another letter of 31 March 1980 of the
same tenor (Exhibit "6"). In his Memorandum of 12 December 1985 and during the
proceedings before the lower Court on 5 June 1980 he had stated that he had no
objection to Atty. Montemayor's appearance in Civil Case Q-16433. When the latter did
enter his appearance, therefore, on 20 March 1980 it was only after assuring himself that
Atty. Robinol's services had been formally terminated. He had in no way encroached
upon the professional employment of a colleague.

There is no gainsaying that clients are free to change their counsel in a pending case at
any time (Section 26, Rule 138, Rules of Court) and thereafter employ another lawyer
who may then enter his appearance. In this case, the plaintiffs in the civil suit below
decided to change their lawyer, Atty. Robinol, for loss of trust and confidence. That act
was well within their prerogative.

In so far as the complaint for disbarment filed by Atty. Robinol against Atty. Montemayor
is concerned, therefore, we find the same absolutely without merit.
Dongga v atty cruz said amount on July 23, 2004, which was again received by Atty. Cruz-Angeles.
 However, to complainant's dismay, no appreciable progress took place. When
complainant inquired about the delay in the filing of the case, Atty. Cruz-Angeles
PERLAS-BERNABE, J.: attempted to ease his worries by saying that the draft petition was already submitted
to the judge for editing and that the petition will soon be finalized. [6]
For the Court's resolution is a Complaint-Affidavit [1] filed on February 11, 2005 by
complainant Cleo B. Dongga-as (complainant), before the Integrated Bar of the In the last week of September 2004, complainant received a text message from Atty.
Philippines (IBP) – Commission on Bar Discipline (CBD), against respondents Atty. Cruz-Angeles informing him that the National Statistics Office bore no record of his
Rose Beatrix Cruz-Angeles (Atty. Cruz-Angeles), Atty. Wylie M. Paler (Atty. Paler), marriage. The latter explained then that this development was favorable to
and Atty. Angeles Grandea (Atty. Grandea; collectively, respondents) of the Angeles, complainant's case because, instead of the proposed petition for annulment of
Grandea & Paler Law Office (law firm), charging them of various violations of the marriage, they would just need to file a petition for declaration of nullity of marriage.
Code of Professional Responsibility (CPR) for, inter alia, refusing to return the She also informed complainant that they would send someone to verify the records of
money given by complainant in exchange for legal services which respondents failed his marriage at the Local Civil Registrar of La Trinidad, Benguet (Civil Registrar)
to perform. where his marriage was celebrated. However, upon complainant's independent
verification through his friend, he discovered that the records of his marriage in the
Civil Registrar were intact, and that the alleged absence of the records of his marriage
The Facts was a mere ruse to cover up the delay in the filing of the petition. [7]

Complainant alleged that sometime in May 2004, he engaged the law firm of Utterly frustrated with the delay in the filing of his petition for annulment,
respondents to handle the annulment of his marriage with his wife, Mutya Filipinas complainant went to respondents' law office to terminate their engagement and to
Puno-Dongga-as (Mutya). In his meeting with Attys. Cruz-Angeles and Paler, demand for a refund of the aggregate amount of P350,000.00 he earlier paid them.
complainant was told that: (a) the case would cost him P300,000.00, with the first However, Attys. Cruz-Angeles and Paler refused to return the said amount, and to
P100,000.00 payable immediately and the remaining P200,000.00 payable after the complainant's surprise, sent him two (2) billing statements dated October 5,
final hearing of the case; (b) respondents will start working on the case upon receipt 2004[8] and October 10, 2004[9] in the amounts of P258,000.00 and P324,000.00,
of PI00,000.00, which will cover the acceptance fee, psychologist fee, and filing fees; respectively. Notably, the October 5, 2004 billing statement included a fee for
and (c) the time-frame for the resolution of the case will be around three (3) to four "consultants (prosecutors)" amounting to P45,000.00.[10] In view of the foregoing,
(4) months from filing. Accordingly, complainant paid respondents P100,000.00 complainant filed the instant Complaint-Affidavit before the IBP-CBD, docketed as
which was duly received by Atty. Cruz-Angeles.[2] CBD Case No. 05-1426.

From then on, complainant constantly followed-up his case with Attys. Cruz-Angeles In her defense,[11] Atty. Cruz-Angeles admitted to have received a total of
and Paler. However, despite his constant prodding, Attys. Cruz-Angeles and Paler P350,000.00 from complainant,[12] but denied that she was remiss in her duties,
could not present any petition and instead, offered excuses for the delay, saying that: explaining that the delay in the filing of the petition for annulment of marriage was
(a) they still had to look for a psychologist to examine Mutya; (b) they were still due to complainant's failure to give the current address of Mutya and provide
looking for a "friendly" court and public prosecutor; and (c) they were still sufficient evidence to support the petition. [13] Further, Atty. Cruz-Angeles alleged that
deliberating where to file the case.[3] They promised that the petition would be filed it was Atty. Paler who was tasked to draft and finalize the petition. [14] For his part,
on or before the end of June 2004, but such date passed without any petition being [15]
 Atty. Paler moved for the dismissal of the case for failure to state a cause of action,
filed. As an excuse, they reasoned out that the petition could not be filed since they arguing too that complainant filed the present administrative complaint only to avoid
have yet to talk to the judge who they insinuated will favorably resolve complainant's payment of attorney's fees.[16]

Sometime in the third week of July 2004, Attys. Cruz-Angeles and Paler asked for an The IBP's Report and Recommendation
additional payment of P250,000.00 in order for them to continue working on the
case. Hoping that his petition would soon be filed, complainant dutifully paid the In a Report and Recommendation[17] dated July 10, 2012, the IBP Investigating
Commissioner found Attys. Cruz-Angeles and Paler administratively liable and, court; and worse, could not even show a finished draft of such pleading. Such neglect
accordingly, recommended that they be meted the penalty of suspension from the of the legal matter entrusted to them by their client constitutes a flagrant violation of
practice of law for four (4) months. However, Atty. Grandea was exonerated of any Rule 18.03, Canon 18 of the CPR, to wit:
liability as his participation in the charges has not been discussed, much less proven.
The Investigating Commissioner found that complainant indeed engaged the services
of Attys. Cruz-Angeles and Paler in order to annul his marriage with his wife, Mutya. Rule 18.03 – A lawyer shall not neglect a legal matter entrusted to him, and his
Despite receiving the aggregate amount of P350,000.00 from complainant, Attys. negligence in connection therewith shall render him liable.
Cruz-Angeles and Paler neglected the legal matter entrusted to them, as evidenced by
their failure to just even draft complainant's petition for annulment despite being Case law exhorts that, "once a lawyer takes up the cause of his client, he is duty-
engaged for already five (5) long months.[19] Moreover, as pointed out by the bound to serve the latter with competence, and to attend to such client's cause with
Investigating Commissioner, despite their preliminary assessment that diligence, care, and devotion whether he accepts it for a fee or for free. He owes
complainant's petition would not likely prosper, Attys. Cruz-Angeles and Paler still fidelity to such cause and must always be mindful of the trust and confidence reposed
proceeded to collect an additional P250,000.00 from complainant. Worse, they even upon him. Therefore, a lawyer's neglect of a legal matter entrusted to him by his
billed him an exorbitant sum of P324,000.00.[20] Thus, the Investigating client constitutes inexcusable negligence for which he must be held administratively
Commissioner opined that the amounts respondents had already collected and would liable,"[25] as in this case.
still want to further collect from complainant can hardly be spent for research in
connection with the annulment case that was not filed at all. Neither can they cover In this relation, Attys. Cruz-Angeles and Paler also violated Rules 16.01 and 16.03,
just fees for Attys. Cruz-Angeles and Paler who did nothing to serve complainant's Canon 16 of the CPR when they failed to return to complainant the amount of
cause.[21] P350,000.00 representing their legal fees, viz. :
In a Resolution[22] dated September 28, 2013, the IBP Board of Governors adopted PROPERTIES OF HIS CLIENT THAT MAY COME INTO HIS POSSESSION.
and approved the aforesaid Report and Recommendation, with modification
increasing the recommended penalty to two (2) years suspension from the practice of Rule 16.01 – A lawyer shall account for all money or property collected or received
law. Atty. Cruz-Angeles moved for reconsideration, [23] which was, however, denied in for or from the client.
a Resolution[24] dated June 7, 2015.
Rule 16.03– A lawyer shall deliver the funds and property of his client when due or
upon demand, x x x.
The Issue Before the Court It bears stressing that "the relationship between a lawyer and his client is highly
fiduciary and prescribes on a lawyer a great fidelity and good faith. The highly
The essential issue in this case is whether or not Attys. Cruz-Angeles and Paler fiduciary nature of this relationship imposes upon the lawyer the duty to account for
should be held administratively liable for violating the CPR. the money or property collected or received for or from his client. Thus, a lawyer's
failure to return upon demand the funds held by him on behalf of his client, as in this
case, gives rise to the presumption that he has appropriated the same for his own use
The Court's Ruling in violation of the trust reposed in him by his client. Such act is a gross violation of
general morality, as well as of professional ethics."[26]
A judicious perusal of the records reveals that sometime in May 2004, complainant
secured the services of Attys. Cruz-Angeles and Paler for the purpose of annulling his Furthermore, Attys. Cruz-Angeles and Paler misrepresented to complainant that the
marriage with Mutya, and in connection therewith, paid Attys. Cruz-Angeles and delay in the filing of his petition for annulment was due to the fact that they were still
Paler the aggregate sum of P350,000.00 representing legal fees. However, despite looking for a "friendly" court, judge, and public prosecutor who will not be too much
the passage of more than five (5) months from the engagement, Attys. Cruz-Angeles of a hindrance in achieving success in the annulment case. In fact, in the two (2)
and Paler failed to file the appropriate pleading to initiate the case before the proper
billing statements dated October 5, 2004[27] and October 10, 2004,[28] Attys. Cruz- good name of the legal profession, but also to keep inviolable the honor, prestige, and
Angeles and Paler made it appear that they went to various locations to look for a reputation of the judiciary.[33] In this case, Attys. Cruz-Angeles and Paler
suitable venue in filing the said petition, and even paid various amounts to compromised the integrity not only of the judiciary, but also of the national
prosecutors and members of the National Bureau of Investigation to act as their prosecutorial service, by insinuating that they can influence a court, judge, and
"consultants." Such misrepresentations and deceits on the part of Attys. Cruz- prosecutor to cooperate with them to ensure the annulment of complainant's
Angeles and Paler are violations of Rule 1.01, Canon 1 of the CPR, viz.: marriage. Indubitably, Attys. Cruz-Angeles and Paler also violated Canon 7 of the
CANON 1 – A lawyer shall uphold the constitution, obey the laws of the land and CPR, and hence, they should be held administratively liable therefor.
promote respect for law and legal processes.
Anent the proper penalty for Attys. Cruz-Angeles and Paler, jurisprudence provides
Rule 1.01 – A lawyer shall not engage in unlawful, dishonest, immoral or deceitful that in similar cases where lawyers neglected their client's affairs, failed to return the
conduct. latter's money and/or property despite demand, and at the same time committed acts
of misrepresentation and deceit against their clients, the Court imposed upon them
Rule 1.01, Canon 1 of the CPR instructs that "[a]s officers of the court, lawyers are the penalty of suspension from the practice of law for a period of two (2) years.
bound to maintain not only a high standard of legal proficiency, but also of morality, In Jinon v. Jiz [34] the Court suspended the lawyer for a period of two (2) years for his
honesty, integrity, and fair dealing."[29] Clearly, Attys. Cruz-Angeles and Paler fell failure to return the amount his client gave him for his legal services which he never
short of such standard when they committed the afore-described acts of performed. Also, in Agot v. Rivera,  [35] the Court suspended the lawyer for a period of
misrepresentation and deception against complainant. Their acts are not only two (2) years for his (a) failure to handle the legal matter entrusted to him and to
unacceptable, disgraceful, and dishonorable to the legal profession; they also reveal return the legal fees in connection therewith; and (b) misrepresentation that he was
basic moral flaws that make Attys. Cruz-Angeles and Paler unfit to practice law. [30] an immigration lawyer, when in truth, he was not. Finally, in Spouses Lopez v.
Limos, [36] the Court suspended the erring lawyer for three (3) years for her failure to
As members of the Bar, Attys. Cruz-Angeles and Paler should not perform acts that file a petition for adoption on behalf of complainants, return the money she received
would tend to undermine and/or denigrate the integrity of the courts, such as as legal fees, and for her commission of deceitful acts in misrepresenting that she had
insinuating that they can find a "friendly" court and judge that will ensure a favorable already filed such petition when nothing was actually filed, resulting in undue
ruling in complainant's annulment case. It is their sworn duty as lawyers and officers prejudice to therein complainants. In this case, not only did Attys. Cruz-Angeles and
of the court to uphold the dignity and authority of the courts. Respect for the courts Paler fail to file complainant's petition for annulment of marriage and return what
guarantees the stability of the judicial institution. Without this guarantee, the the latter paid them as legal fees, they likewise misrepresented that they can find a
institution would be resting on very shaky foundations. [31] This is the very thrust of court, judge, and prosecutor who they can easily influence to ensure a favorable
Canon 11 of the CPR, which provides that "[a] lawyer shall observe and maintain the resolution of such petition, to the detriment of the judiciary and the national
respect due to the courts and to judicial officers and should insist on similar conduct prosecutorial service. Under these circumstances, the Court individually imposes
by others." Hence, lawyers who are remiss in performing such sworn duty violate the upon Attys. Cruz-Angeles and Paler the penalty of suspension from the practice of
aforesaid Canon 11, and as such, should be held administratively liable and penalized law for a period of three (3) years.
accordingly, as in this case.[32]
Finally, the Court sustains the IBP's recommendation ordering Attys. Cruz-Angeles
Moreover, Canon 7 of the CPR commands every lawyer to "at all times uphold the and Paler to return the amount of P350,000.00 they received from complainant as
integrity and dignity of the legal profession" for the strength of the legal profession legal fees. It is well to note that "while the Court has previously held that disciplinary
lies in the dignity and integrity of its members. It is every lawyer's duty to maintain proceedings should only revolve around the determination of the respondent-
the high regard to the profession by staying true to his oath and keeping his actions lawyer's administrative and not his civil liability, it must be clarified that this rule
beyond reproach. It must be reiterated that as an officer of the court, it is a lawyer's remains applicable only to claimed liabilities which are purely civil in nature – for
sworn and moral duty to help build and not destroy unnecessarily that high esteem instance, when the claim involves moneys received by the lawyer from his client in a
and regard towards the courts so essential to the proper administration of justice; as transaction separate and distinct and not intrinsically linked to his professional
acts and/or omissions emanating from lawyers which tend to undermine the judicial engagement."[37] Hence, since Attys. Cruz-Angeles and Paler received the aforesaid
edifice is disastrous to the continuity of the government and to the attainment of the amount as part of their legal fees, the Court finds the return thereof to be in order.
liberties of the people. Thus, all lawyers should be bound not only to safeguard the
WHEREFORE, respondents Atty. Rose Beatrix Cruz-Angeles and Atty. Wylie M.
Paler are found GUILTY of violating Rule 1.01, Canon 1, Canon 7, Canon 11, Rule
18.03, Canon 18, and Rules 16.01 and 16.03, Canon 16 of the Code of Professional
Responsibility. Accordingly, each of them is hereby SUSPENDED from the practice
of law for a period of three (3) years, effective upon the finality of this Decision, with
a STERN WARNING that a repetition of the same or similar acts will be dealt with
more severely.

Likewise, respondents Atty. Rose Beatrix Cruz-Angeles and Atty. Wylie M. Paler
are ORDERED to return to complainant Cleo B. Dongga-as the legal fees they
received from the latter in the aggregate amount of P350,000.00 within ninety (90)
days from the finality of this Decision. Failure to comply with the foregoing directive
will warrant the imposition of a more severe penalty.

Meanwhile, the complaint as against Atty. Angeles Grandea is DISMISSED for lack

of merit.

Let copies of this Decision be served on the Office of the Bar Confidant, the
Integrated Bar of the Philippines, and all courts in the country for their information
and guidance and be attached to respondents' personal records as attorney.

A.M. No. 5925. March 11, 2003 needed more time to fund the check.  However, respondent failed to fund
the check despite the demands of complainant.
QUIOCHO, respondent. In his Answer to the complaint, respondent denied that complainant
contracted his legal services. Although respondent admitted having
RESOLUTION received the two checks from complainant, he claimed that said checks
were intended to cover actual and incidental expenses for transportation,
CALLEJO, SR., J.: communication, representation, necessary services, taxes and fees for the
cancellation and transfer of TCT No. 334411 under the name of
On January 3, 2002, Ruby Mae Barnachea filed a verified complaint for complainant and not for legal services. He asserted that he acted in good
breach of lawyer-client relations against respondent Atty. Edwin T. faith as shown by the fact of his return of complainants documents with
Quiocho. an explanatory letter and his issuance of a personal check for P41,280.00
dated December 1, 2001. He insisted that he would not compromise for
It appears that respondent had not been in the private practice of the law such meager amount his personal standing as well as his membership in
for quite some time. However, in September 2001, he decided to revive the legal profession. His failure to transfer the title of the property under
his legal practice with some associates. Complainant engaged the legal the name of the complainant was caused by his difficulty in making good
services of respondent for the latter to cause the transfer under her name the claimed amount, compounded by his affliction with diabetes and the
of the title over a property covered by Transfer Certificate of Title No. consequent loss of sight of his right eye.
334411 previously owned by her sister, Lutgarda Amor D. Barnachea. The
latter sold said property to complainant under an unnotarized deed of Respondent further alleged that he was a licensed real estate and
absolute sale. Complainant drew and issued BPI Family Bank Check No. insurance broker and had been a freelance business management
0052304 in the amount of P11,280.00 and BPI Family Bank Check No. consultant. At the same time he engaged in real estate brokering, pre-
0052305 in the amount of P30,000.00, both dated September 5, 2001, or need products marketing for Prudential Life, and life insurance
the total amount of P41,280.00 for the expenses for said transfer and in underwriting for Insular Life. In 1999, he gave up the practice of his
payment for respondents legal services. Respondent enchased the checks. profession as a lawyer and subsequently managed to put up a business
center with fellow insurance underwriters for their common insurance
However, despite the lapse of almost two months, respondent failed to underwriting practice. He further claimed that sometime in August, 2001,
secure title over the property in favor of complainant. The latter an insurance client introduced complainant as an insurance prospect to
demanded that respondent refund to her the amount of P41,280.00 and him. In the course of their dealing, complainant intimated to respondent
return the documents which she earlier entrusted to him. However, her willingness to consider respondents insurance proposal provided the
respondent failed to comply with said demands. On November 1, 2001, latter would help her facilitate the cancellation and eventual transfer to
complainant received a letter from respondent informing her that he had her name the property covered by TCT No. 334411 in the name of
failed to cause the transfer of the property under her name and that he complainants sister, Lutgarda Amor D. Barnachea. Respondent agreed to
was returning the documents and title she had entrusted to him and help complainant in the transfer of the title to her name, with the
refunding to her the amount of P41,280.00 through his personal check condition that no diligent study or verification of complainants documents,
No. DIL 0317787. Said check was drawn against his account with the nor preparation of any additional document or any application or petition
Bank of Commerce (Diliman Branch) in the amount of P41,280.00 and whatsoever, will be made by respondent. He explained to complainant
was postdated December 1, 2001. Respondent told complainant that he that his task was merely to go through the regular process of presenting
the available documents, paying the taxes and fees, and following up the
processing for the cancellation and issuance of the certificate of title. In 3. Respondent should also be given a WARNING that a repetition shall be
other words, respondent offered to complainant services which a non- dealt with more severely.1cräläwvirtualibräry
lawyer familiar with the procedure and the related offices can perform and
provide to the complainant with respect to the transfer of the title of the The Investigating Commissioner gave credence to the claim of
property in her name. complainant that she engaged the legal services of respondent and paid
him for his services and that respondent failed in his undertaking and
Respondent asserted that in the latter part of September 2001, he refund the amount of P41,280.00 to complainant despite her demands
discovered and became aware for the first time that the original copy of and that respondent appeared to be evading the complainant.
TCT No. 334411 with the Register of Deeds of Quezon City was destroyed
in a fire in Quezon City Hall several years earlier and that complainants On October 19, 2002, the IBP Board of Governors passed Resolution No.
copy of the title needed to be reconstituted before it can be cancelled and XV-2002-550 adopting and approving the Investigating Commissioners
transferred. At about the same time, the working relations of respondent recommendation with the additional sanction of reprimand for
in the business center with his non-lawyer associates had become difficult respondent:
and strained, impelling him to sever his business relations with them and
cease from to going to the business center. Consequently, telephone RESOLVED to ADOPT and APPROVE, as it is hereby ADOPTED and
communications between respondent and complainant at the business APPROVED, the Report and Recommendation of the Investigating
center was cut. Communications became much more limited when, apart Commissioner of the above-entitled case, herein made part of this
from the fact that respondent did not have a landline at his residence, Resolution/Decision as Annex A; and, finding the recommendation fully
respondents mobile phone was stolen sometime in October 2001. supported by the evidence on record and the applicable laws and rules,
with  modification. Respondent is hereby reprimanded and ordered to
The Integrated Bar of the Philippines (IBP) designated Atty. Dennis B. return the Forty One Thousand Two Hundred Eighty (P41,280.00) Pesos
Funa as Commissioner to conduct a formal investigation of the complaint. to complainant within ninety (90) days from receipt of notice.2
Despite several settings, respondent failed to appear and adduce
evidence. While the Court agrees with the Board of Governors that respondent
should be meted a disciplinary sanction, it finds that the penalty of
On April 26, 2002, Investigating Commissioner Dennis B. Funa submitted reprimand recommended by the Board of Governors is not commensurate
his report and recommendation stating in part that: to the gravity of the wrong committed by respondent. As found by the
Investigating Commissioner, the complainant engaged the legal services
1. Respondent is not able to meet his financial obligations due to financial of the respondent. As admitted in his letter to the complainant,
difficulties, and that respondent is in good faith in his failure to meet this respondent had just resumed his private practice of law two months
obligation. before complainant contracted his services for the notarization of the
Deed of Absolute Sale, the registration thereof with the Register of Deeds
2. It is recommended that respondent be ORDERED TO REPAY HIS and the transfer of the title over the property to the complainant:
CLIENT within ninety (90) days from receipt of this Decision. The principal
amount being P41,280.00. Failure to comply with the Order shall be NOVEMBER 1, 2002
considered as proof of evident bad faith, and shall be considered in the
continuing evaluation of the case in view of the continued failure to repay DEAR RUBY,
his client.
I HAD A SERIES OF MONEY PROBLEMS RIGHT AFTER YOU GAVE ME THE sight in his right eye. Respondent simply refused to adduce evidence to
TWO CHECKS AND COMING WITH THE AMOUNTS WITH PERSONAL prove his allegations in his Answer to the complaint.
The Court is led to believe that respondents failure to cause the transfer
I WAS REVIVING MY LEGAL PRACTICE ONLY FOR TWO MONTHS WHICH of the title of the property under the name of complainant was due to a
WE MET AND HAD JUST SET UP THE OFFICE WITH TWO ASSOCIATES financial problem that beset him shortly after he received the checks from
WHICH A FEW WEEKS LATER WE HAD DISAGREEMENTS AND DECIDED complainant. It can easily be inferred from respondents letter that he
TO DISBAND. I WILL HAVE TO REFURBISH MY OFFICE. I AM ISSUING MY used complainants money to alleviate if not solve his financial woes. What
PERSONAL CHECK TO GUARANTEE THE AMOUNT I TOOK. I NEED A compounded respondents unethical conduct was his drawing of a personal
LITTLE TIME TO COVER THE AMOUNT. THANKS FOR YOUR check and delivering the same to complainant without sufficient funds in
UNDERSTANDING. his bank account to cover the check. Even as he promised to fund his
account with the drawee bank, respondent failed to do so when the check
(Sgd.) EDWIN. became due.
A lawyer is obliged to hold in trust money or property of his client that
Respondents claim that complainant did not retain his legal services flies may come to his possession. He is a trustee to said funds and
in the face of his letter to complainant. Even if it were true that no property.5 He is to keep the funds of his client separate and apart from his
attorney-client relationship existed between them, case law has it that an own and those of others kept by him. Money entrusted to a lawyer for a
attorney may be removed or otherwise disciplined not only for malpractice specific purpose such as for the registration of a deed with the Register of
and dishonesty in the profession but also for gross misconduct not Deeds and for expenses and fees for the transfer of title over real
connected with his professional duties, making him unfit for the office and property under the name of his client if not utilized, must be returned
unworthy of the privileges which his license and the law confer upon immediately to his client upon demand therefor. The lawyers failure to
him.4cräläwvirtualibräry return the money of his client upon demand gave rise to a presumption
that he has misappropriated said money in violation of the trust reposed
In this case, respondent failed to comply with his undertaking for almost on him.6 The conversion by a lawyer funds entrusted to him by his client
two months. Worse, despite demands of complainant, he failed to refund is a gross violation of professional ethics and a betrayal of public
the amount of P41,280.00 and to return to complainant the deed of confidence in the legal profession.7cräläwvirtualibräry
absolute sale and title over the property. Respondents claim that
complainant could not contact him because he did not have any landline In this case, respondent intransigeantly refused to return to the
at his residence and that his mobile phone was stolen in October 2001, is complainant the amount of P41,280.00 which he received for the
hard to believe. He failed to adduce a morsel of evidence to prove that his expenses for the transfer to her of the title of the property and for his
telephone at the business center was cut or that his mobile phone had professional fees. His dishonest conduct was compounded by his
been stolen. Even then, respondent could have easily contacted the interjection of flimsy excuses for his obstinate refusal to refund the
complainant at her residence or could have written her a letter informing amount to complainant.
her that the original copy of TCT No. 324411 in the custody of the
Register of Deeds was burned when the Quezon City Hall was gutted by The relation of attorney and client is highly fiduciary in nature and is of a
fire and that there was a need for the reconstitution of said title. Neither very delicate, exacting and confidential character.8 A lawyer is duty-bound
did respondent adduce evidence that he was a life insurance underwriter to observe candor, fairness and loyalty in all his dealings and transactions
for Insular Life or that he had been sick with diabetes and had lost his with his clients.9 The profession, therefore, demands of an attorney an
absolute abdication of every personal advantage conflicting in any way,
directly or indirectly, with the interest of his client. In this case,
respondent miserably failed to measure up to the exacting standard
expected of him.

IN LIGHT OF ALL THE FOREGOING,  Respondent Atty. Edwin T.

Quiocho is found guilty of violation of Canons 15 and 16 of the Code of
Professional Responsibility. He is SUSPENDED from the practice of law for
One (1) Year with a stern warning that a repetition of the same or similar
acts shall be dealt with more severely. He is DIRECTED to restitute to the
complainant the full amount of P41,280.00 within ten (10) days from
notice hereof. Respondent is further DIRECTED to submit to the Court
proof of payment of said amount within ten (10) days from said payment.
If Respondent fails to restitute the said amount within the aforesaid
period, he shall be meted an additional suspension of three (3) months for
every month or fraction thereof of delay until he shall have paid the said
amount in full. In case a subsidiary penalty of suspension for his failure to
restitute the said amount shall be necessary, respondent shall serve
successively the penalty of his one year suspension and the subsidiary
penalty. This is without prejudice to the right of the complainant to
institute the appropriate action for the collection of said amount.

G.R. No. L-35702 May 29, 1973 On August 31, 1964, plaintiff Domingo D. Rubias, a lawyer, filed a suit to
recover the ownership and possession of certain portions of lot under
DOMINGO D. RUBIAS, plaintiff-appellant, Psu-99791 located in Barrio General Luna, Barotac Viejo, Iloilo which he
vs. bought from his father-in-law, Francisco Militante in 1956 against its
ISAIAS BATILLER, defendant-appellee. present occupant defendant, Isaias Batiller, who illegally entered said
portions of the lot on two occasions — in 1945 and in 1959. Plaintiff
Gregorio M. Rubias for plaintiff-appellant. prayed also for damages and attorneys fees. (pp. 1-7, Record on
Appeal). In his answer with counter-claim defendant claims the complaint
of the plaintiff does not state a cause of action, the truth of the matter
Vicente R. Acsay for defendant-appellee.
being that he and his predecessors-in-interest have always been in
actual, open and continuous possession since time immemorial under
claim of ownership of the portions of the lot in question and for the
alleged malicious institution of the complaint he claims he has suffered
TEEHANKEE, J.: moral damages in the amount of P 2,000.00, as well as the sum of
P500.00 for attorney's fees. ...
In this appeal certified by the Court of Appeals to this Court as involving purely legal
questions, we affirm the dismissal order rendered by the Iloilo court of first instance after On December 9, 1964, the trial court issued a pre-trial order, after a pre-
pre-trial and submittal of the pertinent documentary exhibits. trial conference between the parties and their counsel which order reads
as follows..
Such dismissal was proper, plaintiff having no cause of action, since it was duly
established in the record that the application for registration of the land in question filed 'When this case was called for a pre-trial conference
by Francisco Militante, plaintiff's vendor and predecessor interest, had been dismissed today, the plaintiff appeared assisted by himself and Atty.
by decision of 1952 of the land registration court as affirmed by final judgment in 1958 of Gregorio M. Rubias. The defendant also appeared,
the Court of Appeals and hence, there was no title or right to the land that could be assisted by his counsel Atty. Vicente R. Acsay.
transmitted by the purported sale to plaintiff.
A. During the pre-trial conference, the parties have
As late as 1964, the Iloilo court of first instance had in another case of ejectment likewise agreed that the following facts are attendant in this case
upheld by final judgment defendant's "better right to possess the land in question . and that they will no longer introduced any evidence,
having been in the actual possession thereof under a claim of title many years before testimonial or documentary to prove them:
Francisco Militante sold the land to the plaintiff."
1. That Francisco Militante claimed ownership of a parcel of land located
Furthermore, even assuming that Militante had anything to sell, the deed of sale in the Barrio of General Luna, municipality of Barotac Viejo province of
executed in 1956 by him in favor of plaintiff at a time when plaintiff was concededly his Iloilo, which he caused to be surveyed on July 18-31, 1934, whereby he
counsel of record in the land registration case involving the very land in dispute was issued a plan Psu-99791 (Exhibit "B"). (The land claimed contained
(ultimately decided adversely against Militante by the Court of Appeals' 1958 judgment an area of 171:3561 hectares.)
affirming the lower court's dismissal of Militante's application for registration) was
properly declared inexistent and void by the lower court, as decreed by Article 1409 in 2. Before the war with Japan, Francisco Militante filed with the Court of
relation to Article 1491 of the Civil Code. First Instance of Iloilo an application for the registration of the title of the
land technically described in psu-99791 (Exh. "B") opposed by the
The appellate court, in its resolution of certification of 25 July 1972, gave the following Director of Lands, the Director of Forestry and other oppositors. However,
backgrounder of the appeal at bar: during the war with Japan, the record of the case was lost before it was
heard, so after the war Francisco Militante petitioned this court to
reconstitute the record of the case. The record was reconstituted on the for 1948; under Tax Dec. No. 7122 (Exh. "2"), and paid the land taxes for
Court of the First Instance of Iloilo and docketed as Land Case No. R- 1940 (Exhs. "G" and "G-7"), for 1945 46 (Exh. "G-1") for 1947 (Exh. "G-
695, GLRO Rec. No. 54852. The Court of First Instance heard the land 2"), for 1947 & 1948 (Exh. "G-3"), for 1948 (Exh. "G-4"), and for 1948 and
registration case on November 14, 1952, and after the trial this court 1949 (Exh. "G-5").
dismissed the application for registration. The appellant, Francisco
Militante, appealed from the decision of this Court to the Court of Appeals 7. Tax Declaration No. 2434 in the name of Liberato Demontaño for the
where the case was docketed as CA-GR No. 13497-R.. land described therein (Exh. "F") was cancelled by Tax. Dec. No. 5172 of
Francisco Militante (Exh. "E"). Liberato Demontaño paid the land tax
3. Pending the disposal of the appeal in CA-GR No. 13497-R and more under Tax Dec. No. 2434 on Dec. 20, 1939 for the years 1938 (50%) and
particularly on June 18, 1956, Francisco Militante sold to the plaintiff, 1959 (Exh. "H").
Domingo Rubias the land technically described in psu-99791 (Exh. "A").
The sale was duly recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for the 8. The defendant had declared for taxation purposes Lot No. 2 of the
province of Iloilo as Entry No. 13609 on July 11, 1960 (Exh. "A-1"). Psu-155241 under Tax Dec. Not. 8583 for 1957 and a portion of Lot No.
2, Psu-155241, for 1945 under Tax Dec. No. 8584 (Exh. "2-A" Tax No.
(NOTE: As per deed of sale, Exh. A, what Militante purportedly sold to 8583 (Exh. "2") was revised by Tax Dec. No. 9498 in the name of the
plaintiff-appellant, his son-in-law, for the sum of P2,000.00 was "a parcel defendant (Exh. "2-B") and Tax Dec. No. 8584 (Exh. "2-A") was cancelled
of untitled land having an area Of 144.9072 hectares ... surveyed under by Tax Dec. No. 9584 also in the name of the defendant (Exh. "2-C").
Psu 99791 ... (and) subject to the exclusions made by me, under The defendant paid the land taxes for Lot 2, Psu-155241, on Nov. 9,
(case) CA-i3497, Land Registration Case No. R-695, G.L.R.O. No. 1960 for the years 1945 and 1946, for the year 1950, and for the year
54852, Court of First Instance of the province of Iloilo. These exclusions 1960 as shown by the certificate of the treasurer (Exh. "3"). The
referred to portions of the original area of over 171 hectares originally defendant may present to the Court other land taxes receipts for the
claimed by Militante as applicant, but which he expressly recognized payment of taxes for this lot.
during the trial to pertain to some oppositors, such as the Bureau of
Public Works and Bureau of Forestry and several other individual 9. The land claimed by the defendant as his own was surveyed on June
occupants and accordingly withdrew his application over the same. This 6 and 7,1956, and a plan approved by Director of Land on November 15,
is expressly made of record in Exh. A, which is the Court of Appeals' 1956 was issued, identified as Psu 155241 (Exh. "5").
decision of 22 September 1958 confirming the land registration
court's dismissal of Militante's application for registration.) 10. On April 22, 1960, the plaintiff filed forcible Entry and Detainer
case against Isaias Batiller in the Justice of the Peace Court of Barotac
4. On September 22,1958 the Court of appeals in CA-G.R. No. 13497-R Viejo Province of Iloilo (Exh. "4") to which the defendant Isaias Batiller
promulgated its judgment confirming the decision of this Court in Land riled his answer on August 29, 1960 (Exh. "4-A"). The Municipal Court of
Case No. R-695, GLRO Rec. No. 54852 which dismissed the application Barotac Viejo after trial, decided the case on May 10, 1961 in favor of the
for Registration filed by Francisco Militante (Exh. "I"). defendant and against the plaintiff (Exh. "4-B"). The
plaintiff appealed from the decision of the Municipal Court of Barotac
5. Domingo Rubias declared the land described in Exh. 'B' for taxation Viejo which was docketed in this Court as Civil Case No. 5750 on June 3,
purposes under Tax Dec. No. 8585 (Exh. "C") for 1957; Tax Dec. Nos. 1961, to which the defendant, Isaias Batiller, on June 13, 1961 filed his
9533 (Exh. "C-1") and 10019 (Exh. "C-3")for the year 1961; Tax Dec. No. answer (Exh. "4-C"). And this Court after the trial. decided the case on
9868 (Exh. "C-2") for the year 1964, paying the land taxes under Tax November 26, 1964, in favor of the defendant, Isaias Batiller and against
Dec. No. 8585 and 9533 (Exh. "D", "D-1", "G-6"). the plaintiff (Exh. "4-D").

6. Francisco Militante immediate predecessor-in-interest of the plaintiff, (NOTE: As per Exh. 4-B, which is the Iloilo court of first instance decision
has also declared the land for taxation purposes under Tax Dec. No. of 26 November 1964 dismissing plaintiff's therein complaint for
5172 in 1940 (Exh. "E") for 1945; under Tax Dec. No. T-86 (Exh. "E-1") ejectment against defendant, the iloilo court expressly found "that
plaintiff's complaint is unjustified, intended to harass the defendant" and 2. That the alleged predecessors in interest of the plaintiff have never
"that the defendant, Isaias Batiller, has a better right to possess the land been in the actual possession of the land and that they never had any
in question described in Psu 155241 (Exh. "3"), Isaias Batiller having title thereto.
been in the actual physical possession thereof under a claim of title
many years before Francisco Militante sold the land to the plaintiff-hereby 3. That Lot No. 2, Psu 155241, the subject of Free Patent application of
dismissing plaintiff's complaint and ordering the plaintiff to pay the the defendant has been approved.
defendant attorney's fees ....")
4. The damages suffered by the defendant, as alleged in his
B. During the trial of this case on the merit, the plaintiff will prove by competent evidence counterclaim."'1

the following:
The appellate court further related the developments of the case, as follows:
1. That the land he purchased from Francisco Militante under Exh. "A"
was formerly owned and possessed by Liberato Demontaño but that on On August 17, 1965, defendant's counsel manifested in open court that
September 6, 1919 the land was sold at public auction by virtue of a before any trial on the merit of the case could proceed he would file
judgment in a Civil Case entitled "Edw J. Pflieder plaintiff vs. Liberato a motion to dismiss plaintiff's complaint which he did, alleging
Demontaño Francisco Balladeros and Gregorio Yulo, defendants", of that plaintiff does not have cause of action against him because the
which Yap Pongco was the purchaser (Exh. "1-3"). The sale was property in dispute which he (plaintiff) allegedly bought from his father-in-
registered in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Iloilo on August 4, law, Francisco Militante was the subject matter of LRC No. 695 filed in
1920, under Primary Entry No. 69 (Exh. "1"), and a definite Deed of Sale the CFI of Iloilo, which case was brought on appeal to this Court and
was executed by Constantino A. Canto, provincial Sheriff of Iloilo, on Jan. docketed as CA-G.R. No. 13497-R in which aforesaid case plaintiff was
19, 1934 in favor of Yap Pongco (Exh. "I"), the sale having been the counsel on record of his father-in-law, Francisco Militante. Invoking
registered in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Iloilo on February 10, Arts. 1409 and 1491 of the Civil Code which reads:
1934 (Exh. "1-1").
'Art. 1409. The following contracts are inexistent and void
2. On September 22, 1934, Yap Pongco sold this land to Francisco from the beginning:
Militante as evidenced by a notarial deed (Exh. "J") which was registered
in the Registry of Deeds on May 13, 1940 (Exh. "J-1").
xxx xxx xxx
3. That plaintiff suffered damages alleged in his complaint.
(7) Those expressly prohibited by law.
C. Defendants, on the other hand will prove by competent evidence during the trial of this
'ART. 1491. The following persons cannot acquire any
case the following facts:
purchase, even at a public auction, either in person of
through the mediation of another: .
1. That lot No. 2 of the Psu-1552 it (Exh. '5') was originally owned and
possessed by Felipe Batiller, grandfather of the defendant Basilio Batiller,
xxx xxx xxx
on the death of the former in 1920, as his sole heir. Isaias Batiller
succeeded his father , Basilio Batiller, in the ownership and possession of
the land in the year 1930, and since then up to the present, the land (5) Justices, judges, prosecuting attorneys, clerks of superior and inferior
remains in the possession of the defendant, his possession being actual, courts, and other officers and employees connected with the
open, public, peaceful and continuous in the concept of an owner, administration of justice, the property and rights of in litigation or levied
exclusive of any other rights and adverse to all other claimants. upon an execution before the court within whose jurisdiction or territory
they exercise their respective functions; this prohibition includes the act of
acquiring an assignment and shall apply to lawyers, with respect to the
property and rights which may be the object of any litigation in which they '4. The lower court erred in dismissing the complaint of
may take part by virtue of their profession.' the plaintiff-appellant.'

defendant claims that plaintiff could not have acquired any interest in the The appellate court concluded that plaintiffs "assignment of errors gives rise to two (2)
property in dispute as the contract he (plaintiff) had with Francisco legal posers — (1) whether or not the contract of sale between appellant and his father-
Militante was inexistent and void. (See pp. 22-31, Record on Appeal). in-law, the late Francisco Militante over the property subject of Plan Psu-99791 was void
Plaintiff strongly opposed defendant's motion to dismiss claiming that because it was made when plaintiff was counsel of his father-in-law in a land registration
defendant can not invoke Articles 1409 and 1491 of the Civil Code as case involving the property in dispute; and (2) whether or not the lower court was correct
Article 1422 of the same Code provides that 'The defense of illegality of in entertaining defendant-appellee's motion to dismiss after the latter had already filed his
contracts is not available to third persons whose interests are not directly answer and after he (defendant) and plaintiff-appellant had agreed on some matters in a
affected' (See pp. 32-35 Record on Appeal). pre-trial conference. Hence, its elevation of the appeal to this Court as involving pure
questions of law.
On October 18, 1965, the lower court issued an order disclaiming
plaintiffs complaint (pp. 42-49, Record on Appeal.) In the aforesaid order It is at once evident from the foregoing narration that the pre-trial conference held by the
of dismissal the lower court practically agreed with defendant's contention trial court at which the parties with their counsel agreed and stipulated on the material
that the contract (Exh. A) between plaintiff and Francism Militante was and relevant facts and submitted their respective documentary exhibits as referred to in
null and void. In due season plaintiff filed a motion for reconsideration the pre-trial order, supra,  practically amounted to a fulldress trial which placed on record

(pp. 50-56 Record on Appeal) which was denied by the lower court on all the facts and exhibits necessary for adjudication of the case.
January 14, 1966 (p. 57, Record on Appeal).
The three points on which plaintiff reserved the presentation of evidence at the-trial
Hence, this appeal by plaintiff from the orders of October 18, 1965 and dealing with the source of the alleged right and title of Francisco Militante's
January 14, 1966. predecessors, supra,  actually are already made of record in the stipulated

facts and admitted exhibits. The chain of Militante's alleged title and right to the land as
Plaintiff-appellant imputes to the lower court the following errors: supposedly traced back to Liberato Demontaño was actually asserted by Militante (and
his vendee, lawyer and son-in-law, herein plaintiff) in the land registration case
'1. The lower court erred in holding that the contract of and rejected by the Iloilo land registration court which dismissed Militante's application
sale between the plaintiff-appellant and his father-in-law, for registration of the land. Such dismissal, as already stated, was affirmed by the final
Francisco Militante, Sr., now deceased, of the property judgment in 1958 of the Court of Appeals. 4

covered by Plan Psu-99791, (Exh. "A") was void, not

voidable because it was made when plaintiff-appellant The four points on which defendant on his part reserved the presentation of evidence at
was the counsel of the latter in the Land Registration the trial dealing with his and his ancestors' continuous, open, public and peaceful
case. possession in the concept of owner of the land and the Director of Lands' approval of his
survey plan thereof, supra,  are likewise already duly established facts of record, in the

'2. The lower court erred in holding that the defendant- land registration case as well as in the ejectment case wherein the Iloilo court of first
appellee is an interested person to question the validity of instance recognized the superiority of defendant's right to the land as against plaintiff.
the contract of sale between plaintiff-appellant and the
deceased, Francisco Militante, Sr. No error was therefore committed by the lower court in dismissing plaintiff's complaint
upon defendant's motion after the pre-trial.
'3. The lower court erred in entertaining the motion to
dismiss of the defendant-appellee after he had already 1. The stipulated facts and exhibits of record indisputably established plaintiff's lack of
filed his answer, and after the termination of the pre-trial, cause of action and justified the outright dismissal of the complaint. Plaintiff's claim of
when the said motion to dismiss raised a collateral ownership to the land in question was predicated on the sale thereof for P2,000.00 made
question. in 1956 by his father-in- law, Francisco Militante, in his favor, at a time when Militante's
application for registration thereof had already been dismissed by the Iloilo land following day, May 3, 1918, Palarca filed an application for the
registration court and was pending appeal in the Court of Appeals. registration of the land in the deed. After hearing, the Court of First
Instance declared that the deed was invalid by virtue of the provisions of
With the Court of Appeals' 1958 final judgment affirming the dismissal of Militante's article 1459 of the Civil Code, which prohibits lawyers and solicitors from
application for registration, the lack of any rightful claim or title of Militante to the land purchasing property rights involved in any litigation in which they take
was conclusively and decisively judicially determined. Hence, there was no right or part by virtue of their profession. The application for registration was
title to the land that could be transferred or sold by Militante's purported sale in 1956 in consequently denied, and upon appeal by Palarca to the Supreme Court,
favor of plaintiff. the judgement of the lower court was affirmed by a decision promulgated
November 16,1925. (G.R. No. 24329, Palarca vs. Director of Lands, not
Manifestly, then plaintiff's complaint against defendant, to be declared absolute owner of reported.)
the land and to be restored to possession thereof with damages was bereft of any factual
or legal basis. In the meantime cadastral case No. 30 of the Province of Tarlac was
instituted, and on August 21, 1923, Eleuteria Macaraeg, as administratrix
2. No error could be attributed either to the lower court's holding that the purchase by a of the estate of Vicente Macaraeg, filed claims for the parcels in question.
lawyer of the property in litigation from his client is categorically prohibited by Article Buenaventura Lavitoria administrator of the estate of Juan Soriano, did
1491, paragraph (5) of the Philippine Civil Code, reproduced supra;  and that
6 likewise and so did Sisenando Palarca. In a decision dated June 21,
consequently, plaintiff's purchase of the property in litigation from his client (assuming 1927, the Court of First Instance, Judge Carballo presiding, rendered
that his client could sell the same since as already shown above, his client's claim to the judgment in favor of Palarea and ordered the registration of the land in
property was defeated and rejected) was void and could produce no legal effect, by his name. Upon appeal to this court by the administration of the estates
virtue of Article 1409, paragraph (7) of our Civil Code which provides that contracts of Juan Soriano and Vicente Macaraeg, the judgment of the court below
"expressly prohibited or declared void by law' are "inexistent and that "(T)hese contracts was reversed and the land adjudicated to the two estates as conjugal
cannot be ratified. Neither can the right to set up the defense of illegality be waived." property of the deceased spouses. (G.R. No. 28226, Director of Lands
vs. Abagat, promulgated May 21, 1928, not reported.) 9

The 1911 case of Wolfson vs. Estate of Martinez  relied upon by plaintiff as holding that a

sale of property in litigation to the party litigant's lawyer "is not void but voidable at the In the very case of Abagat itself, the Court, again affirming the invalidity and nullity of the
election of the vendor" was correctly held by the lower court to have been superseded by lawyer's purchase of the land in litigation from his client, ordered the issuance of a writ of
the later 1929 case of Director of Lands vs. Abagat.  In this later case of Abagat, the
8 possession for the return of the land by the lawyer to the adverse parties without
Court expressly cited two antecedent cases involving the same transaction of purchase reimbursement of the price paid by him and other expenses, and ruled that "the appellant
of property in litigation by the lawyer which was expressly declared invalid under Article Palarca is a lawyer and is presumed to know the law. He must, therefore, from the
1459 of the Civil Code of Spain (of which Article 1491 of our Civil Code of the Philippines beginning, have been well aware of the defect in his title and is, consequently, a
is the counterpart) upon challenge thereof not by the vendor-client but by the adverse possessor in bad faith."
parties against whom the lawyer was to enforce his rights as vendee thus acquired.
As already stated, Wolfson and Abagat were decided with relation to Article 1459 of the
These two antecedent cases thus cited in Abagat clearly superseded (without so Civil Code of Spain then adopted here, until it was superseded on August 30, 1950 by
expressly stating the previous ruling in Wolfson: the Civil Code of the Philippines whose counterpart provision is Article 1491.

The spouses, Juan Soriano and Vicente Macaraeg, were the owners of Article 1491 of our Civil Code (like Article 1459 of the Spanish Civil Code) prohibits in its
twelve parcels of land. Vicenta Macaraeg died in November, 1909, six paragraphs certain persons, by reason of the relation of trust or their peculiar control
leaving a large number of collateral heirs but no descendants. Litigation over the property, from acquiring such property in their trust or control either directly or
between the surviving husband, Juan Soriano, and the heirs of Vicenta indirectly and "even at a public or judicial auction," as follows: (1) guardians; (2) agents;
immediately arose, and the herein appellant Sisenando Palarca acted as (3) administrators; (4) public officers and employees; judicial officers and employees,
Soriano's lawyer. On May 2, 1918, Soriano executed a deed for the prosecuting attorneys, and lawyers; and (6) others especially disqualified by law.
aforesaid twelve parcels of land in favor of Sisenando Palarca and on the
In Wolfson which involved the sale and assignment of a money judgment by the client to Citing the same decisions of the Supreme Court of Spain, Gullon Ballesteros, his "Curso
the lawyer, Wolfson, whose right to so purchase the judgment was being challenged by de Derecho Civil, (Contratos Especiales)" (Madrid, 1968) p. 18, affirms that, with respect
the judgment debtor, the Court, through Justice Moreland, then expressly reserved to Article 1459, Spanish Civil Code:.
decision on "whether or not the judgment in question actually falls within the prohibition
of the article" and held only that the sale's "voidability can not be asserted by one not a Que caracter tendra la compra que se realice por estas personas?
party to the transaction or his representative," citing from Manresa   that "(C)onsidering
Porsupuesto no cabe duda de que el caso (art.) 1459, 40 y 50, la nulidad
the question from the point of view of the civil law, the view taken by the code, we must esabsoluta porque el motivo de la prohibicion es de orden publico.  14

limit ourselves to classifying as void all acts done contrary to the express prohibition of
the statute. Now then: As the code does not recognize such nullity by the mere operation Perez Gonzales in such view, stating that "Dado el caracter prohibitivo delprecepto, la
of law, the nullity of the acts hereinbefore referred to must be asserted by the person consequencia de la infraccion es la nulidad radical y ex lege." 15

having the necessary legal capacity to do so and decreed by a competent


Castan, quoting Manresa's own observation that.

The reason thus given by Manresa in considering such prohibited acquisitions under
"El fundamento do esta prohibicion es clarisimo. No sa trata con este precepto tan solo
Article 1459 of the Spanish Civil Code as merely voidable at the instance and option of
de guitar la ocasion al fraude; persiguese, ademasel proposito de rodear a las personas
the vendor and not void — "that the Code does not recognize such nullity de pleno
que intervienen en la administrcionde justicia de todos los retigios que necesitan pora
derecho" — is no longer true and applicable to our own Philippine Civil Code
ejercer su ministerio librandolos de toda suspecha, que aunque fuere in fundada,
which does recognize the absolute nullity of contracts "whose cause, object, or purpose
redundura endescredito de la institucion."   arrives at the contrary and now accepted

is contrary to law, morals, good customs, public order or public policy" or which are
view that "Puede considerace en nuestro derecho inexistente 'o radicalmente nulo el
"expressly prohibited or declared void by law" and declares such contracts "inexistent
contrato en los siguentes cases: a) ...; b) cuando el contrato se ha celebrado en
and void from the beginning."  12

violacion de una prescripcion 'o prohibicion legal, fundada sobre motivos de orden

publico (hipotesis del art. 4 del codigo) ..."  17

The Supreme Court of Spain and modern authors have likewise veered from Manresa's
view of the Spanish codal provision itself. In its sentencia of 11 June 1966, the Supreme
It is noteworthy that Caltan's rationale for his conclusion that fundamental consideration
Court of Spain ruled that the prohibition of Article 1459 of the Spanish Civil Code is
of public policy render void and inexistent such expressly prohibited purchase (e.g. by
based on public policy, that violation of the prohibition contract cannot be validated by
public officers and employees of government property intrusted to them and by justices,
confirmation or ratification, holding that:
judges, fiscals and lawyers of property and rights in litigation and submitted to or handled
by them, under Article 1491, paragraphs (4) and (5) of our Civil Code) has been adopted
... la prohibicion que el articulo 1459 del C.C. establece respecto a los in a new article of our Civil Code, viz, Article 1409 declaring such prohibited contracts as
administradores y apoderados, la cual tiene conforme a la doctrina de "inexistent and void from the beginning." 18

esta Sala, contendia entre otras, en S. de 27-5-1959, un fundamento

de orden moral lugar la violacion de esta a la nulidad de pleno
Indeed, the nullity of such prohibited contracts is definite and permanent and cannot be
derecho del acto o negocio celebrado, ... y prohibicion legal,
cured by ratification. The public interest and public policy remain paramount and do not
afectante orden publico, no cabe con efecto alguno la
permit of compromise or ratification. In his aspect, the permanent disqualification of
aludida retification ... 

public and judicial officers and lawyers grounded on public policy differs from the first
three cases of guardians, agents and administrators (Article 1491, Civil Code), as to
The criterion of nullity of such prohibited contracts under Article 1459 of the Spanish Civil whose transactions it had been opined that they may be "ratified" by means of and in
Code (Article 1491 of our Civil Code) as a matter of public order and policy as applied by "the form of a new contact, in which cases its validity shall be determined only by the
the Supreme Court of Spain to administrators and agents in its above cited decision circumstances at the time the execution of such new contract. The causes of nullity
should certainly apply with greater reason to judges, judicial officers, fiscals and lawyers which have ceased to exist cannot impair the validity of the new contract. Thus, the
under paragraph 5 of the codal article. object which was illegal at the time of the first contract, may have already become lawful
at the time of the ratification or second contract; or the service which was impossible may
have become possible; or the intention which could not be ascertained may have been
clarified by the parties. The ratification or second contract would then be valid from its
execution; however, it does not retroact to the date of the first contract."  19

As applied to the case at bar, the lower court therefore properly acted upon defendant-
appellant's motion to dismiss on the ground of nullity of plaintiff's alleged purchase of the
land, since its juridical effects and plaintiff's alleged cause of action founded thereon
were being asserted against defendant-appellant. The principles governing the nullity of
such prohibited contracts and judicial declaration of their nullity have been well restated
by Tolentino in his treatise on our Civil Code, as follows:

Parties Affected. — Any person may invoke the in existence of the

contract whenever juridical effects founded thereon are asserted against
him. Thus, if there has been a void transfer of property, the transferor can
recover it by the accion reinvindicatoria; and any prossessor may refuse
to deliver it to the transferee, who cannot enforce the contract. Creditors
may attach property of the debtor which has been alienated by the latter
under a void contract; a mortgagee can allege the inexistence of a prior
encumbrance; a debtor can assert the nullity of an assignment of credit
as a defense to an action by the assignee.

Action On Contract. — Even when the contract is void or inexistent, an

action is necessary to declare its inexistence, when it has already been
fulfilled. Nobody can take the law into his own hands; hence, the
intervention of the competent court is necessary to declare the absolute
nullity of the contract and to decree the restitution of what has been given
under it. The judgment, however, will retroact to the very day when the
contract was entered into.

If the void contract is still fully executory, no party need bring an action to
declare its nullity; but if any party should bring an action to enforce it, the
other party can simply set up the nullity as a defense.  20

ACCORDINGLY, the order of dismissal appealed from is hereby affirmed, with costs in
all instances against plaintiff-appellant. So ordered.

Makalintal, Zaldivar, Castro,. Fernando, Barredo, Makasiar, Antonio and Esguerra, JJ.,
A.C. No. 9532               October 8, 2013 Bantegui to file before the Office of the City Prosecutor of Makati (Prosecutor’s Office) a
complaint for grave coercion against complainant and respondent. 13 In turn, respondent
MARIA CRISTINA ZABALJAUREGUI PITCHER, Complainant, advised complainant that criminal and civil cases should be initiated against Bantegui for
vs. the recovery of David's personal records/business interests in Consulting Edge. 14 Thus,
ATTY. RUSTICO B. GAGATE, Respondent. on January 17, 2005, the two entered in Memorandum of Agreement, 15 whereby
respondent undertook the filing of the cases against Bantegui, for which complainant
DECISION paid the amount of ₱150,000.00 as acceptance fee and committed herself to pay
respondent ₱1,000.00 for every court hearing.16
On November 18, 2004, the Prosecutor’s Office issued a Resolution 17 dated October 13,
2004, finding probable cause to charge complainant and respondent for grave coercion.
For the Court s resolution is an administrative complaint 1 filed by Maria Cristina
The corresponding Information was filed before the Metropolitan Trial Court of Makati
Zabaljauregui Pitcher (complainant) against Atty. Rustico B. Gagate (respondent), .
City, Branch 63, docketed as Criminal Case No. 337985 (grave coercion case), and, as a
charging him for gross ignorance of the law and unethical practice of law.
matter of course, warrants of arrest were issued against them. 18 Due to the foregoing,
respondent advised complainant to go into hiding until he had filed the necessary
The facts motions in court. Eventually, however, respondent abandoned the grave coercion case
and stopped communicating with complainant. 19 Failing to reach respondent despite
Complainant claimed to be the legal wife of David B. Pitcher (David), 2 a British national diligent efforts,20 complainant filed the instant administrative case before the Integrated
who passed away on June 18, 2004.3 Prior to his death, David was engaged in business Bar of the Philippines (IBP) - Commission on Bar Discipline (CBD), docketed as CBD
in the Philippines and owned, among others, 40% of the shareholdings in Consulting Case No. 06-1689.
Edge, Inc.4 (Consulting Edge), a domestic corporation. In order to settle the affairs of her
deceased husband, complainant engaged the services of respondent. 5 Despite a directive21 from the IBP-CBD, respondent failed to file his answer to the
complaint. The case was set for mandatory conference on November 24, 2006, 22 which
On June 22, 2004, complainant and respondent met with Katherine Moscoso Bantegui was reset twice,23 on January 12, 2007 and February 2, 2007, due to the absence of
Bantegui),6 a major stockholder of Consulting Edge, 7 in order to discuss the settlement of respondent. The last notice sent to respondent, however, was returned unserved for the
David’s interest in the company.8 They agreed to another meeting which was, however, reason "moved out."24 In view thereof, Investigating Commissioner Tranquil S. Salvador
postponed by Bantegui. Suspecting that the latter was merely stalling for time in order to III declared the mandatory conference terminated and required the parties to submit their
hide something, respondent insisted that the appointment proceed as scheduled. 9 position papers, supporting documents, and affidavits. 25

Eventually, the parties agreed to meet at the company premises on June 28, 2004. The IBP’s Report and Recommendation
However, prior to the scheduled meeting, complainant was prevailed upon by respondent
to put a paper seal on the door of the said premises, assuring her that the same was On March 18, 2009, Investigating Commissioner Pedro A. Magpayo, Jr. (Commissioner
legal.10 Magpayo) issued a Report and Recommendation,26 observing that respondent failed to
safeguard complainant's legitimate interest and abandoned her in the grave coercion
On the scheduled meeting, Bantegui expressed disappointment over the actions of case. Commissioner Magpayo pointed out that Bantegui is not legally obliged to honor
complainant and respondent, which impelled her to just leave the matter for the court to complainant as subrogee of David because complainant has yet to establish her kinship
settle. She then asked them to leave, locked the office and refused to give them a with David and, consequently, her interest in Consulting Edge. 27 Hence, the actions taken
duplicate key.11 by respondent, such as the placing of paper seal on the door of the company premises
and the changing of its lock, were all uncalled for. Worse, when faced with the counter
Subsequently, however, respondent, without the consent of Bantegui, caused the legal measures to his actions, he abandoned his client's cause. 28 Commissioner
change in the lock of the Consulting Edge office door, 12 which prevented the employees Magpayo found that respondent’s acts evinced a lack of adequate preparation and
thereof from entering and carrying on the operations of the company. This prompted mastery of the applicable laws on his part, in violation of Canon 529 of the Code of
Professional Responsibity (Code), warranting his suspension from the practice of law for Rule 18.03 – A lawyer shall not neglect a legal matter entrusted to him, and his
a period of six months.30 negligence in connection therewith shall render him liable.

The IBP Board of Governors adopted and approved the aforementioned Report and xxxx
Recommendation in Resolution No. XX-2011-261 dated November 19, 2011 (November
19, 2011 Resolution), finding the same to be fully supported by the evidence on record CANON 19 – A lawyer shall represent his client with zeal within the bounds of the law.
and the applicable laws and rules.31
Rule 19.01 – A lawyer shall employ only fair and honest means to attain the lawful
In a Resolution32 dated October 8, 2012, the Court noted the Notice of the IBP’s objectives of his client and shall not present, participate in presenting or threaten to
November 19, 2011 Resolution, and referred the case to the Office of the Bar Confidant present unfounded criminal charges to obtain an improper advantage in any case or
(OBC) for evaluation, report and recommendation.33 proceeding.

The OBC's Report and Recommendation xxxx

On February 11, 2013, the OBC submitted a Report and Recommendation 34 dated Keeping with the foregoing rules, the Court finds that respondent failed to exercise the
February 6, 2013, concluding that respondent grossly neglected his duties to his client required diligence in handling complainant’s cause since he: first, failed to represent her
and failed to safeguard the latter's rights and interests in wanton disregard of his duties competently and diligently by acting and proffering professional advice beyond the
as a lawyer.35 It deemed that the six-month suspension from the practice of law as proper bounds of law; and, second, abandoned his client’s cause while the grave
suggested by the IBP was an insufficient penalty and, in lieu thereof, recommended that coercion case against them was pending.
respondent be suspended for three years.36 Likewise, it ordered respondent to return the
₱150,000.00 he received from complainant as acceptance fee. 37 Anent the first infraction, it bears emphasis that complainant's right over the properties of
her deceased husband, David, has yet to be sufficiently established. As such, the high-
The Court's Ruling handed action taken by respondent to enforce complainant's claim of ownership over the
latter’s interest in Consulting Edge – i.e., causing the change of the office door lock
After a careful perusal of the records, the Court concurs with and adopts the findings and which thereby prevented the free ingress and egress of the employees of the said
conclusions of the OBC. company – was highly improper. Verily, a person cannot take the law into his own hands,
regardless of the merits of his theory. In the same light, respondent's act of advising
The Court has repeatedly emphasized that the relationship between a lawyer and his complainant to go into hiding in order to evade arrest in the criminal case can hardly be
client is one imbued with utmost trust and confidence. In this regard, clients are led to maintained as proper legal advice since the same constitutes transgression of the
expect that lawyers would be ever-mindful of their cause and accordingly exercise the ordinary processes of law. By virtue of the foregoing, respondent clearly violated his duty
required degree of diligence in handling their affairs. For his part, the lawyer is expected to his client to use peaceful and lawful methods in seeking justice, 40 in violation of Rule
to maintain at all times a high standard of legal proficiency, and to devote his full 19.01, Canon 19 of the Code as above-quoted. To note further, since such courses of
attention, skill, and competence to the case, regardless of its importance and whether he action were not only improper but also erroneous, respondent equally failed to serve his
accepts it for a fee or for free.38 To this end, he is enjoined to employ only fair and honest client with competence and diligence in violation of Canon 18 of the Code. In the same
means to attain lawful objectives.39 These principles are embodied in Canon 17, Rule regard, he also remained unmindful of his client’s trust in him – in particular, her trust that
18.03 of Canon 18, and Rule 19.01 of Canon 19 of the Code which respectively state: respondent would only provide her with the proper legal advice in pursuing her interests
– thereby violating Canon 17 of the Code.
CANON 17 - A lawyer owes fidelity to the cause of his client and he shall be mindful of
the trust and confidence reposed in him. With respect to the second infraction, records definitively bear out that respondent
completely abandoned complainant during the pendency of the grave coercion case
CANON 18 – A lawyer shall serve his client with competence and diligence. against them; this notwithstanding petitioner’s efforts to reach him as well as his receipt
of the ₱150,000.00 acceptance fee. It is hornbook principle that a lawyer’s duty of
competence and diligence includes not merely reviewing the cases entrusted to his care
or giving sound legal advice, but also consists of properly representing the client before rule remains applicable only to claimed liabilities which are purely civil in nature – for
any court or tribunal, attending scheduled hearings or conferences, preparing and filing instance, when the claim involves moneys received by the lawyer from his client in a
the required pleadings, prosecuting the handled cases with reasonable dispatch, and transaction separate and distinct and not intrinsically linked to his professional
urging their termination even without prodding from the client or the court. 41 Hence, engagement (such as the acceptance fee in this case). Hence, considering further that
considering respondent’s gross and inexcusable neglect by leaving his client totally the fact of respondent’s receipt of the ₱150,000.00 acceptance fee from complainant
unrepresented in a criminal case, it cannot be doubted that he violated Canon 17, Rule remains undisputed,47 the Court finds the return of the said fee, as recommended by the
18.03 of Canon 18, and Rule 19.01 of Canon 19 of the Code. OBC, to be in order.

In addition, it must be pointed out that respondent failed to file his answer to the WHEREFORE respondent Atty. Rustico B. Gagate is found guilty of violating Canon 17
complaint despite due notice.  This demonstrates not only his lack of responsibility but
1âwphi1 Rule 18.03 of Canon 18 and Rule 19.01 of Canon 19 of the Code of Professional
also his lack of interest in clearing his name, which, as case law directs, is constitutive of Responsibility. Accordingly, he is hereby SUSPENDED from the practice of law for a
an implied admission of the charges leveled against him. 42 In fine, respondent should be period of three 3) years, effective upon the finality of this Decision, with a stem warning
held administratively liable for his infractions as herein discussed. That said, the Court that a repetition of the same or similar acts will be dealt with more severely.
now proceeds to determine the appropriate penalty to be imposed against respondent.
Further, respondent is ORDERED to return to complainant Maria Cristina Zabaljauregui
Several cases show that lawyers who have been held liable for gross negligence for Pitcher the ₱150,000.00 acceptance fee he received from the latter within ninety (90)
infractions similar to those committed by respondent were suspended from the practice days from the finality of this Decision. Failure to comply with the foregoing directive will
of law for a period of two years. In Jinon v. Jiz,43 a lawyer who neglected his client's case, warrant the imposition of a more severe penalty.
misappropriated the client's funds and disobeyed the IBP’s directives to submit his
pleadings and attend the hearings was suspended from the practice of law for two years. Let a copy of this Decision be furnished the Office of the Bar Confidant, the Integrated
In Small v. Banares,44 the Court meted a similar penalty against a lawyer who failed to Bar of the Philippines, and the Office of the Court Administrator for circulation to all the
render any legal service even after receiving money from the complainant; to return the courts.
money and documents he received despite demand; to update his client on the status of
her case and respond to her requests for information; and to file an answer and attend SO ORDERED.
the mandatory conference before the IBP. Also, in Villanueva v. Gonzales, 45 a lawyer
who neglected complainant’s cause; refused to immediately account for his client’s
money and to return the documents received; failed to update his client on the status of
her case and to respond to her requests for information; and failed to submit his answer
and to attend the mandatory conference before the IBP was suspended from the practice
of law for two years. However, the Court observes that, in the present case, complainant
was subjected to a graver injury as she was prosecuted for the crime of grave coercion
largely due to the improper and erroneous advice of respondent. Were it not for
respondent’s imprudent counseling, not to mention his act of abandoning his client during
the proceedings, complainant would not have unduly suffered the harbors of a criminal
prosecution. Thus, considering the superior degree of the prejudice caused to
complainant, the Court finds it apt to impose against respondent a higher penalty of
suspension from the practice of law for a period of three years as recommended by the

In the same light, the Court sustains the OBC’s recommendation for the return of the
₱150,000.00 acceptance fee received by respondent from complainant since the same is
intrinsically linked to his professional engagement. While the Court has previously held
that disciplinary proceedings should only revolve around the determination of the
respondent-lawyer’s administrative and not his civil liability, 46 it must be clarified that this
A.M. Case No. 3195. December 18, 1989 When the two cases were concluded, Peregrina came out the losing party. Civil Case
No. 54117 for reconveyance was ordered dismissed by the Regional Trial Court on June
MA. LIBERTAD SJ CANTILLER, complainant, 8, 1987 while Civil Case No. 6046 for ejectment was decided by the Metropolitan Trial
vs. Court against her.
On October 8, 1987 pursuant to the writ of execution issued in Civil Case No. 6046 for
Eduardo Cabreros, Jr. for complainant. ejectment, complainant and Peregrina were served a notice to vacate the rented
premises within four (4) days from receipt of notice.
Desperate and at a loss on what to do, they consulted a certain Sheriff Pagalunan, on
the matter. Pagalunan, in turn, introduced them to herein respondent. After such
introduction, the parties "impliedly agreed" that respondent would handle their case.
Forthwith, a petition entitled "Annulment of Judgment, Annulment of Sale and Damages
with prayer for Preliminary Injunction and/or Status Quo Order, etc." was prepared by
respondent to forestall the execution of the order to vacate in Civil Case No. 6046.
Public interest requires that an attorney exert his best efforts and ability in
the prosecution or defense of his client's cause. A lawyer who performs
In the afternoon of October 9,1987, the complainant was made to sign by respondent
that duty with diligence and candor not only protects the interests of his
what she described as a "[h]astily prepared, poorly conceived, and haphazardly
client; he also serves the ends of justice, does honor to the bar and helps
composed   petition for annulment of judgment. Complainant alleges that respondent

maintain the respect of the community to the legal profession. This is so

promised her that the necessary restraining order would be secured if only because the
because the entrusted privilege to practice law carries with it the
judge who would hear the matter was his "katsukaran" (close friend).
correlative duties not only to the client but also to the court, to the bar or
to the public. That circumstance explains the public concern for the
maintenance of an untarnished standard of conduct by every attorney Thereupon, the petition was filed with the Regional Trial Court, Branch 153, Pasig, Metro
towards his client. 1 Manila and docketed as Civil Case No. 55118. Respondent demanded from the
complainant one thousand pesos (P l,000.00) as attorney's fee which the latter paid that
same afternoon.
Subject of this administrative complaint is Humberto V. Potenciano, a practicing lawyer
and a member of the Philippine Bar under Roll No. 21862. He is charged with deceit,
fraud, and misrepresentation, and also with gross misconduct, malpractice and of acts However, when the case was raffled and assigned to Branch 153, the presiding judge
unbecoming of an officer of the court. asked respondent to withdraw as counsel in the case on the ground of their friendship.

The essential facts are as follows: 2 On October 11, 1987, respondent went to the house of complainant and asked her to be
ready with two thousand pesos (P 2,000.00) to be given to another judge who will issue
the restraining order in the ejectment case (Civil Case No. 6046). Complainant and her
Complainant herein is the sister of Peregrina Cantiller, defendant in an action for
sister were only able to raise the amount of one thousand pesos which they immediately
"ejectment" docketed as Civil Case No. 6046 before the Metropolitan Trial Court of
gave to respondent.
Manila, Branch 57, San Juan, Metro Manila.
Later respondent informed the complainant and her sister that he could not locate the
Another action, likewise involving Peregrina but this time as plaintiff, was then pending
judge who would issue the restraining order. The parties, then, instead went to the Max's
before the Regional Trial Court, Branch 168, Pasig, Metro Manila docketed as Civil Case
Restaurant where respondent ordered some food - including two plastic bags of food
No. 54117 for "reconveyance with damages." Both actions involve the apartment unit
allegedly to be given to the judge who would issue the restraining order. At this juncture,
being rented by complainant and her sister.
respondent asked for the remaining balance of the two thousand pesos (P 2,000.00)
which he earlier demanded. Complainant gave her last money-a ten dollar ($ 10.00) bill.
Sometime after the filing of Civil Case No. 55118, respondent informed complainant and cudgels for the apparently lost cause of complainant respondent should have carefully
Peregrina that there was a need to file another case with the Regional Trial Court to prepared the pleadings if only to establish the justness of his representation. The little
enable them to retain possession of the apartment. For this purpose, respondent told time involved is no excuse. Complainant reposed full faith in him. His first duty was to file
complainant to prepare the amount of Ten Thousand Pesos (P 10,000.00) allegedly to the best pleading within his capability. Apparently respondent was more interested in
be deposited with the Treasurer's Office of Pasig as purchase price of the apartment and getting the most out of the complainant who was in a hopeless situation. He bragged
another one thousand pesos (P 1,000.00) to cover the expenses of the suit. Respondent about his closeness to the judge concerned in one case and talked about the need to
stressed to the complainant the need and urgency of filing the new complaint. "buy" the restraining order in the other. Worse still he got P 10,000.00 as alleged deposit
in court which he never deposited. Instead he pocketed the same. The pattern to milk the
Complainant and Peregrina raised the said amounts through the kindness of some complainant dry is obvious.
friends and relatives. On October 26,1987, the money was handed over to the
respondent. When a lawyer takes a client's cause, he thereby covenants that he will exert all effort for
its prosecution until its final conclusion. The failure to exercise due diligence or the
On the same date, a complaint for "Specific Performance, Annulment of Simulated or abandonment of a client's cause makes such lawyer unworthy of the trust which the
Spurious Sale with Damages," later docketed as Civil Case No. 55210, was filed by client had reposed on him. The acts of respondent in this case violate the most
respondent with the Regional Trial Court, Branch 165, Pasig, Metro Manila. elementary principles of professional ethics . 7

At the hearing of the preliminary injunction in Civil Case No. 55118 on October 30, 1987, The Court finds that respondent failed to exercise due diligence in protecting his client's
respondent, contrary to his promise that he would secure a restraining order, withdrew interests. Respondent had knowledge beforehand that he would be asked by the
his appearance as counsel for complainant. Complainant was not able to get another presiding judge in Civil Case No. 55118 to withdraw his appearance as counsel by
lawyer as replacement. Thus, no restraining order or preliminary injunction was obtained. reason of their friendship. Despite such prior knowledge, respondent took no steps to
As a consequence, the order to vacate in Civil Case No. 6046 was eventually enforced find a replacement nor did he inform complainant of this fact.
and executed.
Even assuming that respondent had no previous knowledge that he would be asked to
Sometime thereafter, it came to complainant's knowledge that there was really no need withdraw, the record is quite clear that four (4) days prior to the hearing of the preliminary
to make a deposit of ten thousand pesos (P l0,000.00) relative to Civil Case No. 55210. injunction in Civil Case No. 55118 respondent already filed a motion therein withdrawing
After further inquiry, she found out that in fact there was no such deposit made. Thus, on as complainant's counsel interposing as reason therefor his frequent attacks of pain due
December 23,1987, complainant sent a demand letter to respondent asking for the return to hemorrhoids. Despite this void, respondent failed to find a replacement. He did not
of the total amount of eleven thousand pesos (P 11,000.00) which the former earlier even ask complainant to hire another lawyer in his stead.  8

gave to the latter. However, this letter was never answered and the money was never
returned. Hence, complainant lodged this administrative complaint against herein His actuation is definitely inconsistent with his duty to protect with utmost dedication the
respondent. interest of his client and of the fidelity, trust and confidence which he owes his
client.   More so in this case, where by reason of his gross negligence complainant

Meanwhile, on December 29,1987, the Regional Trial Court, Branch 153, dismissed Civil thereby suffered by losing all her cases.
Case No. 55118 for failure to state a cause of action.  On January 20,1988, Civil Case

No. 5521 0 was likewise dismissed for being identical with Civil Case No. 55118. 5
The filing of Civil Case No. 55210 on October 26, 1987, the same day that he had
already filed a motion to withdraw as counsel for complainant in Civil Case No. 55118,
Respondent in his answer contends that the filing of Civil Cases Nos. 55118 and 55210 reveals his lack of good faith as an advocate. He also failed to appear for the
was done in good faith and that the allegations of complainant relative to the complainant in said case. It was all a show to get more money from her. This adversely
administrative charge against him are all lies, product of one's imagination and only reflects on his fitness to practice law. When confronted with this evident irregularity, he
intended to harrass him. 6 lamely stated that while he did not physically appear for complainant he nevertheless
prepared and drafted the pleadings.
This Court agrees that the petitions in Civil Cases Nos. 55118 and 55210 appear to be
poorly prepared and written. having represented himself capable of picking up the
His services were engaged by complainant hoping that the property subject of the
ejectment proceeding would be returned to her. In fact, it was respondent who
persuaded complainant that the filing of these two cases simultaneously were the means
by which this objective can be achieved. His duty was not only to prepare the pleadings
but to represent complainant until the termination of the cases. This he failed to do.

His representation that there was an immediate need to file Civil Case No. 55210 when
he already knew that he could no longer physically handle the same is an act of
deception of his client.  It shows lack of fidelity to his oath of office as a member of the

Philippine bar.

The allegation of respondent that the ten thousand pesos (P 10,000.00) was given to him
as fee for his services, is simply incredible. Indeed, such amount is grossly
disproportionate with the service he actually rendered.   And his failure to return even a

portion of the amount upon demand of complainant all the more bolsters the protestation
of complainant that respondent does not deserve to remain as an officer of the court.

Lawyers are indispensable part of the whole system of administering justice in this
jurisdiction. At a time when strong and disturbing criticisms are being hurled at the legal
profession, strict compliance with one's oath of office and the canons of professional
ethics is an imperative.

Lawyers should be fair, honest, respectable, above suspicion and beyond reproach in
dealing with their clients. The profession is not synonymous with an ordinary business
proposition. It is a matter of public interest.

WHEREFORE, after considering the entirety of the circumstances present in this case,
this Court finds Atty. Humberto V. Potenciano to be guilty of the charges against him and
hereby SUSPENDS him from the practice of law for an indefinite period until such time
he can demonstrate that he has rehabilitated himself as to deserve to resume the
practice of law.

Finally, respondent is hereby ordered to return to complainant herein the sum of eleven
thousand pesos (P11,000.00) with legal interest from the date of this resolution until it is
actually returned.

A.M. No. 1311             July 18, 1991 2. That respondent will shoulder all expenses of litigation; and

RAMONA L. VDA. DE ALISBO and NORBERTO S. ALISBO, petitioners, 3. As attorney's fees, respondent will be paid fifty per cent (50%) of the value of
vs. the property recovered.
On April 18, 1970, respondent prepared a complaint for revival of the judgment in Civil
Case No. 4963 but filed it only on September 12, 1970 on five (5) months later. It was
docketed as Civil Case No. 9559, entitled: "Ramon S. Alisbo, Teotimo S. Alisbo and
Pacifico S. Alisbo vs. Carlito Sales, in his own capacity and as Judicial Administrator of
GRIÑO-AQUINO, J.: the deceased Pedro Sales." The complaint was signed by respondent alone. However,
no sooner had he filed the complaint than he withdrew it and filed in its stead (on the
A verified complaint for disbarment was filed with then Secretary of National Defense same day and in the same case) a second complaint dated August 31, 1970, with
Juan Ponce Enrile on January 2, 1974, by Ramona L. Vda. de Alisbo and Norberto S. Ramon S. Alisbo as the lone plaintiff, praying for the same relief. Teotimo S. Alisbo and
Alisbo against their former counsel, Attorney Benito Jalandoon, Sr., charging him with Pacifico S. Alisbo were excluded as plaintiffs and were impleaded as defendants instead.
deceit, malpractice, and professional infidelity. The complaint was referred to this Court Attorneys Bernardo B. Pablo and Benito Jalandoon, Sr. (herein respondent) signed as
on February 5, 1974. counsel.

After the complainants had submitted the required number of copies of their complaint, On December 8, 1971, an amended complaint was filed wherein the plaintiffs were:
the respondent was ordered to file his answer thereto which he did on June 5, 1974. Ramon S. Alisbo, assisted by his judicial guardian, Norberto S. Alisbo, and eight (8)
others, namely: Pacifico S. Alisbo, Ramona Vda. de Alisbo and Ildefonso, Evangeline,
Teotimo, Jr., Reynaldo, Elizabeth and Teresita, all surnamed Alisbo. The amended
On August 20, 1974, the complainants filed a reply. complaint was signed by Attorney Bernardo B. Pablo alone as counsel of the plaintiffs.

On August 28, 1974, the Court referred the complaint to the Solicitor General for On August 21, 1973, defendant Carlito Sales filed a Motion to Dismiss the complaint on
investigation, report and recommendation. On February 2, 1990, or after sixteen (16) the ground that the action for revival of judgment in Civil Case No. 4963 had already
years, the Solicitor General submitted his report to the Court, together with the prescribed (Exh. 21). Plaintiffs filed an Opposition to the Motion to Dismiss (Exh. 22).
transcripts of stenographic notes taken at the investigation and folders of exhibits
submitted by the parties.
On October 3, 1973, the Court of First Instance of Negros Occidental dismissed the
complaint on the ground of prescription as the judgment in Civil Case No. 4963 became
The facts of the case, as found by the Solicitor General, are the following: final on May 30, 1961 yet, and, although a complaint for revival of said judgment was
filed by Ramon Alisbo on September 12, 1970, before the ten-year prescriptive period
On March 16, 1970, Ramon Alisbo engaged respondent Attorney Benito Jalandoon, Sr., expired, that complaint was null and void for Ramon Alisbo was insane, hence,
as his counsel to commence an action to recover his share of the estate of the deceased incompetent and without legal capacity to sue when he instituted the action. The
spouses Catalina Sales and Restituto Gozuma which had been adjudicated to him under subsequent filing of an Amended Complaint on December 8, 1972, after the statutory
the judgment dated April 29, 1961 of the Court of First Instance of Negros Oriental in limitation period had expired, was too late to save the plaintiffs right of action. Thereafter,
Civil Case No. 4963, because Alisbo failed to file a motion for execution of the judgment nothing more was done by any of the parties in the case.
in his favor within the reglementary five-year period (Sec. 6, Rule, 39, Rules of Court).
The salient provisions of the Contract for Professional Services (Exhibit A) between On January 2, 1974, the complainants charged respondent Attorney Benito Jalandoon,
Alisbo and Attorney Jalandoon were the following: Sr. with having deliberately caused the dismissal of Civil Case No. 9559 and with having
concealed from them the material fact that he had been the former legal counsel of
1. That respondent will decide whether or not to file a suit for the recovery of Carlito Sales, their adversary in the probate proceedings. The respondent filed a general
Ramon Alisbo's share or claim; denial of the charges against him.
When Ramon S. Alisbo engaged the services of Attorney Jalandoon to enforce the from the dismissal of Civil Case No. 9559 . . . and that, on the other hand, respondent
decision in Civil Case No. 4963, that decision was already nine (9) years old, hence, it stood to gain substantially (50% of the amount recovered) if he had succeeded in having
could no longer be executed by mere motion (Sec. 6, Rule 39, Rules of Court). the judgment revived and executed" (pp. 10-11, Solicitor General's Report), still those
Complainants had only about a year left within which to enforce the judgment by an errors are so gross and glaring that they could not have resulted from mere negligence
independent action. or lack of due care.

Ramon Alisbo was already insane or incompetent when he hired Attorney Jalandoon to Attorney Jalandoon's pretense that he did not know before the pre-trial that the Sales
file Civil Case No. 9559 for him. Attorney Jalandoon concealed from Alisbo the fact that defendants had been his clients in the past, is unbelievable because:
he (Atty. Jalandoon) had been the former counsel of Carlito Sales in the probate
proceedings where Alisbo and Sales had litigated over their shares of the inheritance. 1. Before he filed the complaint for revival of judgment, he had had several
interviews with Ramon S. Alisbo and Norberto Alisbo regarding Civil Case No.
However, according to Attorney Jalandoon, it was only on October 6, 1972, when Civil 4963.
Case No. 9559 was called for pre-trial, that he discovered his previous professional
relationship with Sales. At that time, the ten-year prescriptive period for revival of the 2. He must have done some research on the court records of Civil Case No.
judgment in favor of Alisbo had already expired. He thereupon asked Alisbo's permission 4963, so he could not have overlooked his own participation in that case as
to allow him (Jalandoon) to withdraw from the case. He also informed the court about his counsel for Carlito Sales, et al.
untenable position and requested that he be allowed to retire therefrom. His request was
granted. 3. To prepare the complaint for revival of judgment (Civil Case No. 9559), he had
to inform himself about the personal circumstances of the defendants-Carlito
In his report to the Court, the Solicitor General made the following observations: Sales, et al. The fact that they had been his clients could not have eluded him.

Evident from the foregoing is the fact that in handling the case for Ramon S. In view of his former association with the Saleses, Attorney Jalandoon, as a dutiful
Alisbo which eventually led to its dismissal, respondent committed several errors, lawyer, should have declined the employment proffered by Alisbo on the ground of
among which are: conflict of interest. Had he done that soon enough, the Alisbos (herein complainants)
would have had enough time to engage the services of another lawyer and they would
1. He did not verify the real status of Ramon Alisbo before filing the case. not have lost their case through prescription of the action.
Otherwise, his lack of capacity to sue would not have been at issue.
The actuations of respondent attorney violated Paragraphs 1 and 2, No. 6 of the Canons
2. He postponed the motion to revive judgment and gave way instead to of Professional Ethics which provide:
a motion to resolve pending incidents in Civil Case 4963. In doing so, he

3. He dropped Ramon Alisbo's co-plaintiffs and impleaded them as It is the duty of a lawyer at the time of retainer to disclose to the client all the
defendants.  Otherwise, the complaint would have been defective only in
circumstances of his relations to the parties, and any interest in or connection
part. with the controversy, which might influence the client in the selection of counsel.

Had not respondent committed the above mistakes, Civil Case No. 9559 in all It is unprofessional to represent conflicting interests, except by express consent
probability would not have been dismissed on the ground of prescription. (pp. 9- of all concerned given after a full disclosure of the facts. Within the meaning of
10, Solicitor General's Report.) this canon, a lawyer represents conflicting interests when, in behalf of one client,
it is his duty to contend for that which duty to another client requires him to
While the Solicitor General does not believe that Attorney Jalandoon's mistakes in oppose. (pp. 14-15, Solicitor General's Report.)
handling Alisbo's case were deliberate or made with malice aforethought because there
is no "proof of collusion or conspiracy between respondent and those who would benefit
The impression we gather from the facts is that Attorney Jalandoon used his position as
Alisbo's counsel precisely to favor his other client, Carlito Sales, by delaying Alisbo's
action to revive the judgment in his favor and thereby deprive him of the fruits of his
judgment which Attorney Jalandoon, as Sales' counsel, had vigorously opposed. Thus,
although Atty. Jalandoon prepared Alisbo's complaint for revival of judgment on April 18,
1970, he delayed its filing until September 12, 1970. He postponed filing the action by
asking the Court instead to resolve pending incidents in said Civil Case No. 4963. By
doing that, he frittered away what little time was left before the action would prescribe.
The original complaint which he filed in the names of Ramon Alisbo and his brothers was
only partially defective because of Ramon's incompetence. By dropping the other
plaintiffs, leaving alone the incompetent Ramon to prosecute the action, respondent
made the second complaint wholly defective and ineffectual to stop the running of the
prescriptive period.

After filing the complaint, Attorney Jalandoon sat on the case. While he allegedly found
out about Ramon Alisbo's insanity on July 17, 1971 only, he amended the complaint to
implead Alisbo's legal guardian as plaintiff on December 8, 1971 only, or almost five (5)
months later. By that time the prescriptive period had run out.

The surrounding circumstances leave us with no other conclusion than that Attorney
Jalandoon, betrayed his client Ramon Alisbo's trust and did not champion his cause with
that wholehearted fidelity, care and devotion that a lawyer is obligated to give to every
case that he accepts from a client. There is more than simple negligence resulting in the
extinguishment and loss of his client's right of action; there is a hint of duplicity and lack
of candor in his dealings with his client, which call for the exercise of this Court's
disciplinary power.

The Honorable Solicitor General who conducted the investigation of this case found
respondent Attorney Benito Jalandoon, Sr. guilty of serious misconduct and infidelity.
Although the Solicitor General recommended the suspension of respondent Attorney
Benito Jalandoon Sr. from the practice of law for a period of one (1) year, the Court, after
due deliberation, decided to suspend him for a period of two (2) years from the finality of
this decision.

A.M. No. 2490             February 7, 1991 Complainants alleged that they asked respondent to prepare an affidavit to be used as
basis for a complaint to be filed against Mrs. Rowena Soriano and Robert Leonido as a
FULGENCIO A. NGAYAN, TOMASA K. NGAYAN and BELLA AURORA consequence of the latter's unauthorized entry into complainants' dwelling. Without
NGAYAN, complainants, thoroughly reading the same, Mrs. Tomasa A. Ngayan allegedly signed it because she
vs. was rushed to do the same. After signing, Mrs. Ngayan noted a paragraph which did not
ATTY. FAUSTINO F. TUGADE, respondent. mention that Robert Leonido was with Rowena Soriano when both suddenly barged into
complainants' residence. Mrs. Ngayan allegedly told respondent about his omission and
RESOLUTION in front of her, respondent crossed out the paragraph she complained about and
promised to make another affidavit. In the meantime, complainants filed motions to
discharge the respondent as their counsel.
Complainants allegedly made a follow up after discharging respondent and found that
This case refers to disciplinary proceedings initiated by the herein complainants
the name of Robert Leonido was not included in the charge. Since the omission was
Fulgencio A. Ngayan, Tomasa K. Ngayan and Bella Aurora Ngayan in a letter-complaint
remedied by their new counsel and the case was subsequently filed in court, the adverse
dated November 16, 1982 against respondent lawyer for violation of sub-paragraphs (e)
parties filed a motion for reinvestigation and attached thereto the first affidavit of
and (f) of Section 20, Rule 138 of the Rules of Court of the Philippines.
complainants which was crossed out. Complainants averred that the motion was filed by
Atty. Apolo P. Gaminda, a former classmate of respondent. They further said that
It appears that respondent lawyer was formerly a counsel for complainants either as respondent was also a lawyer of the brother of Robert Leonido in an insurance company.
defense counsel or private prosecutor in the following cases: Complainants further alleged that the motion for reinvestigation was set for hearing
before Assistant City Fiscal Milagros F. Garcia-Beza where respondent himself executed
(a) People v. Fulgencio A. Ngayan, City Court of Manila, Branch Criminal Case and submitted an affidavit as exhibit for Robert Leonido and Rowena Soriano
No. 053773-CR for light threat; controverting the affidavit of complainants notwithstanding the fact that he prepared the
latter's affidavit when he was still their counsel.
(b) People v. Tomasa Ngayan and Bella Aurora Ngayan, City Court of Manila,
Branch VIII, Criminal Case No. 053594-CR, for unjust vexation; They further alleged that before he executed and submitted his affidavit, respondent sent
a personal letter to Fiscal Beza denouncing complainants and stating that he is filing
(c) People v. Bella Aurora Ngayan, City Court of Manila, Branch II, Criminal Case criminal and civil cases against them.
No. 053599-CR, for grave threats;
Complainants charged respondent for violation of paragraphs (e) and (f) of Section 20,
(d) People v. Roberto Leonido, City Court of Manila, Branch XIV, Criminal Case Rule 138, Rules of Court, which provide:
No. 053649-CR, for trespass to dwelling; and People v. Nestor Campo, Branch
XIV, Criminal Case No. 053650-CR, for threats; (e) To maintain inviolate the confidence, and at every peril to himself, to preserve
the secrets of his client, and to accept no compensation in connection with his
(e) Fulgencio A. Ngayan and Tomasa K. Ngayan v. Rowena Soriano and Robert client's business except from him or with his knowledge and approval;
Leonido for grave threats and trespass; Fulgencio A. Ngayan and Tomasa K.
Ngayan v. Rowena Soriano, for grave defamation, Office of the City Fiscal of (f) To abstain from all offensive personality and to advance no fact prejudicial to
Manila before Assistant City Fiscal Elmer K. Calledo, I.S. No. 82-8564. (pp. 1- the honor or reputation of a party or witnesses, unless required by the justice of
2, Rollo) the cause with which he is charged;

The factual antecedents of this case are as follows: Complainants claim that paragraph (e) above was violated by respondent when the
affidavit he prepared for complainants but subsequently crossed-out was submitted as
evidence against complainants in the motion for reinvestigation. As to paragraph (f),
complainants averred that respondent violated it when he sent a letter to the fiscal saying In the case at bar, complainants claim that respondent furnished the adverse parties in a
that his name was being adversely affected by the false affidavits of complainants and certain criminal case with a copy of their discarded affidavit, thus enabling them to use it
for that reason, respondent was contemplating to file a criminal and civil action for as evidence against complainants. This actuation constitutes betrayal of trust and
damages against them. confidence of his former clients in violation of paragraph (e), Section 20, Rule 138 of the
Rules of Court. Inasmuch as respondent failed to answer the complaint filed against him
In a resolution of the Second Division of this Court dated January 19, 1983, respondent and despite due notice on four occasions, he consistently did not appear on the
was required to answer the complaint against him but respondent failed. Thus, on May scheduled hearing set by the Office of the Solicitor General, this claim remained
25, 1983, for failure of the respondent to file an answer, this Court resolved to refer this uncontroverted. Besides, We tend to believe the said claim of complainants when it is
case to the Solicitor General for investigation, report and recommendation. Thereupon, taken together with their other claim that respondent's actuations from the beginning tend
the Solicitor General set the complaint for hearing on September 26, 1983, October 17 to show that he was partial to the adverse parties as he even tried to dissuade
and 18,1983 and November 24,1983, all of which dates, respondent was duly notified. complainants from filing charges against Robert Leonido. This partiality could be
However, respondent never appeared on any date. Accordingly, the Solicitor General explained by the fact that respondent is the former classmate of Atty. Apolo P. Gaminda,
made findings of facts based on the aforesaid claims of complainants and said: the adverse parties' counsel and the fact that respondent is the lawyer of the brother of
Robert Leonido in an insurance company.
Consistent with respondent's failure to file an answer to the complaint herein filed
against him, he also did not appear, despite due notice on the four occasions Respondent's act of executing and submitting an affidavit as exhibit for Robert Leonido
when the hearing of the present complaint was set at the Office of the Solicitor and Rowena Soriano advancing facts prejudicial to the case of his former clients such as
General. Neither has respondent shown concern or interest about the status of the fact that the crime charged in complainants' affidavit had prescribed and that he was
the complaint filed against him. The inaction of respondent to the resolutions of asked to prepare an affidavit to make the offense more grave so as to prevent the
this Honorable Court requiring him to file his Answer to the Complaint filed offense from prescribing demonstrates clearly an act of offensive personality against
against him and his subsequent failure to attend the hearings on the said complainants, violative of the first part of paragraph (f), Section 20, Rule 138, Rules of
complaint indicate that respondent has not obeyed the legal orders of the duly Court. Likewise, respondent's act of joining the adverse parties in celebrating their victory
constituted authorities and he has not conducted himself as a lawyer according over the dismissal of the case against them shows not only his bias against the
to the best of his knowledge and discretion with all good fidelity as well to the complainants but also constitutes a degrading act on the part of a lawyer. It was meant
courts as to his clients (Sec. 3, Rule 138, Rules of Court). Further, lawyers are only to titillate the anger of complainants.
particularly called upon to obey court orders and processes. They should stand
foremost in complying with the court's directives or instructions being themselves Additionally, respondent's failure to answer the complaint against him and his failure to
officers of the court (p. 75, Legal Ethics, Ruben Agpalo, 2nd Ed.). This lack of appear at the investigation are evidence of his flouting resistance to lawful orders of the
concern shown by respondent regarding the matter that involved the very court and illustrate his despiciency for his oath of office in violation of Section 3, Rule
foundation of his right to engage in the practice of law would show how much 138, Rules of Court.
less he would regard the interest of Ms clients. 1

We have fully scrutinized and evaluated the records of this case and We cannot but find
He thus recommended that the respondent lawyer be disbarred and his name dropped that strong and unassailable reasons exist to render it Our irremissible duty to impose a
from attorney's roll.  In this report, he averred that the conduct of respondent as above-
1âwphi1 disciplinary sanction on respondent. But We feel that disbarment is too harsh considering
shown constitutes unprofessional conduct and an outright violation of the provisions of the circumstances of the case. We hold that suspension from the practice of law for a
Section 3 and paragraphs (e) and (f) of Section 20 of Rule 138 of the Rules of Court. period of one (1) year should be imposed on respondent for the aforestated misconduct.

In disbarment proceedings, the burden of proof rests upon the complainant, and for the ACCORDINGLY, respondent Faustino F. Tugade is hereby SUSPENDED from the
court to exercise its disciplinary powers, the case against the respondent must be practice of law for a period of one (1) year, effective from receipt of this resolution.
established by clear, convincing and satisfactory proof (Santos v. Dichoso, Adm. Case
No. 1825, August 22, 1978, 84 SCRA 622). Let a copy of this resolution be furnished to the Bar Confidant and the Integrated Bar of
the Philippines and spread on the personal records of respondent.
SO ORDERED. omissions which resulted in his suspension in Guam are likewise violative of
his oath as a member of the Philippine Bar.4  cralawred

Pursuant to this Courts directive in its Resolution dated March 18, 1997,5 the

[B.M. NO. 793. July 30, 2004] Bar Confidant sent a letter dated November 13, 1997 to the District Court of
Guam requesting for certified copies of the record of the disciplinary case
IN RE: SUSPENSION FROM THE PRACTICE OF LAW IN THE TERRITORY against Maquera and of the rules violated by him. 6  cralawred


The Court received certified copies of the record of Maqueras case from the
RESOLUTION District Court of Guam on December 8, 1997. 7  cralawred

TINGA, J.: Thereafter, Maqueras case was referred by the Court to the Integrated Bar of
the Philippines (IBP) for investigation report and recommendation within sixty
May a member of the Philippine Bar who was disbarred or suspended from (60) days from the IBPs receipt of the case records. 8  cralawred

the practice of law in a foreign jurisdiction where he has also been admitted
as an attorney be meted the same sanction as a member of the Philippine Bar The IBP sent Maquera a Notice of Hearing  requiring him to appear before the
for the same infraction committed in the foreign jurisdiction? There is a Rule IBPs Commission on Bar Discipline on July 28, 1998. 9 However, the notice
of Court provision covering this cases central issue. Up to this juncture, its was returned unserved because Maquera had already moved from his last
reach and breadth have not undergone the test of an unsettled case. known address in Agana, Guam and did not leave any forwarding address. 10  cralawred

In a Letter dated August 20, 1996,1 the District Court of Guam informed this On October 9, 2003, the IBP submitted to the Court its Report and
Court of the suspension of Atty. Leon G. Maquera (Maquera) from the Recommendation and its Resolution No. XVI-2003-110,  indefinitely
practice of law in Guam for two (2) years pursuant to the Decision rendered suspending Maquera from the practice of law within the Philippines until and
by the Superior Court of Guam on May 7, 1996 in Special Proceedings Case unless he updates and pays his IBP membership dues in full. 11  cralawred

No. SP0075-94,2 a disciplinary case filed by the Guam Bar Ethics Committee
against Maquera. The IBP found that Maquera was admitted to the Philippine Bar on February
28, 1958. On October 18, 1974, he was admitted to the practice of law in the
The Court referred the matter of Maqueras suspension in Guam to the Bar territory of Guam. He was suspended from the practice of law in Guam for
Confidant for comment in its Resolution dated November 19, 1996.3 Under misconduct, as he acquired his clients property as payment for his legal
Section 27, Rule 138 of the Revised Rules of Court, the disbarment or services, then sold it and as a consequence obtained an unreasonably high
suspension of a member of the Philippine Bar in a foreign jurisdiction, where fee for handling his clients case.12  cralawred

he has also been admitted as an attorney, is also a ground for his disbarment
or suspension in this realm, provided the foreign courts action is by reason of In its Decision,  the Superior Court of Guam stated that on August 6, 1987,
an act or omission constituting deceit, malpractice or other gross misconduct, Edward Benavente, the creditor of a certain Castro, obtained a judgment
grossly immoral conduct, or a violation of the lawyers oath. against Castro in a civil case. Maquera served as Castros counsel in said case.
Castros property subject of the case, a parcel of land, was to be sold at a
In a Memorandum dated February 20, 1997, then Bar Confidant Atty. Erlinda public auction in satisfaction of his obligation to Benavente. Castro, however,
C. Verzosa recommended that the Court obtain copies of the record of retained the right of redemption over the property for one year. The right of
Maqueras case since the documents transmitted by the Guam District Court redemption could be exercised by paying the amount of the judgment debt
do not contain the factual and legal bases for Maqueras suspension and are within the aforesaid period.13 

thus insufficient to enable her to determine whether Maqueras acts or

At the auction sale, Benavente purchased Castros property for Five Hundred Maquera did not deny that Castro executed a quitclaim deed to the property
U.S. Dollars (US$500.00), the amount which Castro was adjudged to pay in his favor as compensation for past legal services and that the transaction,
cralawred except for the deed itself, was oral and was not made pursuant to a prior
written agreement. However, he contended that the transaction was made
On December 21, 1987, Castro, in consideration of Maqueras legal services in three days following the alleged termination of the attorney-client relationship
the civil case involving Benavente, entered into an oral agreement with between them, and that the property did not constitute an exorbitant fee for
Maquera and assigned his right of redemption in favor of the latter. 15  cralawred
his legal services to Castro.23  cralawred

On January 8, 1988, Maquera exercised Castros right of redemption by On May 7, 1996, the Superior Court of Guam rendered
paying Benavente US$525.00 in satisfaction of the judgment debt. its Decision 24 suspending Maquera from the practice of law in Guam for a
Thereafter, Maquera had the title to the property transferred in his name. 16  cralawred
period of two (2) years and ordering him to take the Multi-State Professional
Responsibility Examination (MPRE) within that period. The court found that
On December 31, 1988, Maquera sold the property to C.S. Chang and C.C. the attorney-client relationship between Maquera and Castro was not yet
Chang for Three Hundred Twenty Thousand U.S. Dollars completely terminated when they entered into the oral agreement to transfer
(US$320,000.00). 17  cralawred
Castros right of redemption to Maquera on December 21, 1987. It also held
that Maquera profited too much from the eventual transfer of Castros
On January 15, 1994, the Guam Bar Ethics Committee (Committee) property to him since he was able to sell the same to the Changs with more
conducted hearings regarding Maqueras alleged misconduct. 18  than US$200,000.00 in profit, whereas his legal fees for services rendered to
Castro amounted only to US$45,000.00. The court also ordered him to take

Subsequently, the Committee filed a Petition in the Superior Court of Guam the MPRE upon his admission during the hearings of his case that he was
praying that Maquera be sanctioned for violations of Rules 1.5 19 and aware of the requirements of the Model Rules regarding business transactions
1.8(a)20 of the Model Rules of Professional Conduct (Model Rules) in force in between an attorney and his client in a very general sort of way. 25  cralawred

Guam. In its Petition, the Committee claimed that Maquera obtained an

unreasonably high fee for his services. The Committee further alleged that On the basis of the Decision  of the Superior Court of Guam, the IBP
Maquera himself admitted his failure to comply with the requirement in Rule concluded that although the said court found Maquera liable for misconduct,
1.8 (a) of the Model Rules that a lawyer shall not enter into a business there is no evidence to establish that [Maquera] committed a breach of ethics
transaction with a client or knowingly acquire a pecuniary interest adverse to in the Philippines.26 However, the IBP still resolved to suspend him indefinitely
a client unless the transaction and the terms governing the lawyers for his failure to pay his annual dues as a member of the IBP since 1977,
acquisition of such interest are fair and reasonable to the client, and are fully which failure is, in turn, a ground for removal of the name of the delinquent
disclosed to, and understood by the client and reduced in writing. 21  member from the Roll of Attorneys under Section 10, Rule 139-A of the
Revised Rules of Court.27 


The Committee recommended that Maquera be: (1) suspended from the
practice of law in Guam for a period of two [2] years, however, with all but The power of the Court to disbar or suspend a lawyer for acts or omissions
thirty (30) days of the period of suspension deferred; (2) ordered to return to committed in a foreign jurisdiction is found in Section 27, Rule 138 of the
Castro the difference between the sale price of the property to the Changs Revised Rules of Court, as amended by Supreme Court Resolution dated
and the amount due him for legal services rendered to Castro; (3) required to February 13, 1992, which states: chanroblesvirtua1awlibrary

pay the costs of the disciplinary proceedings; and (4) publicly reprimanded. It
also recommended that other jurisdictions be informed that Maquera has Section 27. Disbarment or suspension of attorneys by Supreme Court,
been subject to disciplinary action by the Superior Court of Guam. 22  cralawred
grounds therefor.A member of the bar may be disbarred or suspended from
his office as attorney by the Supreme Court for any deceit, malpractice, or
other gross misconduct in such office, grossly immoral conduct, or by
reason of his conviction of a crime involving moral turpitude, or for any a case where he was acting as counsel pursuant to a deed of sale executed
violation of the oath which he is required to take before admission to by his clients in his favor.He contended that the sale was made at the
practice, or for a willful disobedience appearing as attorney for a party to a instance of his clients because they had no money to pay him for his services.
case without authority to do so.The practice of soliciting cases at law for the The Court ruled that the lawyers acquisition of the property of his clients
purpose of gain, either personally or through paid agents or brokers, under the circumstances obtaining therein rendered him liable for
constitutes malpractice. malpractice. The Court held: chanroblesvirtua1awlibrary

The disbarment or suspension of a member of the Philippine Bar by a Whether the deed of sale in question was executed at the instance of the
competent court or other disciplinatory agency in a foreign spouses driven by financial necessity, as contended by the respondent, or at
jurisdiction where he has also been admitted as an attorney is a the latters behest, as contended by the complainant, is of no moment. In
ground for his disbarment or suspension if the basis of such action either case an attorney occupies a vantage position to press upon or dictate
includes any of the acts hereinabove enumerated. his terms to a harassed client, in breach of the rule so amply protective of the
confidential relations, which must necessarily exist between attorney and
The judgment, resolution or order of the foreign court or disciplinary client, and of the rights of both.32  cralawred

agency shall be prima facie evidence of the ground for disbarment or

suspension (Emphasis supplied). The Superior Court of Guam also hinted that Maqueras acquisition of Castros
right of redemption, his subsequent exercise of said right, and his act of
The Court must therefore determine whether Maqueras acts, namely: selling the redeemed property for huge profits were tainted with deceit and
acquiring by assignment Castros right of redemption over the property bad faith when it concluded that Maquera charged Castro an exorbitant fee
subject of the civil case where Maquera appeared as counsel for him; for his legal services. The court held that since the assignment of the right of
exercising the right of redemption; and, subsequently selling the property for redemption to Maquera was in payment for his legal services, and since the
a huge profit, violate Philippine law or the standards of ethical behavior for property redeemed by him had a market value of US$248,220.00 as of
members of the Philippine Bar and thus constitute grounds for his suspension December 21, 1987 (the date when the right of redemption was assigned to
or disbarment in this jurisdiction. him), he is liable for misconduct for accepting payment for his legal services
way beyond his actual fees which amounted only to US$45,000.00.
The Superior Court of Guam found that Maquera acquired his clients property
by exercising the right of redemption previously assigned to him by the client Maqueras acts in Guam which resulted in his two (2) -year suspension from
in payment of his legal services.Such transaction falls squarely under Article the practice of law in that jurisdiction are also valid grounds for his
1492 in relation to Article 1491, paragraph 5 of the Civil Code of the suspension from the practice of law in the Philippines. Such acts are violative
Philippines. Paragraph 5 of Article 149128 prohibits the lawyers acquisition by of a lawyers sworn duty to act with fidelity toward his clients. They are also
assignment of the clients property which is the subject of the litigation violative of the Code of Professional Responsibility, specifically, Canon 17
handled by the lawyer. Under Article 1492, 29 the prohibition extends to sales which states that [a] lawyer owes fidelity to the cause of his client and shall
in legal redemption. be mindful the trust and confidence reposed in him; and Rule 1.01 which
prohibits lawyers from engaging in unlawful, dishonest, immoral or deceitful
The prohibition ordained in paragraph 5 of Article 1491 and Article 1492 is conduct. The requirement of good moral character is not only a condition
founded on public policy because, by virtue of his office, an attorney may precedent to admission to the Philippine Bar but is also a continuing
easily take advantage of the credulity and ignorance of his client 30 and unduly requirement to maintain ones goods standing in the legal profession. 33  cralawred

enrich himself at the expense of his client.

It bears stressing that the Guam Superior Courts judgment ordering
The case of In re: Ruste 31 illustrates the significance of the aforementioned Maqueras suspension from the practice of law in Guam does not
prohibition. In that case, the attorney acquired his clients property subject of automatically result in his suspension or disbarment in the Philippines. Under
Section 27,34 Rule 138 of the Revised Rules of Court, the acts which led to his In the meantime, Atty. Maquera is SUSPENDED from the practice of law for
suspension in Guam are mere grounds for disbarment or suspension in this ONE (1) YEAR or until he shall have paid his membership dues, whichever
jurisdiction, at that only if the basis of the foreign courts action includes any comes later.
of the grounds for disbarment or suspension in this jurisdiction. 35 Likewise,
the judgment of the Superior Court of Guam only constitutes prima Let a copy of this Resolution be attached to Atty. Maqueras personal record in
facie evidence of Maqueras unethical acts as a lawyer.36 More fundamentally, the Office of the Bar Confidant and copies be furnished to all chapters of the
due process demands that he be given the opportunity to defend himself and Integrated Bar of the Philippines and to all courts in the land.
to present testimonial and documentary evidence on the matter in an
investigation to be conducted in accordance with Rule 139-B of the Revised SO ORDERED.
Rules of Court. Said rule mandates that a respondent lawyer must in all cases
be notified of the charges against him. It is only after reasonable notice and
failure on the part of the respondent lawyer to appear during the scheduled
investigation that an investigation may be conducted ex parte.37  cralawred

The Court notes that Maquera has not yet been able to adduce evidence on
his behalf regarding the charges of unethical behavior in Guam against him,
as it is not certain that he did receive the Notice of Hearing earlier sent by
the IBPs Commission on Bar Discipline. Thus, there is a need to ascertain
Maqueras current and correct address in Guam in order that another notice,
this time specifically informing him of the charges against him and requiring
him to explain why he should not be suspended or disbarred on those
grounds (through this Resolution), may be sent to him.

Nevertheless, the Court agrees with the IBP that Maquera should be
suspended from the practice of law for non-payment of his IBP membership
dues from 1977 up to the present.38 Under Section 10, Rule 139-A of the
Revised Rules of Court, non-payment of membership dues for six (6) months
shall warrant suspension of membership in the IBP, and default in such
payment for one year shall be ground for removal of the name of the
delinquent member from the Roll of Attorneys.39  cralawred

WHEREFORE, Atty. Leon G. Maquera is required to SHOW CAUSE, within

fifteen (15) days from receipt of this Resolution, why he should not be
suspended or disbarred for his acts which gave rise to the disciplinary
proceedings against him in the Superior Court of Guam and his subsequent
suspension in said jurisdiction.

The Bar Confidant is directed to locate the current and correct address of
Atty. Maquera in Guam and to serve upon him a copy of this Resolution.
A. C. No. 2040 March 4, 1998 II. Excluded the Moran property from the "inventory of real estate properties" he prepared
for a client-estate and, at the same time, charged the loan secured to purchase the said
IMELDA A. NAKPIL, Complainant, vs. ATTY. CARLOS J. VALDES, Respondent. excluded property as a liability of the estate, all for the purpose of transferring the title to
the said property to his family corporation.
III. Prepared and defended monetary claims against the estate that retained him as its
counsel and auditor. 2

On the first charge, complainant alleged that she accepted respondent's offer to serve as
The friendship of JOSE NAKPIL and respondent CARLOS J. VALDES dates back to the '50s
lawyer and auditor to settle her husband's estate. Respondent's law firm then filed a
during their school days in De La Salle and the Philippine Law School. Their closeness
petition for settlement of the estate of the deceased Nakpil but did not include the Moran
extended to their families and respondent became the business consultant, lawyer and
property in the estate's inventory. Instead, respondent transferred the property to his
accountant of the Nakpils.
corporation, Caval Realty Corporation, and title was issued in its name. Complainant
accused respondent of maliciously appropriating the property in trust knowing that it did
In 1965, Jose Nakpil became interested in purchasing a summer residence in Moran not belong to him. She claimed that respondent has expressly acknowledged that the said
Street, Baguio City. 1 For lack of funds, he requested respondent to purchase the Moran property belonged to the late Nakpil in his correspondences  3 with the Baguio City
property for him. They agreed that respondent would keep the property in trust for the Treasurer and the complainant.
Nakpils until the latter could buy it back. Pursuant to their agreement, respondent
obtained two (2) loans from a bank (in the amounts of P65,000.00 and P75,000.00) which
On the second charge, complainant alleged that respondent's auditing firm (C. J. Valdes &
he used to purchase and renovate the property. Title was then issued in respondent's
Co., CPAs) excluded the Moran property from the inventory of her husband's estate, yet
included in the claims against the estate the amounts of P65,000.00 and P75,000.00,
which respondent represented as her husband's loans applied "probably for the purchase
It was the Nakpils who occupied the Moran summer house. When Jose Nakpil died on July of a house and lot in Moran Street, Baguio City."
8, 1973, respondent acted as the legal counsel and accountant of his widow, complainant
IMELDA NAKPIL. On March 9, 1976, respondent's law firm, Carlos J. Valdes & Associates,
As to the third charge, complainant alleged that respondent's law firm (Carlos J. Valdes
handled the proceeding for the settlement of Jose's estate. Complainant was appointed as
and Associates) filed the petition for the settlement of her husband's estate in court, while
administratrix of the estate.
respondent's auditing firm (C.J. Valdes & Co., CPAs) acted as accountant of both the
estate and two of its creditors. She claimed that respondent represented conflicting
The ownership of the Moran property became an issue in the intestate proceedings. It interests when his accounting firm prepared the list of claims of creditors Angel Nakpil and
appears that respondent excluded the Moran property from the inventory of Jose's estate. ENORN, Inc. against her husband's estate which was represented by respondent's law
On February 13, 1978, respondent transferred his title to the Moran property to his firm. Complainant averred that there is no distinction between respondent's law and
company, the Caval Realty Corporation. auditing firms as respondent is the senior and controlling partner of both firms which are
housed in the same building.
On March 29, 1979, complainant sought to recover the Moran property by filing with the
then Court of First Instance (CFI) of Baguio City an action for reconveyance with damages We required respondent to answer the charges against him. In his ANSWER, 4 respondent
against respondent and his corporation. In defense, respondent claimed absolute initially asserted that the resolution of the first and second charges against him depended
ownership over the property and denied that a trust was created over it. on the result of the pending action in the CFI for reconveyance which involved the issue of
ownership of the Moran property.
During the pendency of the action for reconveyance, complainant filed this administrative
case to disbar the respondent. She charged that respondent violated professional ethics On the merit of the first charge, respondent reiterated his defense in the reconveyance
when he: case that he did not hold the Moran property in trust for the Nakpils as he is its absolute
owner. Respondent explained that the Nakpils never bought back the Moran property from
I. Assigned to his family corporation the Moran property (Pulong Maulap) which belonged him, hence, the property remained to be his and was rightly excluded from the inventory
to the estate he was settling as its lawyer and auditor. of Nakpil's estate.
As to the second charge, respondent denied preparing the list of claims against the estate claimants were represented by their own counsel Atty. Enrique O. Chan. Sixth, respondent
which included his loans of P65,000.00 and P75,000.00 for the purchase and renovation of alleged that in the remote possibility that he committed a breach of professional ethics, he
the Moran property. In charging his loans against the estate, he stressed that the list committed such "misconduct" not as a lawyer but as an accountant who acted as common
drawn up by his accounting firm merely stated that the loans in respondent's name were auditor of the estate and its creditors. Hence, he should be held accountable in another
applied "probably for the purchase of the house and lot in Moran Street, Baguio City." forum.
Respondent insisted that this was not an admission that the Nakpils owned the property as
the phrase "probably for the purchase" did not imply a consummated transaction but a On November 12, 1979, complainant submitted her REPLY.  7 She maintained that the
projected acquisition. pendency of the reconveyance case is not prejudicial to the investigation of her
disbarment complaint against respondent for the issue in the latter is not the ownership of
Respondent also disclaimed knowledge or privity in the preparation of a letter (Exhibit "H") the Moran property but the ethics and morality of respondent's conduct as a CPA-lawyer.
of his accounting firm to the Baguio City treasurer remitting the real estate taxes for the
Moran property on behalf of the Nakpils. He contended that the letter could be a mere Complainant alleged that respondent's Annexes to his Reply (such as the Statement of
error or oversight. Assets & Liability of the Nakpils and the Balance Sheet of the Estate) which showed that
complainant did not claim ownership of the Moran property were all prepared by C.J.
Respondent averred that it was complainant who acknowledged that they did not own the Valdes & Co. as accountant of the estate of Jose Nakpil and filed with the intestate court
Moran property for: (1) complainant's February 1979 Statement of Assets and Liabilities by C.J. Valdes & Associates as counsel for the estate. She averred that these Annexes
did not include the said property, and; (2) complainant, as administratrix, signed the were not proofs that respondent owned the Moran property  but were part of respondent's
Balance Sheet of the Estate where the Moran property was not mentioned. scheme to remove the property from the estate and transfer it to his family
corporation. Complainant alleged that she signed the documents because of the
Respondent admitted that complainant retained the services of his law and accounting professional counsel of respondent and his firm that her signature thereon was required.
firms in the settlement of her husband's estate.  5 However, he pointed out that he has Complainant charged respondent with greed for coveting the Moran property on the basis
resigned from his law and accounting firms as early as 1974. He alleged that it was Atty. of defects in the documents he himself prepared..
Percival Cendaña (from the law firm Carlos Valdes & Associates) who filed the intestate
proceedings in court in 1976. Complainant urged that respondent cannot disown unfavorable documents (the list of
claims against the estate and the letter regarding Nakpil's payment of realty tax on the
As to the third charge, respondent denied there was a conflict of interest when his law firm Moran property) which were prepared by his law and accounting firms and invoke other
represented the estate in the intestate proceedings while his accounting firm (C.J. Valdes documents prepared by the same firms which are favorable to him. She averred that
& Co., CPAs) served as accountant of the estate and prepared the claims of creditors Angel respondent must accept responsibility not just for some, but for all the representations
Nakpil and ENORN, Inc. against the estate. He proffered the following reasons for his and communications of his firms.
thesis: First, the two claimants were closely related to the late Nakpil. Claimant ENORN,
Inc. is a family corporation of the Nakpils of which the late Nakpil was the President. Complainant refuted respondent's claim that he resigned from his firms from March 9,
Claimant Angel Nakpil is a brother of the late Nakpil who, upon the latter's death, became 1976 to "several years later." She alleged that none of the documents submitted as
the President of ENORN, Inc. These two claimants had been clients of his law and evidence referred to his resignation from his law firm.  The documents merely
accounting firms even during the lifetime of Jose Nakpil. Second, his alleged substantiated his resignation from his accounting firm.
representation of conflicting interests was with the knowledge and consent of complainant
as administratrix. Third, there was no conflict of interests between the estate and the In his REJOINDER, 8 respondent insisted that complainant cannot hold him liable for
claimants for they had forged a modus vivendi, i.e., that the subject claims would be representing the interests of both the estate and the claimants without showing that his
satisfied only after full payment of the principal bank creditors. Complainant, as action prejudiced the estate. He urged that it is not  per se anomalous for
administratrix, did not controvert the claims of Angel Nakpil and ENORN, Inc. Complainant respondent's accounting firm to act as accountant for the estate and its creditors. He
has started paying off the claims of Angel Nakpil and ENORN, Inc. after satisfying the reiterated that he is not subject to the jurisdiction of this Court for he acted not as lawyer,
banks' claims. Complainant did not assert that their claims caused prejudice to the estate. but as accountant for both the estate and its claimants.
Fourth, the work of Carlos J. Valdes & Co. as common auditor redounded to the benefit of
the estate for the firm prepared a true and accurate amount of the claim.
He alleged that his accounting firm merely prepared the list of claims of the creditors
Fifth, respondent resigned from his law and accounting firms as early as August 15,
Angel Nakpil and ENORN, Inc. Their claims were not defended by his accounting or law
1974. 6 He rejoined his accounting firm several years later. He submitted as proof the
firm but by Atty. Enrique Chan. He averred that his law firm did not oppose these claims
SEC's certification of the filing of his accounting firm of an Amended Articles of
as they were legitimate and not because they were prepared by his accounting firm. He
Partnership. Thus, it was not he but Atty. Percival Cendaña, from the firm Carlos J. Valdes
& Associates, who filed the intestate proceedings in court. On the other hand, the
emphasized that there was no allegation that the claims were fraudulent or excessive and As to the first two charges, we are bound by the factual findings of this Court in the
that the failure of respondent's law firm to object to these claims damaged the estate. aforementioned reconveyance case. 16 It is well-established that respondent offered to the
complainant the services of his law and accounting firms by reason of their close
In our January 21, 1980 Resolution, 9 we deferred further action on the disbarment case relationship dating as far back as the '50s. She reposed her complete trust in respondent
until after resolution of the action for reconveyance between the parties involving the issue who was the lawyer, accountant and business consultant of her late husband. Respondent
of ownership by the then CFI of Baguio. Complainant moved for reconsideration on the and the late Nakpil agreed that the former would purchase the Moran property and keep it
ground that the issue of ownership pending with the CFI was not prejudicial to her in trust for the latter. In violation of the trust agreement, respondent claimed absolute
complaint which involved an entirely different issue, i.e., the unethical acts of respondent ownership over the property and refused to sell the property to complainant after the
as a CPA-lawyer. We granted her motion and referred the administrative case to the Office death of Jose Nakpil. To place the property beyond the reach of complainant and the
of the Solicitor General (OSG) for investigation, report and recommendation. 10 intestate court, respondent later transferred it to his corporation.

In 1983, the CFI of Baguio dismissed the action for reconveyance. The trial court ruled Contrary to the findings of the OSG, respondent initially acknowledged and respected the
that respondent held the Moran property in trust for the Nakpils but found that trust nature of the Moran property. Respondent's bad faith in transferring the property to
complainant waived her right over it. his family corporation is well discussed in this Court's Decision,  17 thus:

On appeal, the Court of Appeals reversed the trial court. The appellate court held that . . . Valdes (herein respondent) never repudiated the trust during the lifetime of the late
respondent was the absolute owner of the Moran property. The Decision was elevated to Jose Nakpil. On the contrary, he expressly recognized it. . . . (H)e repudiated the trust
this Court. when (he) excluded Pulong Maulap from the list of properties of the late Jose Nakpil
submitted to the intestate court in 1973. . . .
On February 18, 1986, during the pendency of complainant's appeal to this Court, the OSG
submitted its Report 11 on the disbarment complaint. The OSG relied heavily on the xxx xxx xxx
decision of the Court of Appeals then pending review by this Court. The OSG found that
respondent was not put on notice of complainant's claim over the property. It opined that The fact that there was no transfer of ownership intended by the parties . . . can be
there was no trust agreement created over the property and that respondent was the bolstered by Exh. "I-2," an annex to the claim filed against the estate proceedings of the
absolute owner thereof. Thus, it upheld respondent's right to transfer title to his family late Jose Nakpil by his brother, Angel Nakpil, which was prepared by Carlos J. Valdes &
corporation. It also found no conflict of interests as the claimants were related to the late Co., the accounting firm of herein respondent. Exhibit "I-2," which is a list of the
Jose Nakpil. The OSG recommended the dismissal of the administrative case. application of the proceeds of various FUB loans contracted as of 31 December 1973 by
the late Jose Nakpil, . . . contains the two (2) loans contracted in the name of respondent.
Prefatorily, we note that the case at bar presents a novel situation as it involves the If ownership of Pulong Maulap  was already transferred or ceded to Valdes, these loans
disbarment of a CPA-lawyer for his demeanor in his accounting profession and law practice should not have been included in the list.
in connection with the property of his client.
Indeed, as we view it, what the parties merely agreed to under the arrangement outlined
As a rule, a lawyer is not barred from dealing with his client but the business transaction in Exh. "J" was that respondent Valdes would . . . "take over the total loan of P140,000.00
must be characterized with utmost honesty and good faith. 12 The measure of good faith and pay all of the interests due on the notes" while the heirs of the late Jose Nakpil would
which an attorney is required to exercise in his dealings with his client is a much higher continue to live in the disputed property for five (5) years without remuneration save for
standard than is required in business dealings where the parties trade at "arms regular maintenance expenses. This does not mean, however, that if at the end of the
length." 13 Business transactions between an attorney and his client are disfavored and five-year period petitioner (Nakpil) failed to reimburse Valdes for his advances, . . . Valdes
discouraged by the policy of the law. Hence, courts carefully watch these transactions to could already automatically assume ownership of Pulong Maulap. Instead, the remedy of
assure that no advantage is taken by a lawyer over his client. This rule is founded on respondents Carlos J. Valdes and Caval Realty Corporation was to proceed against the
public policy for, by virtue of his office, an attorney is in an easy position to take estate of the late Jose M. Nakpil and/or the property itself." (emphasis supplied)
advantage of the credulity and ignorance of his client. Thus, no presumption of innocence
or improbability of wrongdoing is considered in an attorney's favor. 14 In the said reconveyance case, we further ruled that complainant's documentary evidence
(Exhibits "H", "J" and "L"), which she also adduced in this administrative case, should
In the case at bar, we cannot subscribe to the findings of the OSG in its Report. These estop respondent from claiming that he bought the Moran property for himself, and not
findings were based mainly on the decision of the Court merely in trust for Jose Nakpil. 18
of Appeals in the action for reconveyance which was reversed by this Court in 1993. 15
It ought to follow that respondent's act of excluding the Moran property from the estate not personally file the case and appear in court is beside the point. As established in the
which his law firm was representing evinces a lack of fidelity to the cause of his client. If records of this case and in the reconveyance case, 23 respondent acted as counsel and
respondent truly believed that the said property belonged to him, he should have at least accountant of complainant after the death of Jose Nakpil. Respondent's defense that he
informed complainant of his adverse claim. If they could not agree on its ownership, resigned from his law and accounting firms as early as 1974 (or two years before the filing
respondent should have formally presented his claim in the intestate proceedings instead of the intestate case) is unworthy of merit. Respondent's claim of resignation from his law
of transferring the property to his own corporation and concealing it from complainant and firm is not supported by any documentary proof. The documents on record 24 only show
the judge in the estate proceedings. Respondent's misuse of his legal expertise to deprive respondent's resignation from his accounting firm in 1972 and 1974. Even these
his client of the Moran property is clearly unethical. documents reveal that respondent returned to his accounting firm on July 1, 1976 and as
of 1978, the intestate proceedings for the settlement of Jose's estate had not yet been
To make matters worse, respondent, through his accounting firm, charged the two loans terminated. It does not escape us that when respondent transferred the Moran property to
of P65,000.00 and P75,000.00 as liability of the estate, after said loans were obtained by his corporation on February 13, 1978, the intestate proceedings was still pending in court.
respondent for the purchase and renovation of the property which he claimed for himself. Thus, the succession of events shows that respondent could not have been totally ignorant
Respondent seeks to exculpate himself from this charge by disclaiming knowledge or of the proceedings in the intestate case.
privity in the preparation of the list of the estate's liabilities. He theorizes that the inclusion
of the loans must have been a mere error or oversight of his accounting firm. It is clear Respondent claims that complainant knew that his law firm Carlos J. Valdes & Associates
that the information as to how these two loans should be treated could have only come was the legal counsel of the estate 25 and his accounting firm, C.J. Valdes & Co., CPAs,
from respondent himself as the said loans were in his name. Hence, the supposed error of was the auditor of both the estate and the two claimants against it. 26 The fact, however,
the accounting firm in charging respondent's loans against the estate could not have been that complainant, as administratrix, did not object to the set-up cannot be taken against
committed without respondent's participation. Respondent wanted to "have his cake and her as there is nothing in the records to show that respondent or his law firm explained
eat it too" and subordinated the interest of his client to his own pecuniary gain. the legal situation and its consequences to complainant. Thus, her silence regarding the
Respondent violated Canon 17 of the Code of Professional Responsibility which provides arrangement does not amount to an acquiescence based on an informed consent.
that a lawyer owes fidelity to his client's cause and enjoins him to be mindful of the trust
and confidence reposed on him. We also hold that the relationship of the claimants to the late Nakpil does not negate the
conflict of interest. When a creditor files a claim against an estate, his interest is per se
As regards the third charge, we hold that respondent is guilty of representing conflicting adverse to the estate. As correctly pointed out by complainant, if she had a claim against
interests. It is generally the rule, based on sound public policy, that an attorney cannot her husband's estate, her claim is still adverse and must be filed in the intestate
represent adverse interests. It is highly improper to represent both sides of an proceedings.
issue. 19 The proscription against representation of conflicting interests finds application
where the conflicting interests arise with respect to the same general matter 20 and is Prescinding from these premises, respondent undoubtedly placed his law firm in a position
applicable however slight such adverse interest may be. It applies although the attorney's where his loyalty to his client could be doubted. In the estate proceedings, the duty of
intentions and motives were honest and he acted in good faith. 21 However, representation respondent's law firm was to contest the claims of these two creditors but which claims
of conflicting interests may be allowed where the parties consent to the representation, were prepared by respondent's accounting firm. Even if the claims were valid and did not
after full disclosure of facts. Disclosure alone is not enough for the clients must give their prejudice the estate, the set-up is still undesirable. The test to determine whether there is
informed consent to such representation. The lawyer must explain to his clients the nature a conflict of interest in the representation is  probability, not certainty of conflict. It was
and extent of the conflict and the possible adverse effect must be thoroughly understood respondent's duty to inhibit either of his firms from said proceedings to avoid the
by his clients. 22 probability of conflict of interest.

In the case at bar, there is no question that the interests of the estate and that of its Respondent advances the defense that assuming there was conflict of interest, he could
creditors are adverse to each other. Respondent's accounting firm prepared the list of not be charged before this Court as his alleged "misconduct" pertains to his accounting
assets and liabilities of the estate and, at the same time, computed the claims of two practice.
creditors of the estate. There is clearly a conflict between the interest of the estate which
stands as the debtor, and that of the two claimants who are creditors of the estate. In
We do not agree. Respondent is a CPA-lawyer who is actively practicing both professions.
fact, at one instance, respondent's law firm questioned the claims of creditor Angel Nakpil
He is the senior partner of his law and accounting firms which carry his name. In the case
against the estate.
at bar, complainant is not charging respondent with breach of ethics for being the common
accountant of the estate and the two creditors. He is charged for allowing his accounting
To exculpate himself, respondent denies that he represented complainant in the intestate firm to represent two creditors of the estate and, at the same time, allowing his law firm
proceedings. He points out that it was one Atty. Percival Cendaña, from his law firm Carlos to represent the estate in the proceedings where these claims were presented. The act is a
J. Valdes & Associates, who filed the intestate case in court. However, the fact that he did
breach of professional ethics and undesirable as it placed respondent's and his law firm's
loyalty under a cloud of doubt. Even granting that respondent's misconduct refers to his
accountancy practice, it would not prevent this Court from disciplining him as a member of
the Bar. The rule is settled that a lawyer may be suspended or disbarred for ANY
misconduct, even if it pertains to his private activities, as long as it shows him to be
wanting in moral character, honesty, probity or good demeanor. 27 Possession of good
moral character is not only a prerequisite to admission to the bar but also a continuing
requirement to the practice of law.

Public confidence in law and lawyers may be eroded by the irresponsible and improper
conduct of a member of the bar. Thus, a lawyer should determine his conduct by acting in
a manner that would promote public confidence in the integrity of the legal profession.
Members of the Bar are expected to always live up to the standards embodied in the Code
of Professional Responsibility as the relationship between an attorney and his client is
highly fiduciary in nature and demands utmost fidelity and good faith.  28 In the case at bar,
respondent exhibited less than full fidelity to his duty to observe candor, fairness and
loyalty in his dealings and transactions with his clients. 29

IN VIEW WHEREOF, the Court finds respondent ATTY. CARLOS J. VALDES guilty of
misconduct. He is suspended from the practice of law for a period of one (1) year effective
from receipt of this Decision, with a warning that a similar infraction shall be dealt with
more severely in the future.

Let copies of this Decision be furnished all courts, as well as the Integrated Bar of the
Philippines and the Office of the Bar Confidant.

A.C. No. 6297             July 13, 2004 Pariñas requested for a meeting with Paguinto but the secretary informed her that the
hearing was cancelled.  The secretary further informed Pariñas that the judge reset the
DOLORES D. PARIÑAS, complainant, succeeding hearings originally scheduled on 29 May 2002 and 26 June 2002 because
vs. the judge was sick or out of town.
ATTY. OSCAR P. PAGUINTO, respondent.
On the first week of July 2002, Pariñas went to the trial court to inquire about her case
but the court personnel in RTC-Manila, Branch 64 informed her that there was no such
case filed in their court.  Pariñas asked Paguinto for the case number, date of filing, copy
of the petition and the court where the annulment case was pending.  Paguinto told
DECISION Pariñas that the records were at his office and that he was in Malolos, Bulacan attending
to a case.  It turned out that there was no annulment case filed in RTC-Manila, Branch
64.  Paguinto promised to return the money that Pariñas paid as down payment. 
However, Paguinto returned the P10,000 only after Pariñas filed with the Commission on
Bar Discipline ("CBD") of the Integrated Bar of the Philippines ("IBP") the present
complaint for disbarment.
In the Order dated 14 February 2003, the CBD directed Paguinto to answer the

The Case complaint.  Paguinto asked for an extension of 15 days to file his Answer. The CBD
granted the extension in the Order dated 19 March 2003. However, Paguinto failed to file

A lawyer has the duty to give adequate attention and time to every case he accepts.  A his Answer within the extended period and thus the CBD declared him in default in the
lawyer impliedly warrants that he possesses the necessary diligence, learning and skill to Order dated 15 July 2003. After the hearing, Pariñas submitted her Position Paper

handle each case.  He should exert his best judgment and exercise reasonable and praying that the CBD declare Paguinto guilty of violation of Rule 16.01 and Rule 18.03 of
ordinary care and diligence in the pursuit or defense of his client's cause. the Code of Professional Responsibility.

The Facts On 10 September 2003, Pariñas filed an Affidavit of Withdrawal of the complaint. Pariñas

stated that Paguinto "personally explained exhaustively the reasons why he failed to
Sometime in October 2001, complainant Dolores Dryden Pariñas ("Pariñas") engaged comply with his obligations" and she realized that the complaint arose due to a
the services of respondent Atty. Oscar P. Paguinto ("Paguinto") to annul her marriage to "misapprehension of facts, misunderstanding and miscommunication." Pariñas
Danilo Soriano. They agreed that for the legal services, Pariñas would pay Paguinto an manifested that she was withdrawing the complaint, as she was no longer interested in
acceptance fee of P25,000, the filing fee of P2,500 and other incidental expenses. pursuing the case.

On 2 December 2001, Pariñas paid Paguinto P10,000 in cash as partial payment of the On the same date, Paguinto filed a Manifestation and Motion explaining that he failed to

acceptance fee. An acknowledgment receipt evidenced this payment. Pariñas gave

1  attend the hearing on 30 July 2003 because he was in Tabuk, Kalinga attending a
Paguinto a diskette containing a narration of what happened between her and her hearing in a criminal case for frustrated homicide. He apologized to Pariñas for his
estranged husband Danilo Soriano.  Pariñas also furnished Paguinto with a copy of her actuations claiming "himself solely to be blamed." He further declared that he failed to
marriage contract with Soriano. Before the end of December 2001, Pariñas gave timely prepare and file the petition for annulment because he spends his time mostly in
Paguinto P2,500 for the filing fee. Gen. Mariano Alvarez, Cavite where he practices law catering to those "clients who have
less in life."
Sometime between January and April 2002, Pariñas inquired from Paguinto on the
progress of her annulment case.  Paguinto informed her that the case was filed with the Commissioner's Report & Recommendation
Regional Trial Court of Manila, Branch 64 ("RTC-Manila, Branch 64"), before Judge
Ricaforte and that the hearing was scheduled on 25 April 2002.  Before the hearing,
The IBP designated Atty. Rebecca Villanueva-Maala ("Commissioner") as Commissioner legal profession demands from a lawyer the vigilance and attention expected of a good
to conduct a formal investigation of the case. The Commissioner found Paguinto father of a family.
negligent in performing his duties as a lawyer and as an officer of the court.  The
Commissioner declared that a lawyer has the duty to give adequate attention, care and In Gamalinda vs. Alcantara, we ruled:

time to his cases, accepting only as many cases as he can handle. Paguinto failed to
comply with this duty.  The Commissioner recommended the suspension of Paguinto A lawyer owes fidelity to the cause of his client and must be mindful of the trust
from the practice of law for six months. and confidence reposed in him. He shall serve his client with competence and
diligence, and his duty of entire devotion to his client's cause not only requires,
The Court's Ruling but entitles him to employ every honorable means to secure for the client what is
justly due him or to present every defense provided by law to enable the latter's
We agree with the Commissioner. cause to succeed. An attorney's duty to safeguard the client's interests
commences from his retainer until his effective release from the case or the final
Pariñas gave Paguinto P10,000 cash as partial payment of the acceptance fee. Pariñas disposition of the whole subject matter of the litigation. During that period, he is
also gave Paguinto P2,500 for the filing fee.  Paguinto led Pariñas to believe that he had expected to take such reasonable steps and such ordinary care as his client's
filed the annulment case.  Paguinto informed Pariñas that the case was filed with the interests may require.
RTC-Manila, Branch 64, before Judge Ricaforte.  However, Pariñas later found out that
Paguinto never filed the annulment case in court. And failure to do so violates Canon 18 of the Code. 12

Rule 16.01 of the Code of Professional Responsibility ("the Code") provides that a lawyer Rule 18.01 of the Code is clear. A lawyer shall not undertake a legal service that he is
shall account for all money or property collected for or from the client. Acceptance of not qualified to render. Rule 18.02 of the Code provides that a lawyer shall not handle
money from a client establishes an attorney-client relationship and gives rise to the duty any legal matter without adequate preparation. He has the duty to prepare for trial with
of fidelity to the client's cause. Money entrusted to a lawyer for a specific purpose, such

diligence and deliberate speed. Rule 18.03 of the Code also provides that a lawyer shall
as for filing fee, but not used for failure to file the case must immediately be returned to not neglect a legal matter entrusted to him and his negligence shall render him liable.
the client on demand. Paguinto returned the money only after Pariñas filed this

administrative case for disbarment. One last point. Pariñas executed an Affidavit of Withdrawal of the complaint stating that

she was withdrawing the administrative complaint against Paguinto after realizing that
Paguinto should know that as a lawyer, he owes fidelity to the cause of his client. When "said complaint against the respondent arose due to misapprehension of facts,
a lawyer accepts a case, his acceptance is an implied representation that he possesses misunderstanding and miscommunication." Paguinto, on the other hand, submitted a
the requisite academic learning, skill and ability to handle the case.  The lawyer has the Manifestation and Motion apologizing to Pariñas for his actuations and admitting that he
duty to exert his best judgment in the prosecution or defense of the case entrusted to him was "solely to be blamed."    A compromise or withdrawal of charges does not terminate
and to exercise reasonable and ordinary care and diligence in the pursuit or defense of an administrative complaint against a lawyer, especially in this case where the lawyer

the case. admitted his misconduct.

A lawyer should give adequate attention, care and time to his case. Once he agrees to Pariñas's affidavit of withdrawal of the disbarment case does not exonerate Paguinto in
handle a case, he should undertake the task with dedication and care.   If he fails in this any way. We reiterate our ruling in Rayos-Ombac v. Rayos that – 15 

duty, he is not true to his oath as a lawyer. Hence, a lawyer must accept only as much
cases as he can efficiently handle, otherwise his clients' interests will suffer. It is not

[A] proceeding for suspension or disbarment is not in any sense a civil action
enough that a lawyer possesses the qualification to handle the legal matter. He must where the complainant is a plaintiff and the respondent lawyer is a defendant.
also give adequate attention to his legal work. Disciplinary proceedings involve no private interest and afford no redress for
private grievance.  They are undertaken solely for the public welfare. x x x The
The lawyer owes it to his client to exercise his utmost learning and ability in handling his attorney is called upon to answer to the court for his conduct as an officer of the
cases.  A license to practice law is a guarantee by the courts to the public that the court.  The complainant or the person who called the attention of the court to the
licensee possesses sufficient skill, knowledge and diligence to manage their cases. The
attorney's alleged misconduct is in no sense a party, and has generally no
interest in the outcome except as all good citizens may have in the proper
administration of justice

WHEREFORE, we find respondent Atty. Oscar P. Paguinto GUILTY of violation of the

Code of Professional Responsibility. Accordingly, we penalize Atty. Oscar P. Paguinto
with SUSPENSION for SIX (6) MONTHS from the practice of law effective upon receipt
of this Decision.

Let copies of this Decision be furnished the Office of the Bar Confidant, to be appended
to respondent's personal record as an attorney; the Integrated Bar of the Philippines; and
all courts in the country for their information and guidance.

[A.C. NO. 5817 : May 27, 2004] Complainant blamed respondent for the reversal.She said that she came to
know of the reversal of the Labor Arbiters decision when she called
EMMA V. DE JUAN, Complainant, v. ATTY. OSCAR R. BARIA respondent in October 2001.When she asked the respondent what they
III, Respondent. should do, respondent answered, Paano iyan ihaehhindi ako marunong
gumawa ng Motion for Reconsideration. Sometime in November 2001, her
RESOLUTION husband called respondent to ask if he did anything in connection with the
NLRCs Decision and he was advised by respondents secretary that, Sabi
QUISUMBING, J.: ni Attyhuwag na kayong magpakita sa kanya dahil galit na galit sa inyo si
Attorney at baka kung ano pa ang magawa niya sa inyo.8  cralawred

In her Salaysay filed with the Office of the Bar Confidant on August 29, 2002,
complainant, former client of respondent, charged respondent with The Court required respondent to comment and referred the case to the
negligence in handling her labor case and threats against her person. Integrated Bar of the Philippines (IBP) for investigation, report and
recommendation.9  cralawred

The complainant alleged that respondent Atty. Oscar R. Baria III, as her
counsel in NLRC NCR CA No. 022654-00/NLRC RAB IV-7-11287-99-R, Emma In his Comment, respondent explained that soon after passing the bar in
De Juan v. Triple AAA Antique/Mr. Yappe and Mr. Godofredo Nadia, 1999, he was employed as a broaster in DWANs radio program offering free
negligently failed to file motion for reconsideration of the decision dated legal services to the poor.He gave free legal services to indigent clients one of
September 24, 2001 of the NLRC in her behalf. 1  whom was complainant.As a practice, he said he forewarned his clients that
he was just a new lawyer and that they should not expect too much from him

The complainant avers that she was hired by Triple AAA on or about because of his limited legal experience. According to respondent he tried to
December 15, 1998 as packer on probation status for six months in its explain to complainant the legal remedies available to her as well as the time
Packing Department.2 Based on a performance evaluation citing her irregular her case may take.It appeared to him that complainant did not fully grasp the
attendance and inefficiency, the company terminated her services on June usual delays that may be involved in her case.He recalled that when he told
11, 1999,3 after waiting for two weeks for her to report. She claims that she complainant that the Labor Arbiters decision was in her favor, she was so
was terminated without notice nor explanation 4 so she filed a complaint jubilant at the money judgment.Later however, the complainant became
before the National Labor Relations Commission (NLRC) against the company furious when he told her that Triple AAA Antique had appealed.Respondent
for illegal dismissal, non-payment of premium pay for holiday, rest day, and filed a Motion for Writ of Execution of the Labor Arbiters Decision but this
13th month pay.She also claimed moral and exemplary damages and Motion was ruled premature.Respondent then filed an opposition to the
attorneys fees.5  appeal filed by Triple AAA but the NLRC still gave due course to the
appeal.While Triple AAAs appeal was pending resolution he told complainant

to call him every week so that she could be advised of any developments in
In search of a lawyer, she asked the assistance of Banahaw Broasting
her case.He generously suggested that complainant call collect to lessen her
Corporation (BBC) which assigned respondent to handle her labor
expenses.He even allowed complainant and her husband to stay in his home
case.Respondent represented complainant on a contingency fee agreement.
when they came to Manila from the province.He said he even fed them when
they were in Manila.
On December 29, 1999, the Labor Arbiter rendered a decision in favor of
complainant.6 Triple AAA appealed to the NLRC.In a decision promulgated on
In October 2001, the NLRC rendered its decision reversing the Labor
September 24, 2001, the NLRC reversed the Labor Arbiter and declared there
Arbiter.By this time, according to respondent, he confronted complainant for
was no illegal dismissal.7 
lying to him about her employment with Triple AAA and told her that because

of her lies there was a possibility she could lose the appeal.He advised
complainant to get a more experienced lawyer for her appeal because as a In its Resolution dated August 30, 2003, the IBP approved the
new lawyer he was not confident he could handle her appeal.Thereafter, recommendation of the Commission on Bar Discipline.The IBP Board of
complainant no longer contacted him and at some time, he even had to ask Governors found respondent guilty of negligence in handling the aforecited
her whereabouts from her relatives. labor case and recommended that respondent be suspended from practicing
law for three months.The charge of grave threats was dismissed for
On December 2001, respondent received calls from the staff of Raffy Tulfo, a complainants failure to substantiate the same.10  cralawred

radio commentator. In one of these calls, his wife talked to one of Tulfos
employees and she was told that complainant told Tulfo that the respondent The core issue is whether the respondent committed culpable negligence, as
received money from Triple AAA Antique.As a result Tulfo lambasted him on would warrant disciplinary action, in failing to file for the complainant a
his radio program.Respondent thereafter called Tulfo, explained his side, and motion for reconsideration from the decision of the NLRC.
demanded that the latter apologize on air otherwise he would file a libel case
against Tulfo. No lawyer is obliged to advocate for every person who may wish to become
his client, but once he agrees to take up the cause of a client, the lawyer
Sometime in January 2002, respondents secretary received a call from the owes fidelity to such cause and must be mindful of the trust and confidence
complainants husband.When respondents secretary confronted the husband reposed in him.11 Further, among the fundamental rules of ethics is the
regarding the Tulfo incident, complainants husband retorted, Sabihin mo sa principle that an attorney who undertakes an action impliedly stipulates to
kanya mag ingat siya at baka may mangyari sa kanya. Shortly thereafter, carry it to its termination, that is, until the case becomes final and
respondent began receiving death threats over the phone and also noticed executory.A lawyer is not at liberty to abandon his client and withdraw his
armed men casing his office.He reported these calls and presence of services without reasonable cause and only upon notice appropriate in the
suspicious armed men to the police. circumstances.12 Any dereliction of duty by a counsel, affects the client. 13 This
means that his client is entitled to the benefit of any and every remedy and
Respondent surmises that complainant believed Triple AAA paid him off and defense that is authorized by the law and he may expect his lawyer to assert
he pocketed money supposedly for her.Respondent vehemently denied he every such remedy or defense.14  cralawred

did.He asks that Triple AAA be summoned to bear witness to his

story.Respondent asserts that he has not committed any breach of his oath The records reveal that indeed the respondent did not file a motion for
and that he has vigorously pursued his clients cause to the end.He avers that reconsideration of the NLRC such that the said decision eventually had
it was his clients own negligence and folly that caused her to lose her case.He become final and executory.Respondent does not refute this.His excuse that
asks that the complaint be dismissed. he did not know how to file a motion for reconsideration is lame and
unacceptable.After complainant had expressed an interest to file a motion for
In a Resolution dated March 15, 2003, this Court referred the case to the IBP reconsideration, it was incumbent upon counsel to diligently return to his
for investigation, report and recommendation.In turn, the IBP Commission on books and re-familiarize himself with the procedural rules for a motion for
Bar Discipline required complainant to reply.In her reply written in Filipino, reconsideration.Filing a motion for reconsideration is not a complicated legal
complainant denied that she accepted money from respondent during the task.
pendency of her labor case, except on one occasion when she borrowed P100
from respondents secretary for travel fare back to the province.She reiterated We are however, not unaware that respondent had been forthright and
that she filed her Salaysay because of respondents failure to file a motion for candid with his client when he warned her of his lack of experience as a new
reconsideration.She further insists that she does not believe that respondent lawyer.We are also not unaware that he had advised complainant to get a
did not know how to file a motion for reconsideration as he claims since she new lawyer.However, his candor cannot absolve him. As already stressed by
was aware that even a law student would know how to. this Court:chanroblesvirtua1awlibrary
A lawyer is expected to be familiar with these rudiments of law and procedure
and anyone who acquires his service is entitled to not just competent service
but also whole-hearted devotion to his clients cause.It is the duty of a lawyer
to serve his client with competence and diligence and he should exert his best
efforts to protect within the bounds of law the interest of his client.A lawyer
should never neglect a legal matter entrusted to him, otherwise his
negligence in fulfilling his duty will render him liable for disciplinary action. 15 

Again, the Court held in the case of Santos v. Lazaro  ,16 that Rule 18.03 of
the Code of Professional Responsibility17 explicitly provides that negligence of
lawyers in connection with legal matters entrusted to them for handling shall
render them liable.

Without a proper revocation of his authority and withdrawal as counsel,

respondent remains counsel of record and whether or not he has a valid
cause to withdraw from the case, he cannot just do so and leave his client out
in the cold.An attorney may only retire from the case either by a written
consent of his client or by permission of the court after due notice and
hearing, in which event the attorney should see to it that the name of the
new attorney is recorded in the case. 18 Respondent did not comply with these

WHEREFORE, respondent lawyer Oscar R. Baria III is hereby FINEDin the

amount of P5,000.00, with a stern warning that a repetition of this or similar
offense will be dealt with more severely.

[Adm. Case No. 5394. December 2, 2002* .] truth was that complainant’s sister had already testified and there was no
more witness to present; and
JR., Respondent. 6. Respondent only attended one (1) hearing in the civil case.

DECISION In his answer, 2 dated September 3, 1997, respondent averred that the
complaint filed against him was baseless and was purely malicious and
speculative considering the fact that it was not made under oath. He alleged
MENDOZA, J.: that complainant engaged his legal services after the first counsel had
withdrawn from the case because of a misunderstanding with complainant.
He stated that he had no knowledge of what had happened in the case before
This is a complaint for disbarment against Atty. Reynaldo Novero, Jr. for he handled it because complainant did not furnish him the records and
alleged patent and gross neglect in the handling of Civil Case No. 7500 which stenographic notes of the previous proceedings despite his repeated requests.
complainant Rizalino Fernandez and others had filed against the Bacolod City Respondent further claimed that he failed to formally offer the exhibits as
Water District before the Regional Trial Court, Branch 49, Bacolod City. chanrob1es virtua1 1aw 1ibrary
evidence because complainant could not be reached when he was needed for
conference and the latter even tried to take over the handling of the case by
In his letter, 1 dated October 16, 1996, to the Court Administrator, insisting on presenting more witnesses who nevertheless failed to appear
complainant imputed the following negligent acts to respondent which led to during trial despite several postponements.
the dismissal of Civil Case No. 7500: chanrob1es virtual 1aw library

The case was referred to the Office of the Bar Confidant (OBC), which
1. Respondent did not attend the scheduled hearing on January 11, 1996 nor submitted a report, 3 dated February 3, 2001, finding respondent guilty of
seek a postponement thereof, for which reason the trial court considered violation of the Code of Professional Responsibility and recommending his
respondent to have waived further presentation of his evidence and directed suspension from the practice of law for one (1) month.
him to formally offer his exhibits for admission on January 30, 1996;
Thereafter, the Court referred the case to the Integrated Bar of the
2. Notwithstanding receipt of the order dated January 11, 1996, respondent Philippines (IBP), which in its report and recommendation, dated October 15,
failed to formally offer his exhibits on January 30, 1996, prompting the trial 2001, found respondent remiss in observing the standard care, diligence and
court to order the dismissal of the case; competence prescribed for members of the bar in the performance of their
professional duties. The IBP Investigating Commissioner recommended that
3. While respondent filed a motion for reconsideration of the order of respondent be suspended from the practice of law for a period of six (6)
dismissal, he did not file his motion within the reglementary period, as a months with warning that the commission of the same or similar offenses will
result of which the said motion, actually filed on May 7, 1996, was denied by be dealt with more severely in the future. 4 The report and recommendation
the trial court on May 14, 1996 for having been filed out of time; of the Investigating Commissioner was approved on June 29, 2002 by the IBP
Board of Governors. 5
4. When asked for an explanation regarding the dismissal of the case,
respondent informed complainant through a letter, dated July 30, 1996, that Respondent filed a motion for reconsideration, dated September 17, 2002,
he had filed a motion for reconsideration of the order of dismissal, but the alleging that the Court should not have taken cognizance of the complaint
motion, which had been filed a long time ago, had not yet been resolved by because it was not verified. According to him, the complaint was a mere
the trial court; political ploy to discredit him because he was aspiring for a congressional
seat in the 1998 elections. He denied complainant’s claim that he attended
5. Respondent tried to shift the blame on complainant by claiming that the only one hearing. He explained that he was not able to terminate his
latter insisted on presenting his sister from Manila as their last witness. The presentation of evidence because complainant insisted on presenting as
witness his sister who was residing in Manila, even though the latter law and legal procedure, and anyone who deals with them has the right to
repeatedly failed to appear in court despite several postponements. He expect not just a good amount of professional learning and competence but
claimed that complainant had told him that his intention was really to delay also a whole-hearted fealty to the client’s cause. 7
the case as he was using the same as his leverage in a criminal case filed or
to be filed against him by the Bacolod City Water District for his alleged water Respondent’s attempt to evade responsibility by shifting the blame on
tapping. When he refused to go along with the scheme, complainant allegedly complainant is apparent. His averment that complainant failed to turn over to
threatened to change counsel. Respondent further alleged that complainant’s him the records and stenographic notes of the case only highlights his
attitude is apparent from the fact that the latter caused to be disseminated incompetence and inadequacy in handling complainant’s case. Considering
several copies of the IBP Resolution recommending his (respondent’s) that respondent has been practicing law for almost 15 years, he should have
suspension and distributed them to radio stations in Bacolod City. For these known that he could easily obtain a copy of the records and stenographic
reasons, respondent sought the reversal of the IBP Resolution. 6 notes from the court where the case was docketed. chanrob1es virtua1 1aw 1ibrary

After review of the records of this case, the Court finds the report of the Respondent likewise refers to the alleged obnoxious attitude of complainant
Investigating Commissioner of the IBP to be well taken. The records clearly in trying to manipulate the manner in which he was a handling the case as
show that respondent has been negligent in the performance of his duties as the main reason for his failure to formally offer his exhibits in contravention
complainant’s counsel. His failure to file his formal offer of exhibits of the order of the court. But respondent should bear in mind that while a
constitutes inexcusable negligence as it proved fatal to the cause of his client lawyer owes utmost zeal and devotion to the interest of his client, he also has
since it led to the dismissal of the case. To compound his inefficiency, the responsibility of employing only fair and honest means to attain the lawful
respondent filed a motion for reconsideration outside the reglementary objectives of his client and he should not allow the latter to dictate the
period, which was thus accordingly denied by the trial court for being filed out procedure in handling the case. 8 As this Court said in another case: chanrob1es virtual 1aw library

of time. Hence, the order issued by the trial court dismissing the case became
final. Respondent’s acts and omission clearly constitute violation of the Code A lawyer owes entire devotion in protecting the interest of his client, warmth
of Professional Responsibility which provides in pertinent parts:chanrob1es virtual 1aw library and zeal in the defense of his rights. He must use all his learning and ability
to the end that nothing can be taken or withheld from his client except in
CANON 17. — A LAWYER OWES FIDELITY TO THE CAUSE OF HIS CLIENT AND accordance with the law. He must present every remedy or defense within
HE SHALL BE MINDFUL OF THE TRUST AND CONFIDENCE REPOSED IN HIM. the authority of the law in support of his client’s cause, regardless of his own
personal views. In the full discharge of his duties to his client, the lawyer
CANON 18. — A LAWYER SHALL SERVE HIS CLIENT WITH COMPETENCE AND should not be afraid of the possibility that he may displease the judge or the
DILIGENCE. general public. 9

Rule 18.02 — A lawyer shall not handle any legal matter without adequate As to the contention of respondent that the Court should not have taken
preparation. cognizance of the complaint because the letter-complaint was not verified, as
required in Rule 139-B, § 1 of the Rules of Court on Disbarment and
Rule 18.03 — A lawyer shall not neglect a legal matter entrusted to him, and Discipline of Attorneys, 10 suffice it to say that such constitutes only a formal
his negligence in connection therewith shall render him liable. defect and does not affect the jurisdiction of the Court over the subject
matter of the complaint. "The verification is merely a formal requirement
As this Court has held: chanrob1es virtual 1aw library intended to secure an assurance that matters which are alleged are true and
correct — the court may simply order the correction of unverified pleadings or
A counsel must constantly keep in mind that his actions or omissions, even act on it and waive strict compliance with the rules in order that the ends of
malfeasance or nonfeasance, would be binding on his client. Verily, a lawyer justice may be served." 11
owes to the client the exercise of utmost prudence and capability in that
representation. Lawyers are expected to be acquainted with the rudiments of However, instead of suspension for six (6) months as recommended by the
IBP Investigating Commissioner, we hold that the suspension of respondent
Atty. Reynaldo Novero, Jr. for one (1) month, as recommended by the Office
of the Bar Confidant, would be commensurate considering that this is the first
time Atty. Novero is found guilty of neglect of his client’s case.

WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing, Atty. Reynaldo Novero, Jr. is

SUSPENDED from the practice of law for one (1) month effective upon finality
hereof with WARNING that a repetition of the same negligent act charged in
this complaint will be dealt with even more severely.
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