F2019370072 Pakstudy Assignment

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Execution plan on (COVID-19)

 Administration and government should

ensure implementation on Standard
Operating Procedures (SOPs) against
 Regularly and thoroughly clean your
hands with an alcohol-based hand rub
or wash them with soap and water.
 Maintain at least 1 metre (3 feet)
distance between yourself and others. 
 Avoid going to crowded places. 
 Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth.
Hands touch many surfaces and can
pick up viruses. Once contaminated,
hands can transfer the virus to your
eyes, nose or mouth. 
 Stay home and self-isolate even with
minor symptoms such as cough,
headache, mild fever, until you recover.
 If you have a fever, cough and difficulty
breathing, seek medical attention, but
call by telephone in advance if possible
and follow the directions of your local
health authority.
 Keep up to date on the latest
information from trusted sources, such
as WHO or your local and national
health authorities.
 Avoide shaking hands. Greet people
with wave or a nod.
 Wear a facemask, if available, during
transport and while at triage in the
healthcare facility
 There should be complete lockdown in
areas where corona virus cases are
large in number.
 If complete lockdown is not possible
smart lockdown should be implemented.
In different areas.
 If people don’t follow SOP's there should be
heavy fines and punishment.
 Government should spread awareness
about the corona virus and provide
guidelines to people to protect themselves.
 Awareness can be spread by using social
media, print media and electronic media.
During lockdown government should
provide financial assistance to
employers,daily wagers and workers of
different firms.

How New Zealand ‘Eliminated’

Coronavirus as it outbreak there.
 New Zealand had one of the toughest and earliest
lockdowns: With no deaths and just over 100 cases in mid-
 The country closed all non-essential businesses, schools
(though children of essential workers were permitted to
continue attending) and cancelled all gatherings and
 Due to a mixture of strict quarantine, travel restrictions
and widespread testing, New Zealand has reported no new
coronavirus cases for 17 days and has no active cases. 
 From March 24 to April 9 the country entered its strictest
lockdown, allowing non-essential workers to only leave
home for essential exercise within close proximity to their
 With no active Covid-19 cases, New Zealand is lifting

almost all its coronavirus restrictions.

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