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CIBW062 Symposium 2012

Measurements of water consumption in apartment

B. Bleys (1), P. Van den Bossche (2), X. Kuborn (3)
1.,2.,3. Laboratory of sustainable energy and water technologies, Belgian Building
Research Institute, Belgium

Total and/or hot water consumption has been measured in a number of apartment
buildings of different sizes in Belgium. Each building was monitored during a minimum
period of 1 month with a measurement interval of 1 second. Peak flow rates were
deduced from these data for each building. The measured peak flow rates were
compared to the peak flows as calculated in accordance with existing guidelines in order
to determine the relevance of these guidelines for Belgium. Furthermore, the impact of
measurement interval on peak flow rate was examined by averaging the data over
longer intervals. Although more measurements will be needed to obtain statistically
relevant results, existing guidelines seem to overestimate the peak flow rate by a factor
of at least 2, and up to 3. Averaging of measuring data over intervals up to 5 seconds
had no significant influence on the measured peak flow rate. However, it should be
noted that measuring over an interval of 60 seconds would underestimate the peak flow
rate significantly. A new approach using semi-logarithmic graphs is suggested to
illustrate the correlation between maximum flow rate data and measuring intervals.

Water consumption; apartment buildings; measurements; peak flow rate; measurement

1 Introduction
As the energy-use for space heating continuously diminishes due to better performances
of the building envelope, the energy use for hot water production becomes increasingly
relevant. In passive houses and low-energy-houses this energy consumption can even be
more important than the energy consumption for space heating. Since the recast of the
Energy Performance of Buildings Directive [1] stipulates that by 2020 all new buildings
in the European Union should be almost net zero energy buildings, reducing the energy

CIBW062 Symposium 2012

use for hot water production, whilst maintaining the desired comfort level for the
buildings occupants, becomes one of the challenges for the future. Furthermore, over-
dimensioned hot water installations represent an important risk for the hygienic quality
of drinking water, in terms of possible Legionella development in stagnant water.

On the other hand, the price of drinking water keeps increasing. In Flanders the integral
water cost (€/m3) for average families increased by 54% in the period 2005-2010 [2].

For the above mentioned reasons it becomes increasingly important to design efficient
water-conveying installations in buildings. However the in Belgium generally used
design methods (French, German, European and Dutch – there is no Belgian standard)
are not based on the specific Belgian situation and most of them are not recent and
possibly out-dated, because since their publication important shifts have occurred, as
well in the desired comfort level of the building users (rain shower heads, Jacuzzis,
etc.), as in the use of more appliances that minimize water use (dual-flush toilets, low-
flow shower heads, etc.).

The purpose of this study is to assess if the design guidelines in use are still relevant for
apartment buildings in Belgium. Therefore cold and/or hot water consumption was
measured in a number of apartment buildings of different sizes. The measured peak
flow rates were compared to the peak flow rates as calculated in accordance with the
commonly used guidelines: the German standard DIN 1988-3 [3], the European
standard EN 806-3 [4], the French specification DTU 60.11 [5] and the Dutch guideline
ISSO 55 [6].

2 Method
2.1 Measurements and measured buildings

During 2011-2012 domestic total water (DTW) 1 use was measured in 3 apartment
buildings, whilst domestic hot water (DHW) 2 use was measured in one apartment
building with centralised hot water production.

Water consumption was measured for each building during a minimum period of 1
month, with a measurement interval of 1 second. This measuring period allows a
sufficient view on weekly variations, but does not allow to appreciate seasonal ones.
This has to be kept in mind whilst interpreting the results.

Table 1 gives the total number and type of apartments for each building, as well as the
measurement period. Both buildings in Louvain-la-Neuve were occupied by a relatively
important percentage of students.

Domestic total water (DTW) is measured immediately after the water meter of the water distribution
company. Part of DTW is used for the production of domestic hot water (DHW), part remains cold water.
DTW-values in this study are always expressed as hot water at 60°C

CIBW062 Symposium 2012

Table 1 Measured apartment buildings and characteristics

Apartment building Number of Measurement
apartments period
Louvan-la-Neuve 1 (“LLN1”) 56 April-May 2011
Louvain-la-Neuve 2 (“LLN2”) 16 June-July 2011
Brecht (“BR”) 7 August-October 2011
Brussels (“BXL”) 124 June 2012

In order to be able to calculate the peak flow rate using the existing guidelines, all
equipment (type and number of appliances) in the buildings was listed.

2.2 Measurement equipment

For measuring the water consumption, ultrasonic flow meters were used. Since these
meters have sensors which are fixed on the pipes outer wall, no modification of the
installation in the building was needed. Sensors are either of the ‘clamp-on’ type or
fixed with an element holder (Figure 1).

Figure 1 – Measuring sensors of ultrasonic flow meter fixed on pipe

DTW was measured immediately behind the water meter of the water distribution
company. As in building “BXL” hot water production is centralised and the DHW-
distribution contains a recirculating system, DHW was measured immediately in front
of the hot water production. Cold and hot water temperatures were measured as well.

The measuring error was below 4% and was verified in laboratory conditions as well as
by using the existing water meters in the buildings. For multilayer pipes (PEX-Al-PEX)
an alternative measuring method was developed as the ultrasonic flow meters used in
this study were designed for pipes with a wall composition of maximum two layers. The
measuring error of the alternative method was below 4% as well.

The measured data were stored on a data logger with sufficient memory to cover a
measurement period of several months. Both ultrasonic flow meters and the data logger
were installed in a metal casing (Figure 2).

CIBW062 Symposium 2012

Figure 2 –Measuring unit composed of 2 flow meters and a data logger

3 Results

For each building the peak flows in DTW or DHW were determined from the
measurements as well as calculated using the different existing guidelines. The effect of
measuring with longer time intervals was studied by averaging the measured values (at
1 second interval) over longer intervals.

3.1 Domestic total water (DTW)

Figure 3 represents the measured peak flow rates for the DTW-use compared to the
calculated peak flow rates. It should be noted that ISSO 55 is only applicable for
buildings with a relatively limited number of appliances.

Figure 3 – Measured and calculated peak flow rate DTW in 3 apartment buildings
(*) only applicable for buildings with a relatively limited number of appliances

CIBW062 Symposium 2012

The calculated DTW peak flow rates are systematically higher than the measured flow
rates. For building LLN1, the German standard (DIN 1988-3) even results in a peak
flow rate which is 3 times the measured peak flow rate. All existing guidelines
overestimate the peak flow rate by a factor of at least 2. DIN 1988-3 seems to most
overestimate DTW peak flow rate.

3.2 Domestic hot water (DHW)

Figure 4 represents, for the building in Brussels, the measured peak flow rates for the
DHW-use compared to the calculated peak flow rates.

Figure 4 – Measured and calculated peak flow rate DTW (60°C) in an apartment

The calculated DHW peak flow rates are systematically higher than the measured flow
rate. The European standard (EN 806-3) even results in a peak flow rate which is 2,7
times the measured peak flow rate. All existing guidelines overestimate the peak flow
rate by a factor of at least 2,1. In contrast with the DTW-consumption, and compared to
the other guidelines, DIN 1988-3 seems to less overestimate DHW peak flow rate.

3.3 Impact of averaging the data

In order to evaluate the impact of the measurement interval on the measured peak flow,
longer measurement intervals were simulated by averaging the data over longer time
intervals. Figure 5 represents the DHW flow rate for a random day in the building with
124 apartments. The measured data at 1 second interval are shown together with the
result of averaging these data over 60 seconds and 1 hour.

CIBW062 Symposium 2012

Figure 5 – Influence of measuring interval on DHW flow rate

For this day, measuring with an interval of 60 seconds would have underestimated the
peak flow rate by 27%,
%, while measuring
measuring with an interval of 1 hour would have resulted
in an underestimation of 70%. It is clear that the measuring interval has an important
impact on the measured peak flow rate.. Only when measurement intervals are identical,
measured peak flow ratess can be compared with each other.

Figure 6 represents,
presents, for all buildings in this study, the effect of averaging the data on the
maximum flow rate. For each averaging interval, the 1 second data were grouped and
averaged. The maximum flow rate for the averaging interval was selected amongst the
averaged flow rate values. The averaging interval is presented on a logarithmic scale
and includes intervalss up to one month. All flow ratess are expressed in litres per minute.

Figure 6 – Influence of averaging interval on maximum flow rate for 4 buildings

(3x DTW and 1x DHW)

CIBW062 Symposium 2012

For both DTW and DHW the correlation between maximum flow rate data and
averaging interval results in a typical (inverted) S-shaped curve. Up to an interval of 5
seconds, averaging the 1 second measurements had hardly any significant influence on
the maximum flow rate. From 10 seconds onwards the maximum flow rate decreases
for increasing averaging intervals. Measuring at an interval of 15 minutes would
underestimate DTW peak flow rate by 57% and DHW peak flow rate by 35%.

The average flow rate over the total measurement period is indicated beneath Figures 3
and 4 for the different buildings. For DTW, the measured peak flow rates are 20 up to
70 times higher than the average flow rates in the same building. For DHW, the
measured peak flow rate is 23 times higher than the average flow rate in the building.

Depending on the part of the water installation to be dimensioned, different types of

flow rate can be necessary. Dimensioning pipe diameters or plate heat exchangers for
DHW production should be based on peak flow rates, based on 1-5 seconds
measurements. Dimensioning of other water appliances, eg an indirect heated DHW
tank, might need flow rate data evaluated on hourly or even daily basis.

4 Conclusions
Although more measurements are needed to be able to obtain statistically relevant
results, there is some evidence to state that existing guidelines over-estimate the peak
flow by a factor of at least 2, and up to 3, both for DTW and DHW. Averaging of
measuring data over intervals up to 5 seconds had no significant influence on the
measured peak flow. However, it should be noted that measuring over an interval of 15
minutes for instance, would under-estimate the DHW peak flow by 35% and the DTW
by 57%. Only when measurement intervals are identical, measured peak flow rates can
be compared with each other.

Further research will extend the number of measured buildings and include other
building types. Also the appropriateness for the Belgian situation of the different input
parameters (e.g. nominal flow rates of appliances) of the existing design guidelines will
be analysed in more depth.

5 References

1. DIRECTIVE 2010/31of the European Parliament and the Council of 19 May 2010 on the
energy performance of buildings.

2. Anonymous, Drinkwaterpeiling 2011, Vlaamse Milieu Maatschappij (VMM), Erembodegem,

Belgium, 2011.

3. DIN 1988-3, ‘Drinking water supply systems; pipe sizing (DVGW code of practice)’,
Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V., Berlin, 1988.

4. EN 806-3, ‘Specifications for installations inside buildings conveying water for human
consumption. Pipe sizing. Simplified method’, . European Committee for standardisation,
Brussels, Belgium, 2006.

CIBW062 Symposium 2012

5. DTU 60.11, ‘Règles de calcul des installations de plomberie sanitaire et des installations
d'évacuation des eaux pluviales’, Commission Générale de Normalisation du Bâtiment/DTU,
Paris, France, 1988.

6. Anonymous, Tapwaterinstallaties in woon- en utiliteitsgebouwen, ISSO publicatie 55,

Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 2000.

6 Presentation of Authors

Bart Bleys is project leader in the laboratory of sustainable energy

and water technologies of the Belgian Building Research Institute.

Paul Van den Bossche is head of the laboratory of sustainable

energy and water technologies of the Belgian Building Research

Xavier Kuborn is researcher in the laboratory of sustainable

energy and water technologies of the Belgian Building Research


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