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Juhi Mahendra Gupta

Registration No: 2017/02/0493

Patient Details Date: 01 May 2020 Ref no: E8FD34118

Manish Kr Pathak Address:
19 yrs, Male Ph No.:
Suspected h/o of contact with
Covid19 +ve patient. Active
symptoms- No. Test adviced. No
h/o High BP, Heart diseases &
Diabetes. No ongoing medicines.

Lab Tests Medicines

Corona Virus Test - SARS

- CoV - 2 (COVID-19)
as soon as possible

General Instructions:

Next Appointment:

Dr. Juhi Mahendra Gupta

1. The information and advice provided here is provisional in nature as it is based on the limited information made available by the patient.
2. The patient is advised to visit in person for thorough examination at the earliest.
3. The information is confidential in nature and for recipient's use only.

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