Intan Nur Qamaria BT Mohd Kasim

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TUTORIAL 6 10/06/2020


Exercise for Chapter 3
1. What is literature review? Why it is important?
 Literature review is published or unpublished research articles that others have
conducted in the areas that are relevant to the study. Literature review is important
because it describes how how the proposed research is related to prior research in
statistics. It is also shows the originality and relevance of your research problem.
2. What makes a good problem statement?
A good problem statement should be concise. The essence of your problem needs to be
condensed down to a single sentence. Next, it must be specific. The problem statement
should focus your thinking, research and solutions toward a single population or issue.
Besides that, it must be measurable. The problems can be measured in terms of degree and
frequency. Lastly, it should specify what is impacted. The problem statement should identify
the population affected by the problem.
3. State the sources of literature reviews.
 Journal articles
 Books
 Thesis
 Report
 internet
4. How will you ensure individual respondents cannot be identify from any research reports
that are produced?
 We must respect the dignity of respondents.

Exercise for Chapter 4

1. A manager believes that good supervision and training will increase the production level of
the workers. List the independent variables and dependent variable in that research.
 Independent variables are supervision and training.
 Dependent variable is production level of the workers.
2. A production manager is concerned about the low output levels of his employees. The
articles that he has read on job performance frequently mentioned four variables as being
important to job performance: skilled required for the job, rewards, motivation, and
satisfaction. Given this situation:
a) Define the problem
 The low output levels of his employees.

b) Draw a theoretical framework (picture)

Work skills

Rewards Job performance


c) Develop FOUR null hypotheses and FOUR alternate hypothese.
Four null hypoteses :
1. Ho : There is no significant differences between work skills and job performance.
2. Ho : There is no significant differences between rewards and job performance.
3. Ho : There is no significant differences between motivation and job performance.
4. Ho : There is no significant differences between satisfaction and job performance.
Four alternate hypotheses :
1. Ha : There is significant differences between work skills and job performance.
2. Ha : There is significant differences between rewards and job performance.
3. Ha : There is significant differences between motivation and job performance.
4. Ha : There is significant differences between satisfaction and job performance.

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