A Free Program For Calculating EUD-based NTCP and TCP in External Beam Radiotherapy

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A free program for calculating EUD-based NTCP

and TCP in external beam radiotherapy

Article in Physica Medica · January 2008

Impact Factor: 2.4 · DOI: 10.1016/j.ejmp.2007.07.001 · Source: PubMed


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A free program for calculating EUD-based NTCP

and TCP in external beam radiotherapy
Hiram A. Gay a,*, Andrzej Niemierko b

Department of Radiation Oncology, The Brody School of Medicine at East Carolina University,
600 Moye Boulevard, Greenville, NC 27834, USA
Department of Radiation Oncology, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, USA

Received 18 July 2007; accepted 23 July 2007

Available online 7 September 2007

KEYWORDS Abstract Purpose: Provide a simple research tool that may be used to calculate the NCTP or
Normal tissue TCP of a particular treatment plan. Illustrate the implementation of the EUD-based NTCP and
complication TCP models as a research tool.
probability; Methods and materials: A high-level computing language was chosen to implement Niemier-
Tumor control ko’s EUD-based NTCP and TCP mathematical models. The necessary treatment planning
probability; software requirements were clearly defined.
Equivalent uniform Results: The computer code is presented and explained. Six simple examples were created to
dose; quickly troubleshoot the reader’s code implementation. A table of model parameters based on
Doseevolume the Emami data was generated.
histogram; ª 2007 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of Associazione Italiana di Fisica Medica.


Over the past decades, there have been many attempts to

develop normal tissue complication probability (NTCP) and
* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ1 252 744 2900. tumor control probability (TCP) mathematical models
E-mail address: gayh@ecu.edu (H.A. Gay). [1e16]. The complexity and computer skills required by

1120-1797/$ - see front matter ª 2007 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of Associazione Italiana di Fisica Medica.
116 H.A. Gay, A. Niemierko

some of these models often alienates clinicians from this that can be used for both tumors and normal tissues, where
area of research. Various NTCP mathematical models based a is a unitless model parameter that is specific to the nor-
on retrospective data that correlate with clinical outcome mal structure or tumor of interest, and vi is unitless and
exist for specific organs at risk like the rectum [17] and represents the i’th partial volume receiving dose Di in Gy.
lung [18]. Many of these models have been used primarily Since the relative volume of the whole structure of interest
as research tools. Unfortunately, the clinical validation corresponds to 1, the sum of all partial volumes vi will equal
and clinical use of most of these mathematical models 1. For normal tissues, the EUD represents the uniform dose
has been disappointing. which leads to the same probability of injury as the exam-
Over the past decade, various software packages ined inhomogeneous dose distribution. To illustrate the EUD
implementing other NTCP and TCP models have been definition, imagine that you have just calculated the brain’s
created such as BIOPLAN written in Visual Basic [4], a series EUD for a particular radiotherapy plan. By looking at the
of Matlab modules by Warkentin et al. [1], and more whole brain volume curve, the solid line in Fig. 1, you could
recently the doseeresponse explorer system (DREES) also determine the corresponding NTCP. On the other hand, for
based on Matlab and freely distributed via the web tumors the EUD represents the uniform dose which leads to
(http://radium.wustl.edu/drees) [19]. the same probability of local control as the actual nonuni-
Our goal is to provide a simple research tool that may be form dose distribution. The Di and vi data pairs are obtained
used to calculate the NCTP or TCP of a particular treatment from the differential, not cumulative, doseevolume histo-
plan, and ignite further interest in this research area. gram from a given radiotherapy plan.
The choice of parameter a will determine the behavior of
Methods and materials the EUD-based model. For example, as a increases to a large
positive number, the EUD approaches the maximal dose; as
a decreases to a large negative number, the EUD approaches
Introduction to the EUD-based NTCP and TCP
the minimal dose; if a equals 1, the EUD becomes the dose
mathematical models average; and if a equals 0, the EUD equals the geometric
mean [21].
The EUD-based mathematical model [7,8] is simple be- The local control of a tumor will likely depend on the
cause it is based mainly on 2 equations, and versatile volume that received the minimum dose, since this is where
because the same model may be used for both TCP and the tumor clonogen survival should be highest. Conse-
NTCP calculations. The model has an excellent ability in quently, the EUD for tumors will be close to the minimal
fitting, for example, the Emami et al. normal tissue toler- dose, and the parameter a should be a large negative
ance values [20] (See Fig. 1). The original definition of the number.
EUD was derived on the basis of a mechanistic formulation In normal tissues with a serial or ‘‘links in a chain’’
using a linearequadratic cell survival model [21]. Subse- architecture like the spinal cord, breaking one of the links
quently, Niemierko has suggested a phenomenological will likely rupture the functional tissue chain. It is the
model of the form: volume or link that receives the maximum dose which will
!1 most likely be responsible for breaking the chain. There-
X! " a
vi D i ð1Þ fore, the EUD for tissues with a serial architecture will be
iZ1 close to the maximal dose, and parameter a will usually
be a large positive number.
For normal tissues that exhibit a large volume effect
(e.g., liver, parotids, and lungs), the doseeresponse may
be closer to the average dose [21e24]. Consequently, the
EUD for these tissues will be close to the average dose,
and parameter a should be a small and positive number.
In summary, the EUD model can mimic the dosee
response behavior of the volume of interest through
parameter a.
To calculate the EUD-based normal tissue complication
probability (NTCP), Niemierko proposed parametrization of
the doseeresponse characteristics using the logistic func-
tion [8]:

NTCPZ # $4g50 ð2Þ


The TD50 is the tolerance dose for a 50% complication

Figure 1 Complication probability vs. dose for the brain. The rate at a specific time interval (e.g., 5 years in the Emami
EUD-based NTCP mathematical model was used to create 3 et al. normal tissue tolerance data [20]) when the whole
different brain volume curves to fit the Emami et al. data using organ of interest is homogeneously irradiated, and the g50
the following model parameters: TD50 Z 60 Gy, a Z 5, and is a unitless model parameter that is specific to the normal
g50 Z 3. structure or tumor of interest and describes the slope of the
Free program for calculating EUD-based NTCP and TCP 117

doseeresponse curve. Parameters a and g50 should be Choice of programming language

obtained by fitting clinical doseeresponse data to the
EUD-based NTCP or EUD-based TCP model. Of the multiple high-level computer programming lan-
Similarly, to calculate the tumor control probability guages commercially available, Matlab (www.mathworks.
(TCP), the EUD is substituted in the following equation: com) was chosen to implement the models. Matlab is
a high-level technical computing language and interactive
1 environment. It is a language that is easy to learn, is avail-
TCPZ # $4g50 ð3Þ
TCD50 able for the Microsoft Windows, Macintosh, UNIX, and Linux

EUD operating systems, and is also available in many academic
institutions. We obtained the Matlab and Simulink Student
The TCD50 is the tumor dose to control 50% of the Version (Version Release 14 for the implementa-
tumors when the tumor is homogeneously irradiated. A tion of the models.
g50 value of 4 for late effects in Eq. (2), and a value
of 2 for tumors in Eq. (3) are reasonable initial estimates
in Dr. Niemierko’s experience. The values should then be
adjusted further to achieve a better fit with the avail-
able clinical data. Appendix 1 shows the program’s code in Matlab and
includes comments explaining the different sections of
the code. The program may be downloaded from: http://
Treatment planning software requirements www.ecu.edu/radiationoncology/downloads.htm or save
for proper implementation of the model the code in Appendix 1 as a Matlab function named eudmo-
del.m. The square brackets, ‘‘[‘‘and’’]’’, used in this sec-
The correct implementation of this model necessitates that tion are used in Matlab to define matrices. To test the
the planning software has 3 main features. First, the code go to the Command Window and at the command
planning software should be able to convert the dose in prompt type dvh Z [ ] to create the variable dvh. The ma-
each voxel, or volume element, to a biologic equivalent trix dvh which represents the cumulative, not differential,
dose (BED) so that hot spots and cold spots are more DVH, and its structure is as follows: the first column corre-
accurately accounted for radiobiologically. The biologic sponds to increasing absolute dose or percentage dose
equivalent dose (BED) may be calculated using the line- values, and the second column to the corresponding abso-
arequadratic formula or any of its variants. For example, lute or relative volume values. The software internally con-
if the model’s a, g50, TCD50 and/or TD50 parameters are verts the cumulative DVH to the differential DVH required
based on the Emami data, calculating the BED in 1.8e by the mathematical model. We chose the cumulative
2 Gy/fraction for each voxel is necessary because the DVH as the software’s input because commercial planning
tolerance data was based on treatments using 1.8e2 Gy/ systems commonly use cumulative DVHs instead of the dif-
day, 5 days a week [20]. The ultimate choice of 1.8 Gy or ferential DVH.
2 Gy becomes purely arbitrary, and should have an insignif- The next 6 cumulative DVHs are provided to quickly
icant impact in most cases. Ideally, these parameters verify the correctness of their EUD-based program imple-
should be based on prospective clinical data where the mentation in Matlab or any other program:
dose distribution and follow-up results of each patient are
available. $ Example 1: dvh Z [0 100; 200 0]
Second, the software should allow different a/b ratios $ Example 2: dvh Z [0 100; 12000 0]
to be assigned to each of the contoured structures for $ Example 3: dvh Z [0 100; 80 0]
BED calculation purposes. Unfortunately, at present there $ Example 4: dvh Z [0 100; 150 0]
is a great degree of uncertainty when choosing an appro- $ Example 5: dvh Z [0 100; 14000 0]
priate alphaebeta ratio for many normal tissues and $ Example 6: dvh Z [0 100; 90 0]
Third, if the patient is treated with different plans (for To test example 1 type in the Command Window:
example, an initial plan and a boost plan) the planning
dvhZ½0 100; 200 0&
software should be able to individually add the BED in each
corresponding voxel in the different plans. These 3 soft- followed by:
ware requirements will generate the most representative
DVHs of the entire treatment plan.
and enter the corresponding parameters in Table 1. Running
the 6 examples should test the software’s different fea-
Choice of normal tissue tolerance values
tures and help identify coding errors. Table 2 lists some
sample parameters based on the Emami data for experi-
Although for simplicity we will mainly use the Emami
menting with the program.
normal tissue tolerance values to illustrate the potential
of radiobiological modeling, there are numerous more
recent publications addressing the normal tissue toler- Discussion
ance values for specific organs; seminars in Radiation
Oncology (volume 11, issue 3, July 2001) has an excellent One potential limitation of the EUD-based models is that an
overview. infinite number of different spatial dose distributions may
118 H.A. Gay, A. Niemierko

Table 1 Results of the Matlab EUD-based program test examples

a a
Example Dose Dose Volume 100% #f a g50 TD50 dpf a/b EUD NTCP
format unit type dose (Gy) (Gy) (Gy) (Gy)
1 Percentage e Normal 2 30 6 3 65 2 5 60 27.68%
2 Absolute cGy Normal e 30 4 4 60 2 3 60 50.00%
3 Absolute Gy Normal e 20 25 3 65 3 4 34.29 0.046%
4 Percentage e Tumor 5 20 '10 2 70 2 10 85.94 83.77%
5 Absolute cGy Tumor e 40 '8 2 80 2 7 68.06 21.52%
6 Absolute Gy Tumor e 30 '12 2 60 3 8 38.86 3.01%
Abbreviations: # f Z number of fractions; a/bZalphaebeta ratio; and dpf Z parameters’ source data’s dose per fraction.
Even though 2 or less significant figures should be used due to the EUD-based model’s uncertainty, these results have up to 4
significant figures only for the purpose of verifying the calculations.

result in the same DVH and consequently in the same DVH- degree of dose inhomogeneity using standard doses
based NTCP or TCP estimates. Nevertheless, at present per fraction. However, if treatment plans do not
there is no solid clinical evidence that these different meet these criteria, as in the case of hypofractionated
spatial distributions with identical DVHs correspond to lung radiosurgery using large doses per fraction the
different clinical outcomes. dose bins should be modified using the linearequadratic
Optimization of intensity-modulated radiotherapy model to calculate the BED in standard fractions prior
plans can be based on the EUD-based models, and has to calculating the objective function. Otherwise, the
been described in detail by Wu et al. [25]. Eqs. (2) and complication or tumor control results could be grossly
(3) in this paper can be used as the IMRT optimization underestimated.
objective functions for the organs at risk and tumors, A simpler and attractive use of a modified version of this
respectively. Optimized IMRT plans using EUD-based software is the dose per fraction optimization of a given
models tend to have a greater degree of dose inhomoge- treatment plan. This mandates the use of the lineare
neity within the tumor target requiring additional dose quadratic model and prospectively obtained a/b ratios for
constraints to minimize this effect [25]. Of note, Wu both tumors and normal tissue. Once the minimum TCP
et al. did not obtain the corresponding BED in 1.8 or 2 and maximum NTCP are defined, the program could gener-
Gy fractions for each dose from the differential DVH prior ate a table of the number of fractions (for example, 1e40),
to calculating the result of the objective function. the dose per fraction that optimally satisfies the criteria,
This may be acceptable for treatment plans with a small and the corresponding NTCP and TCP. The physician could
then select, for example, the treatment that most closely
satisfies the NTCP and TCP criteria in the fewest fractions.
This could be of great benefit in countries with limited ex-
ternal beam radiotherapy facilities. The site best suited for
Table 2 Normal tissue parameters based on the Emami testing this concept would be breast, since alpha/beta
et al. normal tissue tolerance when radiation is given in ratios based on prospective data are available for both
1.8e2 Gy fractions tumor control [26] and various normal tissue late adverse
effects [27].
Structure Endpoint a g50 TD50 One area where validated NTCP and TCP models could
(Gy) be extremely useful is lung hypofractionated lung radio-
Brain Necrosis 5 3 60 surgery. The large doses per fraction employed challenge
Brainstem Necrosis 7 3 65 our current normal tissue complication and tumor control
Optic chiasm Blindness 25 3 65 knowledge based on standard fractions. Clinicians can no
Colon Obstruction/perforation 6 4 55 longer rely on their acquired clinical intuition based on
Ear (mid/ext) Acute serous otitis 31 3 40 standard fractions. Validated models could assist the
Ear (mid/ext) Chronic serous otitis 31 4 65 clinician in choosing safer and more effective treatment
Esophagus Perforation 19 4 68 plans.
Heart Pericarditis 3 3 50
Kidney Nephritis 1 3 28
Lens Cataract 3 1 18
Liver Liver failure 3 3 40 Appendix 1
Lung Pneumonitis 1 2 24.5 Matlab program code
Optic nerve Blindness 25 3 65
Retina Blindness 15 2 65 The sample EUD model parameters included in the program
code are based on Refs. 20, 24, 28e33.
Free program for calculating EUD-based NTCP and TCP 119
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Free program for calculating EUD-based NTCP and TCP 121
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Free program for calculating EUD-based NTCP and TCP 123
124 H.A. Gay, A. Niemierko

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