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Read the following questions or statements and choose one answer that mostly applies.

1. Gender
o Male
o Female
2. Student status
o Domestic
o International
3. Year of Study
o 1st year
o 2nd year
o 3rd year
o 4th year
4. What difficulties or challenges do you face when learning English online?
o Not enough online learning resources to support my English study
o Distraction because of connectivity problems
o Limited time to study English after class due to over commitment to multiple
o Having a negative towards learning English online since it will not contribute to
good scores in examinations

Please indicate whether you agree or disagree with each of the following statements about
your online learning strategies. Please read each question carefully and tick (✓) a box to
indicate your answer.

 Memory strategies

Strongly Strongly
Disagree Neutral Agree
Disagree Agree
I think of the relationships
between what I already know and
new things I learn in English
I use new English words in a
sentence so I can remember
I connect the sound of an English
word and an image or picture of
the world to help me remember
the word
I remember a new English word
by making a mental picture of a
situation in which the word might
be used
I use rhymes to remember new
English words
I use flashcards to remember new
English words
I physically act out new English
I review English lessons often
I remember the new words or
phrases by remembering their
location on the page, on the
board, or on a street sign

 Cognitive strategies
One type of learning strategy that learners use in order to learn more successfully

Strongly Strongly
Disagree Neutral Agree
Disagree Agree
I make notes to help
I clearly identify the purpose of an
I notice my English mistakes, list
them separately and return to the
list at intervals to check on
I try to find out how to be a better
learner of English by reflecting on
which learning techniques work
best for me and make a point of
reusing them
I arrange my schedule to study
and practice English consistently,
not just when there is the
pressure of a test
I try to look for language practice
opportunities, talking, listening,
reading and writing as much as
possible in English
I have clear goals for improving
my English
I think about my progress in
learning English
I keep a log of all course-based
activities that have been
I try to make use of the facilitative
roles of ICT in learning English at
a distance

 Compensation strategies
Refers to the learner finding synonyms from the context of the reading and relying on
non-verbal communication, such as gestures, to communicate meaning when the
exact meaning of a statement is not understood (Oxford, 1990)

Strongly Strongly
Disagree Neutral Agree
Disagree Agree
To understand new English
words, I make guesses
I do not look up every new word
in dictionaries
When I can’t think of a word in
English, I use gestures
When I can’t think of a word in
English, I use a word or phrase
that means the same thing
When I can’t think of a word in
English, I use its equivalent to my
native language
When I can’t think of a word in
English, I make up a new one
When I do not understand what
the other person is saying, I
pretend that I understand to keep
the conversation going
If I cannot express myself clearly
and accurately in English, I give
up the attempt

 Metacognitive strategies
Refers to methods used to help students understand the way they learn; in other
words, it means processes designed for students to 'think' about their 'thinking'

Strongly Strongly
Disagree Neutral Agree
Disagree Agree
I have a purpose in mind when I
read online
I read slowly and carefully to
make sure I understand what I
am reading online
I try to get back on track when I
lose concentration
When online text becomes
difficult, I pay closer attention to
what I am reading
I print out a hard copy of the
online text then underline or circle
information to help me remember
When reading online, I decide
what to read closely and what to
When online text becomes
difficult, I re-read it to increase my
I check my understanding when I
come across new information
I go back and forth in the online
text to find relationships among
ideas in it
I try to picture or visualize
information to help remember
what I read online

 Affective strategies
One type of learning strategy concerned with managing emotions, both negative and
Strongly Strongly
Disagree Neutral Agree
Disagree Agree
I reduce anxiety about learning
reading using relaxation, deep
breathing, laughter, games,
mediation, and music
I make positive statements about
myself after completing a task
I encourage myself to learn even
when I am afraid of making a
I give myself a reward to treat
when I do well in studies
I use a checklist to discover
feelings, attitudes, and motivation
after doing a task
I notice if I am tense or nervous
when I learn
I write down my feelings about
learning in a diary
I talk to someone else about how
I feel towards online learning

 Social strategies
One type of learning strategy which proposes that new behaviours can be acquired
by observing and imitating other, through interaction and sharing of knowledge they

Strongly Strongly
Disagree Neutral Agree
Disagree Agree
I am good at taking the initiative,
for example, starting
I work with other learners to
practise, review, or share
I have a strong desire to
communicate in English with
others, especially English native
speakers, in real life
If I do not understand what I hear,
I ask the other person to slow
down or say it again
I try to learn about the culture of
English countries
I try to make use of the Internet to
practice using English

Please indicate whether you agree or disagree with each of the following statements about
your online learning experience. Please read each question carefully and tick (✓) a box to
indicate your answer.

Strongly Strongly
Disagree Neutral Agree
Disagree Agree
I can learn English autonomously via the
Teachers can be replaced by modern
technologies and digital tools in English
I like learning English together with my
Online learning encourages me to
change the way I study English
I employ online learning resources to
prepare for language tests
It is a trend to use the Internet in English
English learning becomes interesting
and attractive by using computers and
the Internet
Computers and the Internet make the
interaction easier between peer learners
and teachers when learning English
I can improve my English language skills
through multimedia and online learning
I would like to employ video materials
when I learn English online
I would like to employ games when I
learn English online
I would like to employ text materials
when I learn English online
Multimedia can effectively improve my
language abilities and knowledge
I prefer multimedia resources for EFL
language learning

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