Roast Master Manual Class-Signed PPKI AEKI Eris Susandi PDF

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Best Practices Manual

for Master Roasters

Pusat Pelatihan Kopi Indonesia
Master roaster curriculum

Green Defects
and raw
Grading and taints

Flavor Master Combustion

roaster & power

Roasting Roasting Heat

Know How system transfer

Bean PaCerns of
development heat Pressure Air flow
Flavor composition
•  Thousands of receptors identify
molecular bond vibrations
AROMA •  Genetic ability to perceive 4-5
million aroma compounds
•  The most powerful sense, predicts
flavors, strongly linked to feelings
•  3 sensors (taste buds)
•  5 Basic tastes:
ü  Sweet (higher TP)
ü  Salt
ü  Sour
ü  Bitter (lower TP) Flavor
ü  Umami
•  1 sensor
•  Influence flavor
Chemical composition of raw and roasted Arabica coffee
(% of dry matter)
Where specialty coffee come from?

Climate and soils

Genetic materials Origin (terroir)
Cropping traditions Genetic adaptation
Origin Cropping system
Processing methods

Bean development
Full ripeness
Clean cup
Seed integrity
Embryo viability
No contaminations
The key to produce high quality coffees

Micro climate

Cropping and
Variety processing

Design and

Coffee quality Factors affecting coffee quality

• Temperature
Climate • Rainfall
Extrinsic • Latitude/altitude
factors • Structure
Soils • Composition
• pH/ EC
• Species/variety
Genotype • Diversity
• Adaptation
• Tree density
Intrinsic factors Cropping systems • Shade
• Pruning system

Processing • Picking
• Fermentation
methods • Drying
Factors Affecting quality
• Extrinsic
o Climate
• Annual average temperatures of 19 to 23°C
• Altitude depending on latitude (from 23° N to 24° S)
• Sunlight exposure, orientation and shade (short sunlight cycle crop)
• Relative humidity. Annual rainfall and distribution (1500 to 2000 mm) with a dry
o Soils
• Good structure (sandy loams) to allow good drainage
• Fertile (minimum 3% organic mater and good balance and availability of macro
and micro nutrients)
• pH 5 to 6 with adequate cation exchange
Factors Affecting quality
• Intrinsic
o Genotype
o Specific climatic conditions of every variety
o Chemical composition (genotype, origin, soils)
o Processing method
• Wet (with or without fermentation)
• Dry or natural (with or without pulping and cherry fermentation)
o Roast profile
• Fast-Light (aroma/acidity)
• Slow-Darker (sweet/body)
• Complex
o Extraction method
Genetic background of coffee
Quality management chain

• Genotype (especie, variety, progenie)

1 • Cropping system (BAP)

• Picking methods
3 Pulped naturals • Processing methods (BPP)

(honeys) 2

• Roasting process
3 • Extraction (grinding, brewing, extraction)

• Sensory evaluation and QC

Sugar concentration and weight of coffee cherries
according to ripeness
25.00 1.80

20.00 1.40


PESO (g)



5.00 0.40


- -
Pintón Pintón Sobremad Seco en
Verde alimonad Maduro
verde maduro uro planta
% Brix 3.55 8.00 12.00 17.00 23.00 22.00 20.00
"Peso (g)" 1.10 1.23 1.30 1.43 1.65 1.25 0.75
Bean density and roasting level
Density Apparent Initial Final Recommended roast level
level density (g/l) temp temp
(°C) (°C) Agtron Roast level

Low <650 150 180-190 75-65 Very light to medium-light

Medium 651-700 160 185-195 70-58 Light to medium
High 701-750 175 190-205 65-55 Medium-light to medium-
Very >750 190 200-220 60-45 Medium-light to dark

Moisture content has to be normalized at 11.0%

Weighted moisture content formulae:
green bean moisture =
25-temperature x 0.09 + initial moisture = weighted moisture
Impact of processing methods on
flavor profiles
AVribute Dry processing Wet processing Semi wet
(with fermentation) (ecologic)
Naturals Pulped Dry Semi wet Fully wet No
naturals ferment. ferment. ferment. ferment.
F-aroma *** ** ** ** ** *
Flavor *** *** *** ** * mild **
After t. ** ** ** ** ** *
Sweet *** lush ** ** ** ** *
Acidity * ** ** ** *** bright * astring
Body *** full ** ** * * mild **
Naturals from Cerrado, Brazil
UG Naturals from Harrar, Ethiopia
Black pulped naturals
Caturra red honey from Nicaragua
Washed Bourbon (dry fermentation)
Washed Pacamara from Nicaragua
Grading and sensory analysis
• Physical evaluation • Sensory evaluation
o Odor o Sensory attributes and cup
o Color and appearance profiles
o Moisture content and drying o Origins
quality o Varieties
o Density o Green bean defects
o Grading (defects) o Roasting issues
o Mechanical damage o Roast profiling
o Embryo viability o Flavor modulation theory
o Shape and malformations o Blending
Master roasters should be able to assess and grade green beans
1. Identification of general characteristics: origin, processing
methods, drying method, crop
2. Discriminatory evaluation of physical attributes
o Odor and appearance
o Moisture content and quality of drying
o Density
o Physical integrity
3. Grading by defects
o Identifying defective beans
o Classification of defects by type
o Counting number of defects according to table of equivalence
4. Grading by size
Physical attributes
• Odor
o Insight: coffee species, origin, processing method, cleanness
o Common: herbal, fruity, floral, woody
o Not acceptable: chemical, diesel, smoky, earthy, ferment, etc.
• Color
o Insight: origin, soils, coffee species, processing method, moisture content, cleanness
o Common: greenish, green-bluish, greyish, yellowish, reddish silver skin (foxy)
o Not acceptable: black, blue, grey, red spots, whitish edges, etc.
• Shape
o Insight: coffee species, varieties, genetic deformations
o Normal: square (bourbon), eliptic (typica), rounded (peaberry, robusta), triangular
(robusta Kouillou), elongated (longberry)
o Malformations: elephants and shells, triangles, cracked beans, underdeveloped
• Size
o Insight: uniformity, roast control, correlations with density and amount of defects
o Size is measured in screens of 12-20/64
o Acceptable sizes are 15 and above
o Below 13 the number of defects increases significantly
• Moisture content
o Insight: water activity, embryo viability, quality of drying and roasting pressures
o International standard: 10 to 12.5%
• Density
o Insight: high correlation with quality (nutrition, adaptation, efficient photosynthesis)
o Low: <650 g/l
o Medium: 651-700 g/l
o High: 701-750 g/l
o Very high: >750 g/l
• Embryo viability
o Insight: high correlation with quality (integrity of organic matter)
o Living (active/dormant), metabolic activity
o Dead (by mechanical damage, infection or high temperatures; degradation of organic matter)
• Defects
o Insight: high correlation with quality (cleanness)
o Category I
o Category II
• Grading
o Insight: grades integrate to some extent the main standards of quality (physical and sensory)
o Size and defects allowed
o Density, size and defects allowed
o Defects allowed and cup quality
Roasting to perfection through size
and density sorting
Size sorting Density sorting

≤12 1st Export
market quality
13-14 2nd

15-17 3rd
quality Domestic
≥18 market
Mechanical damage on parchment
Beans taken from parchment in Beans taken from broken
good physical shape parchment

Healthy beans Mechanically damaged beans

Seed integrity Protected by parchment and silver Signs of microbial infection

Embryo Healthy and active Dead or inactive

Drying Even and slower Faster and uneven

Cup quality ≈83-84 points ≈74-76 points

Mechanical damage on naturals
Beans taken from complete Beans taken from broken and
cherries in good physical shape contaminated cherries

Healthy cherries and beans Mechanically damaged beans

Seed integrity Protected by cherry husk and Severe signs of microbial infection
silver skin
Embryo Healthy and active Dead or seriously compormised

Drying Even and slower Faster and uneven

Cup quality ≈84-85 points ≈70-74 points

Wet hulled beans
Mechanical damage where embryos are
located (from demucilaginators)
Drying problems (mechanical dryers)
Active embryos
Germinated dead embryos
Dead embryos
in naturals
Grading green beans
Amber bean Aged bean Insect damaged bean



Unripe beans
become quakers

Ripe beans roast


Sound and quaker Geisha roast coffee
Roasting systems and
Roasting systems
•  Heat/ source power
o  Electrical (tungsten)
o  Gas (methane, propane)

•  Turbulence
•  Air flow
o  Simple convection drum roasters
o  Forced convection drum roasters
o  Air roaster (spouting and fluid bed)

•  Cooling system
•  Control
o  Manual
o  Semi-automatic or fully automatic (2 to 20 stages)
Factors affecting heat transfer
• Drum design:
o Diameter • Fuel:
o Rotating design: o Type: Natural gas (methane or
• For small-medium size roasters propane) or electricity
(20-45 kg) a 47-52 rpm rate o Power: gas pressure or voltage
allows reasonable bean contact
and heat transfer
• For samples roasters (150 to 250
g) 60 rpm is standard
• Exhaust
o Blade and turbulence design o Amount
o Drum type: mild steel or stainless o Size
steel; perforated or solid o Push and/or pull systems
o Drum wall thickness (single or
o Cast or plate steel face plate
• Back pressures
• Heat source: • Afterburner
o Burner atmospheric, power
burner, infra-red or recirculating
o Bottom fired, side fired, top fired • Chaff collector designs
Evolution of physical changes
•  Color changes (bean absorbs heat and slowly changes from a green color
to a yellowish/ then yellow / then light brown / then brown and if the roast
continues the bean will become dark brown and the oils may become
•  Moisture loss. Free water will evaporate inside the bean when
temperature reaches water boiling point (early stages of the roasting
•  Weight loss (shrinkage). The darker the roast, the higher the loss of dry
mass (from 13% in light roasts to 20% in dark roasts)
•  Expansion of the bean: water moisture, bound and free, will evaporate,
sugars will melt and mix with other materials fracturing the bean structure
cell and releasing enormous amounts of energy. The bean will almost
double in size, while at the same time loose non bound moisture.
•  Chaff detachment: silver skin flakes off the bean (before the first crack)
•  Release of bound oils onto bean exterior depending on roast level and
speed. On a light roast the oils are still driven to the surface of the bean but
they take longer as the structure of the bean cell was not as fractured
during the roast process.
Physical and chemical changes
•  Bean Color – Green (or greenish) > Whitish > Yellow. It darkens to
brown when temperature increases.
•  Bean Surface – Bean surface starts “stretching”. Eventual sugars
and oils “sweat” to the surface.
•  Color difference between outside and inside of the bean (5-10 Agtron)
– Higher color difference for faster roasts.
•  Bean Structure – Release of huge amounts of CO2. Bean becomes
•  Brittleness – increases with the degree of roast.
•  Density – Changes from 600-830 grams/litter to 300 to 460 grams/
•  Moisture - Liberation of all free and some bound water.
•  Organic losses – Mostly chlorogenic and acetic acids + carbohydrates +
trigolenine + amino acids.
•  Aroma –Maximum generation at light roast. At medium roast start
loosing aroma but gain complexity.
•  pH – 4.9 low roast to 5.4 dark roast.
Sources: Maier; Clarke; Viani; Illy; Petrarco; Roast Master Guild
Basic Roasting Chemistry
841 volatile compounds have been identified (aroma precursors), but the
chemical processes pertaining to roasting are not fully understood
(caramelization, acid formation, porosity, etc.).
Only 40 to 50 aroma compounds are critical to high quality aroma profiles in
Only a few compounds remain stable during the roasting process: lipids, salts,
caffeine and a group of carbohydrates.

The main chemical reactions unfold in this way:

•  Moisture and weight loss (15-25%),
•  Decomposition of CAG (between 7 to 10% of coffee bean’s weight db) into
quinic and caffeic acids (both bitter and astringent); at a dark roast level
50% of CAG can be destroyed and 80% decomposed;
•  CAG contribute to body and astringency, and it also conveys slight acidity
and slight bitter flavors.
•  Quinic and caffeic acids can further decompose into harsh/bitter phenols
during dark roasts. These small structures are tightly bound to coffee
grounds but during long overextracted brews phenols slowly dissolve and
bring about very bitter flavors
•  Amino acid decomposition and protein loss (this contributes to the aroma,
bitter taste and metal-chelated compounds of coffee);
• Reconfiguration of sucrose: almost all simple sugars are lost
resulting in CO2 and byproducts of the Millard reactions.
• Caramelization: darkening reaction of sugars heated beyond melting
point without the presence of protein or amino acids. Isomerization
and dehydration of carbohydrates occur, producing: furans,
furanones, lactones, pyrones, aldehydes, ketones, acids, ésters and
pyrazines with low molecular weight or with conjugated double
bonds, that absorb light and produce color browning.
• Maillard reactions (condensation of sugar with free amino acids,
transposition of these products, reaction of transposition products,
polymerization and formation of colored substances) not only
produce aroma precursors and color changes but also changes in
protein structure and their properties.
Chemical Changes of Green to Roast Coffee
(% of dry weight)
Green Roast Observations
Caffeine 1.2 1.1 Not very much affected by roasting
Trigolenine 1.0 1.0 It can decrease forming aromatic compounds
Amino Acids 0.5 0.0 Decomposes with release of Carbon Dioxide and forms
volatile aromas
Proteins 9.8 7.5 Partially transformed in melanoidins, acids and carbohydrates
Chlorogenic Acid 6.5 2.5 Changes gradually depending on degree and speed of roast,
forming volatile aromas, quinine and caffeic acids and
melanoidins (CO2 release)
Sucrose 8.0 0.0 Almost all is transformed into volatile aromas and caramel
Reducing Sugars 0.1 0.3 Formation of caramel increases its levels
Polysaccharides 49.8 38.0 Carbohydrates change gradually transforming in
Lipids 16.2 17.0 Increase during roasting and fix aroma precursors
Caramelization & 0.00 25.4 Transformation of sugars into flavor and color precursors
Volatile Aromatics Traces 0.1 Mechanism of volatile aroma formation very complex and not
attributed to a single aroma compound
Water 8-14 1-5 Free and chemically bound water do evaporate during the roast
Main classes of volatile compounds formed
from non-volatile precursors

Source: C. Yeretzian et
al, New Food, 2012:3
Soluble solids composition in green beans
Amino acids Trigonelline
6% 5%


Other minerals
Other acids
17% % weight (dry matter basis)
Main stages of the roasting process
1. Dehydration
o At boiling point free water becomes water steam
o Very important to create initial internal pressures
2. Caramelization
o Melting down of sugar compounds (Fructose @ 103 °C; glucose @ 146-150 °C and
sucrose @ 186 °C)
o Preparation of one of the raw materials for Maillard reactions
3. Thermal transition (crepitation or 1st crack)
o The cooking of beans
4. Bean development
o Evening out of roasting
o Expansion and gloss
5. Finishing and cooling down
o Arrest roasting temperatures in less than 30 seconds (below 175 °C)
o Reach room temperatures in less than 3 minutes.
6. Degasing
•  When heated above 90 ºC coffee beans begin to turn from green to
yellow; this desiccation means loss of free water (in the form of
vapor) and cooked vegetables aromas emerge.
•  When the internal temperature of the bean reaches around 100 °C
the water stored in the tissues vaporizes (free water). But this
process is contained by cellular structures. Only when temperatures
reach more than 120 °C, we actually see release of vapors
•  In turn, evaporation causes a weight loss, that represents between 13
to 20% of the weight of green coffee beans (depending on roasting
•  Moisture level drop to 1.5-2% approximately (depending on roasting
•  It is the reaction of water - as it vaporizes - with other
substances, usually salts, as internal temperatures rise
above boiling temperature (± 100 °C).
•  At temperatures of 120-130 °C coffee bean turns a
chestnut brown color.
•  Water ions (H+ y OH-) react with (weak) base or acidic
compounds forming hydrolyzed compounds, which in
turn react with one another to form new solutions.
Acidic solution are of special interest.
•  Hydrolysis breaks the glycosidic bond, converting
sucrose into glucose and fructose. Hydrolysis is,
however, so slow that solutions of sucrose can sit for
years with negligible change.
•  If the enzyme sucrase is present, however, the
reaction will proceed rapidly. Hydrolysis can also be
accelerated with acids.
•  It is a series of enzymatic processes resulting in
the breakdown of carbon chain links.
•  Sugars and starch begin to transform,
contributing to a large portion of the taste and
aroma of coffee.
•  Between the temperatures 150 and 170°C coffee
begins to smell like roasted bean.
•  The distinctive aroma of roasted coffee is produced
between 150 y 175 °C.
•  Combustion gasses are released at these temperatures
(CO2 y CO);
•  The color of the bean turns a darker brown;
•  The volume of the bean increases (40-60%);
• Is the oxidation or the thermal decomposition of sugars into color and
flavor precursors. In the presence of moisture, caramelization may begin at
temperatures below 100°C.
• As a consequence of the thermal destabilization of sugars two different
groups of compounds appear:
• Compounds with low molecular weight, formed by dehydration and
cyclization. These constitute between 5-10% of the total including carbo-
cyclic y piranons, many of these are volatile and cause the typical caramel
smell and taste. Hydroximetil-furfural (HMF) and hydroxiacetil-furan (HAF)
also appear, causing the distinctive colors as they polymerize.
• Sugar polymers, in a varied range and complexity. These constitute
between 90-95% of the total, they are mostly polydextrose,
oligosaccharides of glucose. However, the most typical products of
caramelization are fructose dianhydrides (DAF) or fructose and glucose
• The temperature range needed for caramelization to take place is quite
low. From 100 to 190˚C most sugars melt:
o Fructose: 103°C
o Glucose: 146-150°C
o Sucrose: 186˚C
Maillard Reactions
•  A non enzymatic chemical reaction between an amino acid -the
fundamental components of protein- and a reducing sugar.
•  Strecker degradation is one of the most important reactions leading to
final aroma compounds in Maillard reactions. Strecker-type
degradation of amino acids is produced at 37 °C by some lipid
oxidation products.
•  Free amino acids, derived from peptides and proteins, react with
reducing sugars forming nitrogen heterocycles and polymeric
melanoidins –through condensation- giving roasted coffee bean their
dark brown color.
•  Above 150 °C (302°F), Maillard reactions induce the free proteins in
coffee to combine with reducing sugars, generating hundreds of
important aromatic components. Pyrazines and pyridines contribute
greatly and are responsible for notes of walnut, baked cereals or
toasted bread found in coffee.
•  These reactions cause pleasant toast bread and grilled meat aromas in
coffee (but may reduce quality in other food products).
•  Proteins also play an important role in the taste of coffee, as they give
place to secondary compounds during the roasting process that
contribute to a bitter taste.
• Fructose undergoes the Maillard reaction faster than
glucose. Because fructose exists to a greater extent in
the open-chain form than does glucose, and also melts
at lower temperature (103 °C), the initial stages of the
Maillard reaction occurs more rapidly than with glucose.
Dry distillation and pyrolysis
•  When the internal temperature of the bean reaches 190 °C, the bean’s
oils are exposed and the bean acquires a darker color.
•  Pyrolysis or dry distillation is a physical and chemical process that
transforms organic matter into high energy content products.
•  It is the heating of organic matter in the absence of oxygen (without
combustion) that causes decomposition, the release of volatile
components and the formation of new substances.
•  Most of the aromatic precursors are derived from non-volatile compounds,
like sugars, amino acids, organic acids and phenolic compounds, which
undergo thermal fragmentation (without the presence of oxygen).
•  This process produces sulphurous products in gas, liquid and solid forms.
•  Pyrolysis generates acetic acid, light oils, tar and methanol.
•  Among the most important gases produced by this process are: carbon
monoxide, hydrogen, ammonia and methanol.
• When the roasting process ends, the bean releases
gases like carbon dioxide and aromatic precursors.
• It is imperative to cool the beans quickly (<3 min)
to stop the roasting process and avoid the loss of
o From final roasting temperature to <175°C in <1 minute
o To room temperature in <2 minutes
• Water can be carefully used to cool the beans
(quenching) or pressurized fresh air, or a
combination of both. However:
o Not recommendable for high quality coffees
o Shelf life is reduced considerably
The roasting process
Roasting Signpoint Processes/ relevance
Dehydration Clear green-whitish Loss of free water; initial pressures
Caramelization Amber color (from light Fusion of free sugars
to full even amber)
Caramelization/ Cinnamon color (from Start of MR (chemical reactions
Start of light to full even and combination of sugars+
Maillard Rs cinnamon) aminoacids + proteins)
Development of Brown-orange color Development of MR (higher
Maillard Rs internal pressures)
MR + thermal First crack Exothermic roasting, complex
transition reactions
Bean Bean elongation, loss of Evening out or roasting process
development silver skin, evening out and development of the bean
Finishing Gloss, sweet spot, surface Stopping of roasting process; drop
texture and color off
Cooling down <175 °C in <10” and room CuCing down internal pressures
temp <2’30” (keeping aromas in)
Main roasting phases
Main roasting phases

Roasting process sign points
Signpoint Relevance
Clear green-whitish Dehydration has started
Amber color (from light to full Dehydration is well developed
even amber)
Cinnamon color (from light to Caramelization is developing
full even cinnamon)
Brown-orange color Expansion is developing; previous stage
of first crack
First crack Thermal transition
Bean development Chaft detachment; evening out of roast
color and texture; further bean expansion
Gloss (“sweet spot”) Sugars development or coating
Bean density and roasting level
Density Apparent Initial Final Recommended roast level
level density (g/l) temp temp
(°C) (°C) Agtron Roast level

Low <650 150 180-185 70-65 Light to medium-light

Medium 651-700 160 185-195 65-58 Light to medium
High 701-750 175 195-205 60-55 Medium-light to medium-
Very >750 190 205-220 60-50 Medium-light to high
Sources of Heat Transfer
•  Conduction or contact
(layer and turbulence)
•  Convection
(simple and forced convection)
•  Radiation
• Conduction is a form of heat transfer through the molecular
agitation of a static object (through contact).
• Where there is a gradient or difference of temperature within a
body or between two bodies, heat will flow from the region with
higher temperature to the region with lower temperature.
• When they reach equilibrium roasting is more controllable.
• The speed of heat transmission depends on the thermal
properties of the heated materials

Hot metal The closed

sheet chamber is
Gas combustion heated from
•  Convection happens when a fluid is heated (air or water).
•  A convection current on a hot surface occurs because hot air or water
expands and loses density, and so it rises.
•  As is moves away from the heat source, the fluid transports the heat
•  Is the form of heat transmission that contributes the most to roasting

Simple convection Forced convection

Hot water Cold

rises water

Gas combustion Hot air turbine

• Thermal radiation is defined as electromagnetic radiation (in a wave
amplitude from 0.1 to 1000 microns, which includes visible light:
380 to 750 nm), and it results from the difference in temperature
between two bodies.
• The peak wavelength and total radiated amount of heat vary with
• Unlike conduction and convection, radiation does not require an
interMediumte material. In this case the transfer happens through
photons which travel at the speed of light.


specter of

Roasting Technologies
•  Traditional drum roasters
o  Direct hot air
o  Conduction, simple convection and radiation heat
•  Air roasters
o  Blower and direct hot air at higher temperatures
o  Two types: spouting beans and fluidized bed
o  Forced convection and limited conductive and
•  Drum roasters with forced air
o  Blowers with direct or indirect hot air with recycling
o  Conduction, forced convection and radiation heat
Drum Roasters
Bean spouting hot air
Fluidized Bed Roaster
RFB Roasting
1. Lifting of beans in hot
air stream:
Direct heat transfer
from hot air to the
single beans

2. Sinking down ro
recovery bed:
Internal heat transfer
from surface into the
single beans
RFB Flow Diagram
1 Roasting chamber
2 Cooling chamber
3 Cyclone hot-air recirculation
4 Channel Burner
5 Recirculation fan
6 Catalytic afterburner system
7 Product feed bin
8 Roasted coffee discharge bin
9 Cooler fan
10 Cyclone cooler system
11 Water quenching
12 Reject Gate
Hybrid Roasters
Open drum roasters. The heat source is outside (conductive heat) and
through forced hot air coming in the drum (forced convection)

Forced hot air

(tungsten burner)
Forced convection drum roaster
Thermodynamics (heat transfer)
•  Every roasting system uses the three forms of heat
transmission, but in a different way and at different rates
through the roasting process:
o  Conduction, important to transfer inertial heat accumulated in the roaster
o  Convection, the most important and efficient way of transferring heat throughout
the roasting process in all types of roasters
o  Radiation, very important to achieve internal bean pressures and proper bean

•  AIR FLOW in different roasting systems

AIR FLOW 1st phase 2nd phase 3rd phase
Simple convection drum 25% 50% 75%
Forced convection drum 50% 75% 25%
Air roaster 90% 75% 50%
Roaster type



(typical roasting time)

Direct heat
drum roaster

(9-15’) SC
40% 20%

Indirect heat

drum roaster
(10-20’) FC
30% 10%


(5-10’) FC
5% 20%
Roaster type


(typical roasting time)

Fluid bed

(3-8’) FC
5% 5%


roaster FC
(2-18’) 20% 10%


roaster SC
10% 30%
Drum metal components
Low carbon steel Stainless steel
Composition 0.05–0.15% carbon (plus smaller 10.5-11.0% chromium
amounts of other metals) (added)
Strength and Reasonable Stronger and harder
Ductility1 Resist larger forces and is easier to Less ductile
form, shape and weld
Conductivity2 BeCer Compromised by chromium
& SH3
Contamination May rust, corrode and react to Does not rust, corrode or
some materials react easily
Cost Cheaper More expensive
1 The ability of a material to withstand plastic deformation without breaking. Plastic deformation
means a material permanently deformed (bends or stretches loosing its original shape)
2 The material’s ability to conduct heat over a temperature gradient (temperature difference).
3 Amount of energy required to change the temperature of a material by 1 degree.
Advantages and Disadvantages
• Drum Roasters (Horizontal or vertical drum)
o Advantages: slower roast, you can monitor and take samples; better
control over the roast.
o Disadvantages: more friction; uneven roast without adequate load and
turbulence; lower energy efficiency; higher contamination risk with fuel,
burnt chaff, oil residues (tar); parts wear down faster and require
continuous maintenance.
• Fluidized bed roasters and bean spouting turbines
o Advantages: less friction and losses; faster and more even roast;
eliminates chaff and contaminating gases; retains more oils; fast
cooling; improves acidity; parts do not wear down quickly and do not
require constant maintenance.
o Disadvantages: very quick roast; you cannot monitor or take samples
during process; the process is difficult to manipulate; risk of too fast
and underdeveloped roasted beans; widening of micropores and
accelerated loss of taste compounds.
Control points
Green bean physical inspection
o  Color and homogeneity of color
o  Moisture content (and quality of drying; evenness; embryo viability)
o  Density
o  Size and shape
•  Roasting length
o  Start time and turning point; thermal equilibrium and recovery time
o  Length of main phases: dehydration, caramelization, 1st crack and bean development
o  Cooling down (less than 3 minutes)
o  Degassing (from 8 hours to 15 days depending on intended packaging and use)
•  Power
o  Energy type: gas or electricity
o  Power: gas pressure or voltage
•  Temperatures along the roasting process
o  Pre-heating temperature (180-200 °C)
o  Drop temperature (150 to 175 °C)
o  Environment temperature: temperature of roasting chamber or air flow (probe 1)
o  Actual bean temperature (probe 2)
o  Control temperatures: loading, 1st crack transition, roasting target temperature and
final (dropping) temperature (195-205 °C)
•  Batch monitoring
o  Loading and unloading control (entry to hopper, loading of roaster chamber,
unloading, loading of degassing chamber)
Control mechanisms

Gas pressure Manometer (consistent gas supply)

Moisture content Hydrometer (capacitance)
Bean mass Bean density (and size) (free fall test or capacitance)
Temperature Probe 1 (environmental temperature of roasting chamber)
Probe 2 (bean temperature)
Probe 3 (exhaust; security devise with alarm)
Rotation (RPM) Motoreductor (40 to more than 60 RPM)
Roasting time Timeframe of every roasting system (stopwatch)
Power (volts or gas) Gas pressure gauge 1 (exit of gas cylinder) and precision
pressure gauge 2 (gas supply to burner)
Roast level Temperature/time chart; colorimetric system (i.e. Agtron)
Bean development Elongation and brittleness (manual test)

Flavor profile Sensory analysis (fragrance, aroma, sweet/acidity, aftertaste)

Roast Properties
Heat transfer
(endothermic phase)

Inside the coffee bean:

•  temperature rises;
Water vapor
•  Endothermic free-water
Volatiles and •  Exothermic reactions
CO2 transported (between 160 and 210 °C);
•  Internal pressure
increases and so does
bean volume;
Heat transfer •  Loss of dry matter.
(exothermic phase)
Main roasting defects for Specialty Arabicas
Defect Temperature Time Agtron Physical appearance Impact on cup quality

Very light OK (or low) Too short >65 Raw, hard, dim, very light color; High aroma and acidity (but not
(raw, (<8 min) underdeveloped bean. complex); herbal and woody flavors
underdev) Underextraction

Baked Low (below 175 °C Too long 55-65 Slightly brittle, very dim, Cereal and malty aroma and flavors,
for too long) (>14 min) opaque; rather light color; low acidity and sweetness

Too fast Too high Too short 45-65 Uneven roast: darker outside, High aroma and acidity (but not
(flash) (<8 min) wide lighter inside. complex), astringent; some herbal and
Under and over extraction smoky flavors

Tipping Too high at the Too short 45-55 Uneven roast with dark spots Smoky aftertaste, astringent flavors
beginning of (<8 min) that sometimes split
roasting or 1st crack Overextraction

Scorching To high (i. e. for Too short 45-55 Uneven roast with dark spots Smoky flavors, astringent after taste
light LD/MD beans) (<8 min) and stripes. Overextraction

Too dark Too high Too long <45 Very brittle, shinny, black. Well Smoky aromas; low acidity; burnt
(>14 min) elongated simplified flavors

Correct OK (depending on 10-15 min 55-75 Fairly even roast, glossy High aroma and acidity (the most
bean density) appearance, slightly brittle, well complex cup), no strong astringent,
developed. Good extraction herbal and smoky aftertaste
Main roasting defects for Fine robustas
Defect Temperature Time Agtron Physical appearance Impact on cup quality

Very light OK (or low) Too short >75 Raw, hard, dim, very light color; High aroma and acidity (but not
(<9 min) underdeveloped bean. complex); herbal, peanuty and woody
Underextraction flavors; astringent
Too dark Too high Too short <45 whole Very brittle, shinny, black. Well Smoky aromas; low acidity; charcoal
(<9 min) <65 ground elongated wood; burnt simplified flavors
Baked Low (below 175 Too long 55-75 Slightly brittle, very dim, Cereal and malty aroma and flavors,
°C for too long) (>14 min) ground opaque; rather light color; low acidity and closed sweetness; dry;
Underextraction astringent
Too fast Too high Too short 45-65 Uneven roast: darker outside, High aroma and acidity (but not
(<8 min) ground lighter inside. complex), slightly astringent; some
Under and over extraction herbal and smoky flavors
Tipping Too high (at the Too short 45-55 Uneven roast with dark spots Smoky aftertaste, astringent flavors
beginning of (<9 min) that sometimes split
roast or during Overextraction
1st crack)
Scorching Extremely high Too short 45-55 Uneven roast with dark spots Smoky flavors, astringent after taste
(for LD beans) (<9 min) and stripes. Overextraction
Correct OK 9-13 min 45 whole Fairly even roast, glossy High aroma and acidity (the most
75 ground appearance, slightly brittle, well complex cup), no strong astringent,
developed. Good extraction herbal and smoky aftertaste
Primary defects
It is very hard to fully control the roasting
process. Thus we can make basic mistakes:
o Raw beans. Insufficient temperature and/or too short
a time. Under-roasted beans give enzymatic aromas;
high acidity; low sweetness, flat, herbal flavors;
o Too fast a roast. Beans are apparently well roasted
on the outside but clearly under-roasted on the inside
due to short roasting time at a high temperature. It
brings high acidity and aroma, but underdeveloped
flavors (herbal, grassy, malty).
•  Tipping is mostly
caused by too fast
heat transmission
either from an
overheated drum or
more commonly
during exothermic
•  Dark spots and splits
appear on the bean.
•  Tipping is mostly
caused by too fast
exothermic roasting
(either first or second)
•  Splits may appear on
the bean
Scorched beans
Uneven/ slightly underdeveloped beans
High density bean
Bean with Bean with closed center
closed cut and wrinkled surface
center cut

Source: W. Boot
Primary roasting defects
o Uneven roast. Unevenly roasted can result from
lacking turbulence, inadequate heat distribution or
presence of beans of a different size and degree of
ripeness or uneven and insufficient drying.
o Baked beans. Coffee is exposed for too long time to
relatively low temperatures. Low acidity, low aroma
and peanut-like or baked flour-like flavors;
o Charred beans. Over-roasted beans, because of too
high a temperature and/or too long a time. They
present very light acidity, heavy body and a charcoal-
like, bitter and metallic flavors;
Secondary defects
•  Wrong roast for the bean qualities (optimal cup):
o  roast level too high or too low (outside the optimal range).
o  Wrong roast level for the intended use of the beans (i.e.
light roasts for espresso based milk drinks)
•  Flavor inconsistency
o  Variation in roast (the roast cycle is not replicable).
o  Variation in the green bean supply or aging of green beans
during storage.
o  Damage after roasting (loss of aroma and body, oxydizing,
gain of moisture, etc.)
Roasting concepts
•  The target cup is the cup profile a roasted coffee or
blend should achieve
o  Affective preference (request of a client)
o  Specifically designed for a brewing method
•  The optimal roast is the roast profile which will bring
out the best cup for a specific coffee.
o  The most complex cup possible for a given origin (microlot)
•  The roast protocol is a set of parameters that allow us
to control and replicate a given roast profile.
•  A roast curve defines the theoretical behavior of single
attributes along the roasting process:
o  Aroma, its peak is achieved at very light roast
o  Acidity, peak at light roast
o  Sweetness, peak at medium roast
o  Body, peak at medium dark roast
•  A roast profile refers to the pattern of heat transfer in
terms of power, temperatures and time .
Light Brown-blackish Black very
BEAN COLOR Green Yellowish Cinnamon Light brown Brown Dark brown
green (slightly shinny) shinny

Roasting level
95 85 75 65 55 50 45 40 35 30-25
(# Agtron)

Estilo de Scandinavian, Viennese and

N/A N/A N/A Arabic American, City+ Full City/ Full City* French
Tostado City light French

Espresso French
Typical use Arabic Clover, Aeropress, American, espresso
Chemex, filters (Viennese and espresso and
(not only) flavored French press, dripper (American style)
Italian) Turkish

Roasting time
0 1a2 3a4 5a8 8 a 11 12 a 14 14 a 16 16 a 18 18 a 20
Weight loss 10-11% 11.5-12.5% 12.5-13.5% 13.5-15.0 16-19 19-22

Bean temp °C 0 65 a 125 130 a 165 165 a 185 185 a 200 200 a 206 210 a 225 225 a 230 230 a 240

Phase 4 (185- 206 °C): Phase 5 (206- 215 Phase 7:

Phase 3 Phase 6 (220-240
Roasting Phase 1 (100 a 150 Phase 2 (120-190 °C) finish 1st crack; roast °C): right before and post-Crack #
(160-180°C): start °C): development
phases °C): Dehydration Caramelization even out and bean beginning of 2nd 2
1st Crack of 2nd Crack
development Crack (230-240 °C)

Carameliz., Start exothermic Loss of bound

Roast changes Raw Endothermic, Caramelization and complex flavor development. Extreme
gas roasting. Cell water and
bean dehydration Full bean expansion (60 to 100%) carbonization
emission walls brake carbonization

Toast bread, Resinous, sweet Woody, spicy, Smoky,

Herbal, Cooked Cereal,
Aroma N/A malty, acidic & Complex aroma’s peak woody, spicy and tobacco, pyrolitic pyrolictic
straw vegetable toast bread
roast coffee pyrolitic aromas aromas aromas

Cereal, Nutty, Acidic, caramel, Woody, sweeter and Pyrolitic and bitter Charcoal and
Flavor N/A N/A Complex flavors’ peak
herbal peanuty floral less complex flavors flavors bitter flavors

Very high with less High bitter sweet,

Sweetness N/A N/A Slight Low Medium Highest and lush Bitter sweet
complexity woody, caramelly

Highest but less

Acidity N/A Slight Low Medium High but complex Medium Low Very low
Body N/A N/A Slight Low Medium High Full Full but rough High
Quality assurance parameters
•  Weight loss
•  % of initial weight
•  Color reading
•  Whole
•  Ground
•  Moisture content
•  % of total weight
•  Cup profile
•  According to a specified set of attributes / scores
Roast coffee physical standards
•  Roast level
The roast level determines which of the coffee attributes becomes highlighted
and it is the most important factor of the flavor profile.
•  Coffee beans with high density are able to keep some of their acidity or body at
higher roast levels. Some attributes are more noticeable at light roast levels
(along with higher acidity), while other attributes can become indistinct at this
roast level.

•  Roast homogeneity
Two different measures can be made using the Agtron roast level scale: either
with whole or ground beans. Ground beans always appear darker than whole
beans (Arabica: around 10 to 15 Agtron; Robusta: 20 to 25 Agtron). The
difference between the two will show how uniform the roast is. If the difference
is two large, probably roasting was too fast or insufficient. If the difference is
too little, coffee was probably baked.
Roast coffee physical standards
• Moisture
It is important to measure the moisture content in coffee so as to estimate its
shelf life. In order to preserve coffee flavor, staleness or rancidity (caused by the
oxidation of lipids) should be avoided. The final roasted beans’ moisture content
should be around 3.5 to 1.5%, depending on roast level. Coffee with too much
moisture becomes stale soon, even if it is vacuum-packed or in a modified
nitrogen atmosphere. Too much moisture may be due to the use of excessive
amounts of water for quenching or to the exposure of beans to the environment
for a long time.

• Grind degree
The fineness and evenness of grind and also grinding technology determine de
extraction ratio and the speed of flavor coming out of the grounds during
brewing. The grind degree, measured through special sieves, must be right for
each brewing method. There are different grinder technologies and different
kinds of burrs. Today, conic burrs are used instead of discs or rollers, so as to
avoid friction, heating of the beans, exposure of oils and production of powder,
all of which are grinding problems that damage coffee flavor.

• Oxygen content in package

Vacuum-packaging and the use of inert gases in the package atmosphere helps
preserving the coffee quality for a much longer time. Alternatively, it is
recommended to grind the whole coffee bean as it is about to be used.
Efficient thermal
When beans and drum temperatures even out they
become stable, there is no energy exchange, and
thermal conduction changes can be made efficiently
from that point onwards.
• After dropping beans into the roaster, allow temperature
to drop preferably not lower than 105 °C
• After dropping beans allow temperature to fall until
reaching equilibrium (almost cero temperature changes
during 5-10 seconds)
• Moderate heat supply throughout the roast, will result in
a gradual and more efficient increase of bean
Roast curves
Roasting curves represent the behavior of acidity, aroma,
sweetness and body depending on roasting degree and time

Fast/light Complex Slow/dark

roasts roasts roasts


Aroma and bouquet


Sweet-woody, dark roast flavor

Roast profiling
• Every roasting business should develop its own roasting
style and recipes (industrial secret)
• There is no one way to roast properly but several
methods, systems and styles
• There are three strategies to carry out roasting
o Fast
o Slow
o Complex
Roast profiling
The key variables of the roast profile are the following:
1. Heat transmission (initial temperature, power level and
changes during thermal transition)
2. Roasting time
• A shorter time will produce a lighter roast, bringing out
higher acidity
• A longer time will produce a richer roast, bringing out body
and diminishing acidity
3. Controlling the transition phase between the
endothermic and exothermic roasting (before and
during 1st crack); crystalline transition at around 175
°C depending on density, moisture and heat
transmission technology)
• Slowly in hard beans (SHB, high-grown naturals)
• Faster in fragile beans (mild washed)
4. Increasing the length of the 1st crack phase when
long-chain molecules and acids are formed. Making
this phase longer and smoother brings out complex
flavors and acidic notes
1.  Density adaptive. Strictly hard beans (SHB) can withstand a higher
heat transfer ratio and can be roasted at higher starting
temperatures and medium end temperatures; hard beans (HB),
with medium temperatures at the start and end of roasting, and
soft beans (Brazil, Hawaii) with low temperatures along the
2.  Flavor fixing at the end of roasting, before reaching the target
temperature, the heat is drastically reduced (even to 0), in order
to achieve the desired roast level by means of the inertial heat;
3.  Corrective. In moist coffee (>14%): a dehydration cycle must be
applied (<150°C) before actual roasting. Too dry coffee (<10%
moisture), must be roasted with a low starting temperature. In
fresh crop coffee, in order to get rid of herbal tones, an initial
heat shock followed by a slow temperature increase is
recommended. In aging coffee (already losing acidity and body),
a low starting temperature and a slow increase to a medium
temperature are recommended.
4.  Combined profiles: special blending and roast profiles can be
designed to achieve specific flavor profiles through extraction
methods (i.e. espresso usually requires blending different beans,
roasted differently to intensify body, sweetness and crema);
Fast-light roasts
•  Objective: maximize fragrance-aroma and acidity profile
•  Conditions: high power input and temperature gain
•  Risks: pirolization of external part of the bean during
thermal transition
•  Recommendations:
o  Adjust Ti according to bean density
o  Adjust air flow to help avoinding pirolization of the bean
o  Anticipate thermal transition with enough lead time (depending on mass and
roasting system)
o  Finish roasting between right before ending the first crack up to a few seconds
Slow darker roasts
• Objective: maximize sweetness and body
• Conditions: moderate power input and slower
temperature gains
• Risks:
o Too low temperatures during too long a time may lead to baking the beans
o Too slow and long roasting profiles may loose considerable fragrance-aroma and
• Recommendations:
o Adjust Ti according to bean density
o Adjust power level and air flow to ensure proper recovery time (5-7 minutes in
general; 7-8 for very slow roasts)
o Ensure proper thermal transition with enough power and an adequate time
frame (depending on mass and roasting system)
o Finish roasting between 50% bean development up to a few seconds into the
second crack (only more if the profile is to be completely dark or too dark)
Complex roasts
• Objective: maximize intrinsic complexity and balance
• Conditions: hybrid power transfer patterns
• Risks: repeatability and consistency
• Recommendations:
o Design a roast profile based on basic sensory evaluation (without manipulations)
o Adjust power and air flow to help avoiding pirolization of the bean
o Anticipate thermal transition with enough lead time to increase acidity and
complexity (avoid loosing temperature gains)
o The key for abundant sweetness and complexity is bean development and the
key for fragrance-aroma and acidity is enough power at the beginning of the
roast profile
Main roast profiles
Profile Objective Roast profile parameters

Fast 1 Enhance acidity Ti high; Pi medium for 1’30” then Pé high up to right
(Escandinavian) before 1st crack; then Pê medium to finish the roast (short
roast profile 9 to 10 min)

Slow 1 Enhance sweetness Ti low; Pi medium for 1’30” then Pé high into 1st crack;
then Pê low or even P=0 to finish the roast (long roast
profile: ≈14 to 16 min)

African 1 Complex roasting with Ti high; Pi high up to well before 1st crack; then Pê
bright acidity medium-low to finish the roast (medium roast profile:
≈12’00” to 13’30” min)

Remedial roast profiles
Issue Impact Roast profile adjustments

Aged Past-cropish cup Darker roast to develop woody flavor profile

(prematurely) Dry hey aroma and aftertaste (masking dry hey); Ti low; slow roast profile;
Excess Astringent, dry cup; uneven Extend dehydration phase; Ti low; TE, slow or
moisture roast; violent cracking; deviation incremental power roast profiles;
of chemical reactions
Too dry Risk of too fast a roast; smoky ±Fast roast profiles, Ti low with incremental
notes; insufficient internal roast profile (TE if beans are not too dry)
pressures and bean development
Winey (or too Pungent acidity (vinegar like); Volatilize acetic acid with slow roast profile;
fruity) too winey or fruity aromas and medium to medium dark roast for sweetness;
aftertaste; closed sweetness
Fresh (just Herbal notes, dry aftertaste, Develop inventory protocols; stabilize moisture
dried) slight astringency, uneven content; cut down herbal notes. Thermal shock
moisture content and TE (with Ti high)
Low density Risk of scorching and tipping; Light to medium light roast; incremental power
pirolitic aroma and aftertaste roast profile (use Ti low)
Unsorted Uneven roast (from too high to Develop supply standards; take out screen ≤14;
too low) analyze screen and density distribution;
medium roast; TE and slow roast profiles
Sensory analysis
•  Physical evaluation (green coffee grading)
o  Odor
o  Color
o  Size and shape
o  Moisture (water activity concept)
o  Density (table of conventional densities for coffee)
o  Defects (concept, catalog and equivalence)
o  Grade (a combined standard of number of defects, density/altitude, bean size)
Sensory analysis
•  Sensory evaluation
o  Affective
o  Effective
•  Discriminative
•  Descriptive

•  Discriminative
o  Comparison against a standard
o  Criteria and perception threshold
•  What is uniformity
•  What is a defect and a taint in a cup of coffee?

•  Descriptive
o  Quantitative and qualitative measurement of attributes

•  SCAA cupping protocols and format

Discriminative evaluation
AVribute Definition Standard Criteria
Uniformity No •  Intensity and type of aromas •  Same flavor profile
difference •  Intensity of tastes •  Intensity issues
in cup •  Intensity of mouthfeel (usually related to
flavor •  Texture picking, processing
•  Cleanness (absence of and grading practices)
contamination) •  Discard protocol and
extraction issues

Clean cup Absence •  No contamination from: •  Clearly perceived and

of non- •  Toxic proteins produced identified non-coffee
coffee by fungus, mold and aromas and flavors
aromas yeast •  Consider origin and
and •  Chemically transformed processing aCenuates
flavors fats or organic acids (i.e. wet hulling; wet
•  Fats absorbing non-coffee polishing; naturals)
aromas and flavors
Descriptive evaluation
AVribute Quantitative Qualitative
Dimension Dimension
F-aroma Intensity Range and type of notes (aroma group, Enz & SB)

Flavor Intensity • Range of flavor notes (as influenced by aromas)

• Taste modulation (balance acidity-sweetness;
positive aCenuation of biCerness and saltiness)
• Distinctiveness of the cup flavor (character)
Aftertaste Length • Range of notes (as influenced by DD aromas)
• Clean finish (no astringency or excessive
Acidity Intensity • Type of organic acids
• Contribution to flavor integration (fruits, sweet,
Body Density Texture
Balance Intensity Armony, equilibrium
Taste modulation dynamics
Negative Factors Positive Factors
Neutral-low Lowland, unripe beans, Intense High density bean, full
excess salt, over ripeness
Closed Too long fermentation, Lush, fruity High density bean, full
aged ripeness, good
fermentation (naturals)
Mellow Lack of acidity, excess Bright Good acidity, enough
salt, germination salt
Too intense Low sweetness and Intense but Good sweetness,
acidity; species, variety; flavorsome acidity, salt and fat
unripe beans; no
Harsh fermentation; over Clean Good fermentation
BiCer extraction
Flat Lowland, variety issue Mild Higher acidity, sweet
and fat; good
fermentation, enough
Best green coffee
storage practices
•  Equilibrium relative humidity of beans at 10-12%
moisture must be under 65% in temperate areas
•  Storage of 1-2 months for washed coffees and 2-6
months for naturals (to get rid of herbal, harsh and
winey notes).
•  Labeling and controlling origin, varieties, batches that
will make up lots.
•  Make up and blend commercial lots.
•  Store in high, cool areas (> 1,000 m) and use air-
tight bags to avoid early aging because of
temperature changes or high humidity (> 80% RH).
•  Stow, give enough airing and keep at right
Effects of oxygen, moisture and temperature
on staling the coffee
* Oxidation is a chemical reaction that combines a substance with oxygen. This includes
the loss of aromatic volatile compounds and formation of off-flavours, and the loss of
non-volatile compounds (eg. fatty acids).
* Volatile compounds are retained by melanoidins and polar polysaccharides within the
cell wall. But once the cell walls are broken down with the roasting and grinding of
beans, these volatiles can evaporate easily.
* The loss of lipids will affect the quality of crema and the flow of the espresso brew,
resulting in a poor quality cup. An important contribution to oxidation off-flavours is the
formation of volatile aldahydes, eg that gives that pungent smell.
* Temperature at which roasted coffee beans is stored and its fluctuation has a direct
effect on the rate coffee becomes stale. It provides thermal energy that is necessary
for staling to take place. A temporary increase in temperature can also result in greater
solubility of any oxygen present and heightened water activity.
* Moisture can contribute significantly to increase rate of non-enzymatic browning and
lipid oxidation.
* Light plays a catalytic role in many chemical reactions, in the case of espresso
(arabica) blends, particularly rich in unsaturated fatty aicds, light triggers auto-oxidation
* Oil migration. After roasting, carbon dioxide tends to push the oil outwards through
the cell walls. Once the oil reaches the bean surface, its stickiness tends to aggregate
into lumps on the ground, making brewing irregular. It becomes worse with the
absorption of moisture.
Best roasted coffee storage practices
•  After roasting
o  Cool roasted coffee rapidly (<3 min)
o  Cool even more to reduce gas dispersion (-10 to 10 °C)
o  Degas recently roasted coffee for at least 8 hours before packing.
•  Right packaging
o  Aluminized
o  Freshness valve (obsolete but attractive)
o  Vacuum-packaging (control vacuum pressure; this enhances shelf
life provided storage is right). There are different vacuum levels (5
to 14 days). High pressure vacuum requires longer degassing
o  Inert gas atmosphere (nitrogen); aroma is enhanced.
o  ImMediumte packaging (right after degassing, unless freshness
valve is used – in this case, right after cooling).
•  Roasted coffee storage
o  Prevent entry of moisture (<6%) and oxygen (<21%)
o  Prevent exposure to light (with aluminum packaging).
•  Packaging equipment and packaging materials
(advantages and disadvantages of the different
choices available to coffee roasters).
•  Types of equipment (cans and canisters, fractional
packages, urn packages, pods, filter packages, mini-
bricks, bricks, valve bags, stand-up pouches, and
coffee transfer equipment)
•  Machinery selection for purchase (both new and
used), service and maintenance, film change / size
change functions, and vacuum / nitrogen issues.
•  Packaging's environmental impact and the future of
sustainable packaging technology and programs.
Types of package and
Types Market tier Time of use
Paper bags
• Tin tie • Popular Short
• Plastified • Medium
• Waxed • Upper (Specialty)
Plastic bags
• Simple • Low Short to medium
• With zip lock • Medium
• With valve
Aluminum foil
• Simple • Low Medium to long term
• With valve • Medium
• Vacuum packing • Upper (Specialty)
Tin cans
• Vacuum packed • Medium Medium to long term
• Nitrogen flushed • Upper (Specialty)

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