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The Pursuit of an Entrepreneur

Michelle Martinez

South Texas College

Robin Chase, Zip Car, and an Inconvenient Discovery 2


With careful revision of the case study I can state that the goal of an entrepreneur begins

with the desire to want a successful organization. Knowledge must be the foundation in order to

portray a growing company. Growing up in a family with a business foundation you get to see

the way a successful organization is constructed. Respect, loyalty, and trust are the ethical values

every organization must implement in order to be successful and achieve their goals. Traveling

plays an educational vision as to what other countries are doing and doing them in the United


In the case study, Robin Chase had an idea that she wanted to implement a productive

business that she would be able to move forward in. She did her part in gaining the knowledge in

learning and doing what must be done to be on top, she was trying to do the research and doing a

lot of different scenarios. She fought her way and did what she had to in order to get accepted

into MIT even though her math scores were not met by the schools administration requirements.

Thus, she ended up attending MIT and she majored in finance and master the art of improving

her numbers in mathematics. It shows that her loyalty was being implemented in her business.

Loyalty goes a long way, and in order for this to be a ground for a successful organization she

wanted a strong team to be able to work together and make the organization a successful one.

Chase, expected the same effort from her team, she was showing her loyalty to the team. Chase

went out and showed the members her loyalty, and thus brought her a total of 430 members that

were attracted to her services.

Seeing what it takes to be a great leader I would evaluate it as action speaking louder than

words, and Chase did so. She gained her knowledge and showed how she was capable of being

able to learn mathematic, it not only showed she was smart but it also showed she was dedicated,
Robin Chase, Zip Car, and an Inconvenient Discovery 3

and devoted to her passion which was the business she fell in love with “zipcar.” Although we

have some weaknesses and our weaknesses come in different methods, for Chase it was

numbers. Numbers were her problem, and they were not lining up for her organization. Advice

was given to her in order to make her stronger, her advisors tried to give her better resources that

could gain her a strength in aligning her planning to match her numbers. Her priority was to take

care of her company, her workers, and to be able to safe guard the future of zipcar. Loyalty-

Based management offers a high loyal customer base, which is something that can’t be done

overnight. Loyalty needs to be incorporated in the organizations business strategy, they are

successful loyal leaders due to designing their entire business system with customer loyalty as a

main objective. Delivering superior value is how customers can see organizations show their

worth and that earns the company their clientele. In her organization Chase also encountered

certain challenges, she was faced with the dilemma of finding parking space lots. Finding

parking vacancies in busier areas was more expensive and tougher to get approvals for

reservations from the city. Moreover, due to this they failed to meet their demand to the

customers, and this was something Chase was not going to permit to be the issue to lose her

loyalty to her customers. What helped her out during this challenge was her willingness to

analyze previous problems that existed before hers, she wanted to improve what other companies

had tried to find answers for and her idea was to talk to the city councils for the parking space

she needed to be able to meet her demand with the customers. Her trade-off was that she

acquired good relationship with the city and therefore was granted the parking spaces she

needed. She had parking spaces in the areas that demand was needed for her customers, her

knowledge of how to go about things helped fulfill her needs for her customers.
Robin Chase, Zip Car, and an Inconvenient Discovery 4

Her respect is what made her a great leader, dating back to a young age she was taught by

her father how vital it was to respect all individuals no matter their class levels. Chase stated,

“My father always treated everybody incredibly well, and politely and respectful…I was brought

up with this idea of we’re born into many different kinds of circumstances, and what clothes

you’re wearing and what education you happen to have had doesn’t have a bearing on what kind

of person you are or how hard you’re working or what your intent is.” (Robin, C. 2013) Guided

by core values, the great philosopher Plato argued to favor with values such as truth, good, and

beauty being the fundamentals of values. Moreover, this would be respectful to say that the great

philosophers, Aristotle, Plato, and Socrates all placed core values into their students to be more

successful in their leadership positions. Other philosophers also mention that one can institute

these core ethics into their leadership theory as well. Students learning the lectures that these

great philosophers portrayed to them during their lecturing resulted in them becoming prosperous

entrepreneurs. As an organization they were trying to work on things here and there, they were

persistent on giving the company its best way of performing its product to the customers.

Somehow they were going to beat their competitors. As an organization they were still finding

ways to progress. When it comes to her employees, Chase decided to have the ones she knew

could bring success to her company. She saw that the employees had the right ethical values

from their hard work, dedication, and team effort. Having been students at MIT, professors,

advisors, she saw their willingness to be up-and-coming.

As a leader, a strong knowledgeable person willing to take control and pursue moving

forward, fast, and steady. As a partner one who is equal or even better as a leader should have the

same desire to push forward. One that you can see good moral characteristic’s, such as wanting

to know more about a certain product that can be beneficial to your organization’s needs.
Robin Chase, Zip Car, and an Inconvenient Discovery 5

Moreover, reading good reviews and knowing that you will be having a great product or service

that can be your greatest asset on your outcome, and continue to have the trust and loyalty from

your committed workforce family all as one.

Robin Chase, Zip Car, and an Inconvenient Discovery 6


“Entrepreneur Robin Chase: Transportation Is the ‘Center of the Universe,’” Stanford

Graduate School of Business,, May 3, 2013.

“Zipcar   // .” MIT Sloan,

Reichheld, Frederick F. “Loyalty-Based Management.” Harvard Business Review, 1 Aug.


Reichheld, Frederick F. “Loyalty-Based Management.” Harvard Business Review, 1 Aug.


“What Plato Can Teach Us About Leadership [Guide] - CityU.” CityU of Seattle, 5 Aug.


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