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(Origin of dance)

According to Bharata’s Natya Shastra, Indra and other Gods approached Lord
Brahma, the creator of Universe and requested him to create a
“Kridaniyakam” (Entertainment). They wanted this pastime to be instructive
and pleasing to the eyes and ears and can be enjoyable to all sections of
people. Lord Brahma then memorized all the four Vedas extracted the fifth
Veda, namely the Natya Veda. This could be learned by those people who
were denied the privilege of learning the four Vedas.

Brahma took “Pathya” (Word or Speech) from “Rigveda”; “Gana” (Music)

from “Samveda”; “Abhinaya” (Expression) from “Yajurveda” and “Rasa”
(Feel) from “Atharvana Veda”, which bestows Dharma, Artha, Kama and
Moksha, the four principle objects of human existence, and created the
"Natya" on Fifth Veda. This is origin of "Natya" called Natyotpathi.

Brahma first initiated Indra to this science and asked him to teach it to other
divine beings. Indra believed that such an art needs to be taught and developed
to true perfection. He believed that only sages who learned the secrets of
Vedas and have high discipline and self-control are the eligible to learn. So he
called Bharatha muni and bestowed upon him the knowledge of Natya Veda.
Bharata muni understood this and started with his 104 disciples (sons) to
perform this art. Brahma released that the performance lacked grace without

And then Bharatha taught it to 24 Apsaras along with his 104 sons. Later on
this art developed into several kinds of classical dances.

Indian Classcical Dance Forms.

According to the regions in India the Dance has been formed like
Kuchipudi from Andhra Pradesh
Bharatanatyam from Tamil nadu
Mohini Attam from Kerala
Kathakali from from Kerala
Odissi from Orissa
Manipuri from Manipur
Kathak from Uttar Pradesh
Satthriya from Assam

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