School: Teacher: Grading Period: Learning Area: ENGLISH Grade Level: 8 Date

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School: Learning Area: ENGLISH

Teacher: Grade Level: 8

Grading Period: Date:

A. Program Standard: A. Program Standard: The learner demonstrates
communicative competence through his/her understanding of literature and other text
types for a deeper appreciation of Philippine culture and those of other countries.
B. Grade Level Standard: The learner demonstrates communicative competence
through his/her understanding of Afro-Asian Literature and other text types for a
deeper appreciation of Philippine culture and those of other countries.
C. Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of: East Asian
literature as an art form inspired and influenced by nature; relationship of visual,
sensory and verbal signals in both literary and expository texts; strategies in listening
to long descriptive and narrative texts; value of literal and figurative language and
appropriate grammatical signals or expressions suitable to pattern of idea development.
D. Performance Standard: The learner transfers learning by composing and delivering
a brief and creative entertainment speech featuring a variety of effective paragraphs
appropriate grammatical signals or expression in topic development, and appropriate
prosodic features, stance and behavior.
E. Learning Determine the tone and mood of the speaker or characters in
Competencies/ the narrative listened to EN8LC-IId-2.13
Objectives Distinguish dramatic type of irony and give example
1. Analyze a story using listening skills
2. Differentiate tone and mood
2. Perform task using dramatic irony
Dramatic Irony
A Japanese folktale Tree of Blossom
1. Teachers Guide ELOQUENCE Teachers Guide
Learning Assurance Mapping Project
K-12 Curriculum Guide
2. Learning Module
3. Textbook Page ELOQUENCE by Michaela Navarro
p. 166
4. Additional Video presentation
5. Other Learning
Daily Routine
a. Prayer
b. Cleaning of the room
c. Checking of attendance
d. Energizer
e. Thought for the day

A. Review / Motivation
Presentation of the Vicissitude- refers to the difficult times that we all go
New Lesson through.
B. Establishing 1. When you receive your card and your mother found
Purpose of the out that you have failing grades, how did your mother
Lesson talk to you?
2. What was your reaction? What did you feel during
that time?
C. Presenting A short video about tone and mood.
Examples Instances Differentiating tone from mood.
of the Lesson
D. Discussion of the A short video
New Concept 1 A Japanese folktales Tree of Blossom
( The students will listen to the story )
E. Discussion of the
New Concept 2
F. Developing Comprehension Question
Mastery 1. Discussion of the story.
2. Describe the character of the old man. The neighbor.
4. When the envious neighbor killed the dog, what do you think
is the tone? The mood?
a. serious b. horror c. sad d. humorous
3. What do you think this story is trying to tell us?

G. Finding Practical A short video about Dramatic irony

Application 1. Give instances from the story “A Japanese folktales
Tree” of Blossom that shows dramatic irony.
2. Perform the group task of the dramatic irony you
choose using the following:
a. dialogue
b. argument
c. role play

H. Making Generalization
Generalization/s Tone simply refers to how the author feels towards the
Abstraction subject, or towards something. You will know what the
author’s tone is implying by the words he uses. While
‘mood’, refers to the feeling of the atmosphere the
author is describing. It is what the author makes you
feel when you read his writings. You can read a sentence,
and feel sad, happy or angry.
The following are some examples of ‘tone’ in sentences:
a. I’d rather stay here and wait, than go into that dark room.
The sentence above imposes that the person is scared.
b. The sun is shining brightly in the meadow, let’s go out and
The sentence above imposes that the person is happy or
c. I called my friend at their house, her brother said she’s not
home, but I heard her voice come on the line.
The sentence imposes that the person is suspicious.

The following are some examples of ‘mood’ in sentences:

a. The night was dark and stormy.
The sentence gives you a scary ‘mood’.
b. The man kicked and threw the poor cat out of his house.
The sentence gives you a feeling of anger, or pity towards the
c. There was plenty of food, and the music was playing.
Everybody was having a good time.
The sentence gives you a mood of happiness and fun.

Dramatic irony- is when the audience knows something

the characters don’t — so the characters might get an
unexpected outcome, but for the audience it’s not
unexpected at all

I. Evaluating Evaluation
Learning (Optional)

J. Additional

VI. REFLECTION What did you learn from the lesson? Discuss with your
classmate your personal experience that is related to the topic.
CLOSURE/ WRAP-UP What did you learn from the story? Sight your personal
experiences that also challenge your character.

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