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Text Classification

SNLP 2016

CSE, IIT Kharagpur

November 7th, 2016

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Example: Positive or negative movie review?

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Example: Male or Female Author?

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Example: What is the subject of this article?

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Taxt Classification

Assigning subject categories, topics, or genres

Spam detection
Authorship identification
Age/gender identification
Language identification
Sentiment analysis

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Text classification: problem definition

A document d
A fixed set of classes C = {c1 , c2 , . . . , cn }

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Text classification: problem definition

A document d
A fixed set of classes C = {c1 , c2 , . . . , cn }

A predicted class c ∈ C

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Classification Methods: Hand-coded rules

Rules based on combinations of words or other features


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Classification Methods: Hand-coded rules

Rules based on combinations of words or other features

black-list-address OR (“dollars” AND “have been selected”)

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Classification Methods: Hand-coded rules

Rules based on combinations of words or other features

black-list-address OR (“dollars” AND “have been selected”)

Pros and Cons

Accuracy can be high if rules carefully refined by expert, but building and
maintaining these rules is expensive.

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Classification Methods: Supervised Machine Learning

Naïve Bayes
Logistic regression
Support-vector machines

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Naïve Bayes Intuition

Simple classification method based on Bayes’ rule

Relies on very simple representation of document - Bag of words

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Bag of words for document classification

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Bayes’ rule for documents and classes

For a document d and a class c

P(c|d) =

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Bayes’ rule for documents and classes

For a document d and a class c

P(c|d) =

Naïve Bayes Classifier

cMAP = arg max P(c|d)


= arg max P(d|c)P(c)


= arg max P(x1 , x2 , . . . , xn |c)P(c)


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Naïve Bayes classification assumptions

P(x1 , x2 , . . . , xn |c)

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Naïve Bayes classification assumptions

P(x1 , x2 , . . . , xn |c)

Bag of words assumption

Assume that the position of a word in the document doesn’t matter

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Naïve Bayes classification assumptions

P(x1 , x2 , . . . , xn |c)

Bag of words assumption

Assume that the position of a word in the document doesn’t matter

Conditional Independence
Assume the feature probabilities P(xi |cj ) are independent given the class cj .

P(x1 , x2 , . . . , xn |c) = P(x1 |c) · P(x2 |c) . . . P(xn |c)

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Naïve Bayes classification assumptions

P(x1 , x2 , . . . , xn |c)

Bag of words assumption

Assume that the position of a word in the document doesn’t matter

Conditional Independence
Assume the feature probabilities P(xi |cj ) are independent given the class cj .

P(x1 , x2 , . . . , xn |c) = P(x1 |c) · P(x2 |c) . . . P(xn |c)

cNB = arg max P(c) ∏ P(x|c)

c∈C x∈X

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Learning the model parameters

Maximum Likelihood Estimate

doc − count(C = cj )
P̂(cj ) =
count(wi , cj )
P̂(wi |cj ) =
∑ count(w, cj )

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Learning the model parameters

Maximum Likelihood Estimate

doc − count(C = cj )
P̂(cj ) =
count(wi , cj )
P̂(wi |cj ) =
∑ count(w, cj )

Problem with MLE

Suppose in the training data, we haven’t seen the word “fantastic”, classified in
the topic ‘positive’.
P̂(fantastic|positive) = 0

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Learning the model parameters

Maximum Likelihood Estimate

doc − count(C = cj )
P̂(cj ) =
count(wi , cj )
P̂(wi |cj ) =
∑ count(w, cj )

Problem with MLE

Suppose in the training data, we haven’t seen the word “fantastic”, classified in
the topic ‘positive’.
P̂(fantastic|positive) = 0

cNB = arg max P̂(c) ∏ P̂(xi |c)

c x∈X

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Laplace (add-1) smoothing

count(wi , c) + 1
P̂(wi |c) =
∑ (count(w, c) + 1)

count(wi , c) + 1
( ∑ (count(w, c)) + |V|

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A worked example

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A worked example

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A worked example

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A worked example

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A worked example

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A worked example

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Naïve Bayes and Language Modeling

In general, NB classifier can use any feature

URL, email addresses, dictionaries, network features

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Naïve Bayes and Language Modeling

In general, NB classifier can use any feature

URL, email addresses, dictionaries, network features

But if we use only the word features and all the words in the text
Naïve Bayes has an important similarity to language modeling.

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Naïve Bayes and Language Modeling

In general, NB classifier can use any feature

URL, email addresses, dictionaries, network features

But if we use only the word features and all the words in the text
Naïve Bayes has an important similarity to language modeling.
Each class can be thought of as a separate unigram language model.

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Naïve Bayes as Language Modeling

Which class assigns a higher probability to the sentence?

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Naïve Bayes: More than Two Classes

Multi-value classification
A document can belong to 0, 1 or > 1 classes

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Naïve Bayes: More than Two Classes

Multi-value classification
A document can belong to 0, 1 or > 1 classes

Handling Multi-value classification

For each class c ∈ C, build a classifier γc to distinguish c from all other
classes c0 ∈ C

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Naïve Bayes: More than Two Classes

Multi-value classification
A document can belong to 0, 1 or > 1 classes

Handling Multi-value classification

For each class c ∈ C, build a classifier γc to distinguish c from all other
classes c0 ∈ C
Given test-doc d, evaluate it for membership in each class using each γc

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Naïve Bayes: More than Two Classes

Multi-value classification
A document can belong to 0, 1 or > 1 classes

Handling Multi-value classification

For each class c ∈ C, build a classifier γc to distinguish c from all other
classes c0 ∈ C
Given test-doc d, evaluate it for membership in each class using each γc
d belongs to any class for which γc returns true

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Naïve Bayes: More than Two Classes

One-of or multinomial classification

Classes are mutually exclusive: each document in exactly one class

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Naïve Bayes: More than Two Classes

One-of or multinomial classification

Classes are mutually exclusive: each document in exactly one class

Binary classifiers may also be used

For each class c ∈ C, build a classifier γc to distinguish c from all other
classes c0 ∈ C

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Naïve Bayes: More than Two Classes

One-of or multinomial classification

Classes are mutually exclusive: each document in exactly one class

Binary classifiers may also be used

For each class c ∈ C, build a classifier γc to distinguish c from all other
classes c0 ∈ C
Given test-doc d, evaluate it for membership in each class using each γc

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Naïve Bayes: More than Two Classes

One-of or multinomial classification

Classes are mutually exclusive: each document in exactly one class

Binary classifiers may also be used

For each class c ∈ C, build a classifier γc to distinguish c from all other
classes c0 ∈ C
Given test-doc d, evaluate it for membership in each class using each γc
d belongs to one class with maximum score

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Evaluation: Constructing Confusion matrix c

For each pair of classes < c1 , c2 > how many documents from c1 were
incorrectly assigned to c2 ? (when c2 6= c1 )

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Per class evaluation measures


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Per class evaluation measures

Fraction of docs in class i classified correctly:
∑ cij

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Per class evaluation measures

Fraction of docs in class i classified correctly:
∑ cij

Fraction of docs assigned class i that are actually about class i:

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Per class evaluation measures

Fraction of docs in class i classified correctly:
∑ cij

Fraction of docs assigned class i that are actually about class i:
∑ cji

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Per class evaluation measures

Fraction of docs in class i classified correctly:
∑ cij

Fraction of docs assigned class i that are actually about class i:
∑ cji

∑ cii
Fraction of docs classified correctly: i N

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Micro- vs. Macro-Average

If we have more than one class, how do we combine multiple performance

measures into one quantity?

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Micro- vs. Macro-Average

If we have more than one class, how do we combine multiple performance

measures into one quantity?

Compute performance for each class, then average

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Micro- vs. Macro-Average

If we have more than one class, how do we combine multiple performance

measures into one quantity?

Compute performance for each class, then average

Collect decisions for all the classes, compute contingency table, evaluate.

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Micro- vs. Macro-Average

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Micro- vs. Macro-Average

Macro-averaged precision:

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Micro- vs. Macro-Average

Macro-averaged precision: (0.5 + 0.9)/2 = 0.7

Micro-averaged precision:

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Micro- vs. Macro-Average

Macro-averaged precision: (0.5 + 0.9)/2 = 0.7

Micro-averaged precision: 100/120 = 0.83

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Micro- vs. Macro-Average

Macro-averaged precision: (0.5 + 0.9)/2 = 0.7

Micro-averaged precision: 100/120 = 0.83

Micro-averaged score is dominated by score on common classes

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Sample Problem

In a task of text-classification, assume that you want to categorize various documents into 3
classes, ‘politics’, ‘sports’ and ‘nature’. The table below shows 16 such documents, their true
labels and the label assigned by your classifier.

Doc. Actual Predicted Doc. Actual Predicted

1 politics sports 2 politics politics
3 sports sports 4 nature politics
5 politics politics 6 nature nature
7 sports sports 8 sports nature
9 politics politics 10 politics politics
11 politics nature 12 politics sports
13 sports politics 14 nature politics
15 nature nature 16 politics nature

Construct the confusion matrix and find the macro-averaged and micro-averaged precision
values. Which category has the highest recall?

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