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Steam Table

A saturated steam table is an indispensable tool for any engineer working with
steam. It's typically used to determine saturated steam temperature from steam
pressure, or the opposite: pressure from saturated steam temperature. In addition to
pressure and temperature, these tables usually include other related values such as
specific enthalpy (h) and specific volume (v).
The data found in a saturated steam table always refers to steam at a particular
saturation point, also known as the boiling point. This is the point where water
(liquid) and steam (gas) can coexist at the same temperature and pressure. Because
H2O can be either liquid or gas at its saturation point, two sets of data are required:
data for saturated water (liquid), which is typically marked with an "f" in subscript,
and data for saturated steam (gas), which is typically marked using a "g" in
Q1 / A boiler is producing steam at a pressure of 15 bars and quality as 0.98 dry. It
was observed that while flowing from boiler to the place of heating through pipes,
steam looses 20 kJ of heat per kg. Assuming the constant pressure, while flowing
through pipe line, calculate the quality of steam at the place of heating.
Given conditions of steam in boiler are
Pressure P=15 bar; x= 0.98; Heat loss= 21 kJ/ kg
From steam tables, we find that
At pressure, P=15 bar,
hf = 844.6 kJ/kg
and � hfg = 1945.3 kJ/kg
So specific enthalpy of steam in boiler, h1 = hf + x.hfg
= 844.6 + 0.98 1945.3
��� = 2751 kJ/kg
Heat loss = 21 kJ/kg
So net enthalpy of steam at the other end of pipe line or at the place of heating
= 2751−21 = 2730 kJ/kg
To find dryness fraction of this steam x2 we know that enthalpy is
�� h2 = hf + x2.hfg
or ���� 2730 = 844.60 + x2 � 1945.3

When a liquid and its vapour are in equilibrium at a certain pressure and
temperature, then which of the following is required to identify the saturation state.
a) pressure
b) temperature
c) both pressure and temperature
d) pressure or temperature

Answer: d
Explanation: If one of the quantity is given, then other gets fixed.
The First Law of Thermodynamics: Closed Systems
The first law of thermodynamics can be simply stated as follows: during an interaction
between a system and its surroundings, the amount of energy gained by the system must
be exactly equal to the amount of energy lost by the surroundings.
A closed system can exchange energy with its surroundings through heat and work
transfer. In other words, work and heat are the forms that energy can be transferred
across the system boundary.
Based on kinetic theory, heat is defined as the energy associated with the random
motions of atoms and molecules.

Heat Transfer
Heat is defined as the form of energy that is transferred between two systems by virtue of a
temperature difference.
Note: there cannot be any heat transfer between two systems that are at the same
Note: It is the thermal (internal) energy that can be stored in a system. Heat is a form of
energy in transition and as a result can only be identified at the system boundary.
Heat has energy units kJ (or BTU). Rate of heat transfer is the amount of heat transferred
per unit time.
Heat is a directional (or vector) quantity; thus, it has magnitude, direction and point of
– Q (kJ) amount of heat transfer

– Q° (kW) rate of heat transfer (power)

– q (kJ/kg) ‐ heat transfer per unit mass

– q° (kW/kg) ‐ power per unit mass

Sign convention: Heat Transfer to a system is positive, and heat transfer from a system is
negative. It means any heat transfer that increases the energy of a system is positive, and
heat transfer that decreases the energy of a system is negative.

A gas in piston‐cylinder assembly undergoes a polytropic expansion. The initial pressure is

3 bar, the initial volume is 0.1 m3, and the final volume is 0.2 m3. Determine the work for
the process, in kJ, if a) n=1.5, b) n=1.0, and c) n=0.
Assume that i) the gas is a closed system, ii) the moving boundary is only work mode, and
iii) the expansion is polytropic.


Q3/ A tank contains 0.25 kg of nitrogen at 300 kPa
and 300 K. It is discharged until its pressure becomes 100 kPa. If
the tank is well insulated, what will be the final temperature in the
tank? Determine the amount of nitrogen discharged from the tank.
Assume ideal gas behaviour, and γ for nitrogen to be 1.4.
Figure 9.5 shows discharging of nitrogen from a tank. Initially
the tank is filled with mso = 0.25 kg of nitrogen at Pso = 300 kPa and
Tso = 300 K. It is
discharged until its pressure becomes Psf = 100 kPa. We need to determine the
final temperature Tsf of the nitrogen remaining in the tank, and the amount of
nitrogen discharged from the tank.
Ideal Gas Law
There are many important chemical reactions that consume and/or produce gaseous
species. The consumption or formation of these species is monitored by observing
changes in pressure or volume over time. The behavior of the gas will primarily
depend on the conditions of pressure and temperature. Under most conditions of
pressure and temperature the behavior of the gas can be described as a collection of
randomly moving particles with no interactions except for perfectly elastic
collisions. This is known as an ideal gas and it is described in the ideal gas law in
terms of pressure, volume, temperature and moles of gas present.
Q4 / Butane, C4H10C4H10, is a component of natural gas that is used as fuel for
cigarette lighters. The balanced equation of the complete combustion of butane is
At 1.00 atm and 23 degrees C, what is the volume of carbon dioxide formed by the
combustion of 2.60 g of butane?

Answer and Explanation:


 Mass of butane reactant = 2.60g2.60g

 Moles of butane reactant

= 2.60g×1mol58.124g=0.0447mol2.60g×1mol58.124g=0.0447mol

If butane is the limiting reactant and oxygen is in excess:

 Moles of carbon dioxide product formed

= 82×0.0447mol=0.179mol82×0.0447mol=0.179mol

Assuming ideal behavior in the carbon dioxide gas, we can use the ideal gas law to
determine the volume of this gas formed:
PV=nRTV=nRTPV=0.179mol×0.0821L∗atm∗K−1∗mol−1×296.15K1.00atm V=4.
35 L
Second Law
Q5 / A heat pump provides 30,000 Btu/hr to maintain a dwelling at 68°F on a day
when the outside temperature is 35°F. The power input to the pump is 1 hp. If
electricity costs 8 cents per kilowatt-hour, compare the actual operating cost per
day with the minimum theoretical operating cost per day.
We sketch our device interactions
Q /Heat is transferred to a heat engine from a furnace at a rate of 80 MW. If the rate
of waste heat rejection to a nearby river is 50 MW, determine the net power output
for this heat engine.
a) 30 MW
b) 40 MW
c) 50 MW
d) 60 MW

Answer: a
Explanation: Net power output = 80 – 50 MW = 30 MW.

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