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Son World

Adventure Park
Vacation Bible School is right around the
corner, August 4-8, 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. We
are ready for a fun-filled week. Our whole
Church Family has come together to make this
happen. We have volunteers that are ready to
go with their crafts, snacks, recreation and
teaching. VBS is a way for us to invite our
community in and share our hospitality and our
love for our Savior Jesus Christ. We look
forward to seeing you all here!

July 24, 2008

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Disciples Women’s Ministry
Whoever wrote that song about the “Lazy, Hazy, Crazy days of sum-
mer” didn’t attend the First Christian Church of Torrance! Crazy, cer-
tainly, hazy – well we have had a little July gloom, but lazy – maybe
sometime the third week in August!
Summer is certainly a time to share some family time, with the kids home more, va-
cations to share, and longer evenings to enjoy. It was a great family afternoon on
July 20th at the Barbeque on the lawn to benefit our Vacation Bible School program.
Many of our Disciples Women manned the kitchen, letting the men “man” the Barbe-
ques. There was lots of good food, a jumper for the kids, and plenty of relaxing fel-
lowship under the canopies.
The church hosted young people through the ICYF mission event during
the week of July 21st. Under the able direction of Chery Carew, our Dis-
ciples Women have prepared dinners, packed lunches, and helped
transport the kids to their work sites. Their enthusiasm is wonderful.
These will be our church leaders of the future, and it was exciting to be a part of their
And with Pat Sebaugh and the Circle of Caring leading the way, we shared
memories and tears and fellowship and food, - but most of all, love, as we
said goodbye to our dear friend, Gene Brummett. Our prayers are with
Shirley and Gene’s family.

To say our church kitchen has been a busy place, would be an understate-
ment! There should be some kind of a plaque for the kitchen wall, com-
memorating the amount of times the refrigerator opened during that week.
Coordinating the food for the Townsend wedding, the VBS barbeque, the
Brummett memorial, and 5 days of meals for hungry teenagers, should be
some kind of a record at FCC! There was so much food in that kitchen,
some of it may never be found, or perhaps was eaten at the wrong time by the wrong
group – we will never know! It has been wonderful, exhausting, exhilarating, and fun
to be a Disciples Woman, and to be a part of the life of this church, dedicated to His

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We hope you are planning on attending our July 27th luncheon. There
will be no luncheon in August, but the DWF board will be working on
the next year’s events over the summer, and would love to hear your
ideas, and have you join us in the fun. Two events we will be planning
are the Friendship Dinner, traditionally in February, and the Family
Night event, usually in May. We have had lots of great entertainment in the past at
these special evenings, and welcome your suggestions for some new presenta-
tions. We are also looking for coordinators for both these events, so please give it
some thought, and get in touch with Michelle Wood or Sakura Koontz, with your
ideas, and your volunteering spirit - come be a part of good times!

Enjoy that lounge chair, that good book, the warm sun, that cool iced tea,
and give thanks for joys we share as Disciples Women to the One who
gave us life.

Disciples Identity Statement - Post Your Example!

The 21st Century Vision Team, created by General Minister and President, Sharon
Watkins following the 2006 General Board Meeting, has worked to advise ways to
help Disciples become more faithful, effective and mission oriented in the 21st cen-
tury. What emerged, after much theological reflection and discernment about what
it means to be Disciples of Christ in all expressions of the Church, is language
which focuses on Disciples longing for Christian unity:

“We are Disciples of Christ, a movement for wholeness in a fragmented

world. As part of the one body of Christ, we welcome all to the Lord’s Table
as God has welcomed us.”

Disciples are being asked to post examples of ways their region, congregation or
general ministry is living into the identity. Those interested in posting information
about the identity, as well as reading the identity statement and 12 principles of
identity can log on at

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Mile Markers
Traveling the road together as Disciples in Ministry
“You’re not the Boss of Me Now!” quoting a phrase from the theme song from the TV
show Malcolm in the Middle, is a statement about how we look at authority. That is one of the
phases we heard jokingly and sometimes seriously while our children were growing up. We
heard it in the preschool and in the elementary classroom and in our home.
We humans struggle with authority. We question who has authority over us. As children we
live under the authority of our parents, and when we get to the adolescent years we want to
get out from under that authority. As we mature we come under the authority of bosses and/
or employers. We come to learn that our desire for freedom, which for most young people
can be translated as “doing whatever we want” and being “our own boss,” is simply naiveté
on our part. We soon realize that our parents’ authority is nothing compared to the authority
of the “real world.”
Covenant on the other hand is centered in a relationship of love. In our scriptures we read of
God’s covenant with Noah after the flood. God makes a promise to Noah and his family and
to the created order that “never again shall all flesh be cut off by the waters of a
flood…” (Genesis 9:11). God relinquished God’s authority based on power and control and
entered into a covenantal relationship based on compassion and care for the other. We see
this covenant idea repeated again and again in our scriptures and we see its culmination in
Jesus’ words at the last supper: “Drink of it all of you, for this is my blood of the new cove-
nant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.” (Matthew 26:27, 28) In this
statement of promise, we see covenant centered in a relationship that includes “forgiveness
of sins.”
So when we say we live with the “biblical idea of covenant,” we are talking about a relation-
ship, not a contract. We are not in a relationship based solely on one’s power, authority, or
control over us but, rather, a relationship of covenant centered in compassion, care and, yes,
even “forgiveness of sins” for one another. We are in covenant because we seek to be in a
loving, caring and compassionate relationship with God, with one another, and with all of
As “Disciples of Christ” we are in a covenantal relationship that ties us together through the
love of Jesus Christ and our commitment to follow the path of Christ. Jesus said, “They will
know you are my disciples if you have love for one another.” (John 13:35) It’s not contractual,
it’s relational. Jesus does not say they will know you are my disciples if you follow all the
rules, but rather, we will be known as followers of Jesus when we demonstrate genuine
love for one another. The relationship we, as Disciples of Christ, have with one another as
congregations, region and general church is one based on covenant. We are grateful to be in
covenant with you, and thankful for this loving, caring and compassionate relationship we
share with our God, with you, and with all of creation.
Together in Ministry,
Don and Susan, Co-Regional Ministers

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Gene Brummett died on July 15 after Bible Study—10:00 a.m.,
an all too brief struggle with complica- (Wednesdays)
tions from viral pneumonia. His life was Choir—7:00 p.m., (Thursdays)
celebrated by much family and many (On Summer Break)
friends on July 21. We continue to hold Praise Team Practice—6:00 p.m., (Thursdays)
his wife Shirley in our prayers, as well as Disciple Women’s Lunch—12:00 p.m. July. 27.
his daughters Cheryl, Christy and Paula,
Youth Adventure—12:00 p.m., July 27.
son Gary, and all their families.
VBS—9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m., Aug 4-8.
Lynn Jonas is recovering from success- Trustees—7:00 p.m., Aug. 4.
ful surgery. Worship Meeting—7:00 p.m., Aug. 5.
VBS Thank You Lunch—12:00 p.m., Aug. 10.
Hilda Coleman continues treatment for
Chi Rho—4:30-6:30 p.m., Aug. 10.
Disciple Women’s Board—7:00 p.m., Aug. 12.
Marlen Sanchez has gone to Florida to Cabinet Meeting—7:00 p.m., Aug. 13.
help her father, Guillermo Diaz, who is C.M.F.—8:30 a.m., Aug. 16.
experiencing a number of health difficul- Boutique Workshop—12:00 p.m., Aug. 17.
ties. Faith Group—1:30 p.m., Aug.19.
Elders Meeting—7:00 p.m., Aug. 19.
The Fietzes’ grandson, David Eldik, is Chi Rho—4:30-6:30 p.m., Aug. 24. (Youth
doing better after a recent blood transfu- Room)
sion. Janie Fietz is staying in Las Vegas
with David’s mother, Lauren, while the
baby remains in the NICU. Administrative Assistant
on Vacation
Pastor Dick Talley’s mother Carrie
Talley passed away on July 14, in Cald- Our Administrative Assistant,
well Idaho. Services will be at the First Camelia Olloque, will be on
Christian Church in Puyallup, Washing- vacation August 18-22. The church is look-
ton on August 2, at 11:00 a.m. ing for volunteers to come in on the 19th &
22nd. to answer the phone and distribute
Jimmy & Sakura Koontz are vacation-
the mail. Pastor Steve will not be here on
ing in Japan for three weeks.
those days. If you are interested and can
Gene & Doreen Jackson are vacation- help out, please call the church office at
ing in Oregon and other parts of the 328-2820 and let us know.

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August 2008
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursd

8:30 and 10:30 am
Sunday School 9:30 am

3 4 5 6

Worship Meeting VBS
Trustees 7:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m.

10 11 12 13

Cabinet Meeting
VBS Thank You Lunch Disciple Women’s
7:00 p.m.
12:00 p.m. Newsletter Board Meeting
Chi Rho 4:30-6:30 7:00 p.m.

17 18 19 20

Faith Group 1:30 p.m.

Boutique Workshop
Elders 7:00 p.m.
12:00 p.m.

24 25 26 27

Chi Rho—
4:30-6:30 p.m.


Page 6
day Friday Saturday
1 2
August Birthday’s
Kelly Crawford (2)
Adam Whobrey (3)
Brooke Matson (4)
Kelly Sleeth (4)
MaryAnn Swartzlander (5)
7 8 9 Sara Hernandez (5)
Brooke Matson (5)
Bill Wysong (6)
Jeannette Shroyer (6)
VBS Melanie Emmen (5)
Doreen Wright (6)
Cynthia Fried (7)
Candi Williams (7)
14 15 16 Robert Wright (10)
Scott Johnson (11)
Delores Koontz (13)
Brittany Stoodley (14)
C.M.F. Evelyn Bower (15)
Tamara Griego (15)
8:30 a.m. Linda Richardson (22)
Brandon Livernois 22
David Sanchez (23)
Stella McGinnis (24)
21 22 23 Pete Cooper (25)
Dave Marvin (26)
Wendy Crawford (25)
Dottie Hill (26)
Dani Powell (26)
Al Lubrani (28)
Bill Stoodley (30)
Dolores Susswain (31)
Vannia Evans (31)
28 29 30 Nora Pagdilao (31)

Ted & Janie Oden (1)
Roger & Gail Grove (10)
Basil & Mary Ibe (8)
Doug & Cheryl Crawford 18
Paul & Kara Ryan (19)
Bill & Gerri Stoodley (23)
Dick & Jimmie Talley (25)
Glenn & Ruth Singleton (31)

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Education Notes & News

Children’s Sunday School:

All children are invited to Room 3 for the combined children’s class on
Sunday from 9:30 to 10:15. Be prepared for learning about God in crea-
tive ways. High school students can attend the adult class if they wish,
or join the children and lend a helping hand.

Worship and Wonder:

Our Worship and Wonder program will be available for our younger
children after the children’s moment during second service.

Adult Sunday School:

July 27-Barbara Myers will be teaching on “The Names”
August 3 to September 7-Pastor Steve Fietz will do a series called "The
Bible Is a Basket of Bread” How do we understand the Bible? Can we
take it seriously without taking it literally? What tools can we use to
help us? This six-week study will look at certain "key" passages and
principles, and then apply them to various scripture.

July-August Youth Calendar

July 27th
12:00 Youth Adventure
4:00 Chi Rho
5:30 CYF

August 3
12:00 Chi Rho and CYF VBS Preparation

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The Education Committee also needs your help in running our pro-
gram. Have you given some thought to how you can help? There are
many opportunities to serve and whether you can volunteer weekly,
once a month or a month or two a year we can use your help. We
need people to fill the following spots. Please think about whether
your gifts can be shared in any of these positions:
Sunday School Teacher for 3-5th grades and the high school class.
Substituting for our teachers when they can’t be there.
Teaching Adult Sunday School
Being trained to be a storyteller for the Worship and Wonder program.
Assisting in the Worship and Wonder program and providing support for
the storytellers.
If any of these sound like something you could do, or if you want to find out more
information please speak with Jill Foster. Thanks.

Outreach News

Shoppers We Need You!

Can you believe it!! The Backpack Project is in full swing. The church
has ordered 200 backpacks from Don Zukas (Royal Island Roots) to
be filled and donated to Love INC. Love INC will distribute to many
needy families throughout the South Bay.

We need your help with donations of paper, pencils, crayons, glue sticks, spiral
notebooks, pencil sharpeners, erasers etc. The committee is looking for volun-
teers to hunt down great deals and go shopping for these school supplies.

You can drop off your items either at the church office or at the donation box lo-
cated in the foyer of the sanctuary.

Thank you for your support for this much needed outreach program.
Any questions please call me at 310-339-7649.

Sherril Wiechmann
Outreach Chair

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VBS BBQ is a success!
This year’s Barbeque Benefit for VBS has helped us surpass our
goal of $1,000 for this vital neighborhood outreach program. Con-
gratulations and thanks to the congregation for your generosity!
A cast of dozens all helped make this event possible—thanks to all those who do-
nated or cooked food, especially to Pastor Lee for his excellent Korean BBQ.
Thanks also to all those who set up, cleaned up, lifted, hefted and toted all it took to
make this event a success. Loud and hearty applause for our musicians and their
wonderful entertainment, and to those who provided the extra fun for our children.
And of course, highest praise to Chery Carew, who provided the organizational
glue to make it all work!

Dear Church Family

Thank you so much for your prayers & cards. Also to Steve & Janie for coming to
the hospital everyday to visit me. Thanks also for your prayers for my sister Doris
when she lost her husband.

It is wonderful having a Church Family.

Hilda Coleman

Dear Members

Terry and I would like to thank you for including us in your generous gift of meals to
Duane & Shirley Johnson. You are a generous church.

Thank You,

Joyce Johnson

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“Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine.” (Isaiah 43:1)

God knows and calls all of us by name—but the preacher isn’t quite there! At one
point during last Sunday’s barbeque (what a great time!) I found myself sitting near
both Paul Ryan and Ryan Rogers—and I was at great risk for confusion! You all are
being very gracious and patient, but I think if Roger Grove had joined us, my circuits
might have overloaded…
I so much appreciate all the work the Membership Committee has put into creating the
new name tag system—to Janie Oden for her leadership, to Chery Carew for her initial
computer expertise; to Susan Babcock, who comes in each Saturday, and properly or-
ders every name tag! And to all those who are helping greet and hand things out—I
know others of you are helping too, but I’m not always in the narthex to see. Thanks
to everyone who is making this happen, which includes all of you for wearing your
And thank you for understanding that this is not only about helping the new pastor
learn names—after years, some of you are learning one another’s names! Of course,
this happens when we have more than one service, or sit far from one another, or are in
different small groups.
Thank you for also realizing that Janie and I are not going to be the last new people at
FCC Torrance—we look forward to others (some of them are here already!) who will
receive (and are receiving!) the same welcoming hospitality you’ve extended to Janie
and me. Name tags aren’t the whole of it—we’ll be talking soon about other aspects
of hospitality—but they help immensely. So keep it up—and soon many will be call-
ing us all by name!

Shalom, Steve

PS—thanks also to those of you who brought shoe boxes for our children’s moment on
the wall of Jericho. I realized too late that I’d need about 200 shoe boxes to make it
work, and settled for some of our moving boxes instead!

**Next Newsletter articles need to be at the church office by 8/11/08.

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(Disciples of Christ)

2930 El Dorado Street

Torrance, CA 90503
(310) 328-2820 Fax 310 328-2929
E-mail -
Web address -
Sunday Schedule
8:30 a.m. - Worship - Informal
9:30 a.m. - Church School for all ages
10:30 a.m. - Worship - Traditional
Children’s Worship - Ages Pre-school through
2nd Grade
(During the Traditional Worship Service)
Nursery Provided
For birth through age 3 during Sunday School
and the Traditional Service
Office Hours
Monday - Friday
8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Steven Fietz, Senior Pastor
Ted Oden-Minister of Contemporary Worship
Administrative Assistant– Camelia Olloque
Choir Director - Ken Potter
Nursery Attendant - Sherril Wiechmann
The Christian Messenger

Chair - Doug Crawford

Vice Chair - Don Zukas

2930 El Dorado Street

First Christian Church

Torrance, CA 90503

Treasurer– Bill Wysong


Financial Secretary - Moggy Emmen

Clerk– Chery Carew

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