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Internship Report

Shaukat Khanum Memorial Cancer
Hospital and Research Centre,

Session 2015-19

Supervised by:

Mr. Jamal Ahmad

Lecturer QACC

Submitted by:

Yousaf Ayub
BS.Com (Four-Year Program)
Roll No. 13

Quaid-e-Azam College of Commerce,

University of Peshawar
Approval Sheet

Internship Report

Signature: ……………………………………..
Name: Mr. Jamal Ahmed
Designation: Lecturer QACC

External Examiner
Signature: ……………………………………

Signature: …………………………………..
Name: Prof. Dr. Yorid Ahsan Zia


Executive Summary……………………………………………………………………ii

Chapter:-1 Introduction To The Report………………………………...01

1.1 Background Of the study………………………………………...02

1.2 Purpose Of the study…………………………………………………02

1.3 Scope Of the study……………………………………………………02

1.4 Data Collection………………………………………………………..03

Chapter:-2 Overview Of The Organization……………………………….04

2.1 History…………………………………………………………………

2.2 Vision………………………………………………………………….

2.3 Mission…………………………………………………………………

2.4 Organogram…………………………………………………………….

2.5 Core Values…………………………………………………………….

2.6 Corporate Values……………………………………………………….

Chapter:-3 What I have Learned………………………………………………

3.1 Week 1……………………………………………………………………

3.2 Week 2…………………………………………………………………….

3.3 Week 3…………………………………………………………………….

3.4 Week 4……………………………………………………………………..

3.5 Week 5……………………………………………………………………..

3.6 Week 7……………………………………………………………………...

Chapter:-4 SWOT Analysis……………………………………………………..

4.1 Strength………………………………………………………………………

4.2 Weaknesses…………………………………………………………………..

4.3 Opportunities………………………………………………………………...

4.4 Threats……………………………………………………………………….

Chapter:-5 Recommendations And Conclusion…………………………………

5.1 Recommendations…………………………………………………………..

5.2 Conclusions……………………………………………………………………

In the name of Allah who is the most magnificent and the merciful, He is the one who grant us
with knowledge and courage of doing things that we are not worthy of doing. The compilation of
this report was a daunting task which was eventually made easy with the grace of Allah.

I have taken efforts in this project. However, it would not have been possible without the kind
support and help of many individuals and organizations. I would like to extend my sincere thanks
to all of them. I am deeply honored to be a student of Quaid e Azam College Of Commerce
University Of Peshawar which enabled me to do an internship.

In the end I am thankful to the co-operative staff of SKMCH which provided me an opportunity
to learn skills that are essential for the success of career and also I am thankful for the support
which the staff members extended me as they taught me the basics and the working of the

Yousaf Ayub.

Executive Summary
SKMCH &RC, which was formerly known as Shaukat Khanum memorial cancer hospital and
research centre is the first mover institution of cancer in Pakistan. SKMCH starts its operation in
1994 as the first largest cancer equipped hospital according to accepted standards in Pakistan

SKMCH &RC is the first largest hospital in terms of cancer treatment and research centre.
Except of this hospital, there are many other lab centers and funds collection centre. There is work
in progress on two more hospitals in Peshawar and Karachi

SKMCH &RC competes on the basis of its modern equipment, technology, research centre
to treat cancer and effective strategies to run the organization. This prompts its management and
doctors to serve their suffered needy patients diligently. SKMCH &RC follows the modern
technology to maintain data which hospital information system, hired the excellent capable doctors
and give them a friendly environment

SKMCH &RC has the 24 developed departments with the five executive management.. Each
department has head of department who runs the management of department. In human resource
department, they are performing several functions like compensation and benefits, training and
development, continuous education programs, recruitment and selection, training and development,
performance evaluation

In the hospital, employee from the executives to the lower staff and even the patient visitors
are bound to follow the rules and regulation executed by the top management. Democratic
leadership, open communication, disciplined, responsibility are the common moral values indulge
in the culture of organization.

Now after the great success, SKMCH &RC focus on to expand of hospital and improved
systems in organization. This hospital proves as a leading organization by their modern patterns,
outstanding doctors and management. This can be the benchmark for the other hospitals of
Pakistan. They can expand their expertise beyond the treatment of cancer.

Shaukat Khanum Memorial Cancer Hospital and Research Centre (SKMCH&RC) is a state-
of-the-art cancer center located in Lahore, Pakistan. It is a project of the Shaukat Khanum
Memorial Trust, which is a charitable organization established under the Societies Registration Act
XXI of 1860 of Pakistan. The institution is the brainchild of Pakistani cricket superstar, Imran
Khan. The inspiration came after the death of his mother, Mrs. Shaukat Khanum, from cancer.
Imran Khan made a nation-wide appeal for the collection of funds from a match between
Pakistan and India on November 10, 1989 at Gaddafi Stadium, Lahore which raised Rs. 2,902,600.
This was followed by a series of more than 50 successful fund-raisers held throughout the world.
Pakistan's win under Imran's captaincy in the 1992 cricket world cup in Melbourne helped
fundraising efforts. He was able to collect one and a half million pounds in just six weeks after the
World Cup when the same amount had taken 2 years to collect earlier. He donated his entire prize
money of 85,000 pounds for the project. In 1994 when the project required more financing for the
ongoing construction, Imran Khan launched a mass contact campaign in which he toured 27 cities
in the country and collected Rs. 120 million. During the entire campaign for the construction of the
hospital, over a million individual donors from ordinary citizens to the rich and famous pitched in.
Designing and execution of the master plan was overseen by Dr. Nausherwan K. Burki,
MB, PhD, FRCP, FCPS, FCCP, of the University of Kentucky Medical Center, Lexington,
Kentucky, USA in collaboration with an international team of cancer physicians and research
workers. Designing and architectural services were provided by Arrasmith, Judd & Rapp, and
Architects in Health Planning of Louisville, Kentucky, USA. Architectural details were handled by
Messrs. Nayyar Ali Dada & Associates of Lahore. Local engineering was performed by Messrs.
Progressive Consultants, Lahore. Ground was broken in April 1991 and the hospital opened its
doors on December 29, 1994.
1.1 Background of the study

This report is the result of internship program conducted at Shaukat Khanum Memorial And
Research Centre , Peshawar. It is prepared as a requirement for the completion of the Bachelors in
Commerce program at Quaid e Azam College Of Commerce, University Of Peshawar. This report
also includes information on the other services of the company , the overview of the organization.
I was assigned by my course instructor Mr. Jamal Ahmed to involve in this study. My instructor
advise me to develop thorough understanding of the marketing activities at SKMCH&RC.

1.2 Purpose of the report

The main purpose of the report is to fulfill Bachelors in Commerce degree requirements under the
faculty of the Quaid e Azam College Of Commerce , University Of Peshawar and also to get
exposed to the job world.

This internship program and study have also following purposes :-

 To have the experience of the Corporate World.

 To give overview of the organization.
 To compare the real scenario with the lessons learned at University.
 Introduce you to potential future work environment.
 To fulfill requirement of BS Commerce Program.
 Exposure to the Professionalism environment of the organization.

1.3 Scope
The scope of the study is the marketing activities of Shaukat Khanum Memorial Cancer and
Research Centre. The report covers details about the various services, overview and different
departments and discussions in SKMCH&RC but the main focus is on the analysis of the
Marketing activities and campaign held at SKMCH&RC.
1.4 Date collection

1. Primary Sources :-
Primary Data was derived from the practical deskwork which I had been doing in my
internship program.

2. Secondary Sources:-
 Internal Source – Different documents provided by my supervisor and other senior
employees and information provided by my supervisor.
 External Source – Websites, Textbooks, several other related reports and other

2.1. History
Shaukat Khanum Memorial Cancer Hospital and Research Centre (SKMCH&RC) is the brainchild

of Pakistan’s World Cup winning cricket captain, Imran Khan. The dream to build a modern

cancer hospital that provides state-of-the-art cancer treatment facilities and services, irrespective

of the patient’s ability to pay, was to honor the memory of his mother, Shaukat Khanum, who

succumbed to Colon Cancer in 1985, and to help the innumerable cancer patients. In a developing

country, such as Pakistan, there was a scarcity of proper healthcare facilities and cancer was the

one disease for which there was minimal hope. Most treatable cancers were diagnosed at an

advanced stage and by that time, even the most expensive treatment would result in an adverse

outcome. The establishment of SKMCH&RC meant that Pakistan was receiving its first cancer

treatment specialist facility. To launch the project, Imran Khan launched a nation-wide appeal in

1989, followed by a campaign to collect funds through 50 fundraising events around the world.

Support for the cause was overwhelming in all tiers of society. Later he was able to collect £1.5

million just six weeks after the win, an amount that had previously taken 2 years to collect. In

1994, when the project required additional financing, Imran Khan travelled to 27 cities in Pakistan

in the form of a mass contact campaign to collect funds for the completion of the project.

SKMCH&RC was planned in three phases, with the first one costing nearly US$ 22 million,

nearly 67 percent of the required budget came in the form of donations. As a result, SKMCH&RC

opened its doors to patients on December 29, 1994.

2.2. Vision
Let’s Bowl Out Cancer

Vision of the hospital is influenced by the cricket i.e. “Lets Bowl out Cancer”.
2.3. Mission
“To act as a model institution to alleviate the suffering of patients with cancer through the

application of modern methods of curative and palliative therapy irrespective of their ability to

pay, the education of health care professionals and the public and to perform research into the

causes and treatment of cancer”.

2.4. Organogram

Board of Governors


marketing &human
Finance Nursing Operations Medical Director

Pharmacy Clinical
Computing Inpatient

Outpatient & Hotel Services


Operation Theatre
& Human Resources
and CSSD


QA and Lega
2.5. Core Values
Our core values are more than just words. They explain what we strive for in order to fulfill our


Our core values include the following:

 Patient Focus: We will ensure that the patient is at the heart of everything we do.
 High Quality: We will perform quality work in all spheres.
 Equality and Equity: We will treat all patients with equality and equity, whether
they are paying or not.
 Transparency: We will ensure transparency in all our policies and procedures.
 Merit: Every decision at SKMCH&RC is based on merit.

Quality Policy
We at SKMCH&RC are committed to providing the best possible care for our patients and are

guided by the principles of equity, transparency and merit in all our activities, and are striving

towards continual quality improvement.

2.6. Corporate Values

 Welfare
Our foremost value is welfare of the patients who are suffering from cancer and we want to work

for the betterment of humanity.

 Integrity
We are committed to integrity in all we do, always, everywhere.
 Respect
We respect every individual. We draw strength from equal opportunity and diversity, at the same

time supporting personal growth and development. We value each other and we all benefit from

the entrepreneurial spirit of each individual.

 Teamwork
Teamwork is the essence of our ability to succeed.

 Accountability
We put special attention on accountability because our organization depends on the funds and

donations from the people we have a proper system of check and balances because without that we

cannot gain the trust of people.

Chapter 3 What I Have Learned

3.1 Tasks And Duties Held At Internship:-

Following are the tasks and duties held during internship at Marketing Department.

3.2 Week 1:-

In the first week of internship ,I first attend the orientation session held by SKMCH&RC about

marketing department. Second I was assigned task to enter record ( name, address, phone number

etc.) of the donors ( the one who donates) in the Microsoft office .

3.3 Week 2:-

In the second week of internship, I was asked to aware donors about new upgrades in the hospital

and also thanking them for their kind contribution using Donor Relationship Management tool

which is used to develop and maintain healthy relationships with the kind donors.

3.4 Week 3:-

In the third week of internship, I was asked to meet donors in person whenever donors came to
office for donations or any other reasons .I met donors with respect and ask them for my help , if
they complain I would handle them with care and if they came for donations , then I would take
donations from them by thanking them and also giving them the receipt in the end.

3.5 Week 4:-

In the fourth week of internship , I was asked to take participation in the Restaurant Campaign .
which is generally partnership signed between SKMCH&RC and restaurant in which SKMCH&RC
promote restaurant by representing their logo on the SKMCH&RC social platform which reaches
thousands of people in seconds and on the other hand restaurant promote Shaukat khanum
Donation appeal .

3.6 Week 5 :-

During my fifth week of internship , I took participation in Shaukat khanum school campaign
Offers a great opportunity to students to represent the mission of Shaukat Khanum
Memorial Cancer Hospital and Research Centre in their respective colleges or institutes .
This act as a liaison between the hospital and educational institutes. In this campaign
ambassadors are provided with a charity booklet which they sell ticket to their student
fellows in their respected institutes.

3.7 Week 6:-

Last week of internship was very exciting and interesting because whole marketing department was
in the preparation of the Annual Iftar Dinner program which is the main event of the year in which
all high profiles donors are invited for iftar dinner program . We were involved in sending
invitations to donors , telemarketing with donors ,helping returned invitations send again,
marketing store management ,helping fundraisers in day to day operations , general facilitations to
donors. In iftar dinner Imran Khan himself deliver speech to raise funds for the hospital day to day

Chapter 4 ANALYSIS

SWOT Analysis:-

4.1 Strengths :-
 Good reputation
 State of the art facilities and technology and maintains international standards
 Efficient marketing department
 Credible and efficient staff
 Specialized cancer hospital
 Equity among patients
 Free of cost quality treatment for needy people
 Highly equipped machinery
 Proper check and balance
 Hospital Information system portal (HIS)
 Shaukat khanum has international links.
 All needed facilities are available under one roof.
 The Hospital is easy to reach.
 It provides emergency services to all its registered cancer and non cancer patients 24 hours
a day.
 Well developed Laboratory Collection centers.

4.2 Weaknesses :-
 Heavily reliance on charity based fundraising.
 Research facility has been recently developed , therefore lack expertise.
 A small international footprint.
 195 beds capacity is not large a capacity.

 They don’t have the latest radiology machines as compared to India , Singapore and
 Delay in receiving funds.
 Limited Capacity.
 In need of more finance to conduct more researches.
 Not always making the best use of healthcare information that is available.

4.3 Opportunities :-
 Numerous developed countries where supporting charity organizations can be developed.
 The will to donate is already out there.
 Facilities for other fields of medicine (besides cancer) can be developed.
 Global organizations like WHO can be triggered for affiliation.
 More research is needed to develop better ways of detecting and treating cancer and to
improve care.
 SKMCH&RC objective is to explore bridge between laboratory and clinic through the
support of translational studies in areas of diagnosis ,prognosis and treatment.
 SKMCH&RC researchers are taking part in developing research infrastructure and building
capacity by teaching, training and supervising masters and doctoral level programs in
collaboration with both national and international universities.
 Shaukat khanum has also joined non-cancer related trials looking into areas such as

4.4 Threats:-
 Many other charity based organizations are active in Pakistan which provide competition.
 The deteriorating economy of Pakistan implies that donating power of the public is
becoming lesser and lesser.
 Two biggest competitors are Agha Khan Hospital and Anmol Hospital.
 Imran khan’s political activity has made Shaukat Khanum a target for his political foes.

Chapter 5 Recommendations and Conclusions

5.1 Recommendations:-

 A sense of generosity must be aroused in the people of Pakistan to pay Zakat and provide

funds to SKMCH&RC.

 People should be assured that their donations are used in the treatment of poor patients.

 Bed capacity should be increased , as an average of 5713 patients admitted every year , so

patients don’t face accommodation problems.

 Modern radiology machines should be equipped.

 Extensions of SKMCH&RC in different cities should be introduced.

 Government should also think upon creating a government sector hospital for treatment of

cancer for poor patients.

 Numerous developed countries where supporting charity organizations can be developed.

 More research is needed to develop better ways of detecting and treating cancer and to
improve care.
 Facilities for other fields of medicine (besides cancer) can be developed.

5.2 Conclusion:-
I am pleased to complete my internship at Shaukat Khanum Memorial Cancer Hospital and
Research Centre under marketing department. To my own experience the working environment of

the organization is very inspiring. The organization is always keen to implement new rules and
actions for improvement.
Considering all above circumstances it is now known that only cancer hospital and research in
Pakistan SKMCH is facing a huge deficits in budget and lack of accommodations for its patients.


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