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Ishar Krupić I1

How corona virus changed my attitude to life

My life during the corona time was very interesting. I didn’t think I would ever say that
but here it is. I'm very nice. Maybe because I have a big house and abig garden, so I'm not
bored. All in all, I learned a lot during the crown.

In the beginning, everything was difficult for me, I couldn't get used to online classes,
but now everything has become normal for me. I do homework, I fulfill my obligations from
home very interestingly. Something new in my life. I miss my friends a lot, riding a bike and a
motorcycle and going out with a girl. But there are also good things that this isolation has
brought me. I learned and perfected the two most difficult programs for video editing and
music production. The first is the Sony Vegas 13 for video processing and the second is the
Cubase 10 Pro which I paid for with the money I earned playing the accordion. During
quarantine, I came up with the idea to record a song with my band. What we did, everyone sent
a recording from their house of them singing or playing, then I produced the sound in the Cubas
music program and brought it to perfection. Then I processed the video in the program, which
was very difficult, but with the help of my friend Luka Gavranović, I managed to solve the
problem myself. I didn't work for seven days. When I posted the video on our Fb page "Oma &
Bend" in two days we only had more than 2000 thousand views and a lot of sharing. Of course,
our goal was to encourage the people to stay at home and just posted the video with the
description #StayHome.The people liked our work, so they asked us to record another song that
we did for three weeks. We achieved the same success again, we were very glad. Our goal was
to stimulate people that everything can be done in isolation, not just lying down, and to
encourage people to stay at home so that the virus would not spread further. Because many in
my city did not respect the law, which irritated us. I am very grateful to CORONA VIRUS for
encouraging me to learn how to do these programs. After this recording, I am now learning a
lot more for schools and preparing for the music school exam that I have to pass at the end of
the year. Every day I play football with my brother and father on our private playground and I
am very happy. Every night I watch movies and series. Of which I liked the "Južni vetar" series
the most. I have now started to training and take care of a lot more to yourself and my body.

My life in isolation is great for me. I spend more time with my parents and brother. We
are learning more and perfecting around technology. I am sorry that this virus has caused great
damage to the world and I hope it will pass soon and so I beg everyone to Stay in the House. If
it weren't for this crown I might not have learned any of this.

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